How to automatically link to objects in text submission in Rails - ruby-on-rails

So, you're in Github filing an issue and you refer to issue #31. Then, while writing this issue, you note that #johnmetta has suggested some possible solutions that he's working on. Then you hit "Submit New Issue" and when you do, "#31" and "#johnmetta" are links, and #johnmetta has been notified, and issue #31 has a notification that it has been referenced.
I realize that there are more than one technologies at work here (Javascript goodies, etc), but what I'm looking for are some examples of how to do this type of thing in the Rails world. It's an interestingly difficult subject to search for.
What I've come up with conceptually is:
Have some identifier, such as # or # that is reserved
Upon submission, search for that identifier in the appropriate attribute
Upon finding it, search for the appropriate model with a field matching what follows
Once finding that, replace that text string with a link
Optionally, do whatever necessary to notify the referenced object
That said, it seems like it's super simple (explicitly coded, assumes friendly_id).
def prettify_user_links(str, source):
result = str
str.scan(/(#\S+)+/).each do |mtch|
# Strip off whatever identifier we're using
search_string = mtch[0].gsub('#','')
# Search for the matching model in the appropriate table
user = User.find(search_string)
if user
# If we find a matching model, create some link text and link it
link_txt = "<a href=>'#{user.url}'>#{mtch}</a>"
result.gsub!(search_string, link_txt)
# Notification. Not sure how/where, maybe with a message bus, or something more brute-force like
Comment.create :user_id =>, :body => "You have been mentioned in #{link_to comment.excerpt, comment} by #{link_to comment.owner, owner}"
return result
That would be my first cut, but I feel there have to be much more elegant solutions.
An additional aspect to this question: How would you grab a snippit of surrounding text. The brute force way would be to search n words before and m words after that string and grab all of that, then grab that sub-string from the results and do the search. Still, seems like there'd be a more elegant solution.

What you've described is the basic way; anything else is not terribly more elegant. It's helpful to see it as two parts: one is on receipt of the comment (when you should do notifications) and the other is on display of the comment, when you should do linkification.
This allows you to keep the original comment in its original form, which is helpful.
Perhaps put an after_create (so notifications aren't sent on every edit) on the comment model (assuming a comment model that includes a 'body' field):
[edit: added contextual info]
after_create :notify_mentions
def notify_mentions
body.scan %r{(.{0,40})#(\w+)(.{0,20})} do |match|
username = match[1]
context = [match.first, match.last]
Notification.send(match, context, self) if User.exists?(:login => username)
I use \w+ in place of \S+ because people often say things like:
Hey #JohnMetta, how are you doing?
and \S+ will capture the , which might be wrong. Pulling the # out of the capture group lets me ignore it during notification.
The context in the above match groups consists of the 40 characters before and 20 characters after the matched username for your snippet. Adjust to taste.
Then when displaying the message, you essentially create a helper something like what you had:
def linkify(body)
body.gsub %r{#\w+} do |match|
link_to match, :controller => :users, :action => :show, :id => match
#gsub is awesome like that, in that it takes a block and replaces with the contents.
It's not a lot more elegant than what you had, but it should give a pretty decent result.


ruby on rails iterating params

I have a client that is sending params such as age, gender, name and so on.
I need to retrieve data from the table based on the params, but first I need to check for the presence of the param(to avoid a null param and therefore an empty result). The params are working as filters, so they can be triggered or they can be left blanck.
What I am doing right now is
#retieve = Student.all
unless params[:age].nil?
#retrieve = #retrieve.where(age: params[:age])
unless params[:gender].nil?
#retrieve = #retrieve.where(gender: params[:gender])
and so on for every param I receive. This way I check if the filter has been selected, and if it has I use the selection as a parameter for the query
It works, but as Ruby is known for the DRY statement, I am pretty sure someone out there knows a better way for putting this and to make this flexible.
Thank you for whatever answer or suggestion you will provide!
This will work best if all of these filters were in a subhash of params that you can iterate over without including unwanted parameters (eg the :action and :controller parameters that rails adds)
Once you've done that you could do
(params[:filters] || {}).inject(Student.all) do |scope, (key, value)|
scope.where(key => value)
There's a few ways to do this sort of thing and you have options for how far you want to go at this stage.
Two big things I'd consider -
1) Make nice scopes that allow you to send a param and ignore it if it's nil. That way you can just append another scope for each param from the form and it will be ignored without using if or unless
2) Move the search into a separate class (a concern) to keep your controller clean.
Here's a blog post that talks about some of the concepts (too much to post in this answer). There is lots of info on the web about this, I searched on the web under "rails search filter params concern" to get an example for you.

is there any core function find_by_controller in ruby on rails framework?

