WP7.1 backward compatibility - windows-phone-7.1

I have installed mango SDK in my machine and I want to create an application which runs on both Windows Phone OS 7.0 and Windows Phone OS 7.5 devices. Also I need to implement many of the mango features in the same application. Is it possible ? if yes please tell me how to do the version checking, because based on the version we need to implement the mango features.

You'll have to maintain two different versions. You can't compile one XAP that supports both versions at the same time.
The Mango APIs are only available when compiling with the 7.1 SDK. And as such, you can't do in-line checking in the code.
But it's rather pointless, as there's almost no users left that haven't upgraded to Mango, and all new phones ship with Mango.

Now days all the Windows phone are shipping with the Wp7.5 mango version also Older devices are getting mango updates, so it looks pointless in targeting only few WP7.0 running phones.
But if you dont need to anything SDK related api access then you can do this bifurcation.
However You can find the solution to the finding the OS version is in [my answer of same kind of question here.]1

You can do this using the Type class and reflection, although the process will not be easy. Create a Windows Phone 7.0 application, and then create a MangoExtensions class which implements the mango specific features:
bool IsMangoDevice = (Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(7, 1));
if (IsMangoDevice)
Type t = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Phone.Shell.StandardTileData, Microsoft.Phone");
//get the constructor for the StandardTileData and create a new instance of it
var newTileData = t.GetConstructor(new Type[] { }).Invoke(null);
//Get the setter method for the title property
var setMethod = newTileData.GetType().GetProperty("Title").GetSetMethod();
//Set the tile title
setMethod.Invoke(newTileData, new object[] { "This is my new tile" });
//Get the create method for the shell tiles
Type shellTileType = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Phone.Shell.ShellTile, Microsoft.Phone");
var createMethod = shellTileType.GetMethod("Create");
//Create the tile, with the uri and tile data
Uri uri = new new Uri("/MainPage.xaml?Test=This_Came_From_A_Secondary_Tile", UriKind.Relative)
createMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { uri, newTileData});


Is the new Altbeacon Lib. v2.16.2 supporting Android "O" Scannable API?

In Android API level 26, "setScannable" is added.
"setScannable" Added in API level 26
public AdvertisingSetParameters.Builder setScannable (boolean scannable)
Set whether the advertisement type should be scannable. Legacy advertisements can be both connectable and scannable. Non-legacy advertisements can be only scannable or only connectable.
I am creating a beacon and want to set it non-scannable mode.
Just wondering if the latest Altbeacon Lib. v2.16.2 support this setting? If not, is there a way to use Android API and Altbeacon Lib. together to set a beacon's advertising parameters?
Tried Altbeacon Lib. v2.15.2, it seems that Android API level 26 is not support, which means that "setScannable" is not available.
String id1 = "3b710c27-acf7-4225-8753-4aca354f5bec"; // UUID
String id2 = "1";
String id3 = "2";
Beacon beacon = new Beacon.Builder()
.setDataFields(Arrays.asList(new Long[] {0l}))
BeaconParser beaconParser = new BeaconParser().
BeaconTransmitter beaconTransmitter = new
BeaconTransmitter(getApplicationContext(), beaconParser);
I would hope Altbeacon Lib. v2.16.2 could support Android API Level 26 so that "setScannable" is supported.
There is no such configuration ability in the 2.16.2 version of the library. It is logged as a feature request here:
This would not be difficult to add if you would like to work on that feature request. Please comment on that linked page above, if so, and I can give you guidance on what to do.

Detecting ARKit compatible device from user agent

We would like to enable a feature that allows a model to be viewed using a deep link to our ARKit app from a web page.
Has anyone discovered a way to discover if a device is ARKit compatible using the user agent string or any other browser-based mechanism?
Apple seems to use the following code to show/hide the "Visit this page on iOS 12 to try AR Quick Look" on https://developer.apple.com/arkit/gallery/
(function () {
var isRelAR = false;
var a = document.createElement('a');
if (a.relList.supports('ar')) {
isRelAR = true;
document.documentElement.classList.add(isRelAR ? 'relar' : 'no-relar');
The interesting part of course being
var isRelAR = false;
var a = document.createElement('a');
if (a.relList.supports('ar')) {
isRelAR = true;
Make your actions accordingly based on the value of isRelAR.
Safari doesn’t expose any of the required hardware information for that.
If you already have a companion iOS app for your website, another option might be to still provide some non-AR experience for your content, so that the website has something to link to in all cases.
For example, AR furniture catalogs seem to be a thing now. But if the device isn’t ARKit capable, you could still provide a 3D model of each furniture piece linked from your website, letting the user spin it around and zoom in on it with touch gestures instead of placing it in AR.

