How to force UIInterfaceOrientation? - ios

I am writing an app and run into two problems. I have been searching the web all night without success and wonder if anyone here can help.
When the application starts, I want it to default to Landscape mode and Detect whether it is in UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft or UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight. I have created the UI in landscape mode in the .xib file. However, when I check self.interfaceOrientation it always returns UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft regardless of whether the home button is on the left or right in the iPad simulator.
When the user rotates the iPad between the two landscape orientation, I want the view the change. To illustrate with a simplified example, if it is UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft, I want to write 1 on the left side of the screen and 2 on the right side of the screen. In UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight, write 2 on the left side of the screen and 1 on the right side of the screen. Which method in iOS can tell me whenever the user rotates the device?
Thanks very much in advance.

Where are you checking that? If you're doing it in applicationDidFinishLaunching or in the view controller's viewDidLoad then it's likely the interface orientation isn't set properly yet. Wait until viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear to check that.
Take a look at shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation in your view controller. You need to return YES to supported orientations so in your case you want to return YES if interfaceOrientation is landscape (there's a helper function for checking landscape vs portrait by the way). Also look at didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation which tells you when the user has rotated.


Initial Interface Orientation to Landscape iOS 9

Technical Note TN2244: Launching your iPhone Application in Landscape states:
The values of the UISupportedInterfaceOrientations key determine how the status bar is positioned while the the app is launching. In iOS 7 and below, if the UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait value is present, the status bar will always be positioned for portrait orientation. Otherwise, the status bar will be positioned according to the first orientation that appears under the UISupportedInterfaceOrientations key.
So in iOS 8 it was perfectly fine to put UIInterfaceOrientationLandscape first in the UISupportedInterfaceOrientations list to have your app to start in Landscape.
It does not work anymore in iOS 9. Having UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait in the list at any position forces app to start in Portrait.
Is there a known workaround for this? I need my app to start in Landscape.
Note: Using viewControllers' supportedInterfaceOrientations() method is not an option as it takes effect after the LaunchScreen is presented.
Having UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait in the list at any position forces app to start in Portrait.
That is absolutely correct — very good detective work. It took me a lot of experimentation to figure this out! This is certainly a huge change from iOS 8. You have summed up the situation very well.
Fortunately, the workaround is simple. In your Info.plist, include only the two landscape orientations. Now the app will launch into whichever one is first.
Now implement application:supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow: in the app delegate to return All. That way, when the time comes to show a portrait view controller, it will be legal to do so.
In other words, think of the Info.plist as what the launching app needs to know, and application:supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow: as what the running app needs to know.

iPad App Portrait Only?

My app is entirely designed for IOS6. I use an xib for the iPhone and another one for the iPad. My AppDelegate sets up a TabBarController, though there is no class for the TabBarController itself. The TabBarController has two tab items, 1 a NavigationController, and 1 a View Controller, each of which has its own class. I would like the iPad to be able to run in just Portrait mode, upside down, and normal. On the summary tab of Target in Xcode, I have supported interface orientations set to Portrait and Portrait Upside Down.
My understanding with iOS 6 is that you only need to put
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations
in the highest parent controller of a class, and set which Masks you would like it and all the child containers to work with. So, in the Root View Controller of the Navigation Controller I put:
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait|UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortraitUpsideDown;
And in each of the child classes, I put:
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate{
if( UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad )
return YES;
return NO;
I then put the same two methods in the 2nd Tab which was just a View Controller Class.
I installed the app on my iPad, and it worked fine in portrait mode, but did not rotate when I turned it upside down. I exited the app and turned the iPad upside down, but when I started the app again, it still stayed in the same spot. So, I killed the app completely, and started it from the beginning upside down. The splash screen was upside down, but when the screen disappeared, the app was still only showing in portrait mode, making the display upside down.
What am I missing?
click on appName select Target and just select the orientations which you want to support. thanks
The code above is great for pre iOS 6. For iOS 6 you have to use the mask orientation. If you want all of the views in iPad to rotate or just some you have the choice of using the above answer. If you want to hard code it the check my answer in the following link for a detailed code for autorotation of all masks or just rotate one view and let the others don't rotate. Any how here is the link
iOS 6 supportedInterfaceOrientations issue
The above answer is providing you with the right solution as well but if you want to learn how to code it check my answer in the link above. Happy coding.
Is the Rotation Lock enabled or not ? (If you are new to iOS, double tap the home button, and slide to the right: it's the little metal-styled button in shape of an arrow).
If you want to run your application to run on portrait mode only than,
1. Select Your Target.
2. In General -> Development Info -> Device Orientation Uncheck all other orientation.Portrait mode only should be checked.Than run your project.

