Railstutorial.org Validating unique email - ruby-on-rails

In section 6.2.4 of Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial, Michael Hartl describes a caveat about checking uniqueness for email addresses: If two identical requests come close in time, request A can pass validation, then B pass validation, then A get saved, then B get saved, and you get two records with the same value. Each was valid at the time it was checked.
My question is not about the solution (put a unique constraint on the database so B's save won't work). It's about writing a test to prove the solution works. I tried writing my own, but whatever I came up with only turned out to mimic the regular, simple uniqueness tests.
Being completely new to rspec, my naive approach was to just write the scenario:
it 'should reject duplicate email addresses with caveat' do
A = User.new( #attr )
A.should be_valid # always valid
B = User.new( #attr )
B.should be_valid # always valid, as expected
A.save.should == true # save always works fine
B.save.should == false # this is the problem case
# B.should_not be_valid # ...same results as "save.should"
but this test passes/fails in exactly the same cases as the regular uniqueness test; the B.save.should == false passes when my code is written so that the regular uniqueness test passes and fails when the regular test fails.
So my question is "how can I write an rspec test that will verify I'm solving this problem?" If the answer turns out to be "it's complicated", is there a different Rails testing framework I should look at?

It's complicated. Race conditions are so nasty precisely because they are so difficult to reproduce. Internally, save goes something like this:
Write to database.
So, to reproduce the timing problem, you'd need to arrange the two save calls to overlap like this (pseudo-Rails):
a.validate # first half of a.save
b.validate # first half of b.save
a.write_to_db # second half of a.save
b.write_to_db # second half of b.save
but you can't open up the save method and fiddle with its internals quite so easily.
But (and this is a big but), you can skip the validations entirely:
Note that save also has the ability to skip validations if passed :validate => false as argument. This technique should be used with caution.
So if you use
b.save(:validate => false)
you should get just the "write to database" half of b's save and send your data to the database without validation. That should trigger a constraint violation in the database and I'm pretty sure that will raise an ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid exception so I think you'll need to look for an exception rather than just a false return from save:
b.save(:validate => false).should raise_exception(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid)
You can tighten that up to look for the specific exception message as well. I don't have anything handy to test this test with so try it out in the Rails console and adjust your spec appropriately.


Rails: How to write model spec for this method?

I've just started to take on my first model spec task at work. After writing a lot of feature specs, I find it hard to get into the different perspective of writing model specs (not taking the context into consideration). I'll take a method of the Order model as an example, to explain which difficulties I am experiencing:
def update_order_prices
self.shipping_price_cents = SHIPPING_PRICE_CENTS unless shipping_price_cents
return if order_lines.empty?
self.total_price_cents = calculate_order_price
self.total_line_items_price_cents = calculate_total_order_line_price
self.total_tax_cents = calculate_tax_amount
I am totally happy with an answer that simply writes me a spec for this method. The rest of the post just shows what I tried so far but is not necessary to answer this question.
First approach:
At first I didn't know what to test for. I tried to find out when and where the method was called and to find a scenario where I would know what the attributes that are touched in this method should be equal to. Put short, I spent a lot of time trying to understand the context. Then a coworker said that I should test methods in model specs self-contained, independent from the context. I should just make sure I identify all cases. So for this method that would be:
it sets shipping price cents to default (if not done already)
it returns early if order_lines is empty
it sets values if order_line is set
Current approach:
I tried writing the tests for these points but still questions arise:
Test 1
it 'sets shipping price cents to default (if not done already)' do
order.shipping_price_cents = nil
expect(order.shipping_price_cents).to eq(Order::SHIPPING_PRICE_CENTS)
I am confident I got this one right, but feel free to prove me wrong. I set shipping_price_cents to nil to trigger the code that sets it, call the tested method on the cents to be equal to the default value as defined in the model.
Test 2
it 'returns early if order_lines is empty' do
expect(order.update_order_prices).to eq(nil)
So here I want to test that the method returns early when there is no object in the order_lines association. I didn't have a clue how to do that so I went into the console, took an order, removed the order_lines associated with it, and called the method to see what would be returned.
2.3.1 :011 > o.order_lines
=> #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy []>
2.3.1 :012 > o.update_order_prices
=> nil
Then did the same for an order with associated order_line:
2.3.1 :017 > o.update_order_prices
=> 1661
So I tested for 'nil' to be returned. But it doesn't feel like I am testing the right thing.
Test 3
it 'sets (the correct?) values if order_line is set' do
order_line = create(:order_line, product: product)
order = create(:order, order_lines: [order_line])
expect(order.total_price_cents).to eq(order.calculate_order_price)
expect(order.total_line_items_price_cents).to eq(order.calculate_order_line_price)
expect(order.total_tax_cents).to eq(order.calculate_tax_amount)
I simply test that the attributes equal what they are set to, without using actual values, as I shouldn't look outside. If I wanted to test for an absolute value, I would have to investigate outside of this function which then wouldn't test the method but also status of the Order object etc.?
Running the tests
1) Order Methods: #update_order_prices sets (the correct?) values if order_line is set
Failure/Error: expect(order.total_price_cents).to eq(order.calculate_order_price)
private method `calculate_order_price' called for #<Order:0x007ff9ee643df0>
Did you mean? update_order_prices
So, the first two tests passed, the third one didn't. At this point I feel a bit lost and would love hear how some experienced developers would write this seemingly simple test.
I guess you have to spec against the exact values you are expecting after update_order_prices.
Let's say you set up your order and order lines to have a total price of 10 euros then I'd add the following expectation
expect(order.total_price_cents).to eq(1000)
Same for the other methods. Generally I try to test against specific values. Also as you are relying on the result of a private method you only care about the result.