Adobe air on iOS - FileReference Download Error

When I use the Download method of the FileReference class, everything works fine on Desktop and Android, but I get an error on iOS.
This is the code:
var req = new URLRequest(url);
var localRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
On iOS I'm getting an Alert:
Download Error
File downloads not supported.
I already tried to NavigateToUrl() and it asks save the file in Dropbox or another App.
How can I fix this error?
You shouldn't use FileReference on mobile (or AIR, in general, though it does open the Load/Save dialog on desktop so there can be some use there). You should instead use File and FileStream, which give you far more control over the file system.
In this case, you could try to use File.download() and save it to File.applicationStorageDirectory, but I don't know if it will have any difference since it extends FileReference.
What I generally do is use URLStream instead of URLLoader. It gives you access to the raw bytes of the file you are downloading and then use File and FileStream
So something like (and this is untested off the top of my head, though I have used similar in the past):
var urlStream:URLStream = new URLStream();
urlStream.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
urlStream.load(new URLLoader('url');
function completeHandler(e:Event):void {
var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var f:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath('filename');
var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
fs.open(f, FileMode.WRITE);
Now, obviously, there is a lot more you want to account for (errors, progress, etc). That should be enough to point you in the right direction, however.
It's possible to create a full download manager using this method (something I did for an iOS project two years ago), since you can save as-you-go to the file system rather than waiting until Event.COMPLETE fires (using the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS event). That allows you to avoid having a 500MB file in memory, something most devices can't handle.

App used to work with AIR 3.2, doesn't work with AIR 3.5

I'm getting this error when I press a button in a flash/air app that used to work in the AIR 3.2 SDK - now upgraded to the AIR 3.5 SDK. Any help much appreciated.
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at seed_template_fla::MainTimeline/frame7()[seed_template_fla.MainTimeline::frame7:31]
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
at seed_template_fla::MainTimeline/gotoPage() [seed_template_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:20]
at seed_template_fla::MainTimeline/gotoRepro() [seed_template_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:12]
I'm creating an app for iPhone using Flash CS6 on Mac and exporting using the Air 3.5 SDK. I also have the AIR 3.5 runtime installed.
The app is very simple at the moment. It basically moves from frame to frame when you press a button using the gotoAndPlay(frameNr) function. There are some hexes on the frames that update an array of numbers when clicked. They are also toggled visible/not visible.
This used to work perfectly using the AIR 3.2 SDK, but I recently downloaded the AIR 3.5 SDK from adobe and added it through flash (Help>Manage Air SDK) and set it as the build target in File>Publish Settings>Target.
When I switch back to AIR 3.2 SDK, the app works perfectly again.
Also, when I upload the app to my iPhone 4S running IOS 5.1 using AIR 3.5 SDK, I just see a black screen with 5 loading dots flashing. This also works fine with AIR 3.2 SDK.
This is the code for frame 7
The last line is line 31.
techtitle.text = "Select Trait";
techdesc.text = "Spend points to change core stats and other special abilities";
points.visible = false;
pointsbalance.text = myPoints.toString();
btn_tech.visible = false;
curTechSelected = null;
trace("set hexes invisible");
for (var j:int = 0; j <= 67; j++) {
if (hexStatusb[j] == 1) {
this["btn_hex_"+j+"b"].visible = false;
function onBtnHex37bClick(event:MouseEvent):void
techtitle.text = "tech1";
techdesc.text = "tech1 description"
techpoints.text = "-2";
points.visible = true;
btn_tech.visible = true;
curTechSelected = btn_hex_37b;
curTechSelectedNr = 37;
curTechPoints = 2;
btn_hex_37b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnHex37bClick);
OK - so, after trying out lots of things, I figured out why this is happening.
Solution: get rid of all TFL text objects when running AIR 3.5 SDK
It seems that the TFL Text library wasn't being loaded properly at runtime. Something crucial that I neglected to mention was that I was getting this warning message (similar here http://forums.adobe.com/thread/825637)
Content will not stream... The runtime shared libraries being preloaded are textLayout_1.0.0.05... TFLText
and this warning message in the output
Warning: Ignoring 'secure' attribute in policy file from http://fpdownload.adobe.com/pub/swz/crossdomain.xml. The 'secure' attribute is only permitted in HTTPS and socket policy files.
Simply removing all TFLText objects and changing them to classic text makes the app work fine again.
#csomakk Great news. I have found the answer. You can publish in 3.5 and 3.6 and have your TLF Text too. I posted a write-up on my blog that shows exactly how to do it.
To get started: the error message states that something is null.. it means, that the program doesn't know, where to look for it. It can happen, when you didn't create the object (btn_hex_37b = new MovieClip()); or you haven't even created a variable for it.
on the given line (btn_hex_37b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnHex37bClick);) only btn_hex_37b can be null, because onBtnHex37bClick exists, and if it wouldn't, the program wouldn't compile.
The reason it came up when switching to AIR 3.5 is probably that it calls some creation functions in different order. Go to the line where you define the btn_hex_37b variable. Search for that functions calling.. Make sure, that btn_hex_37b is created before going to frame7.
Also, if its not a vital, to have onBtn_hex_37bClick, you can do the following:
btn_hex_37b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnHex37bClick);
the if will check if btn_hex_37b is not null.
On the else method, you can give a timeouted method(but that is ugly), or give the eventlistener right after the creation of the object.
Hope this helped.
For Flash CS6, copy this swc:
/Applications/Adobe Flash CS6/Common/Configuration/ActionScript 3.0/libs/flash.swc
Into my Flash Builder project using these steps:
and then use this link

