How to install phonegap Facebook plugin for iPhone - ios

i'm making a project for school and I want to use the phone gap Facebook plugin for iOS, but the installation instructions in the text file is rather complicated. I was wondering if someone got a great link on how to install it, or maybe someone has an example project or even could help me with installing it because I fail extremely in installing it.
Kind Regards,

I've created this tutorial / example for how to use Facebook inside of Phonegap without the plugin, it is similar but is more expandable and is easy to setup and use.
This explains everything in pretty good detail
check out the GIT
hope this helps!

PhoneGap posted a YouTube video detailing the install process step-by-step. Note that 1.4.1 is the most recent supported version of PhoneGap - the 1.5 Cordova update is not yet supported.


How do i update this legacy plugin[IOS] to work with phonegap//cordova 3.x

I am trying to update an old plugin i found. My Objective C skills are close to null and i was wondering if somebody could point me to a suitable guide to update this plugin. I have made a plugin.xml and installed it in my app succesfully but but the native code is way to old (phonegap 1.5)and does not work.
Would be even better if someone could help me .
This is the plugin i wanted to update for use in phonegap 3.0
Thanks in advance for taking out time to check this out

PhoneGap 3.3 HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar not working

I am using PhoneGap 3.3.0-0.19.6 and Cordova 3.3.1-0.4.2 but HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar=true doesn't work. I checked other related questions and the solution (at least for PhoneGap 2.7) is to edit CDViewController.m (under Classes/Cleaver), but apparently this file is missing in Phonegap 3.3
Please help!
I use KeyBoard plugin to fix this problem. (I'm currently in phonegap 3.4.0)
To download it, either
Type 'cordova plugin add' in your project folder
Or type 'phonegap local plugin add org.apache.cordova.keyboard', and update the newest code from KeyBoard plugin.
For Further infomation, visit phonegap CB-3020 jira. (sorry, I not allow to post more than 2 links)
Good Luck!

Are there any simple PhoneGap tutorials?

I have found zillions of tutorials that none of them was clarifying all information to get started easily with phonegap.
And phonegap documentation it self is pretty confusing and bulky.
However, my request is:
A simple tutorial to build jquerymobile web project with phone gap without any extra SDK's
And how to get the debug and release keys for app stores..
Thanks in advance
Here's a line by line tutorial:
If you need MaxOS version you can find it here:
It is my personal blog but there's no point in writing it everything here. Feel free to ask me if you have more questions.
Well it doesn't use jQuery but I have quite a step-by-step PhoneGap tutorial for beginners up at
It makes no assumptions, and the end result is an actual app! (
A good place to start PhoneGap would be this step by step tutorial. How to install/run PhoneGap on Ubuntu, Step by step guide.
Here are two another tutorials from the end of 2014.
Phonegap / Cordova - iOS Tutorial
Phonegap / Cordova - Android Tutorial
If you need more information about those guides - let me know.
Since PhoneGap is evolving every day, I would like to add a few more links to this answer.
Nowadays, you can use Cordova (aka PhoneGap) with any modern web framework such as Angular, React, Vue JS instead of JQuery mobile
Reference Links:
PhoneGap Tutorial

UserVoice integration in an Phonegap application

I have this iOS Phonegap application and I need to integrate UserVoice. I follow this tutorial and I have reached to the point I have to make the configuration. I am really not sure where I have to put that object UserVoice are providing me with:
UVConfig *config = [UVConfig configWithSite:#"YOUR_USERVOICE_URL"
I'll appreciate some help with that, since I'm really on a beginner level with iOS apps in general. Thanks in advance.
The code you posted comes from the UserVoice for iOS SDK which gives you the libraries and code necessary to include UserVoice in a native iOS app and will not work with a PhoneGap app.
Your options are to write a PhoneGap plugin, in Obj-C, to expose the UserVoice library, or possibly a better option is simply to open your UserVoice page within your PhoneGap app using the InAppBrowser plugin.
Here is a simple phonegap plugin
I took the code from here: and followed their instructions.
There were some additional things I needed to do:
edit the config.xml and add the feature UserVoiceCommand
edit the .js file and replace Ext.emptyFn with function(){}:
cordova.exec(function(){}, function(){}, "UserVoiceCommand", "launch", [config]);
(those are the success and failure callback, which I intend to implement as well)
Since it was not functioning correctly on iOS7, I cloned, compiled it by running ./ and then overwritten the files that came with the plugin.
You can now get iOS+Android support from this new cordova plugin:
P.S. I am not affiliated to this plugin by any means, just came across it.

phonegap 2.0 with admob/iads

I've been searching for hours for a guide/tutorial on how to implement either admob or iads in an iOS app build with PhoneGap 2.0. So far I've been searching in vain. The closest I have gotten to an answer is this:
I dont have any objective-c experience and in the above mentioned link I can get past 3rd step. I have tried to download the demo and look at the code, but the app can't even be built. Probably because I'm using PhoneGap 2.0 and not an older version.
Are any of you guys able to guide me, or know of any helpful links for this to succeed?
How about using this plugin from github? Looks like getting it setup shouldn't be too bad.
