More complex ActiveRecord object serialization - ruby-on-rails

I have a model and in that model I'm generating a more complex field than I've done before. I've serialized hashes and arrays, but this field is the result of Gibberish::RSA.generate_keypair ( ). Which is more or less a private/public key pair in a ruby wrapper, to my understanding.
Working from the command line, I can do an update_attributes and the result of the generation gets stored in the text field. When doing rake db:seed or creating an instance, this doesn't work, I get a yaml string that indicates several types of Gibberish objects.
How do I do more complex activerecord serialization beyond hashes and arrays? Or how do I approach a greater understanding of what I'm trying to do?
def generate_keypair
self.update_attributes(:rsakey => Gibberish::RSA.generate_keypair(1024) )
which I call on the associated model creation, basic call the Gibberish wrapper
Then the output I get for the field myresource.rsakey
"--- !ruby/object:Gibberish::RSA::KeyPair\nkey:
!ruby/object:OpenSSL::PKey::RSA {}\ncipher:
!ruby/object:OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher {}\n"
Updating the attributes works from the rails command line, but not while seeding or creating. Other ways I attempted to add serialize so far have completely ruined the process or the created instances.
EDIT: solved bluntly by just calling 'to_s' on the result of the keypair generation method, which just saves it as a text field that 'works for now' until it needs to be more elegant.

The underlying issue seems to be that the openssl library doesn't implement YAML dumping:
#=> "--- !ruby/object:OpenSSL::PKey::RSA {}"
If you are using rails 3.1 you can define custom serializers, like so
class KeySerializer
def dump(key)
def load(data)
data &&
Then in your class you can do
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :key,


Is there a more idiomatic way to update an ActiveRecord attribute hash value?

Given a person ActiveRecord instance: person.phones #=> {home: '00123', office: '+1-45'}
Is there a more Ruby/Rails idiomatic way to do the following:
person_phones = person.phones
person_phones[:home] = person_phones[:home].sub('001', '+1')
person.update_column :phones, person_phones
The example data is irrelevant.
I only want to sub one specific hash key value and the new hash to be saved in the database. I was wondering if there was a way to do this just calling person.phones once, and not multiple times
Without changing much behaviour:
person.phones[:home].sub!('001', '+1')
There are a few important differences here:
You modify the string object by using sub! instead of sub. Meaning that all other variables/objects that hold a reference to the string will also change.
I'm using save instead of update_column. This means callbacks will not be skipped and all changes are saved instead of only the phones attribute.
From the comment I make out you're looking for a one liner, which isn't mutch different from the above:
person.tap { |person| person.phones[:home].sub!('001', '+1') }.save
You can use the before_validation callback on your model.
Like this:
class Phone < ApplicationRecord
validates :home, US_PHONE_REGEX
before_validation :normalize_number
def normalize_number
home.gsub!(/^001/, '+1')
Note: I haven't tested this code, it's meant to show an approach only.
If you're looking to normalize also an international number, evaluate if the use of a lib like phony wouldn't make more sense, or the rails lib based on it.
since the comment clarify you only want to change the values of the hash in one like you can use Ruby's method transform_values!:
phones.transform_values!{|v| v.gsub(/^001/, '+1')}

