URL encoded params handling with ASP.NET MVC - asp.net-mvc

My MVC web application generates an activation link that can include any character (%,+,/,etc.). I URL encode the string and generate link:
new UrlHelper(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext)
new { id = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(activationString) };
then add the domain and it looks like:
The URL is then passed to the user.
The route in this case is:
new { controller = "Account", action = "Activate", id = ""});
It seem fine to me, but the ASP.NET development server and IIS give me HTTP Error 400 - Bad request. Which means there's a problem with the URL that I can't see.
When get rid of the {id} in the route description (I also tried {*id} with no success):
new { controller = "Account", action = "Activate"});
the URLs look like:
and they work just fine...
I though those 2 approaches do exactly the same thing. What is the difference between them? Is it the MVC engine that performs something more for me or I miss something with the URL encoding.

Try UrlPathEncode instead of UrlEncode - some characters are illegal in the path that are legal in a query string.
That said - I believe the analysis of whether a character is 'bad' is performed after path-decoding occurs; and is done by IIS. It will reject some characters because of the possibility that the URL maps to the physical file-system and therefore could allow a user access to things they really shouldn't have access to. Equally it's done to prevent requests from sending data that really shouldn't be sent.
Generally if there's operationally no benefit from having a parameter mapped as a route parameter, then don't try too hard to map it - especially in this case where the string could be anything.
By the way - if that's an encoding of binary data; you can instead consider hex-encoding it or using modified base-64 for URLs instead - which will not cause errors if mapped as a route parameter.


Url.Action returning empty string in some environments

I have a Sitecore site and on 2 of my CD servers, Url.Action returns an empty string. This works locally and on 9 other servers ranging from dev to prod, CD and CM.
Deployment automation ensures that the exact same web.config is deployed to all environments; ditto for all other configs.
My controller inherits from SitecoreController properly. This is not isolated to a certain controller or action, this happens with all controllers and actions.
What would make Url.Action return an empty string in one environment and not others, with identical code?
What would make Url.Action return an empty string sometimes?
Specifically, route values that are derived from the current request.
The Url.Action method is driven by the UrlHelper, which in turn is driven by routes. It uses route values to determine which route to use to build the URL. The routing framework attempts to match each route against the route values in the order they are registered until a match is found. If the routing framework reaches the end of the routing table and there is still no match, it returns an empty string (because there is no other reasonable default behavior).
On the other hand, if you call Url.Action and pass a route name, this narrows the possible matches to only 1 specific route (the named one). But the route values still need to match that route or you get the default empty string.
In general, all route values must match, but there are a couple of things that may make the behavior quirky:
Route values can be made optional. This means that the route value doesn't need to be present in order for the route to match.
If a route value is not supplied in the call to Url.Action, it may be supplied automatically if it exists in the current request.
This second quirk means that if Url.Action is put on a shared view and one request contains a route value to make it match a route, and another request doesn't contain that route value, in the latter case the URL may match another route or it may be an empty string.
Say the routing configuration is setup like this:
public class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "AboutWith4RouteValues",
url: "test/home/about/{foo}/{bar}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "About" });
name: "ContactWith4RouteValues",
url: "test/home/contact/{foo}/{bar}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Contact", bar = UrlParameter.Optional });
name: "Home",
url: "",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" }
Also, let's say there is a link on the _Layout.cshtml page:
<a href='#Url.Action("About", "Home")'>About</a>
If you go to the home page in the browser (/), the resulting link URL will be:
This is because foo and bar are not present in the route values of the request so it doesn't match any of the registered routes.
Actually, Url.Action returns an empty string, but Razor optimizes away the empty href='' attribute.
On the other hand, if you put this URL in the browser:
The link URL is generated as:
<a href='/test/home/about/arg1/arg2'>About</a>
This is because both {foo} (with value arg1) and {bar} (with value arg2) are available in the current request. Note that the incoming request matches the ContactWith4RouteValues route, but when the link URL is generated it uses the AboutWith4RouteValues route. Since both foo and bar are present in the request, they are carried over to the generation of the URL.
Now, if the URL in the browser is changed to:
It still matches the ContactWith4RouteValues route because the last value is optional. However, the URL that is generated is now:
This is because foo has a value in the request, but bar has no value, the Url.Action generation request does not match AboutWith4RouteValues because bar is a required value in order to make it match. And since it also doesn't match the Home route, we have reached the end of the route table and the only logical thing to return is empty string.
The simplest workaround to avoid these quirks of the current request is to manually specify the route values when calling Url.Action or other UrlHelper based methods (such as ActionLink, RedirectToRoute, etc).
<a href='#Url.Action("About", "Home", new { foo = Model.Foo, bar = Model.Bar })'>About</a>
This ensures those values are always present when building the URL even if they don't happen to be part of the current request.
I had this exact same issue and for me the issue had to do with Case-Sensitivity in my Routing.
Deploying the same site to two different Applications on the same IIS Web Server.
I used the same web-config and same VS Web Publish Settings.
Yet, my Url.Action was returning blanks (empty-strings) in Prod, but not in Dev.
After reviewing the code, something caught my eye.
I have an Area called WorkBench (upper-case "B").
In a few places (where Url.Action returned blank), I was passing in Workbench (lower-case "b").
I have some fancy logic in my RouteConfig.cs and Area Registration (i.e. WorkBenchAreaRegistration.cs).
In those files, I had Conditional Logic to determine what Environment the Application was running in.
I use the same Project to share code, but only want some Areas accessible in different Environments.
Even though Prod and Dev are different Environments, to debug this issue,
I altered them so they would temporarily appear the same.
The issue was fixed once I capitalized the "b" to "B" everywhere.
I still do not know why it would work on my local machine and in Dev, but not in Prod.
It should have behaved the same way in both Environments.
Again, same server, same publish, same web.config, same iis config, same application code, etc...
Sorry I don't have an explanation for this, but at least this is a possible fix you could try.
Hope this helps someone out there.
Update 02/08/2019: I had this problem again with a different link and for this one I realized I had an option set to access all Actions within an Area when one of my Debug variables was set to true, or when running in Prod. I removed this conditional logic in my AreaRegistration.cs file and it fixed the problem when running in a Staging envrionment.
The Lesson Learned here is that anytime you see a blank Href, you gotta check those Route Configs.

