Plotting apps for ios - ios

I have seen some plotting apps for ios, such as Graph It and Quick Graph. I am wondering what libraries they are using for creating plots and how to integrate those libraries into ios apps. Thanks a lot and happy new year.

I don't know the answer for those specific apps, but I can think of some things for you to look at. One is gnuplot--the trouble here might be getting it into suitable form to use as a library rather than using it as a command-line tool, since AFAIK there is no NSTask or fork()-ing under iOS. Another would be to embed PERL; the only real hard part of plotting is evaluating the expression to be plotted, which is trivial in something like PERL. And of course there are other libraries dedicated to expression evaluation which may be more suitable, depending on exactly what you want to plot.


Codename One (or ParparVM) how to compile Java library into iOS library

By checking the Codename One website and ParparVM Github, its guide only show how to build the Java (with Java Main function entry point) into the native executable/app (iOS), but I can't find any guide to build/compile Java into iOS share library (either in C source or binary, as long as can be reused by swift/objective-C from iOS app).
So are we able to do so? is there any guide for that?
It wasn't designed for that purpose so it probably won't work well for it. There are some inherent design decisions that would make it very difficult to get ParparVM to work with a library. Two big ones:
The GC needs to work with roots and would have a hard time collecting without full control of the app
The code generated looks "awful". Method names translate to very long function names in C with a very convoluted syntax to allow all sort of VM edge cases such as covariance
I suggest you look at J2ObjC. I haven't checked it out in ages but it was designed exactly with this use case in mind. It doesn't have a "real" GC but that might be OK with ARC. It works with your sources and produces libraries that look a bit more "natural" on iOS.

Can i use Google Oboe or AAudio in iOS ?

I want to use C++ library which makes it easy to build high-performance audio apps
Google Oboe seems for Android
can i somehow use it for iOS also ? or any similar alternative for iOS ?
I don't want to use Superpowered because of their licence terms!
There are no plans to release an iOS version of Oboe at present. You could look at FMOD or JUCE.
If I remember correctly (from videos of demos at events), The development of this library came from people heavily involved with the Google Android infrastructure, and thus the Oboe library is highly customized to tackle the low-latency short-comings of Android.
This being said, Google would not have the resources to tackle such an intensive and complicated problem for a completely different platform. As well (unfortunately) that wouldn't be in their best interest competitively-speaking.
I have heard of others using Superpowered, but I haven't gotten much info on it honestly, their marketing about it is all fluff, and there isn't any actual useful information, haha. I used Oboe myself, because I needed a dedicated native library.
As for iOS, I found a decent blog page that might be worth checking out:
This page suggests using OpenAL for objective-C/Swift. It looks like OpenAL is the similar implementation to OpenSL, which the Oboe library is partially based on. Unity seems to also utilize a library called FMOD (Not familiar with this one myself), as well DonTurner mentioned JUCE?.
So perhaps looking into these would be a good start, although I would assume using OpenAL might have some pretty involved developing, so ready your thinking cap!
Best of luck on your project!
Maybe you are looking for AudioKit

Using Matlab capabilities in xcode project

I am familiar with Matlab and would like to use what I know to add the functionality I am looking for in my iOS application. The title really says it all, I would like my app to be able to use the mathematics capabilities that matlab provides like integrals, derivatives, cross products, etc. not any graphing or any of that but just basic equation solving things. Is there a way to add this functionality to it while keeping my application agile. I have heard of the matlab coder that allow code to be switched from matlab to c or c++ that could be used for an Xcode project. If this is the best solution, is that a very difficult coder to work with? This is my first application, I have literally been working with Xcode and objective-c for a few weeks but I have the basic framework of my application good to go. I need this to add the real functionality to it and make it very useable. Please go easy on me if any of my questions seem obvious, I'm a nube, I really appreciate your answers.
As you mentioned, MATLAB Coder can generate C code from your MATLAB function. The header (.h) and source (.c) files can be plugged into your XCode project. The key part of the work is to decide what the input and output of the function should be and how to interface the rest of the XCode project with the Coder-generated function. Also, existing MATLAB code may not be completely compatible with the Coder, so that some modifications to your MATLAB code may be necessary. The Coder has interactive processes that guide you through this process.
If you haven't done so yet, you should start by looking at some examples of MATLAB Coder provided by MathWorks, e.g.,

Comprehensive graphing and charting solutions...?

I have need to produce LINE, BAR, and PIE charts in Rails. I have found several that do all these. However the one caveat is that I can never find a solution that does all as well as XY-SCATTER. I've looked at Gruff,Scruffy,Gnuplot, etc. and none of them do "everything". Can anyone recommend a local (i.e. doesn't require network connectivity) library that can accommodate? GoogleCharts isn't an option as some of this will occur on closed networks.
If you don't mind commercial solutions, take a look at ChartDirector.
Open Flash Chart Plugin for Ruby on Rails - Graphs
FusionCharts is pretty good if you don't have a problem with Flash.
Have you checked Google charts? I'm not a web developer myself but it seems that, although not implemented in Rails, you can call the chart API and display the generated image.
Looking at the available chart types, it can give you all the types you want.
Edit: A search turned up this google-chart-on-rails wrapper.

How to support multiple languages on a microcontroller?

I'm currently working on upgrading a product for the Chinese market. The target is a ARMTDMI7 with a QVGA display. Most resources I've located on the net are targeted at desktop or web programming rather than embedded devices.
Can anyone suggest some tools and
resources that might be useful?
What are the best techniques for
extracting literal strings and
communicating with translators?
I suggest looking at EasyGUI but that depends on what graphics controller you use.
EasyGUI is a tool that simplifies design of user interfaces and comes with complete source code and driver for a varity of display controllers.
For localization you can use EasyTranslate that gives the translater a graphical representation of the interface. This lets the translator see how the translated texts fit on the screen.
EasyGUI is available with unicode support aswell as right to left script.
Freetype might be good for rendering fonts.
There are many ARM microcontroller forums which will help you find what you're looking for.
Atmel has a line of ARM7 processors, and they are pretty friendly to those who make a hobby out of this, so there's a lot of information on this processor. It won't be the same, but generally the tools and libraries can be used across the ARM line so you might find some help here - you'll want to focus on the AT91SAM7 series.
If you have more specific questions, you will probably get some reasonable response here.
It sounds like you need to upgrade an existing codebase to make it support multiple languages.
If so, the fact that this is on a microcontroller shouldn't be an issue - I'd drop that fromt he title and focus on the language you're using (c?) and ask how to convert your program for internationalisation.
This is a problem many people have solved on a variety of platforms, and the fact this you're on a microcontroller doesn't mean that the same tools and such don't apply - the relevant factor is the language you're using