How to test uniqueness of Coupon/Promo-Codes?

I have a Model PromoCode which has a .generate! method, that calls .generate which generates a String using SecureRandom.hex(5) and saves it to the database:
class PromoCode < ActiveRecord::Base
class << self
def generate
SecureRandom.hex 5
def generate!
return create! code: generate
Now I want to write a spec that test the uniqueness of the generated string. The .generate method should be called as long as a non existent PromoCode has been generated.
I'm not sure how to do this since I can't really stub out the .generate method to return fixed values (because then it would be stuck in an infinite loop).
This is the passing spec for the model so far:
describe PromoCode do
describe ".generate" do
it "should return a string with a length of 10" do
code = PromoCode.generate
code.should be_a String
code.length.should eql 10
describe ".generate!" do
it "generates and returns a promocode" do
expect {
#promo = PromoCode.generate!
}.to change { PromoCode.count }.from(0).to(1)
#promo.code.should_not be_nil
#promo.code.length.should eql 10
it "generates a uniq promocode" do
Any directions appreciated.
Rspec's and_return method allows you to specify multiple return values that will be cycled through
For example you could write
PromoCode.stub(:generate).and_return('badcode1', 'badcode2', 'goodcode')
Which will cause the first call to generate to return 'badcode1', the second 'badcode2' etc... You can then check that the returned promocode was created with the correct code.
If you want to be race condition proof you'll want a database uniqueness constraint, so your code might actually want to be
def generate!
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
In your spec you would stub the create! method to raise the first time but return a value the second time
And what about something like: create a PromoCode, save the result, and try to create a new PromoCode with the code of the previous PromoCode object:
it "should reject duplicate promocode" do
#promo = PromoCode.generate!
duplicate_promo = PromoCode.new(:code => #promo.code)
duplicate_promo.should_not be_valid
Also, this is model level, I am assuming you have a key in the database that will save you from race conditions...
If you saves the promocode in database you would have added validations there in the model for uniq promocode. So you can test the same in rspec too.
Like this,
it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:promocode) }
This answer is based on your comment:
I need to make sure that generate! generates a code - no matter what,
until a unique code has been generated.
I feel like you might have a hard time testing this correctly. Unit testing "no matter what" situations with indefinite loops can be a bit of a tricky subject.
I'm not sure how to do this since I can't really stub out the .generate method to return fixed values (because then it would be stuck in an infinite loop).
One possibility to consider might be if instead of doing either one or the other, you tried both? (That is, find a way make it return a fixed number under certain circumstances, and eventually trigger the actual random number. An instance variable counter might help; set it to a random number, count it down, when it's greater than zero return the fixed number, or something along those lines). This still doesn't feel like a perfect test, though, or even a very good one for that matter.
It might be worth looking more into means of generating similar strings with high probability of them being unique, and having some mathematical proof of it being that way. I'm not saying this is the most practical idea either, but if you really need to prove (as you're trying to do with tests), it might be the more probably solution.

