ActionMailer workflow - ruby-on-rails

I am newbie in Rails, therefore sorry for silly question. For sending emails I use ActionMailer with Rails 2.3.5. The syntax is following
in model of instance of ActionMailer I have
def maintest1
def maintest2
Inside definitions I set recipient, subject, headers,...As I understand there is no any explicity defined method mail which is actually sent email. Emails are sent from def maintest1 and maintest2. The problem is before sending email I need to define few counters how many emails were sent thought maintest1 and maintest2. Now take into account I have tens defs like maintest. So I need a common place for all those defs. In your opinion what's the best solution?

On rails 3 and above you could use an observer. These get called after every mail delivery, passing through the message object. You just need to implement a delivered_email class method and register it.
class EmailObserver
def self.delivered_email(message)
# do something with message
Then, hook it into mail with
This doesn't work on rails 2.x, which doesn't use the mail gem (it uses tmail from the ruby standard library.)
On 2.3.x I would try something like
class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def deliver!(mail=#mail)
# do your logging here

You would be calling "Mailer.deliver_maintest" to send the mails out to anyone, to count the nos of times you sent a particular email you just need to keep track of it each time you call "Mailer.deliver_maintest" .
You can store that counter either the database or somewhere. something like this.
// Some lines of code to Update the counter for the mailer
You can also use a third party email tool like PostMark to send your email ( with them you can associate each email with tags, and I just generally use those tags to keep track of emails sent out ).


Is it possible to forward the mail object in Action Mailer

We're currently letting users email each other without seeing each other's actual email addresses (double blind) by letting them send emails to which works great.
class ForwardsMailbox < ApplicationMailbox
before_processing :ensure_users
def process
content = mail.multipart? ? : mail.decoded
UserMailer.with(sender: sender, recipient: recipient, subject: mail.subject, content: content).forward_email.deliver_later
def sender
#sender ||= User.find_by(email: mail.from.first)
def recipient
#recipient ||= User.find_by(username:'#').first)
def ensure_users
bounce_with UserMailer.invalid_user(inbound_email) if sender.nil? or recipient.nil?
Is it possible to forward the whole mail object instead of extracting its contents, checking if it is multipart etc?
Try to give this a shot. Reuse the mail object in your process method and directly deliver the message yourself. You'll need to reach into ActionMailer to get your delivery methods configured correctly, but I believe it'll work.
def process =
mail.from = recipient...
ActionMailer::Base.wrap_delivery_behavior(mail) # this sets delivery to use what we specified in our rails config.
mail.deliver # This delivers our email to the smtp server / API
How this works:
Behind the scenes Mailers are just calling deliver on a Mail object to send emails. You can go peruse through ActionMailer::MessageDelivery if you'd like to see that in action. We're just using that functionality directly here.
I'd recommend staying away from using Mailers in this instance because copying over all the fields from your original mail object to the mailer's mail object is going to require a lot of trial and error.
One thing to note: the headers remain unchanged when the message is re-delivered, so things like Message-ID will still be the same (which may or may not be a problem, just something to consider).
Last, if you're concerned at all about deliver being a blocking call to an API/SMTP server like I was, worry not! It looks like ActionMailbox already ensures that the process method runs via ActiveJob, so you shouldn't have to worry about an SMTP/API request taking a while and blocking a web request (see ActionMailbox guides).

Rails 4 controller won't call my actionmailer class

In my rails 4.2.5 (ruby 2.2.1) app I have an actionmailer class that is so simple. It doesn't even send mail, just does a printf:
class UserTommail < ActionMailer::Base
def joe
printf("\n***** In Emails.joe")
But when my controller calls this function, it never does the printf!
def contact_us
printf("\n***** TOMS EMAILLER")
redirect_to(root_path(), :notice => "Your Contact Us message has been successfully sent.")
printf("\n**** TOMS END")
The two printfs in the controller actually print their message, but the one in joe() never does. No errors or anything.
If I sabotage joe() to say joe() in the file user_tommail.rb, I get an error that the function can't be found, so I know the controller knows about it.
What am I doing wrong?
You should call deliver_now to fire the mailer to send the email:
See the full list of available methods in docs.
For Rails 4 to send a an email
UserTommail.joe.deliver_later #Enqueues the email to be delivered through Active Job. When the job runs it will send the email using deliver_now.
For Rails 3 to send a an email
The problem here is that ActionMailer tries to be "clever" about what it does, and won't actually call your mailer method until its return value is needed.
Your mailer method joe will return an ActionMailer::MessageDelivery object, which wraps a Mail::Message object (even though you haven't specifically said you want to send an email). The Mail::Message gets lazily evaluated, meaning it won't be instantiated (and your method won't be called) until it's needed.
One way of forcing the evaluation would be to try and send the returned email with deliver_now or deliver_later, but another way would simply be to inspect the message.
if you had my_email = UserTommail.joe() and then called my_email.message, it would force the method to be run and you would see your printf in the console.

