How to count the number of decimal places in a Float? - ruby-on-rails

I am using Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3.5.
If I have a float like 12.525, how can a get the number of digits past the decimal place? In this case I expect to get a '3' back.

Something like that, I guess:
n = 12.525

You should be very careful with what you want. Floating point numbers are excellent for scientific purposes and mostly work for daily use, but they fall apart pretty badly when you want to know something like "how many digits past the decimal place" -- if only because they have about 16 digits total, not all of which will contain accurate data for your computation. (Or, some libraries might actually throw away accurate data towards the end of the number when formatting a number for output, on the grounds that "rounded numbers are more friendly". Which, while often true, means it can be a bit dangerous to rely upon formatted output.)
If you can replace the standard floating point numbers with the BigDecimal class to provide arbitrary-precision floating point numbers, then you can inspect the "raw" number:
> require 'bigdecimal'
=> true
> def digits_after_decimal_point(f)
> sign, digits, base, exponent = f.split
> return digits.length - exponent
> end
> l = %w{1.0, 1.1, 1000000000.1, 1.0000000001}
=> ["1.0,", "1.1,", "1000000000.1,", "1.0000000001"]
> list = { |n| BigDecimal(n) }
=> [#<BigDecimal:7f7a56aa8f70,'0.1E1',9(18)>, #<BigDecimal:7f7a56aa8ef8,'0.11E1',18(18)>, #<BigDecimal:7f7a56aa8ea8,'0.1000000000 1E10',27(27)>, #<BigDecimal:7f7a56aa8e58,'0.1000000000 1E1',27(27)>]
> { |i| digits_after_decimal_point(i) }
=> [0, 1, 1, 10]
Of course, if moving to BigDecimal makes your application too slow or is patently too powerful for what you need, this might overly complicate your code for no real benefit. You'll have to decide what is most important for your application.

Here is a very simple approach. Keep track of how many times you have to multiple the number by 10 before it equals its equivalent integer:
def decimals(a)
num = 0
while(a != a.to_i)
num += 1
a *= 10
decimals(1.234) # -> 3
decimals(10/3.0) # -> 16

Like This:
It is not very pretty, but you can insert it as a method for Float:
class Float
def decimalPlaces

Can you subtract the floor and then just count how many characters left?
(12.525 -( 12.52­5.floor )).to­_s.length-­2
=> 3
edit: nope this doesnt work for a bunch of reasons, negatives and 0.99999 issues

Olexandr's answer doesn't work for integer. Can try the following:
def decimals(num)
if num
arr = num.to_s.split('.')
case arr.size
when 1
when 2

You can use this approach
def digits_after_decimal_point(n)
splitted = n.to_s.split(".")
if splitted.count > 1
return 0 if splitted[1].to_f == 0
return splitted[1].length
return 0
# Examples
digits_after_decimal_point("1") #=> 0
digits_after_decimal_point("1.0") #=> 0
digits_after_decimal_point("1.01") #=> 2
digits_after_decimal_point("1.00000") #=> 0
digits_after_decimal_point("1.000001") #=> 6
digits_after_decimal_point(nil) #=> 0


Fuzzy String search: To find one string among any subtring of another

I want to find out one string with some Levenshtein distance inside bigger string. I have written the code for finding the distance between two string but want to efficiently implement when i want to find some substring with fixed Levenshtein distance.
module Levenshtein
def self.distance(a, b)
a, b = a.downcase, b.downcase
costs = Array(0..b.length) # i == 0
(1..a.length).each do |i|
costs[0], nw = i, i - 1 # j == 0; nw is lev(i-1, j)
(1..b.length).each do |j|
costs[j], nw = [costs[j] + 1, costs[j-1] + 1, a[i-1] == b[j-1] ? nw : nw + 1].min, costs[j]
def self.test
%w{kitten sitting saturday sunday rosettacode raisethysword}.each_slice(2) do |a, b|
puts "distance(#{a}, #{b}) = #{distance(a, b)}"
Check at the TRE library, which does exactly this (in C), and quite efficienly. Now look carefully at the matching function, which is basically 500 lines of unreadable (but necessary) code.
I'd say that, instead of rolling your own version and provided you don't intend to read all the much difficult papers on the subject (search for "approximate string matching") and don't have a few free months for studying the subject, you'd be much better of writing a small wrapper around the library itself. Your Ruby version would be inefficient anyway in comparison with what can be obtained in C.

