app.xml consistently overwritten - ios

I am building an IOS app using Flash Professional 5.5.
The building goes fine, however, I am needing to edit the app.xml file to make a couple of things work. When I do this, save it and then publish the app, the app.xml file is overwritten and the changes I made are gone.
How do I get Flash to keep using the app.xml file I have created rather than it rebuilding a new one every time I publish the app?

I had the same issue, related to this other issue: I followed the tutorial many times, but every time the file was overwritten and I could not publish with AIR. How I solved: I changed the contents of the file the way I needed, then I write-protected the file (then I compiled again). This way, Flash could not overwrite it anymore.


Image.file() Showing Blank When Specified File Was Explicitly Created

In the iOS variant of my Flutter app, when I explicitly create a .jpg file using
File(path.join(filePath, fileName))
..createSync(recursive: true)
the widget that renders the file (by calling Image.file(), passing to it the file as an argument) results with a blank image.
No exception was thrown indicating that the file was not found or file contents was invalid. Its behaving as if the file is blank, but when I browse to the file using Finder, the file is there and when I click on the image, Preview renders the expected image.
When the same code is executed when the image comes from the device camera or device gallery, it works and when the same code is executed in the Android variant with the file being explicitly created, it works too.
The only thing I can think of is that it has to do with creating the image deep inside my iOS simulator directory structure
but again, the file is visible using Finder so this may not be the reason.
Maybe I have to set certain permissions when creating the file in iOS or perhaps settings applicable to iOS in my pubspec.yaml?
All help is greatly appreciated.
My environment is as follows:
Catelina 10.15.7,
Flutter 1.22.5 channel stable,
XCode 12.3,
Simulator: iPhone 12 Pro Max - 14.3,
Someone posted a suggestion that prompted me to look into this problem again. (That someone has since removed his suggestion so I am unable to thank him.)
Anyways, when I tried to reproduce the problem it wasnt happening anymore even in the exact use case it was happening previously.
So the question remains is why and the only thing I ruled out that it wasnt a race condition as this code has been running on Android for quite some time on various devices.
This is what I could come up with:
Knowing the filepath I was writing to, I realized that I was writing to the app's /tmp directory which iOS periodically empties out. I am thinking that I shouldn't be putting stuff there. Instead, I've been writing to the app's documents directory and it hasnt happened since.
The initial /tmp directory was chosen for me by a package I was using and since it was so long and Im new to iOS, I didn't really look into it all that much, caring only that the file was there, which it was.
Anyways, keeping my fingers crossed that the fix sticks.

Will renaming an App Inventor project erase the TinyDB?

I have a project in App Inventor that uses the TinyDB. In this project, I added an extension I couldn't delete and didn't want.
To solve this problem, I made a copy of the app, downloaded the copy as an aia, unzipped the project and fixed the problem, and then zipped it back up.
Then I deleted the copy on AI so I could upload the changed version. Everything went according to plan, and now I have an app with the problem and a fixed project under a different name.
My question is if I delete the problem app and save-as the copy under the original name, will the tags in the TinyDB still be there or will they be in a separate database that I can no longer access?
I tested this question with a simple app I made. Here are the steps I followed, you can skip to the bottom if you want the conclusion:
Create a project
Drag in a list view component, two textboxes, a tinyDB, and a button. It doesn't have to look pretty, it just has to be functional
Go to blocks
Add in the blocks below
Build the apk and install it on your device. Store at least 1 tag.
Go back to AI. In the project, click Project>save as... and leave the project name at the default.
Delete the original
In the copy, click Projects>save as... and set the name to the original name you used.
Build the apk and install it on the device. Do not uninstall the first app you installed.
Confirm that the entries you added are still in the app.
When testing this, I found that the data in the tinyDB would persist from the other version of the app. I think this was because the project name was the same, I was signing the app with the same digital signature, and the tinyDB namespace was the same.
Therefore, it is safe to change the name of the app and then change it back without losing the data on a user's device.
Further steps:
I would also like to test if this works when downloading the aia, unzipping it, and then zipping it back up and uploading it. I think that would yield the same result, but I have yet to test it.

