I have the following routes
match 'tracks/:id/entire_graph'=> "tracks#entire_graph", :as => "entire_graph"
match 'tracks/:id/entire_graph/:rid'=> "tracks#entire_graph", :as => "entire_graph2"
match 'tracks/:id/:rid' => "tracks#blahh", :as => "refer_your_friends"
resources :tracks
match '/auth/:provider/callback' => 'authentications#create'
match '/auth/failure' => 'authentications#failure'
match '/tracks/:id/:rid/facebookpost' => 'tracks#facebook_post', :as => "facebook_post_track"
match '/tracks/:id/:rid/twitterpost' => 'tracks#twitter_post', :as => "twitter_post_track"
resources :authentications
My problem is regarding the 'tracks/:id/:rid' route.
I am trying to call it like this: 'tracks/9/15'
I get a value for params[:id], but params[:rid] = nil, and I cannot figure out why.
I have the following two routes in my Rails app:
match '/users/:username' => 'users#show', :via => :get, :as => :user
match '/users(/:filter)' => 'users#index', :via => :get, :as => :users
This is so that I can have routes like:
Where the first is a user, and the second is a filter.
However the routing in Rails will always hit the first route, because it doesn't know the difference between :username and :filter.
For posts I avoid this problem by doing:
match '/posts/:id' => 'posts#show', :via => :get, :as => :post, :id => /[0-9]/
But this only works because posts are always integers. For example: /posts/21
How can I apply a constraint to my user routes so that they don't trip over each other and without having to add a prefix to either of them.
I've tried this approach (based on the link provided by #Mario
match '/users/:username' => 'users#show', :via => :get, :as => :user, :constraints => lambda { |request| User.usernames.include?(request.params[:username]) }
and in my User model:
def self.usernames
I have an strange issue in my routes file.
This is the part that I need to understand
This routes doesn't work
# V3
# V3 - Home Page
match '/:locale' => 'v3/home#index', :constraints => V3Constraint, :as => :home
# V3 - Search
match '(/:locale)/products/search' => 'v3/products#search', :constraints => V3Constraint
# V3 - Categories index
match '(/:locale)/categories/(:parent_category((/*path)/:category))/(:full)' => 'v3/products#index', :constraints => V3Constraint, :as => :category
# V3 - Prduct Page
match '/:locale/products/:product' => 'v3/products#show', :constraints => V3Constraint, :as => :product
match '(/:locale)/search_amazon' => 'v3/products#search_amazon', :constraints => V3Constraint
# EOF V3
But this work
#V3 - Search
match '(/:locale)/products/search' => 'v3/products#search', :constraints => V3Constraint
# V3 - Categories index
match '(/:locale)/categories/(:parent_category((/*path)/:category))/(:full)' => 'v3/products#index', :constraints => V3Constraint, :as => :category
# V3 - Product Page
match '/:locale/products/:product' => 'v3/products#show', :constraints => V3Constraint, :as => :product
match '(/:locale)/search_amazon' => 'v3/products#search_amazon', :constraints => V3Constraint
# V3 - Home Page
match '/:locale' => 'v3/home#index', :constraints => V3Constraint, :as => :home
If I made the Home Page route have less priority than the others it works, but if it was on the top like the other
this route:
match '(/:locale)/search_amazon' => 'v3/products#search_amazon', :constraints => V3Constraint
will be leading to the home page.
Can any please explain why this is has to happen ?
Having a route like this <yourdomain>/search_amazon will match the first one of these two routes
match '(/:locale)/search_amazon' => 'v3/products#search_amazon', :constraints => V3Constraint
In this case, it will match because locale is optional here.
match '/:locale' => 'v3/home#index', :constraints => V3Constraint, :as => :home
While here it will match making search_amazon as the value for locale.
I have this code in routes.rb.
scope ":locale", :locale => /es/ do
match "inicio" => "home#index", :as => "home"
match "acerca-de" => "about#index", :as => "about"
match "servicios" => "services#index", :as => "services"
match "blog" => "blog#index", :as => "blog"
match "contacto" => "contact#index", :as => "contact"
scope ":locale", :locale => /en/ do
match "home" => "home#index", :as => "home"
match "about" => "about#index", :as => "about"
match "services" => "services#index", :as => "services"
match "blog" => "blog#index", :as => "blog"
match "contact" => "contact#index", :as => "contact"
What I'm trying to do is have a route like /es/acerca-de and /en/about which use the same controller and have the same url_path() so when I'm at spanish language the about_path() sends you to /en/about but when I'm at english language the about_path() sends you to /es/acerca-de.
I the answer was practically in the ruby on rails guides...
This is the code in routes.rb
scope ":locale", :locale => /es|en/ do
match "inicio" => "home#index", :as => "home"
match "acerca-de" => "about#index", :as => "about"
match "servicios" => "services#index", :as => "services"
match "blog" => "blog#index", :as => "blog"
match "contacto" => "contact#index", :as => "contact"
and added this in application_controller
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def set_locale
I18n.locale = params[:locale] || I18n.default_locale
I started using custom routes w/Devise so that I could have my 'Sign In' and 'Sign Up' routes go to the same page. However, as soon as I followed the instruction from Devise about custom routes, it seems that every route now has to be explicitly specified. This has now broken my reset password links since that portion is handled by Devise.
What am I doing wrong here? You can see below that I've had to spell out everything for my User and UserSessions model. Shouldn't I only have to specify the ones I want to change?
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :sessions => "user_sessions" ,:registrations=>"users"},:skip => [:sessions] do
get 'users/sign_in' => 'user_sessions#new', :as => :new_user_session
get 'users/sign_up' => 'user_sessions#new', :as => :new_user_session
post 'users/sign_in' => 'user_sessions#create', :as => :user_session
post 'user_sessions' => 'user_sessions#create', :as => :app_sign_in
delete 'users/sign_out' => 'user_sessions#destroy', :as => :destroy_user_session
get 'users/sign_out' => 'user_sessions#destroy', :as => :destroy_user_session
post 'users/:id' => 'users#update', :as =>:update_user
get 'users' => 'users#index'
get 'users/:id/edit' => 'users#edit', :as => :edit_user
get 'users/:id' => 'users#show', :as => :show_user
delete 'users/:id' => 'users#destroy', :as => :destroy_user
Can you just use, not sure if this will work for you
devise_for :users
devise_for :users do
get '/users/sign_out' => 'devise/sessions#destroy'
Rails 3.0.9 with haml gem & Ruby 1.9.2-head with rvm
I have order resource.
Fragment of routes.rb file
resources :orders
The call link_to helper with instance of the Order model return /order.2 instead of /orders/2.
Fragment of order_controller.rb and index.html.haml
- #orders.each do |item|
%li= link_to item.id, item #=> 2 instead of 2
def index
#orders = Order.all
What I do wrong?
I also have another resources but they work fine.
Listing of my routes.rb file
YetApp::Application.routes.draw do
resources :categories, :products, :images, :orders, :small_images
match "/order", :to => "orders#new", :as=> 'order'
match "/success/:id", :to => "orders#success", :as=> 'order'
#namespace :signed do
# resources :products, :images, :categories
root :to => 'pages#home'
match '/signed', :to => 'pages#signed', :as => 'signed'
match '/cooperation', :to => 'pages#cooperation', :as => 'cooperation'
match '/payment', :to => 'pages#payment', :as => 'payment'
match '/offer', :to => 'pages#offer', :as => 'offer'
match '/order', :to => 'pages#order', :as => 'order'
I think you should remove the
match '/order', :to => ...
from your routes file.