Show full decimal in Ruby

I'd like to print the full decimal value of a number in Ruby. I have this:
number = 0.00000254
puts "Your number equals: " + number.to_s
The number will always be a maximum of eight places after the decimal and I want to always show them all. However, the above code only returns this:
=> Your number = 0.0
(The rounding is only my attempt to get the decimal places that far, I have no desire to round the number). How can I force Ruby to show up to eight places even when there are zeroes at the end like if the number was .00000100?
I just started learning the language last week so if you could use the example above in your answer, that would be great.
number = 0.00000254
puts "%.8f" % number
You can use number_with_precision from ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelpe.
> include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
=> Object
> number_with_precision(0.00000254, precision: 8)
=> "0.00000254"

Lua: Rounding numbers and then truncate

Which is the best efficient way to round up a number and then truncate it (remove decimal places after rounding up)?
for example if decimal is above 0.5 (that is, 0.6, 0.7, and so on), I want to round up and then truncate (case 1). Otherwise, I would like to truncate (case 2)
for example:
232.98266601563 => after rounding and truncate = 233 (case 1)
232.49445450000 => after rounding and truncate = 232 (case 2)
232.50000000000 => after rounding and truncate = 232 (case 2)
There is no build-in math.round() function in Lua, but you can do the following:
A trick that is useful for rounding at decimal digits other than whole integers is to pass the value through formatted ASCII text, and use the %f format string to specify the rounding desired. For example
mils = tonumber(string.format("%.3f", exact))
will round the arbitrary value in exact to a multiple of 0.001.
A similar result can be had with scaling before and after using one of math.floor() or math.ceil(), but getting the details right according to your expectations surrounding the treatment of edge cases can be tricky. Not that this isn't an issue with string.format(), but a lot of work has gone into making it produce "expected" results.
Rounding to a multiple of something other than a power of ten will still require scaling, and still has all the tricky edge cases. One approach that is simple to express and has stable behavior is to write
function round(exact, quantum)
local quant,frac = math.modf(exact/quantum)
return quantum * (quant + (frac > 0.5 and 1 or 0))
and tweak the exact condition on frac (and possibly the sign of exact) to get the edge cases you wanted.
To also support negative numbers, use this:
function round(x)
return x>=0 and math.floor(x+0.5) or math.ceil(x-0.5)
If your Lua uses double precision IEC-559 (aka IEEE-754) floats, as most do, and your numbers are relatively small (the method is guaranteed to work for inputs between -251 and 251), the following efficient code will perform rounding using your FPU's current rounding mode, which is usually round to nearest, ties to even:
local function round(num)
return num + (2^52 + 2^51) - (2^52 + 2^51)
(Note that the numbers in parentheses are calculated at compilation time; they don't affect runtime).
For example, when the FPU is set to round to nearest or even, this unit test prints "All tests passed":
local function testnum(num, expected)
if round(num) ~= expected then
error(("Failure rounding %.17g, expected %.17g, actual %.17g")
:format(num+0, expected+0, round(num)+0))
local function test(num, expected)
testnum(num, expected)
testnum(-num, -expected)
test(0, 0)
test(0.2, 0)
test(0.4, 0)
-- Most rounding algorithms you find on the net, including Ola M's answer,
-- fail this one:
test(0.49999999999999994, 0)
-- Ties are rounded to the nearest even number, rather than always up:
test(0.5, 0)
test(0.5000000000000001, 1)
test(1.4999999999999998, 1)
test(1.5, 2)
test(2.5, 2)
test(3.5, 4)
test(2^51-0.5, 2^51)
test(2^51-0.75, 2^51-1)
test(2^51-1.25, 2^51-1)
test(2^51-1.5, 2^51-2)
print("All tests passed")
Here's another (less efficient, of course) algorithm that performs the same FPU rounding but works for all numbers:
local function round(num)
local ofs = 2^52
if math.abs(num) > ofs then
return num
return num < 0 and num - ofs + ofs or num + ofs - ofs
Here's one to round to an arbitrary number of digits (0 if not defined):