IE9 removes # part from URL (works on Firefox! )

I am working on an application with ASP.NET MVC Routing + AngularJS routing.
My URL lookslike:
when I breakdown this (http://example.com/Request) is handled by ASP.NET MVC routing. i.e. (Area = Request, controller = "Default", action = "Index")
(#/Search/Request/123) is handled by AngularJS routing.
This works perfectly when I am on http://localhost:8080/
The issue is when I deploy this application to https://example.com/
In this case, If user clicks on above link (received via email),IE 9 recognizes only (https://example.com/Request/") and the server never gets (#/Search/Request/123).
We have enterprise SSO implemented on web server. SSO client intercepts http request and uses URL to redirect back to requested page after authentication.
if # fragment is not sent as part of http request url, sso is not able to redirect back to same page.
I believe this to be a common scenario/issue. I would keep changing the URL scheme as last resort. e.g. (# to !).
How to solve this?
Just found a blog that dealt with this issue exactly:
He offers two ideas:
When the page loads there simply needs to be some JavaScript that accesses the hash fragment and appends it to the redirect URL in the hidden field. Here's an example using JQuery for simplicity
$(function () {
var $redirect = $('[name="redirect"]');
$redirect.val($redirect.val() + window.location.hash);
Or, alternatively
Instead of appending the hash fragment to the hidden field value, you could avoid sending it to the server at all and simply append it to the form action URL.
$(function () {
var $loginForm = $('#loginForm');
var actionUrl = $loginForm.attr('action');
$loginForm.attr('action', actionUrl + window.location.hash);
Fragments (the part of the URL after the #) are not necessarily sent to the server-side by the browser. They are for client-side usage only (navigating to a specific location in the document, JavaScript support).
RFC 2396 section 4.1:
When a URI reference is used to perform a retrieval action on the
identified resource, the optional fragment identifier, separated from
the URI by a crosshatch ("#") character, consists of additional
reference information to be interpreted by the user agent after the
retrieval action has been successfully completed. As such, it is not
part of a URI, but is often used in conjunction with a URI.
(emphasis added)
Therefore, the URL scheme you came up with will not work reliably unless you change the # to another character. Alternatively, you could use JavaScript to transfer the information from the fragment in an input that will be reliably passed back to the server. But do note that solution will only work if JavaScript is enabled in the browser, so it is (also) not a 100% reliable solution that will work with all clients.
Either way, using a URL without a fragment is a more reliable approach and IMO a better design choice if you expect that part to be interpreted by the server.
I would remove ugly URL's from your application all together.
This article will walk you through removing ugly URL's in a asp.net-mvc project. It will also ensure that you have your RouteConfig.cs setup correctly.