Forward a mail using Tmail & ActionMailer::ARMailer

I'm writing a rake task to go through one of our mailboxes of incoming mail, using Tmail. For certain mails, i just want to forward them on to another address. I'm not sure what the best way to do that is though.
Our regular mails for the website are sent out using ARMailer: i call Mailer.deliver_ and the mail is generated from a template and put into our Email table, which in accessed by ARMailer which actually sends the mails out. So, the class definition of my Mailer class looks like this:
class Mailer < ActionMailer::ARMailer
#list of methods here, one per email type
So, what i want to do, is, in my script when i have a Tmail object representing the incoming mail, is to generate a new mail to stick into our mail queue which is basically the Tmail mail, forwarded onto a new address. I'm not sure what the best way to do that is. I could build up a new multipart mail copying the body, subject and from field from the recieved Tmail object, but that seems like it might be a bit clumsy, and that there should be a nicer way.
Can i do something like
newmail = Mailer.create_forward(my_tmail_object) = ""
Mailer/ARMailer doesn't have the create_forward method but it's something like that that i'm after. Any advice welcome! thanks

How do I capture the output of an email in Rails and put it in a variable

The output from an email sent from ActionMailer output to the log, I wanted to know if I could get that output into a variable so I can store it in a file.
Ps. I forgot to mention that this is on Rails 2
As McStretch has pointed out, observer is the best way to handle every message that is delivered by a mailer. However, if you'd like to just capture 1 or 2 special cases, you can do the following:
Assuming you have an ActionMailer subclass called MyMailer, and an email called foobar,
# Rails 2.x
mail = MyMailer.create_foobar(...) # instead of MyMailer.deliver_foobar(...)'filename.txt', 'wb') {|f| f.write(mail.body) }
# Rails 3.x
mail = MyMailer.foobar(...) # instead of MyMailer.foobar(...).deliver'filename.txt', 'wb') {|f| f.write(mail.body) }
You can use the register_interceptor or register_observer methods on ActionMailer to do something before or after sending the mail, respectively. The ActionMailer docs state:
Action Mailer provides hooks into the
Mail observer and interceptor methods.
These allow you to register objects
that are called during the mail
delivery life cycle.
An observer object must implement the
:delivered_email(message) method which
will be called once for every email
sent after the email has been sent.
An interceptor object must implement
the :delivering_email(message) method
which will be called before the email
is sent, allowing you to make
modifications to the email before it
hits the delivery agents. Your object
should make and needed modifications
directly to the passed in
Mail::Message instance.
Each of these methods provide a Mail::Message as an argument, so you should be able to get the desired data from that object and save it somewhere:
class MyInterceptor
def self.delivering_email(mail)
# do something before sending the email
class MyObserver
def self.delivered_email(mail)
# do something after sending the email
Example above from

Checking for new emails from within Rails

Within Rails, how can I listen for new mail coming into the boxes of certain accounts. I want to implement a simple "post-by-email" service, which gets the new content of the email and makes a blog post or sth.
You could try this gem.
I wrote a post explaining some of the options. A later post also covered my way of testing these options. The mail gem is great for parsing. You just have to decide the best option for you to optain the messages.
I use this code to parse my emails.
class Receiver < ActionMailer::Base
def self.parse(email)
reply_separator = /(.*?)\s?== ADD YOUR REPLY ABOVE THIS LINE ==/m
comment_text = reply_separator.match(email.body.to_s)
# ...
The email object here is just a Mail::Message object which I get from using the gmail gem to read an inbox. If you're not using GMail then you should be able to use plain ol' vanilla Mail gem to connect to the mail server and then get the Mail::Message objects that way.