My first project as a software engineer is adding features to an existing ruby on rails crm application. I had to add functionality for sending an automated email, for which I just copied and pasted from another place in the program, where this was happening. The trouble is that now I want to modify it. Here's the code that does it?
recipient = session[:registration][:email]
subject = ManagedContent.get_email_subject("checkout", session[:registration][:id])
message = ManagedContent.find_by_controller("checkout").content_text
RegistrationConfirmationMailer.deliver_registration_message(recipient, subject, message,, render_to_string(:template => "registration_invoices/show.haml", :layout => 'none', :locals => {:registration => #registration_transaction.registration, :event => #registration_transaction.registration.event}) )
From what I gather from this that the message to be sent is being crafted in third line by calling find_by_controller() function. However, I can't find that function either in ManagedContent model or controller. I have even done a grep search of the entire workspace for this project, I didn't find any definition. Googling too didn't return anything that I could make sense of. Where can I look for this method definition as I need to make a little modification in the message
Thank you!
find_by_(field) is an ActiveRecord construction letting you find a record based on the value of a field.
See (especially section 14 on Dynamic Finders).
So you should look for a "controller" column in your managed_content table. Based on the code you copied, there is a row in that table with a value "checkout" for the controller column. In that same row, the value for the "content_text" field is the value you want to change.
PS: Congrats on your first software gig. Enjoy it while still untainted. :)
If your ManagedContent is a ActiveRecord class, doing find_by_controller generates an SQL request on your ManagedContent table to do a restriction on controller columns.
All is in dynamic finder documentation

Which characters in a search query does Google ignore (versus treating them as spaces?)

I want to give my pages human-readable slugs, but Rails' built-in parameterize method isn't SEO-optimized. For example, if I have a post called "Notorious B.I.G. is the best", parameterize will give me this path:
which is suboptimal since Google construes the query "Notorious B.I.G." as "Notorious BIG" instead of "Notorious B I G" (i.e., the dots are removed rather than treated as spaces)
Likewise, "Tom's fave pizza" is converted to "tom-s-fave-pizza", when it should be "toms-fave-pizza" (since Google ignores apostrophe's as well)
To create a better parameterize, I need to know which characters Google removes from queries (so I can remove them from my URLs) and which characters Google treats as spaces (so I can convert them to dashes in my URLs).
Better still, does such a parameterize method exist?
(Besides stringex, which I think tries to be too clever. 2 representative problem cases:
[Dev]> "Notorious B.I.G. is the best".to_url
=> "notorious-b-dot-i-g-is-the-best"
[Dev]> "No, Curren$y is the best".to_url
=> "no-curren$y-is-the-best"
I would try using a gem that has been designed for generating slugs. They often make good design decisions and they have a way of updating the code for changing best practices. This document represents Google's best practices on URL design.
Here is a list of the best gems for solving this problem. They are sorted by rank which is computed based on development activity and how many people "watch" changes to the gems source code.
The top one right now is frendly_id and it looks like it will generate good slugs for your use in SEO. Here is a link to the features of the gem. You can also configure it and it looks like it is perfect for your needs.
Google appears to have good results for both the "b-i-g" and "big" in the url slugs.
For the rails side of things, yes a parameterize method exists.
"Notorious B.I.G. is the best".parameterize
=> "notorious-b-i-g-is-the-best"
I think you can create the URLs yourself... something like
class Album
before_create :set_permalink
def set_permalink
self.permalink = name.parameterize
def to_params
This will create a url structure of:
You can remove the id section in to_params if you want to.
Use the title tag and description meta tag to tell google what the page is called: these carry more weight than the url. So, leave your url as /posts/notorious-b-i-g-is-the-best but put "Notorious B.I.G. is the best" in your title tag.

