Create background image with margin on EditBox - android-edittext

I'm trying to create a EditText box, like below which has a image on the left hand side and editable text region on the right hand side, but I don't seem to have the slightest clue how to do this in android :| I can find various solutions for putting an image in the background (so the text can overwrite it) and also how to make the rounded corners, but I cannot find a way to put the image on the left and the text on the right.
Any pointers would be very much appreciated!

Make a background graphic including the image and the border with the rounded corners. Make an EditText with this graphic as background and adjust the EditText with the android:paddingLeft/Top/Right/Bottom properties.

After much researching the best way that I could find was to make use of drawable left right top and bottom, along with a drawable padding. This would mean that the button scales easily. #CodeDownZero 's suggestion is also valid. I think its a matter of personal preference in this case.


Zeplin Inside Borders to iOS

I am struggling with extracting the code from the given inputs on Zeplin design. Zeplin shows me borders with inside of two dimension with each dimension having 4 different color. To be honest, I couldn't understand what does 4 different color means in terms of border. And also, that causes me to cannot create a proper inside border.
Beside, I understand the border axises for X and Y, but I even couldn't figure out how to give only top border and not giving for bottom (like a one side border)
You can find the specifications of the borders at the image below.
I would be glad if you can provide me an example with a code (both for Swift and Obj-C are okay) or I am also okay for any advices through an explanation of the different coloring.

Inner shadow on UICollectionViewCell

I have created a nice looking collection view with image cells inside. I wanted the cells to be round so I made maskToBounds equal to true and set the corner radius to half of the image's width. This all works fine but now I want to add shadow effects to the cells and there are 2 problems:
I want to have an outer shadow on some of the cells (which is currently being cropped off because I set masktoBounds to true...
I want t have an inner shadow effect on some other cells (they are supposed to look less highlighted), but I don't even know how to make an inner shadow...
Any help desperately appreciated,
I work with C# in Xamarin.iOS by the way, but I will also understand any other language.
Take a look to the UIView.Layer.ShadowX and play with the values of it I recommend to use an image instead to simulate the effect because the Layer effects will kill your device processor
Take a look at the XamSvg component. You create 2 svg with a gradient to mimics an inset and an outset. As it is an svg, it is stretchable and could be set as your cell's background to simulate your shadow.

UIImage sliding indicator size

I have 2 UIImage's one on top of another and the top one slides and reveals the coloured one. The issue is that I want the indicator (purple line, which is a view) to indicate in the left side only by the end of the image (image`s background is clear).
What I want is to resize that purple line so it wold be visible in the left side and on the image but not on the right side, as it is now.
Any ideas of what I can try ? I have no idea where to start, thank you!
What I did so far:
what I want:
It is possible to implement programmatically using CGImageCreateWithMask, but it is very hard. Also such solution will be not very fast, if you want to do it in real time.
I offer next solution: create 3-d image, as shown below. That picture must be a white mask, which will limit your line. Place that picture above pic 1 and 2. Pink line should also be placed below that picture.
Sorry, if I wrote something unclear.
Thanks kelin, the idea that you gave me was interesting, but I did not had time for that, so I found another way of doing this. I used a third image for the mask witch is an image with the lady`s shape cut off and a white background but only in the right side of the picture (the left half side image and lady shape is transparent), and the line crosses on top of the pictures shown previously and under the image I added with mask...
Simple and efficient, and it uses way less memory for a real time displaying with an animation .

masking a background colour over the transparent region of a UIImage in objective C

Im a little bit lost on how to go about this, im really looking for the theory behind it im not 100% sure if the title is correct or not.
Im currently working on a iOS app and im a little stuck with the progress indicator thats been designed ive attached a image of it below
as you can see when the user progresses through the stages of the challenge the background of this image fills up with white so if they are in stage 1 of a 5 stage challenge its filled 20% stage 2 40% etc.
the issue I have is im not 100% sure how to go about this, if I was doing this in HTML i would create the image with the green background and leave the area for the rabbit and shape transparent and then create a div behind it that would change its height.
should I be applying the same principle to iOS development or should I be building it in a more programatic and efficient way.
thanks all for your help
The solution you are talking about sounds fine. Many programmatic solutions would involve masking and would probably be less performant (masking is actually quite expensive), other programatic solutions involve stroking different vector paths but that would get complicated if you want to cut them all of a the same line.
So, translating your idea into views. Create a container UIView with a light green background, and add to it a white UIView and an UIImageView (in that order to get the image on top). The image view would have the green image with transparency set as its image. The white view would start of being positioned below the light green view (have a frame with a higher y value) and as the stages progress you simply shift the white view upward by modifying it's center or frame properties. (note that y increases downwards).
This may be a childish way
Make an UIImageView and add that in your view where you place your rabbit view.
Make the width and x axis value as same of your rabbit view and change the height and y-axis value as the stages completes.
Add the rabbit view above your imageview.
In this way you can have not only color of your progress you can even assign a image in future to show the progress of the different changes.
CGRect frame=rabbitimage.frame;
bgimageview.frame= CGRectMake(rect.orgin.x,rect.frame.orgin.y+rect.frame.size.height-stage*0.2,rect.frame.size.width,rect.frame.size.height-0*2)
Hope this helps !!!

What is the best way to draw skinnable "buttons" in a video game?

I'm looking for ideas on how to draw a skinnable "button" in a game application. If I use a fixed sprite non-vector image for the button background, then I can't size the button easily. If I write code to draw a resizable button (like Windows buttons are drawn), then the programmer has to get involved -- and it makes skinning difficult. Another option is to break the button into 9 smaller images (3x3) and stretch them all -- kindof like rounded corners are done in HTML.
Is there another "easier" way? What's the best approach?
If you really want to accomplish this, the way to do it is with texture coordinates. Much like you would make a stretchable button/panel design in HTML with a table, you simply define the UV coordinates for the corners, the top stretchable area, the bottom stretchable area, the side stretchable areas, and then the middle.
For an example of this being implemented in an XNA engine (though it's a closed source engine), see this:
Yes. I am working on an Editor. It's a XAML-like language (or OpenLaszlo-like, if you prefer) for XNA. So the buttons can be resized by the editor. The buttons might also be resized by a style sheet.
I guess you're right that it's likely that the buttons will all be the same size in a real design. But even in a window's app, you sometimes need to make a button wider to accomodate text.
It should be possible with shaders. You would probably have to do texel lookups, but it would cut down on the number of triangles in a complex UI.
