Why does Grails' scaffolded create action use params? - grails

I created a static scaffolding for my domain class and got a controller for that domain class. The create action of the controller looks like:
def create() {
[userInstance: new User(params)]
I wonder why the line:
[userInstance: new User(params)]
has been added. Obviously when the create action is invoked, there wont be any params - so why would this line have been added?

Obviously when the create action is invoked, there wont be any params
Not necessarily - imagine a situation where you want to pre-populate a couple fields in the form of the create view. You could use:
Which would result in the view's userInstance having a populated username field for display in the form.

This is fundamentally by Spring, the action is called 'binding' and is the action of tie form elements from one jsp(gsp in this case) to the properties of an object and viceversa.
To tie an object to a form, well, you should create it first, how can ypu tie a null object? it's not possible, that is why the new ClassObject(...)
After that in Groovy we have POGO's, and one feature of POGO's is the ability of initialize them with a map, for example:
new User(name:'John',lastname:'Zuñiga')
But in this case there's a lil' of groovy magic with that 'params' object. That comes from Groovy Servlets or Groovlets. How can you obtain a param with Java incoming from a form? Well, with request.getParam("param_name"), but in this case with Groovy you receive a params object, this params object is a map, a Groovy map...Uhm, one second...
If POGO's in Groovy is able to receive a Map as constructor, and the params object is a Map...maybe...oh coolness I can put that map in the constructor of my object, and after Spring do the binding to the form with this new Object, so this object is travelling in actions from this controller so it comes with the properties populated.
I hope this explanation be clear, if you have questions, I'm here...

There could be params, although in general there wouldn't be.
It allows pre-loading of values, which may be helpful sometimes, including re-displaying the create form.


Posting a list of entities using mvc+entity framework causes InvalidOperationException

I have an action that has this signature:
public ActionResult Update(ContactForm contactForm)
ContactForm is a class from an edmx file. No code first. Its EF 5.0.0.
The edmx file is auto generated.
I have a relation from ContactForm to ContactFormField, which causes a navigation property.
I named it "Fields". It is of type
When I have fields (and only then) included in the posting caused by post variables that looks like this:
I get an InvalidOperationException before the action is even called.
It occurs in the setter of Fields.
The message is:
The EntityCollection has already been initialized. The
InitializeRelatedCollection method should only be called to initialize
a new EntityCollection during deserialization of an object graph.
If I try to have an action that takes Fields separately, adding an argument like
public ActionResult Update(ContactForm contactForm,
IEnumerable<ContactFormField> fields)
...those will be retrieved correctly, but for each field I have yet another list of ContactFieldAlternative. In other words, I need to be able to post sub objects.
How do I get rid of the exception?
The problem here is how the model binder is interpreting your URL string. The model binder doesn't have any logic which allows it to assume that multiple parameters in the URL string represent the same object. Therefore, instead of creating one instance of ContactForm and binding your fields, it's trying to create an instance of ContactForm and bind Fields[0] to that, then trying to create another instance of ContactForm to bind Fields[1] to, which obviously your method signature doesn't accept. Without creating a custom overload to the model binder, you really can't submit your form values with this URL pattern (and shouldn't anyway, imo). The intended method for accepting a complex object through a post is either through form elements or JSON. One of the prime objectives of the ASP.Net MVC framework is the use of restful URLs, which your parameter list in the URL isn't.

MVC4 Action method AutoMap actionfilter fails to convert the view model to domain model

so, I've seen this working on a previous project in MVC3, so wondering if a) i've screwed it up, or b) MVC4 is doing something different (can't see it would be).
I have a model bound Razor view which submits to a controller action method (as is the way with MVC)
post action method:
[AutoMap(typeof(MyViewModel), typeof(MyDomainObj))]
public void PostAction(MyDomainObj obj)
{... etc.. etc..
The action filter eventually does something like this:
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var model = filterContext.Controller.ViewData.Model;
NOTE: In Jimmy Bogard's example he used OnActionExecuted which I also tried..
The key issue I'm having is that at the pint where we get the "model" variable from the context, it's null. If I look at the filterContext.ActionParameters whilst debugging I can see a MyDomainObj instance!! which appears to (because it happens to have a prop name in common with the MyViewModel type) have been mapped from my form data!
So.. yes if I had MyViewModel type as the parameter to this method, then the param would be properly populated from the submitted form. But. I don't want to do that, I want to (and have done before based on JB's succinct how-to) converted the view model to domain model as part of the action executed/ing and then been able to just hit save on my domain model.
Summary - why is my ViewData.Model null on the post action filter?
Jimmmy also has/had a couple of ideas on how to implement post actions, along with another guy Matt Honeycutt who shares his view on how to do posts. I also believe Jimmy has gone in the direction of using explicit mapping in his get requests instead of attributes, as it can be hard to inject any extra code you need after mapping.
For a post you really want a couple of things imo, the original Entity and the Form Data. You could load the entity like you do for the GET request and do normal model binding to get the form data (remember you can accept a different model for post backs than you spit out in your view) then make the changes in the action.
Of course this would require using AutoMapper in your action, which you seem to be trying to avoid. But unless you write a custom model binder then you're not going to magically get the formdata in a model as the built in one looks at the action paramters to figure out what to bind. For this reason i'd recommend not using a domain model as a parameter for an action, as it may fill out fields that you don't wish it to.
I've also seen Jimmy using a ModelBinder to do something similar to your AutoMapGet, which may be another alternative method, but I'm guessing you've seen that post.
My standard post takes Matt's approach, moving the validation out into a global attribute so it can't be forgotten (there are some downsides to this) then accepting a new view model explicity for the form data, then I explicity load the entity, use automapper to update it and call save. Most the actions only end up being about 5 lines long.
I do avoid using the static methods on AutoMapper and pass a IMapper in via constructor injection. This allows me to make it a bit more testable if I really need to, however the methods are normally so simple the tests don't add all that much value.

