How to position datalabel at the base of bar series - highcharts

I have a (horizontal) bar chart and I want to add dataLabel's at the base (or left most part) of the bar for the series.
similar to this:
Is there a way using the formatter function to set this value?
plotOptions: {
bar: {
dataLabels: {
formatter: function() {
this.series.options.dataLabels.x = ?????????????
return this.y;

The task of the formatter function is to format the label text. It gives you a way to modify the internal state of the chart, but that's really just a hack and as such may or may not work.
One way to place the labels at the base is to use stack-labels instead of data-labels (the data-labels will be placed at the top of the bar either aligned left or right). To configure stack labels at the base, do:
yAxis: { // The y axis is horizontal 'bar' layout
stackLabels: {
style: {
color: 'white' // Make the labels white
enabled: true, // Enable stack labels
verticalAlign: 'middle', // Position them vertically in the middle
align: 'left' // Align them to the left edge of the bar
You will also need to set stacking to 'normal':
Example on jsfiddle:
Update: Labels for stack-totals will show the sum of all series for a specific category (stack) so only in the case of having one single series in the chart will stack-labels and data-labels show the same value.


Highcharts packed bubbles useHTML datalabels and add label on top of parent node

I create a packed bubbles with a useHTML option for the datalabels because I want these labels to be centered in each bubbles.
The result is fine, you can see it here :
My issue is about the parent node label, I would like it to be placed on top of each major bubble (as in the offical demo :
But as I need to set the useHTML flag on dataLabels, the label of parent node is placed in the center of each major bubble (which is not good).
If you set useHTML : false in my sample, the label of parent is correctly placed on top of the major bubbles but the labels of each bubbles is not centered anymore.
dataLabels: {
useHTML: true,
How can I mix the two things (useHTML and place the parent label on top of bubble) ?
You don't need to enable useHTML to center the labels. It is enough to set align: 'left' and 'text-anchor': 'middle' style. For example:
plotOptions: {
packedbubble: {
dataLabels: {
align: 'left',
style: {
'text-anchor': 'middle'
Live demo:
API Reference:

Prevent Highchart.js from cutting xAxis label

I want to only show the first and last label for the xAxis. Then, I want to show it without rotation and in a single line. And when I do this, this happens and the last label gets cut when there are many columns or the width of the viewport is small.
Demo online:
This is my xAxis config:
xAxis: {
categories: [....],
labels: {
rotation: 0,
style: {
textOverflow: 'none',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
Is there any way to align the text in a way that this won't happen?
I've seen that this can be fixed by adding chart.marginRight but I would rather prefer not to "lose" that space not the right and just align the text in a way that will always be visible.
I am not sure if it is possible to achieve it by using only API options, because all the labels are rendered in the center of the tick, but you can move/set the position of each label 'manually'.
events: {
render() {
const chart = this;
const xAxis = chart.xAxis[0];
const lastTickPosition = xAxis.tickPositions.length - 1;
const lastLabel = chart.xAxis[0].ticks[lastTickPosition].label;
lastLabel.translate(-lastLabel.getBBox().width/ 4, 0)
You can use "align: right"
Read the usage of align to understand why this works. Basically this would mean that the bar would align to the rightmost end of the label so the label always fits
xAxis: {
categories: [....],
labels: {
rotation: 0,
align: "right",
style: {
textOverflow: 'none',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap'

Highcharts: Bar with negative stack - Place title text at each side

I'm wondering if it is possible to place two text titles at each side (negative/positive), centralized on each side.
I tried with this jsfiddle.
yAxis: [{
title: {
text: "right",
align: "right"
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return Math.abs(this.value) + '%';
title: {
text: "left",
align: "left"
I tried to add another yxis, but it doesn't work.
you can only set xaxis title to
"low", "middle" by default, "high"
but for multiple title ,i think its not possible via api, it depends on your axis.
like you have one xaxis and 2 yaxis,
so you can have title separatly on both yaxis but not on xaxis.
the problem is you cant get the center point (0,0), if you can get Y of this point then you can update Y for the title.

Highstock, split tooltip and opposite xAxis?

I'm displaying the x-axis of my Highstock chart at the top of the chart area with xAxis: { opposite: true}.
However the tooltip continues to show the x-axis value at the bottom of the chart, see for example here
Is there any way I can change the positioning of this be at the top, close to the x-axis?
Bonus points if someone knows why the tooltip.positioner callback isn't called when tooltip: { split: true }
It's possible to wrap core code to add this feature like in this demo:
H.wrap(H.Tooltip.prototype, 'renderSplit', function (proceed) {
proceed.apply(this, [], 1));
var tooltip = this,
topAxis = tooltip.options.topAxis,
axisTT =,
top = tooltip.chart.plotTop;
if (topAxis) {
y: top - axisTT.height,
anchorY: top + 10
and in chart's options:
tooltip: {
split: true,
topAxis: true
Bonus: positioner is not used for split tooltip - split uses own logic for positioning

why setting div's height and width lose bar's label in highchart?

I need to draw a bar chart and need to set width and height for the container div (as there is only that amount of space I can use)
However, when I set height and width, in some cases, highchart will not draw some of the bar labels, even though I think there are places to draw them. Can someone explain this or maybe provide a workaround (without removing height)?
The jsfiddle is
labels: {
style: {
color: 'black',
fontFamily: 'DINPro',
fontSize: '7.8409px',
fontWeight: 'normal'
formatter: function () {
return this.value;
At the beginning, remove datalabels configuration per each point and use common options. There, you can disable hiding labels by crop option.
