Spring social Twitter Api - twitter

I am using spring social and the twitter api, Im able to get the connection working but cant find the way to retrieve the user's mail. Is there any way to do this?

No. The Twitter API does not give you access to private information such as email addresses.


How to apply for Linkedin Invitation , People and connection API's

Hi Was searching for many days now for the particular Linkedin API's like
Invitation API
connection API
Profile API
But I am not able to get any result from where I can apply for these api's and access them, I tried reaching Linkedin support but they redirected me to this page.
can Anyone help me out How I can access these Linkedin API's.
Any help will be appreciated.

How to use instagram API for Login

I have been trying to implement the OAuth flow for Instagram login with Instagram official APIs but seems like a lot has changed since June 2020 and I haven't had any luck to get any help for the Instagram Oauth login flow that can return a user email which can later be used to keep track of the user registration via Instagram API.
Instagram official documentation says that they don't recommend using Instagram Basic Display API for login here:
Can someone guide me on how to get the user information like email or at least username in return from the Instagram API.
Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks
Unfortunately currently it is not possible to do with IG Basic Display API.
Please check the Documentation
It is not possible to get an email from Basic Display API. You will not be able to get the email from the API responses.
You can get the user ID from Instagram when you will exchange the code obtained via Authenticate to access token. Later on when you will have the valid access token you can get the username.
I would recommend checking out Getting Started from that API: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api/getting-started it shows how to get user_id (step 5) and username (step 6).

What data can I collect with oAuth for Twitter?

I'm looking to integrate a twitter login into my site. I've used the developer link for FB to see what data can be collected. I'd like to know what data I can retrieve from twitter once a user logs in with twitter from my site?
A full list of API endpoints is available here on the Twitter dev site.
account/verify_credentials would be the most basic one to start with as it is information about the authenticated user.

Using google plus API is it possible to fetch gmail contacts

In my application I want to fetch my gmail contacts.
In my app I have already integrated "Google+ API" So i just need to know that can i access my gmail contact by using the same API. Or I need to integrate Gmail API.
Please help me I am new to this
I wouldn't imagine how you would get the contacts from one service by using another? Not everyone in your gmail contacts is going to be on your google+ account, so how would it be possible to get them?
There are other ways and it is documented online how to integrate with gmail, I suggest you research links like the following to find something you need:
gmail integration in ios application
Gmail API for objective-c?
how to fetch my Gmail contacts into my iPhone App
It is possible, but only if you ask for the contacts scope alongside your Google+ scopes.
Where you integrate the Google+ API, you will also need to ask for scope https://www.google.com/m8/feeds.
See https://developers.google.com/google-apps/contacts/v3/ for more details.

Facebook Contact Importer using PHP

I recently developed contacts importer for Gmail and Yahoo. However, I come to know that Twitter doesnt give any contacts(email) using oAuth. So, I wanna know whether Facebook allows to import the contacts of friends or not.
If yes, Do they use oAuth or any other authentication method
Facebook will not give you friends email addresses via the API.