function round(x, n)
n = math.pow(10, n or 0)
x = x * n
if x >= 0 then x = math.floor(x + 0.5) else x = math.ceil(x - 0.5) end
return x / n
For bad rounding (cutting the end off):
function round(number)
return number - (number % 1)
Well, if you want, you can expand this for good rounding.
function round(number)
if (number - (number % 0.1)) - (number - (number % 1)) < 0.5 then
number = number - (number % 1)
number = (number - (number % 1)) + 1
return number
Expected results:
3, 3, 42, 5, 5
I like the response above by RBerteig: mils = tonumber(string.format("%.3f", exact)).
Expanded it to a function call and added a precision value.
function round(number, precision)
local fmtStr = string.format('%%0.%sf',precision)
number = string.format(fmtStr,number)
return number
Should be math.ceil(a-0.5) to correctly handle half-integer numbers
Here is a flexible function to round to different number of places. I tested it with negative numbers, big numbers, small numbers, and all manner of edge cases, and it is useful and reliable:
function Round(num, dp)
round a number to so-many decimal of places, which can be negative,
e.g. -1 places rounds to 10's,
173.2562 rounded to 0 dps is 173.0
173.2562 rounded to 2 dps is 173.26
173.2562 rounded to -1 dps is 170.0
local mult = 10^(dp or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5)/mult
For rounding to a given amount of decimals (which can also be negative), I'd suggest the following solution that is combined from the findings already presented as answers, especially the inspiring one given by Pedro Gimeno. I tested a few corner cases I'm interested in but cannot claim that this makes this function 100% reliable:
function round(number, decimals)
local scale = 10^decimals
local c = 2^52 + 2^51
return ((number * scale + c ) - c) / scale
These cases illustrate the round-halfway-to-even property (which should be the default on most machines):
assert(round(0.5, 0) == 0)
assert(round(-0.5, 0) == 0)
assert(round(1.5, 0) == 2)
assert(round(-1.5, 0) == -2)
assert(round(0.05, 1) == 0)
assert(round(-0.05, 1) == 0)
assert(round(0.15, 1) == 0.2)
assert(round(-0.15, 1) == -0.2)
I'm aware that my answer doesn't handle the third case of the actual question, but in favor of being IEEE-754 compliant, my approach makes sense. So I'd expect that the results depend on the current rounding mode set in the FPU with FE_TONEAREST being the default. And that's why it seems high likely that after setting FE_TOWARDZERO (however you can do that in Lua) this solution would return exactly the results that were asked for in the question.
Try using math.ceil(number + 0.5) This is according to this Wikipedia page. If I'm correct, this is only rounding positive integers. you need to do math.floor(number - 0.5) for negatives.
If it's useful to anyone, i've hash-ed out a generic version of LUA's logic, but this time for truncate() :
**emphasized text pre-apologize for not knowing lua-syntax, so this is in AWK/lua mixture, but hopefully it should be intuitive enough
-- due to lua-magic alrdy in 2^(52-to-53) zone,
-- has to use a more coarse-grained delta than
-- true IEEE754 double machineepsilon of 2^-52
function trunc_lua(x,s) {
return \
((x*(s=(-1)^(x<-x)) \
- 2^-1 + 2^-50 \ -- can also be written as
\ -- 2^-50-5^0/2
- _LUAMAGIC \ -- if u like symmetric
\ -- code for fun
) *(s) };
It's essentially the same concept as rounding, but force-processing all inputs in positive-value zone, with a -1*(0.5-delta) offset. The smallest delta i could attain is 2^-52 ~ 2.222e-16.
The lua-magic values must come after all those pre-processing steps, else precision-loss may occur. And finally, restore original sign of input.
The 2 "multiplies" are simply low-overhead sign-flipping. sign-flips 4 times for originally negative values (2 manual flips and round-trip to end of mantissa), while any x >= 0, including that of -0.0, only flips twice. All tertiary function calling, float division, and integer modulus is avoided, with only 1 conditional check for x<0.
usage notes :
(1) doesn't perform checks on input for invalid or malicious payload,
(2) doesn't use quickly check for zero,
(3) doesn't check for extreme inputs that may render this logic moot, and
(4) doesn't attempt to pretty format the value
if not exist math.round
function math.round(x, n)
return tonumber(string.format("%." .. n .. "f", x))