MonoTouch JIT Error in Release mode on Linq Method

I currently have some code as shown below that uses Linq to organize some IEnumerables for me. When executing this code on the device in release mode (iOS 5.0.1, MonoTouch 5.0.1, Mono I get the exception
Attempting to JIT compile method 'System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1:GetEnumerator()' while running with --aot-only.
The code that generates this error is
// List<IncidentDocument> documents is passed in
List<LibraryTableViewItemGroup> groups = new List<LibraryTableViewItemGroup>();
List<DocumentObjectType> categories = documents.Select(d=>d.Type).Distinct().OrderBy(s=>s.ToString()).ToList();
foreach(DocumentObjectType cat in categories)
List<IncidentDocument> catDocs = documents.Where(d => d.Type == cat).OrderBy(d => d.Name).ToList();
List<LibraryTableViewItem> catDocsTableItems = catDocs.ConvertAll(d => { return new LibraryTableViewItem{ Image = GetImageForDocument(d.Type), Title = d.Name, SubTitle = d.Description}; });
LibraryTableViewItemGroup catGroup = new LibraryTableViewItemGroup{ Name = GetCatName(cat), Footer = null, Items = catDocsTableItems };
groups.Add (catGroup);
This error doesn't happen in the simulator for Release|Debug configurations, or on the device for the Debug configuration. I've seen a couple of similar threads on SO here and here, but I'm not sure I understand how they apply to me on this particular issue.
It could be a few things.
There are some limitations when using full AOT to build iOS applications, i.e. ensuring that nothing will be JITted at runtime (an Apple restriction). Each one is different even if the message looks identical (i.e. many causes will lead to this). However there are generally easy workarounds we can suggest for them;
It could also be a (known) regression in 5.0.1 (which is fixed in 5.0.2). This produced a few extra AOT failures that are normally not issues (or already fixed issues).
I suggest you to update to MonoTouch 5.0.2 to see if it compiles correctly your application. If not then please fill a bug report on http;//bugzilla.xamarin.com and include a small, self-contained, test case to duplicate the issue (the above is not complete enough). It seems an interesting test case if it works when debugging is enabled.
