.Net 4 Memory Cache class and user Session - asp.net-mvc

The new class MemoryCache in .Net 4.0 appears to act just like asp.net caching. My questions are:
Is MemoryCache equivalent to storing an object/value in for a user in Session Cache, but not in the code behind of an aspx page.
Can a value stored in MemoryCache, which exists on the server, be accessable to a web page event?

Is MemoryCache equivalent to storing an object/value in for a user in Session Cache
No, it is not equivalent. The ASP.NET Session object is per user key/value storage, whereas MemoryCache is an application level key/value storage (values are shared among all users).
Can a value stored in MemoryCache, which exists on the server, be
accessable to a web page event?
In ASP.NET MVC there are usually no web page events but you can access values stored in MemoryCache everywhere within the application.
Basically, in an ASP.NET application, the new MemoryCache object is just a wrapper for the old HttpContext.Cache object (it stores values in the old Cache object).

User session state is relevant to web world while the newer MemoryCache is a new implementation which now generalizes the availability of caching across other types of applications as well e.g. console application, winform applications etc. MemoryCache is stored w.r.t. the application domain in which its instance was created and is application to all the users accessing the application. Quoting from this MSDN link:
The main differences between the Cache and MemoryCache classes are
that the MemoryCache class has been changed to make it usable by .NET
Framework applications that are not ASP.NET applications. For example,
the MemoryCache class has no dependencies on the System.Web assembly.
Another difference is that you can create multiple instances of the
MemoryCache class for use in the same application and in the same
AppDomain instance.
MemoryCache class is present in a separate assembly System.Runtime.Caching.dll altogether which can be referenced
Note: The MemoryCacheclass and System.Web.Caching.Cache class are different implementations lying in different dlls with no interdependency. It is just that conceptually their behaviors look very similar as anyways they are cache at the end of the day.
I would suggest reading this, this and this thread for even better understanding and some great thoughts on this topic.
To answer your question:
To store anything which is application wide but light-weight - Use Application State.
To store anything which is application wide but resource intensive - Use Web Cache
To store anything which is user specific (usually light weight stuff as heavy weight stuff will not scale with growing users of your website) - Use Session state
As long as you are doing website development, the older web cache should be able to fulfill all your use-cases. There can be very specialized use cases in a weebsite where you would require the newer MemoryCachebut I can't think of any at the moment.


Scaling an Entity Framework Application / Multiple Apps hitting the same database?

I have a application that has been programmed with MVC/EF Code First. It does a lot of server side processing and is pretty resource intensive.
I know how to set up load balancing, but, I want to know if scaling an EF application is as simple as provisioning a new server, deploying the application and pointing to the DB cluster - or are there any issues I will face with regards to multiple EF applications hitting the same database server?
I can't seem to find any advice/guides for this and I am worrying I made the wrong choice by choosing EF over something simpler/more straight forward!
... issues ... regards to multiple EF applications hitting the same database server?
Rewind a bit to the fact that your application is an ASP .NET MVC based application. Having multiple instances of it is probably going to raise the spectre of state management.
MSDN has a pretty good introduction to why this is an issue:
HTTP is a stateless protocol. This means that a Web server treats each HTTP request for a page as an independent request. The server retains no knowledge of variable values that were used during previous requests. ASP.NET session state identifies requests from the same browser during a limited time window as a session, and provides a way to persist variable values for the duration of that session. By default, ASP.NET session state is enabled for all ASP.NET applications.
Alternatives to session state include the following:
Application state, which stores variables that can be accessed by all users of an ASP.NET application.
This point is an extremely common way of storing state, but breaks down when there's multiple instances of an application involved (the state is "visible" to only one of the instances).
Typically this is worked around by using either the StateServer or SQLServer value of SessionStateMode. The same article provides a pretty good summary of each option (emphasis mine).
StateServer mode, which stores session state in a separate process called the ASP.NET state service. This ensures that session state is preserved if the Web application is restarted and also makes session state available to multiple Web servers in a Web farm.
SQLServer mode stores session state in a SQL Server database. This ensures that session state is preserved if the Web application is restarted and also makes session state available to multiple Web servers in a Web farm.
If your application is stateless, this is a moot point.
I am worrying I made the wrong choice by choosing EF
As far as issues with multiple instances of your application accessing a database go, you're going to have issues with any sort of data access technology.
Here's the basic scenario: let's say your application sends welcome emails to users on a schedule.
Given the table Users:
UserId | Email | WelcomeLetterSent
1 | user#domain.com | 0
And some psuedo-code:
foreach (var user in _context.Users.Where(u => !u.WelcomeLetterSent))
user.WelcomeLetterSent = true;
There's a race condition where both instance one and instance two of your application might simultaneously evaluate _context.Users.Where(...) before either of them has the chance to set WelcomeLetterSent = true and call SaveChanges. In this case, two welcome emails might get sent to each user instead of one.
Concurrency can be an insidious thing. There's a primer on managing concurrency with the Entity Framework over here, but this is only the tip of the iceberg.
The answer to your question? It depends on what your application does :)
On top of that, I ideally want to build some "extra" support applications that hook in to the same DB... and, I am just not sure how EF will handle multiple apps to the same DB....
If your application can tolerate multiple instances of itself accessing one database, then it's usually not a stretch to make these "support applications" play nicely. It's not much different whether the concurrency is from multiple instances of one application or multiple applications with one instance each.