Serialise hash with dates as YAML rails

TL;DR: Rails 5.1, Ruby 2.4.0 is serialising a hash including Time objects with quotes around the string representation of the time. These quotes weren't there in Rails 2.3, Ruby 1.8.7 and break my app; how do I get rid of them?
Context and details
I'm upgrading an app from Rails 2.3, Ruby 1.8.7 to Rails 5.1, Ruby 2.4.0.
I have a ReportService class, which has a report_params constructor argument which takes a hash. Upon creation of these objects, this hash gets serialised in YAML format.
class ReportService < ApplicationRecord
# irrelevant AR associations omitted
serialize :report_params
serialize :output_urls
A user submits a form containing details of a report they want to be run, including a string that gets parsed using Time.parse(), which gets passed as a constructor argument; so the code (in procedural form to strip out irrelevant details, with lots of extraneous stuff ommitted) looks like
offset = customer.timezone.nil? ? '+0000' : customer.timezone.formatted_offset(:time => start_date)
params[:date_from] = Time.parse("#{start_date} #{params[:hour_from]}:{params[:min_from]} #{offset}").utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
report_args = {...
report_params: { ...
date: params[:date_from]
When I look in my MYSQL database, I find that my report_params field looks like ... date_from: '2017-12-27 00:00:00' .... The corresponding code in the old version produces a result that looks like ... date_from: 2017-12-27 00:00:00 .... This is a bad thing, because the YAML in that field is getting parsed by a (legacy) Java app that polls the database to check for new entries, and the quotes seem to break that deserialisation (throwing java.lang.Exception: BaseProperties.getdate()); if I manually edit the field to remove the quotes, the app works as expected. How can I prevent these quotation marks from being added?
Rails5.1/Ruby2.4 do it correct, since 2017-12-27 00:00:00 is not a valid yaml value.
The good thing is serialize accepts two parameters, the second one being a serializer class.
So, all you need to do is:
class ReportService < ApplicationRecord
# irrelevant AR associations omitted
serialize :report_params, MyYaml
serialize :output_urls, MyYaml
and implement MyYaml, delegating everything, save for date/time to YAML and producing whatever you need for them.
The above is valid for any format of serialized data, it’s completely format-agnostic. Examples.

How to save nil into serialized attribute in Rails 4.2

I am upgrading an app to Rails 4.2 and am running into an issue where nil values in a field that is serialized as an Array are getting interpreted as an empty array. Is there a way to get Rails 4.2 to differentiate between nil and an empty array for a serialized-as-Array attribute?
Top level problem demonstration:
> Rails.version
=> "3.0.3"
> a =;; a.keeps
=> nil
> Rails.version
=> "4.2.3"
> a =;; a.keeps
=> []
But it is important for my code to distinguish between nil and [], so this is a problem.
The model:
class AsrProperty < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :keeps, Array
I think the issue lies with Rails deciding to take a shortcut for attributes that are serialized as a specific type (e.g. Array) by storing the empty instance of that type as nil in the database. This can be seen by looking at the SQL statement executed in each app:
[old_app]: INSERT INTO asr_properties (lock_version, keeps)
Note that the above log line has been edited for clarity; there are other serialized attributes that were being written due to old Rails' behavior.
[new_app]: INSERT INTO asr_properties (lock_version)
There is a workaround: by removing the "Array" declaration on the serialization, Rails is forced to save [] and {} differently:
class AsrProperty < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :keeps #NOT ARRAY
Changing the statement generated on saving [] to be:
INSERT INTO asr_properties (keeps, lock_version) VALUES ('---[]\n', 0)
> a =;; a.keeps
=> nil
I'll use this workaround for now, but:
(1) I feel like declaring a type might allow more efficiency, and also prevents bugs by explicitly prohibiting the wrong data type being stored
(2) I'd really like to figure out the "right" way to do it, if Rails does allow it.
So: can Rails 4.2 be told to store [] as its own thing in a serialized-as-Array attribute?
What's going on?
What you're experiencing is due to how Rails 4 treats the 2nd argument to the serialize call. It changes its behavior based on the three different values the argument can have (more on this in the solution). The last branch here is the one we're interested in as when you pass the Array class, it gets passed to the ActiveRecord::Coders::YAMLColumn instance that is created. The load method receives the YAML from the database and attempts to turn it back into a Ruby object here. If the coder was not given the default class of Object and the yaml argument is nil in the case of a null column, it will return a new instance of the class, hence the empty array.
There doesn't appear to be a simple Rails-y way to say, "hey, if this is null in the database, give me nil." However looking at the second branch here we see that we can pass any object that implements the load and dump methods or what I call the basic coder protocol.
Example code
One of the members of my team built this simple class to handle just this case.
class NullableSerializer < ActiveRecord::Coders::YAMLColumn
def load(yaml)
return nil if yaml.nil?
This class inherits from the same YAMLColumn class provided by ActiveRecord so it already handles the load and dump methods. We do not need any modifications to dump but we want to slightly handle loading differently. We simply tell it to return nil when the database column is empty and otherwise call super to work as if we made no other modification.
To use it, it simply needs to be instantiated with your intended serialization class and passed to the Rails serialize method as in the following, using your naming from above:
class AsrProperty < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :keeps,
# …
The "right" way
Getting things done and getting your code shipped is paramount and I hope this helps you. After all, if the code isn't being used and doing good, who cares how ideal it is?
I would argue that Rails' approach is the right way in this case especially when you take Ruby's philosophy of The Principle of Least Surprise into account. When an attribute can possibly be an array, it should always return that type, even if empty, to avoid having to constantly special case nil. I would argue the same for any database column that you can put a reasonable default on (i.e. t.integer :anything_besides_a_foreign_key, default: 0). I've always been grateful to past-Aaron for remembering this most of the time whenever I get an unexpected NoMethodError: undefined method 'whatever' for nil:NilClass. Almost always my special case for this nil is to supply a sensible default.
This varies greatly on you, your team, your app, and your application and it's needs so it's never hard and fast. It's just something I've found helps me out immensely when I'm working on something and wondering if amount could default to 0 or if there's some reason buried in the code or in the minds of your teammates why it needs to be able to be nil.