Cannot open Xcode project on a new Mac

I think I have made a bit of a mistake here.
I designed an app a few months ago and even got it in the App Store. Since then I have purchased a new mac. I copied my Xcode project file across to my new Mac.
I've just come back to it for the first time in months and nothing opens. I sometimes get a cannot be parsed warning. Even looking at the file sizes I think there are all just empty files. When I try and open them in TextEdit they are just empty.
Any ideas anyone, I have a particular .swift file that I really need to open.
Check if the files are empty on your old Mac. If they are empty on your old Mac then the data has been lost, there is nothing you can do.
If the files are correct on your old Mac then something went wrong when you transferred the data. Therefore just try copying them over again.
If the first situation that I stated is true then there is nothing you can do.
Can you not retrieve the original files from your other Mac?
copy and paste
Would imply that you can. Maybe you should attempt to copy the files again, alternatively, if you just need the one .swift file you could probably copy the text from it and put it into plaintext and then copy that back out into a new xcode project if xcode is having such trouble opening that particular file.
Are you sure that you're not missing out some details? Seems almost too easy to answer this one.

Is application bundle fully replaced on upgrade from App Store?

The following use case:
create a strings file (not localized) and deploy the application to your test device
localize the file (en.lproj or similar), make some changes to the new file and remove the original file
deploy the application on the device
What I noticed that very often (always?) the application will still use the old non-localized file. The reason is that apparently the file is still in somewhere the application bundle, even though it has been removed from the project. iOS's logic is that if a file of a specific type is looked up, it first checks in the root of the bundle for the non-localized version, and only if it doesn't find it does it go deeper into the localized folders. (Is it just me, or is this logic kind of backwards? I'm used to first looking for language specific file, and then falling back to some defaults, but it might be my Java background.)
Sometimes (always?) removing the app from the device completely doesn't help either. What does in this case is a CMD+SHIFT+K, which cleans the build folder, and after the app is built and deployed again, the correct file is used.
A worse problem would be if such a thing leads to an app crash, like some strange issues with Nibs or whatever - I have seen those as well...
The question is: what would happen if the first version of my app in the apple store had the non-localized file, and the second version localized it? When the user upgrades the app, would they get the same behavior as me during development (i.e. outdated, non-localized file used)?
I can't imagine because I think this would be a cause of a lot of grieving and bug requests, but I can't tell for sure as I haven't yet published any iOS app.
If the behavior is correct when upgrading from the store, why is it? What is so different? Are the files stored locally on my computer somewhere and used when I deploy?
Can anybody share their experiences?

Error Starting MyApplication: Can't find entry point

I was successfully created a signed Blackberry app. I have ever deployed it and succeed. But i wonder why somehow, when now i debug it, the app won't run and said,
Error Starting `MyApplication`: Can't find entry point
During debugging, my project doesn't show any errors, packaging works well. As far as i remember, i do not perform any significant changes on my code nor on the project description and properties, before i got this error. Anyone here ever faced the same problem?
For your info, my project has only one main method and uses SMS listener thread inside UiApplication class. I get this error both on real device and simulator. I was trying to completely uninstall the app, but coincidentally it cannot be deleted because delete menu doesn't appear.
First of all, make sure that the main method is in a publicly accessible Class, and add a breakpoint to the first line inside the method, to check that the application isn't throwing an exception and dying on your. Also try putting the whole main method into a try/catch with exception logging to get a look at what might/might not be going on.
Secondly, it is possible that the device/simulator being used just needs the previous version of the application deleting. Go to the settings and navigate to the third party installed apps, and make sure yours is removed. A reboot is required (battery pull). On simulator, navigate to the bin/simulator folder in your SDK directory and run the cleanup.bat file to reset the simulator. Then try again. You say that the delete menu doesn't appear, I assume this is on the Third party Installs screen?
A third option is to go into your application descriptor xml file, and check that there is a visible entry point, and that everything is correctly filled in.
Also try doing a refresh and clean build, and checking that all the files are correctly compiling (is there a class file created correctly in your bin folder? And has the distribution folder correctly populated with the cod/jad files for distribution?)
Another option is to re-import the project into your IDE to force the IDE to regenerate some files, and to try loading another project onto the device. If that works an option could be to copy your class files etc over to the new project.
Some of the above are a hassle, but welcome to BlackBerry development!