During TDD, should I create tests for custom validations? Or I should test the validity of the entire object?

I'm very new on TDD and unit-testing, and I'm having quite a lot of doubts about the correct approach I should take during the tests of the custom model validations.
Suppose I have a custom validation:
User < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :weird_validation
def weird_validation
# Validate the weird attribute
Should I take this approach:
context "validation"
it "pass the validation with weird stuff" do
user = User.new weird: "something weird"
user.should be_valid
it "should't pass the validation with normal stuff" do
user = User.new weird: "something"
user.should_not be_valid
user.errors[:weird].size.should eq 1
Or this one:
context "#weird_validation" do
it "should not add an error if weird is weird" do
user = User.new
user.stub(:weird){"something weird"}
user.errors.should_not_receive :add
user.weird_validation.should eq true
it "should add an error if weird is not weird" do
user = User.new
user.errors.should_receive(:add).with(:weird, anything())
user.weird_validation.should eq false
The first approach
It test behaviour
Easy refactoring
Dependable of other methods
Something unrelated could make the test fail
The second approach
It doesn't relay on anything else, since everything else is stubbed
It's very specific of all the things the code should do
It's very specific of all the things the code should do
Refactoring the validations could potentially break the test
I personally think the correct approach should be the first one, but I can't avoid to think that I'm relying too much in other methods rather than the one I want to test, and if the test fails it may be because of any method withing the model. For example, it would not validate if the validation of other attribute failed.
Using the second approach I'm practically writing the code twice, which seems like a waste of time and effort. But I'm unit-testing the isolated method about what it should do. (and I'm personally doing this for every single method, which is very bad and time consuming I think)
Is there any midway when it comes to using stubs and mocks? Because I've taken the second approach and I think I'm abusing it.
IMO the second approach is the best one because you test your model properties and validations one at a time (the "unit" part).
To avoid overhead, you may consider using shoulda. It is really efficient for models unit testing. We're usually using a factory_girl/mocha/shoulda combination for functional testing (factory_girl and mocha are also very helpful to test queries and named scopes). Tests are easy to write, read and maintain :
# class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
# or
# describe 'User' do
should have_db_column(:weird).of_type(:string).with_options(:limit=>255)
should allow_value("something weird").for(:weird)
should_not allow_value("something").for(:weird)
should ensure_length_of(:weird).is_at_least(1).is_at_most(255)
# end
Shoulda generates positive/negative matchers therefore avoids a lot of code duplication.