How can I get a hash of the contents of a Rails fixture instance?

This is using Rails 4.2.0, Ruby 2.2.0.
What I'd like to do is use the data contained in a fixture object to verify that duplicates are caught before insertion into the same database:
test "identical entries should be impossible to create" do
dup_entry =
(where Entry is a well-defined model with a controller method .new, and test_entry is a fixture containing some valid Entry instance.)
Unfortunately, this doesn't work because entries(:test_entry) is going to be an Entry, not a hash accepted by
I know that I can access fixture properties with an expression of the form in the associated tests, since whatever is specified in the YAML will automatically be inserted into the database and loaded. The problem with this is that I have to manually retype a bunch of property names for the object I just specified in the YAML, which seems silly.
The documentation also says I can get the actual model instances by adding self.use_instantiated_fixtures = true to the test class. However, there don't seem to be any instance_methods that will dump out the fixture's model instance (test_entry) in a hash format to feed back into the .new method.
Is there an idiomatic way to get what I want, or a different, easier way?
I believe you're looking for something like:
entries(:test_entry).attributes.class # => Hash
You can also remove properties if needed:
Hope this helps.

How can I get YAML::load to call const_missing?

I am serializing an object to a database field using ActiveRecord's :serialize functionality in Ruby on Rails
class DrawElement < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :content
The reason I'm serializing the objects is that I'm dynamically loading the types from disk using const_missing, so I don't have to setup database tables for them.
def DrawElement.const_missing(const)
require File.join('draw_elements',const.to_s)
draw_class = const_get(const)
return draw_class if draw_class
raise "Draw Element not found #{const.to_s}"
So when I want to add a draw element, I do something like this in irb
draw_element.content =
Everything here works fine
The problem is that when I try to load the object from the database in a fresh session, YAML::load never calls const_missing to require the class definition before loading the file. So all my #content objects come back as YAML::Object
Is there a better way to do this? I'm trying to be able to add new types without having to change the database, or have a has_many_polymorph relationship between DrawElements and a Document.
Ruby on Rails v.2.3.8, Ruby v. 1.8.7
From my experience YAML::load returns a hash. It's up to me to walk through the hash and do something with its contents. Neither load or load_file accept a block to get inside them and influence how the YAML document is parsed.
You could try messing with load_documents or each_document though, because they take a block, but I don't know if you could add additional hash elements that way.