Generating Random Fixed Decimal in Rails

I'm trying to generate random data in my rails application.
But I am having a problem with decimal amount. I get an error
saying bad value for range.
while $start < $max
$donation = Member.all.sample, amount: [BigDecimal('5.00')...BigDecimal('200.00')].sample,
date_give: Random.date_between(:today...Date.civil(2010,9,11)).to_date,
donation_reason: ['tithes','offering','undisclosed','building-fund'].sample )
$start +=1
If you want a random decimal between two numbers, sample isn't the way to go. Instead, do something like this:
random_value = (200.0 - 5.0) * rand() + 5
Two other suggestions:
1. if you've implemented this, great, but it doesn't look standard Random.date_between(:today...Date.civil(2010,9,11)).to_date
2. $variable means a global variable in Ruby, so you probably don't want that.
UPDATE --- way to really get random date
require 'date'
def random_date_between(first, second)
number_of_days = (first - second).abs
[first, second].min + rand(number_of_days)
random_date_between(, Date.civil(2010,9,11))
=> #<Date: 2012-05-15 ((2456063j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
random_date_between(, Date.civil(2010,9,11))
=> #<Date: 2011-04-13 ((2455665j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

after_update callback issues

I'm trying to recalculate percentages in an after_update callback of my model.
def update_percentages
if self.likes_changed? or self.dislikes_changed?
total = self.likes + self.dislikes
self.likes_percent = (self.likes / total) * 100
self.dislikes_percent = (self.dislikes / total) * 100
This doesn't work. The percentage always comes out as a 100 or 0, which completely wrecks everything.
Where am I slipping up? I guarantee that self.likes and self.dislikes are being incremented correctly.
The Problem
When you divide an integer by an integer (aka integer division), most programming languages, including Ruby, assume you want your result to be an Integer. This is mostly due to History, because with lower level representations of numbers, an integer is very different than a number with a decimal point, and division with integers is much faster. So your percentage, a number between 0 and 1, has its decimal truncated, and so becomes either 0 or 1. When multiplied by 100, becomes either 0 or 100.
A General Solution
If any of the numbers in the division are not integers, then integer division will not be performed. The alternative is a number with a decimal point. There are several types of numbers like this, but typically they are referred to as floating point numbers, and in Ruby, the most typical floating point number is of the class Float.
# => [Float, Precision, Numeric, Comparable, Object, Kernel]
# => [Fixnum, Integer, Precision, Numeric, Comparable, Object, Kernel]
In Rails' models, floats are represented with the Ruby Float class, and decimal with the Ruby BigDecimal class. The difference is that BigDecimals are much more accurate (ie can be used for money).
Typically, you can "typecaste" your number to a float, which means that you will not be doing integer division any more. Then, you can convert it back to an integer after your calculations if necessary.
x = 20 # => 20
y = 30 # => 30
y.to_f # => 30.0
x.class # => Fixnum
y.class # => Fixnum
y.to_f.class # => Float
20 / 30 # => 0
20 / 30.0 # => 0.666666666666667
x / y # => 0
x / y.to_f # => 0.666666666666667
(x / y.to_f).round # => 1
A Solution For You
In your case, assuming you are wanting integer results (ie 42 for 42%) I think the easiest way to do this would be to multiply by 100 before you divide. That pushes your decimal point as far out to the right as it will ever go, before the division, which means that your number is as accurate as it will ever get.
before_save :update_percentages
def update_percentages
total = likes + dislikes
self.likes_percent = 100 * likes / total
self.dislikes_percent = 100 * dislikes / total
I removed implicit self you only need them on assignment to disambiguate from creating a local variable, and when you have a local variable to disambiguate that you wish to invoke the method rather than reference the variable
As suggested by egarcia, I moved it to a callback that happens before the save (I selected before_save because I don't know why you would need to calculate this percentage on an update but not a create, and I feel like it should happen after you validate that the numbers are correct -- ie within range, and integers or decimal or whatever)
Because it is done before saving, we remove the call to save in the code, that is already going to happen
Because we are not explicitly saving in the callback, we do not risk an infinite loop, and thus do not need to check if the numbers have been updated. We just calculate the percentages every time we save.
Because likes/dislikes is an integer value and integer/integer = integer.
so you can do one of two things, convert to Float or change your order of operations.
self.likes_percent = (self.likes.to_f/total.to_f) * 100
Or, to keep everything integers
self.likes_percent = (self.likes * 100)/total
I'm not sure that this is the only problem that you have, but after_update gets called after the object is saved.
Try changing the update_percentages before - on a before_update or a before_validate instead. Also, remove the line - it will be called automatically later on if you use one of those callbacks.