Nested model error messages

I am using Ruby on Rails 3.0.9 and I am trying to validate a nested model. Supposing that I run validation for the "main" model and that generates some errors for the nested model I get the following:
# => {:"account.firstname"=>["is too short", "can not be blank"], :"account.lastname"=>["is too short", "can not be blank"], :account=>["is invalid"]}
How you can see the RoR framework creates an errors hash having following keys: account.firstname, account.lastname, account. Since I would like to display error messages on the front-end content by handling those error key\value pairs with JavaScript (BTW: I use jQuery) that involves CSS properties I thought to "prepare" that data and to change those keys to account_firstname, account_lastname, account (note: I substitute the . with the _ character).
How can I change key values from, for example, account.firstname to account_firstname?
And, mostly important, how I should handle this situation? Is what I am trying to do a "good" way to handle nested model errors? If no, what is the common\best approach to do that?
I've made a quick Concern which shows full error messages for nested models:
#1.9.3-p362 :008 > s.all_full_error_messages
# => ["Purchaser can't be blank", "Consumer email can't be blank", "Consumer email is invalid", "Consumer full name can't be blank"]
Some creative patching of the Rails errors hash will let you achieve your aim. Create an initializer in config/initalizers, let call it errors_hash_patch.rb and put the following in it:
ActiveModel::Errors.class_eval do
def [](attribute)
attribute = attribute.to_sym
dotted_attribute = attribute.to_s.gsub("_", ".").to_sym
attribute_result = get(attribute)
dotted_attribute_result = get(dotted_attribute)
if attribute_result
elsif dotted_attribute_result
set(attribute, [])
All you're doing in here is simply overriding the accessor method [] to try a little harder. More specifically, if the key you're looking for has underscores, it will try to look it up as is, but if it can't find anything it will also replace all the underscores with dots and try to look that up as well. Other than that the behaviour is the same as the regular [] method. For example, let's say you have an errors hash like the one from your example:
errors = {:"account.firstname"=>["is too short", "can not be blank"], :"account.lastname"=>["is too short", "can not be blank"], :account=>["is invalid"]}
Here are some of the ways you can access it and the results that come back:
errors[:account] => ["is invalid"]
errors[:"account.lastname"] => ["is too short", "can not be blank"]
errors[:account_lastname] => ["is too short", "can not be blank"]
errors[:blah] => []
We don't change the way the keys are stored in the errors hash, so we won't accidentally break libraries and behaviours that may rely on the format of the the hash. All we're doing is being a little smarter regarding how we access the data in the hash. Of course, if you DO want to change the data in the hash, the pattern is the same you will just need to override the []= method, and every time rails tries to store keys with dots in them, just change the dots to underscores.
As to your second question, even though I have shown you how to do what you're asking, in general it is best to try and comply with the way rails tries to do things, rather than trying to bend rails to your will. In your case, if you want to display the error messages via javascript, presumably your javascript will have access to a hash of error data, so why not tweak this data with javascript to be in the format that you need it to be. Alternatively you may clone the error data inside a controller and tweak it there (before your javascript ever has access to it). It is difficult to give advice without knowing more about your situation (how are you writing your forms, what exactly is your validation JS trying to do etc.), but those are some general guidelines.
I had the same problem with AngularJs, so I decided to overwrite the as_json method for the ActiveModel::Errors class in an initializer called active_model_errors.rb so that it can replace . for _
Here is the initializer code:
module ActiveModel
class Errors
def as_json(options=nil)
hash = {}
to_hash(options && options[:full_messages]).each{ |k,v| hash[k.to_s.sub('.', '_')] = messages[k] }
I hope it can be helpful for someone
I'm not sure but I think you can't change that behavior without pain. But you could give a try to solutions like http://bcardarella.com/post/4211204716/client-side-validations-3-0

Rails assert that form is valid

What's the best practices way to test that a model is valid in rails?
For example, if I have a User model that validates the uniqueness of an email_address property, how do I check that posting the form returned an error (or better yet, specifically returned an error for that field).
I feel like this should be something obvious, but as I'm quickly finding out, I still don't quite have the vocabulary required to effectively google ruby questions.
The easiest way would probably be:
class UserEmailAddressDuplicateTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def setup
#email = "test#example.org"
#user1, #user2 = User.create(:email => #email), User.new(:email => #email)
def test_user_should_not_be_valid_given_duplicate_email_addresses
assert !#user2.valid?
def test_user_should_produce_error_for_duplicate_email_address
# Test for the default error message.
assert_equal "has already been taken", #user2.errors.on(:email)
Of course it's possible that you don't want to create a separate test case for this behaviour, in which case you could duplicate the logic in the setup method and include it in both tests (or put it in a private method).
Alternatively you could store the first (reference) user in a fixture such as fixtures/users.yml, and simply instantiate a new user with a duplicate address in each test.
Refactor as you see fit!
Shoulda includes macros for testing things like validators along with many other things. Worth checking out for TDD.
errors.on is what you want
#obj.errors.on(:email) will return nil if field is valid, and the error messages either in a String or Array of Strings if there are one or more errors.
Testing the model via unit tests is, of course, step one. However, that doesn't necessarily guarantee that the user will get the feedback they need.
Section 4 of the Rails Guide on Testing has a lot of good information on functional testing (i.e. testing controllers and views). You have a couple of basic options here: check that the flash has a message in it about the error, or use assert_select to find the actual HTML elements that should have been generated in case of an error. The latter is really the only way to test that the user will actually get the message.