Maintaining state in Asp.Net MVC website

I'm currently designing a new website built on MVC and I wonder what is the right way to manage state.
The state should contain the userId and some structs of the user info, and should be kept during the whole session of the user while he's logged in (across http requests)
The important criteria:
1) Support scalability
2) Performance
The easy way is to use the Session object, but it doesn't support scalability. If different requests during the session go through different IIS servers, the session won't be kept. Although I've heard of load balancing tools which route all requests of a single session through the same machine, I'm not sure that it's a good practice to rely on it (isn't it?)
Another option that I've read about, is keeping the state data in special state servers which are running a RAM DB (like Cassandra for Linux or Redis for Windows). But it seems to me an overkill at this stage of the development.
Do you have any other suggestions?
I would like to start with something simple at the moment, but keep the design ready for a more advanced solution at the future.
Any best practice or code/design suggestions will be appreciated.
(1) Use Sql Server to Store Session State
(2) Use Memcached as a Session State Provider
(3) Cook up your own solution using Caching on an external caching provider: look into using something like the ServiceStack Caching Framework. Using this, you can use Redis, Memcached, Azure or AWS to handle caching.
Next, create a KeyFactory to handle generation of keys for specific items. The item keys would include the UserId (which you would always have from FormsAuthentication UserId (assuming that you are using FormsAuthentication). Then store any Session data for the user in the cache. Using this approach you are using Caching in place of Session, and the cache can be shared across multiple servers.
Note: you can have different approaches regarding clearing out the user's data whenever they begin a new session. Potential approaches include:
Include the user's session start dateTime in the cacheKey, and auto-expire entries when they are no longer fresh
Clear out all potential entries for a user when they begin a new session
If you are using .NET 4.5 and dependent on the type and amount of information you are keeping on users you may want to look at using claims to store information about the user. In .NET 4.5 all Principals inherit from ClaimsPrincipal. ClaimsPrincipal already uses claims to store the user name, roles and other information. You can create your own service to transform claims, which will allow you to add additional information to the Principal user.