ASP MVC3 Pass additional params with "return View(model)"

I'm in serious need of passing url params with View class. Here's code:
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(model);
This should not only return model based view, but also add specific param to URL (param won't change view details, but is needed as it's one of few automatically generated SessionKeys (one for each tab/window used to view app) and I know no other way to get to it, different than passing as param (it can't be generated everytime, 'cos params will change; it can't be global variable because it'll reset its value each refresh; it can't be static, because static is evul).
Oh this action is called with use of form and submit button, not actionLink or something like this.
EDIT1: I need params to stay in URL after refresh, or I need some other form of keeping data that persists through refresh/validation fail.
If I understand you correctly you have data that you need to use in generating Urls on your page? This just forms part of your ViewModel - or at least it should, since it's data that the View needs in order to render.
You can use ViewData to add any extra data that isn't part of your view model. Or, better still, add the data as members to it. Equally, if different views with different View Models require this data, add a ViewModel base class and derive from that so you can share that data.
new RouteValueDictionary(new {param1="value",param2="value2"});
or you can use hidden field to store the values in your page and then pass this down as and when you need them..

How to create multiple domain objects from a GSP page

I have a Person class with two properties: name and address. I want to build a GSP page which allows for 10 users to be created at one time. This is how I'm implementing it and was wondering if there is a better way:
First, make 20 text boxes in the GSP page - 10 with someperson.name and 10 with someperson.address field names (make these in a loop or code them all individually, doesn't matter).
Second, process the submitted data in the controller. The someperson object has the submitted data, but in a not-so-nice structure ([name: ['Bob', 'John'], address: ['Address 1', 'Address 2']]), so I call transpose() on this to be able to access name, address pairs.
Then, build a list of Person objects using the pairs obtained from the previous step and validate/save them.
Finally, if validation fails (name cannot be null) then do something... don't know what yet! I'm thinking of passing the collection of Person objects to the GSP where they are iterated using a loop and if hasErrors then show them... Don't know how to highlight the fields which failed validation...
So, is there a better way (I should probably ask WHAT IS the better way)?
You should use Grails' data-binding support by declaring a command object like this
class PersonCommand {
List<Person> people = []
If you construct your form so that the request parameters are named like this:
The data will be automatically bound to the personCommand argument of this controller action
class MyController {
def savePeople = {PersonCommand personCommand->
If you call personCommand.validate() it might in turn call validate() on each Person in people (I'm not sure). If it doesn't you can do this yourself by calling
boolean allPersonsValid = personCommand.people.every {it.validate()}
At this point you'll know whether all Person instances are valid. If they are not, you should pass the PersonCommand back to the GSP and you can use the Grails tags:
to highlight the fields in errors. If you're not exactly sure how to use these tags to do the highlight, I suggest you run grails generate-all for a domain class and look at the GSP code it generates.

How to pass an unpersisted modified object from view back to controller without a form?

Short: how does modelbinding pass objects from view to controller?
First, based on the parameters given by the user through a search form, some objects are retrieved from the database.
These objects are given meta data that are visible(but not defining) to the customer (e.g: naming and pricing of the objects differ from region to region).
Later on in the site, the user can click links that should show details of these objects.
Because these meta data are important for displaying, but not defining, I need to get the previously altered object back in the controller.
When I use the default asp.net mvc modelbinding, the .ToString() method is used. This off course doesn't return a relevant string for recreating the complete object.
I would have figured the ISerializable interface would be involved, but this is not so.
How should I go about to get the desired effect? I can't imagine I'm the first one to be faced with this question, so I guess I'm missing something somewhere...
The default model binding takes form parameters by name and matches them up with the properties of the type specified in the argument list. For example, your model has properties "Price" and "Name", then the form would need to contain inputs with ids/names "Price" and "Name" (I suspect it does a case insensitive match). The binder uses reflection to convert the form values associated with these keys into the appropriate type and assigns it to the properties of a newly created object of the type specified by the parameter (again derived by reflection).
You can actually look at (and download) the source for this at http://www.codeplex.com/aspnet, although you'll have to drill down into the MVC source from there. I'd give a link to the DefaultModelBinder source, but the way they are constructed, I believe the link changes as revisions are introduced.
So, to answer your question, you need to have parameters (could be hidden) on your form that correspond to the properties of the object that you want to recreate. When you POST the form (in the view) to the controller, the binder should reconstitute an object of the specified type using the form parameters. If you need to do translation from the values in the form parameter to the object properties, you'll probably need to implement your own custom model binder.
[EDIT] In response to your second post:
Let's say that we want to have a link back to an action that uses a customized object. We can store the customized object in TempData (or the Session if we need it to last more through more than one postback) with a particular key. We can then construct the action link and provide the key of the object as value to the ActionLink in an anonymous class. This will pass back the key as a Request parameter. In our action we can use the key from this parameter to retrieve the object from TempData.
<%= Html.ActionLink( ViewData["CustomObject1",
new { TempDataKey = ViewData["CustomObject1_Key"] }
) %>
public ActionResult Select()
Entity custObj = null;
string objKey = Request.Params["TempDataKey"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objKey))
custObj = (Entity)TempData[objKey];
... continue processing
Thanks for your explanation, but what about links? (no forms involved)
Currently the Html.ActionLink(c=>c.Action(parameter), "label") takes objects as parameter. These have to be translated into URL parts. For this, MVC ALWAYS goes to the .ToString() method. I don't want to serialize my object in the ToString method.
Shouldn't I be able to somehow help the framework serialize my object? Say through the ISerialize interface or something?