Get current fragment in Route, ASP.net MVC

Is there away to get the current fragment from a route that was issued via action link. This is how I am getting the action from the route.
string currentAction = requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"] as string ?? "index";
Can I do something similar to this?
string currentFragment = requestContext.RouteData.Values["Fragment"] as string ?? "";
No, you can't do anything like this. The fragment (everything that follows the # sign in an url) is never sent to the server by the browser, so the sole fact of talking about getting the url fragment server side simply doesn't make sense.
So if you have the following url: http://example.com/foo/bar?key1=value1#abc the server will never be able to fetch abc simply because the client will never send it.
As it has already been pointed out that is not possible. Document fragments (the string after the hash as you call it) are intended for the browsers only to correctly position the viewport. They have no meaning for the server and therefore are not transmitted there.
There is however a workaround you can use. Repeat the fragment as part of your url to make it accessible for the server.
Look at the permalink to the answers in this question. For instance, the link to my answer looks like this:
See how the value 6286097 is duplicated as the last route parameter. It's intentional. You can use this technique as well.
P.S. The fragment must point to an identifier in the document (id of some HTML element). At least in XHTML only identifiers work as fragments. Valid ids may not begin with a digit therefore instead of #6286097 use something like #answer-6286097.
P.S.#2. Do not use any JavaScript trickery to get around this limitation. Basic site functionality and design must work without JavaScript - don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Fragments obviously belong to the basic tool box. Use JavaScript only for advanced interactivity.
I have a workaround for you, but first of all lets get more into the problem.
The strings after the hash symbol which are called Fragment values are not query parameters but they are strings to be read by the client-side (living in the browser) and the server cannot read them because they are not sent to the server by the browser.
Some authentication providers like Google and Azure send the access token as Fragment value for security reasons so that they are not transferred over the internet after they get sent as direct response from the authentication provider.
The only way you can come around that is to use javascript to convert the fragment values to query parameters by replacing the '#' with '?' and redirecting to the endpoint in your server controller.
I suppose the easiest way is to handle all that from server, meaning you get get the request in server, send a javascript code to the browser on the fly, that replaces the '#' into '?' and redirects to your second endpoint which reads the token as strong parameter.
Here how you can do it in ASP.NET Core 3.1:
public virtual ContentResult ConvertUrlFragmentToQueryParamThenRedirect()
return Content("<html><script>window.location.href=window.location.href.replace('#', '?').replace('authredirect', 'authparams')</script></html>", "text/html");
public virtual void GetAccessToken([FromQuery] string access_token)
// now you have your access token server side here
Please remember to set your redirectUrl to the correct one, in this case 'YOUR REDIRECT URL/authredirect'.

%20 followed by slash followed by more data causes ASP.NET MVC 3 routing to fail?

When the characters %20 appears in between paramaters a url, my MVC routing stops considering that a string.
Why is that, and how can I approach handling "%20" characters in my URL?
Example URL
public ActionResult Delete(string DNSName, Guid id)
"Delete", // Route name
"ListContents/Delete/{DNSName}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "ListContents", action = "Delete" } // Parameter defaults
Both the following URLs work fine
If an empty space is at the end of any section of the URL before the next slash, it throws a HttpException in the System.Web.Util.FileUtil.CheckSuspiciousPhysicalPath() method which is handled by MVC and you'll get a HTTP 404 response.
You can verify that yourself by checking the checkbox for Throw in:
Visual Studio
Common Language Runtime Exceptions
Generally you should not have empty spaces in your URLs. I personally format my urls, that all spaces becomes a dash (-).
I think the problem is that in the example where it doesn't work is because it can't be parsed as a valid URL, it will be read as
http://localhost:40494/ListContents/Delete/asdf /5430f394...
Instead, you would be safe to just remove the %20 from that url safely.
Check if the id field of the table isn't a string (nchar(x)). If so, check if the respective id has the exact lenghth defined in the type declaration. If not (if it has less chars), that's the problem (it should have the EXACT lenghth you declared). This worked for me.

Verify that a URL maps to an actual route in ASP.Net MVC

To support legacy URLs in my application, I use a regex to convert URLs of the form /Repo/{ixRepo}/{sSlug}/{sAction} to the new form /Repo/{sName}/{sAction}, using the ixRepo to get the correct sName. This works well, and I can redirect the user to the new URL with a RedirectResult.
However, I'd like to catch legacy URLs with an invalid action before I redirect the user. How can I verify if a URL string will map to a registered route? MVC clearly does this internally to map a request to the correct action, but I'd like to do it by hand.
So far, I've come up with this:
var rd = Url.RouteCollection.GetRouteData(new HttpContextWrapper(new HttpContext(
new HttpRequest("", newPath, ""),
new HttpResponse(null))));
which appears to always return a System.Web.Routing.RouteData, even for bad routes. I can't find a way to check if the route was accepted as a catch all, or if actually mapping to a route that's registered on the controller.
How can I use MVC's routing system to check if a URL maps to a valid controller/action via a registered route?
(I've seen ASP.NET MVC - Verify the Existence of a Route, but that's really inelegant. MVC has a routing system built in, and I'd like to use that.)
Wrong question. Anything can be a route, whether or not it actually maps to an action.
I think you're asking, "Will this execute OK, or will it 404?" That's a different question.
For that, you need to do what MVC does. Look in the MVC source at MvcHandler.ProcessRequestInit and then ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeAction to see how MVC looks up the controller and action, respectively.
If you know the controller and ask for valid actions, just do some reflection stuff as done in here.
If the redirected url goes to your application, then you can check if the url goes to a valid route. Some code on haacked.com http://haacked.com/archive/2007/12/17/testing-routes-in-asp.net-mvc.aspx does route testing as a unit test. After this you have controller and action as routedata and you have to do, what Craig said "do the same as mvc does".
The routing system maps request uris to route handler. The mvc route handler (class) throws an exception if it fails. There is no checking.
You can add constraints to your routes. If you constrain the action property. Then checking if the url goes to a valid route my be what you want.