iPad app to start in landscape mode

I searched for other existing posts, but none of them satisfied my requirements.
Here is the problem i face,
My app supports both the Modes , landscape and portrait.
But my first screen only supports Landscape , so the app must start in Landscape.
I have set supported Orientation to all the 4 options
I have set the Initial interface orientation to Landscape (left home button)
In the view controller of the first screen i am defining the below
return (interfaceOrientation != UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);
And when i start the app the simulator always opens in Portrait and my view is all messed up in the portrait mode , since it is designed only for the landscape.
After the switch to the Landscape, the device remains in this mode.
can anyone help me with the solution to avoid this ?
This info may be helpful , The problem is faced only when i hold the device in Portrait and then launch the app.
Its not the duplication of this question, Landscape Mode ONLY for iPhone or iPad
Landscape Mode ONLY for iPhone or iPad
I do not want my app to be only in Landscape , i want only the first screen of my app to be only in Landscape.
I did some experimenting with an app I'm working on that has the same requirements, and came up with the following:
To set the initial orientations that are supported when the app is first launched, use the "Supported Device Orientations" setting for your target.
Also back that up with the appropriate shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation code, as you've already done.
For subsequent screens, simply use the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation code to determine which orientations you want to support. Even if you've specified only landscape modes for the Supported Device Orientation, shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation wins. :)
I think this approach is a little cleaner than using an extra dummy VC.
I achieved a workaround for the Problem and it solved ,
I created a dummy view controller and added as the root view controller of the Window.
Added the below method in the implementation
WelcomeScreen *welcomeScreen = [[[WelcomeScreen alloc] initWithNibName:#"WelcomeScreen" bundle:nil] autorelease];
[self presentModalViewController:welcomeScreen animated:NO];
Now it worked as expected.
Here is a SO link that will hopefully answer your question on how to launch your app in landscape mode.

Starting iPad app in current landscape orientation

My ipad app only runs in landscape orientation. But when I test on an actual device (not the simulator) it always seem to start in one particular landscape orientation, then turn 180 degrees to match the current physical landscape orientation. So, it seems to start in LandscapeLeft(I think) then rotate 180 if I have it in LandscapeRight. There's nothing in Info.plist to set the initial orientation.
Can anyone suggest a way to detect current orientation before view loads and set it to correct landscape view before showing?
There is the UIInterfaceOrientation~iPad key which sets the initial interface orientation on startup.
There is also the UISupportedInterfaceOrientations key which informs the app which orientations are supported.
There is no way, however, to make the app start in the current orientation of the iPad.
Have you looked into these questions?
Get current orientation of iPad?
iPad launch orientation
Also, technically, the iPad should just do it. Make sure you have supported orientations set properly, as I'm sure it checks those to see where it should start.

didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation does not fire entering PortraitUpsideDown on iPad Simulator

Our application starts in landscape mode ... in the plist Initial Interface Orientation is set to "Landscape (left home button)".
When debugging with the iPad simulator, after the application starts, we rotate the simulated iPad using either the menu option Hardware > Rotate Left or using the keyboard command-LeftArrow.
By placing a breakpoint in the View Controller at the entry point for didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation; we observe the breakpoint being hit when rotating into all positions except portrait-upside-down.
This happens if we rotate to the right as well. The breakpoint is hit when rotating into all positions except portrait-upside down.
Is this a known issue, or is there something required to activate this capability?
Thanks in advance.
After reading the post, duh.
shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation does not explicitly assert UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown.
So yes, there is something required to activate this capability.
Hope this helps others in the future.