Rails way to offer modified attributes

The case is simple: I have markdown in my database, and want it parsed on output(*).
#post.body is mapped to the posts.body column in the database. Simple, default Activerecord ORM. That column stores the markdown text a user inserts.
Now, I see four ways to offer the markdown rendered version to my views:
First, in app/models/post.rb:
# ...
def body
markdown =
Allowing me to simply call #post.body and get an already rendered version. I do see lots of potential problems with that, e.g. on edit the textfield being pre-filled with the rendered HMTL instead of the markdown code.
Second option would be a new attribute in the form of a method
In app/models/post.rb:
# ...
def body_mardownified
markdown =
Seems cleanest to me.
Or, third in a helper in app/helpers/application_helper.rb
def markdownify(string)
markdown =
Which is used in the view, instead of <%= body %>, <%= mardownify(body) %>.
The fourth way, would be to parse this in the PostsController.
def index
#posts = Post.find(:all)
#posts.each do |p|
p.body =
#rendered_posts << p
I am not too familiar with Rails 3 proper method and attribute architecture. How should I go with this? Is there a fifth option? Should I be aware of gotchas, pitfalls or performance issues with one or another of these options?
(*) In future, potentially updated with a database caching layer, or even special columns for rendered versions. But that is beyond the point, merely pointing out, so to avoid discussion on filter-on-output versus filter-on-input :).
The first option you've described won't work as-is. It will cause an infinite loop because when you call it will use the body method you've just defined to pass into RDiscount (which in turn will call itself again, and again, and so on). If you want to do it this way, you'd need to use'body')) instead.
Apart from this fact, I think the first option would be confusing for someone new looking at your app as it would not be instantly clear when they see in your view #post.body that this is in fact a modified version of the body.
Personally, I'd go for the second or third options. If you're going to provide it from the model, having a method which describes what it's doing to the body will make it very obvious to anyone else what is going on. If the html version of body will only ever be used in views or mailers (which would be logical), I'd argue that it makes more sense to have the logic in a helper as it seems like the more logical place to have a method that outputs html.
Do not put it in the controller as in your fourth idea, it's really not the right place for it.
Yet another way would be extending the String class with a to_markdown method. This has the benefit of working on any string anywhere in your application
class String
def to_markdown
normal bold italic
If you were using HAML, for example in app/views/posts/show.html.haml
= #post.body
How about a reader for body that accepts a parse_with parameter?
def body(parse_with=nil)
b = read_attribute('body')
case parse_with
when :markdown then
when :escape then CGI.escape(b)
else b
This way, a regular call to body will function as it used to, and you can pass a parameter to specify what to render with:
normal **bold** *italic*
normal bold italic

Generated string won't save to database... but tack "A" on the end and it will

In my application, these "planners" (essentially, article ideas) follow predetermined templates, written in Markdown, with some specific syntax here:
Please write your answer in the following textbox: [...]
Please write your answer in the following textarea:
...So here, on line, you should write one thing.
...Here, on line 2, you should write another.
Essentially, [...] is a text input, and a group of lines starting with ... are a textarea. That's not really the issue - it's just to explain what part of this code is doing.
On actions new and edit, the standard planner form is displayed, with the correct fields based on the template (for new) or current planner body (for edit). On save, the template's fields are filled in with params[:fields], and the resulting Markdown is saved as the planner's body. The code, I'd hope, is now possible to follow, knowing this context. Only relevant controller code is provided, and it uses make_resourceful.
class Staff::PlannersController < StaffController
make_resourceful do
actions :all
before :create do
if #planner_format
current_object.body = fields_in_template #planner_format.body
flash[:error] = 'Planner format not found!'
redirect_to staff_planners_path
current_object.user = #current_user
before :update do
current_object.body = fields_in_template(current_object.body)
def fields_in_template(template)
fields = params[:fields] || {}
if fields[:inline]
template.gsub! /\[\.\.\..*\]/ do
if fields[:block]
template.gsub! /^\.{3}.*(\n\.{3}.*)*$/ do
fields[:block].shift.split("\n").collect { |line|
current_object.body = template
And now, the mystery: in the update action, changes to the body are not saved. After debugging, I've determined that the issue does not lie only in, since the following before :update code does what you would expect:
before :update do
current_object.body = 'test string'
In fact, even this gets the expected result:
before :update do
current_object.body = fields_in_template(current_object.body) + 'a'
So now, the question: why is Rails so insistent that it not save the result of the function - and even then, only when it comes from update? More debugging showed that the object attribute is set, and even claims to save successfully, but reloading the object after save reverts the changes.
At first it looked like the resulting string was just a "poisoned" variable of sorts, and that rebuilding the string by appending "a" removed that strange state. However, the following code, which ought to add an "a" and remove it again, also failed to save.
before :update do
new_body = fields_in_template(current_object.body) + 'a'
new_body.slice! -1
current_object.body = new_body
This is just bizarre to me. What am I doing wrong here, and what can I possibly do to debug further? (Or if you happen to instantly see my mistake, that'd be nice, too...)
EDIT: After checking SQL logs (not sure why I didn't think to do this earlier), it would seem that Rails doesn't seem to acknowledge the new body attribute as actually being different, even though checking the string in the debugger confirms that it is. As such, Rails doesn't even run an UPDATE query unless something else is modified, in which case body is not included.
Got it! Sometimes it just helps to state the question out loud...
The deal is, I had forgotten that, when passing current_object.body to fields_in_template, it was being passed by reference. As such, all gsub! methods were running directly on current_object.body, so Rails acknowledged no real "changes" by the time I set body to what had just been set.
The solution:
def fields_in_template(template)
template = template.dup
# ...
Thanks for letting me talk to myself, and mission accomplished!
I'm not a Ruby programmer but does adding an 'a' convert the type of the variable to string? Maybe your variable is of the wrong type without adding 'a'.