Sessions when one has an ASP.NET MVC 4 + Node.JS Hybrid application

I have already done a proof where I can include Node.JS within an ASP.NET MVC application.
Assume that I am going to use an external session provider like windows server appfabric Cache or memcache.
I have an application where there is a quite sophisticated assembly that we use to build middle tier objects that we then store in the session. The assembly and the objects it produces is our most valuable piece and I cannot justify rewriting this C# project into something this is more Node.JS friendly.
This data is stored in an external cache, and now the node.JS developers need access to that.
What techniques have you guys used in situations like this? I am pretty sure that I am going to have to have some sort of service interface provide by the asp.net side as it is the one that owns this system of record.
I am also looking for a green field option for new projects that allow both ASP.NET MVC and Node.Js work together well in a hybrid fashion anyway, so perhaps this could be solved by data being stored in a convention that works for both.
I wouldn't use ASP.NET session at all. Maybe a database would be a more interoperable approach. SQL Server or even NoSQL solution such as RavenDB might be a good choice.
The problem with ASP.NET out-of-proc session state providers is that they use non-interoperable serializers (such as BinaryFormatter or NetDataContractSerializer) so you cannot read the data back from NodeJs. There might even be differences in the serialization mechanism between the different versions of the .NET framework so even with 2 ASP.NET applications running on different versions of the framework it might be a challenge to share session data.

is it possible to share session data from a asp.net mvc application and a python application?

I would like to be able to share some data between an asp.net mvc application and a python/django application . The type of data I would like to share are authentification or session data.
This is of course possible as long as you access some shared resources between both frameworks. There are likely several ways of doing it but one of the most obvious would be using some shared backing store ie. database or maybe even memcached which would be faster. I'm not a Django user but as far as I know memcached is supported in it...
There is of course a more complex scenario related to this and that is data compatibility. You will likely have to use some interchangable format that both frameworks understand ie. XML, JSON, BSON or similar. So even when using memcached you will have to do this translation.
How I would share session...
Make the Session Cookie sub-domain agnostic
<httpCookies domain=".mydomain.tld" />
Have my two sub-domains that I want to share session between
www.mydomain.tld [ASP.net MVC app]
extra.mydomain.tld [Python app]
Create a simple web service or generic handler in ASP.net that returns the user's session serialized in JSON or XML.
If you use generic handler remember to use the IReadOnlySessionState or IRequiresSessionState interfaces on the class.
Now from extra.mydomain.tld you can call your www.mydomain.tld/[Get/Set]SessionValue handler or service. It will pick up on your ".mydomain.tld" cookie and allow sharing modifying values.
I would recommend the following approach using a shared database (could be a shared cache or any other datastore):
When a user accesses one of your applications at your domain, you create a cookie with the key "_shared_session" and with the value of a random string generated by your application;
Save the value of this cookie into the database and relate it to a JSON object holding the data you want to share between applications;
When the user accesses the other application, you verify if the cookie with the key "_shared_session" exists and read its value;
With the value of the cookie, you can retrieve the shared JSON object.
Quick answer: there should be a filter that look for a shared cookie before creating a new session
There is an option for storing Session state in MS SQL Server database which is available out of the box. Use the steps from the next kb http://support.microsoft.com/kb/317604
It's more about configuration, not implementation.
You can write your own custom storage provider but is there any reason for that?
I'm not familiar with python, but there are at least ODBC drivers for it

Windows Azure - SQL Azure Session vs Database Query Suggestions

Windows Azure only supports SQL Azure Session State for multiple instances.
I'm thinking what whether storing the objects in session will boost any performance for given scenario below:
I've got MVC Application where it's header and footer are populated from DB. I've created ApplicationController which inherits from controller. This applicationcontroller in turn will be inherited by actual controllers such as Home/Account etc.
I'm thinking of loading all these footer/header value in to session and use the session object for any subsequent requests.
Does anyone know whether this will boost any performance? Only reason I'm asking is that SQL Azure Session would do the same thing i.e. query SQL Azure Session storage for each request?
I would say that right now the amount of performance improvement you get from one option over the other is pretty negligible. The only way to know for sure would be to create some test scenarios.
Having said that, App Fabric Caching is coming out of CTP in less than a month and includes a session provider. If you were willing to use it you'd have two options:
Use the App Fabric Caching session provider and the session technique you've described above and it should be faster than either of the SQL options
Use the cache directly to provide the header and footer information (you'll still need to keep the data in SQL, but you can populate the cache on demand when headers and footers are requested)
