how to get bytes loaded to server using rails paperclip gem? - ruby-on-rails

i am using paperclip gem to upload images on the server side, i need to get updated with the bytes loaded on server through the upload process.
my aim is to update the progress bar accordingly. how do I do this?

You can only do this by using a Flash-based uploading tool which has direct access to the file and the upload stream. Just integrate it with Paperclip (and there are a ton of examples on google showing how to)
I would recommend one of these:


Rails: receive and send images

I'm writing rails application. My task is to show data from old java application. One of the objects has images attached, I have to display these images and allow user to add new ones.
I want to know what is the best way to let user uploading images to old app.
Old app has http post method for adding images with params: multipart file, md5 hash of the image and object id.
I tried using paperclip or carrierwave but their documentation is about saving uploaded images and I just want to transfer them somewhere else and not save anything.
there are few ways to communicate with java from ruby.
REST API - expose Java functionalities through endpoints. then use an HTTP client.
Remote Procedure Call - Apache Thrift
JRuby - embedded java programme into Ruby
however, I think maybe you can just proxy the Java API without going through the rails application.

Is it possible to upload directly without touching my server?

Is it possible to use carrier wave to upload directly to amazon's S3 without using my server?
What i mean is, I don't want the images first going to my ec2 instance, and then uploaded to s3. I believe there is a way to upload directly to S3 to save my server's resources from having to process/stream the file.
I am just looking into carierwave, does it support nice html5 uploads where the user can just drag and drop the file on the web page?
If you want to upload directly to S3 from the browser you must do it with Javascript.
Heroku provides a nice tutorial :
Once uploaded, you can pass the finale S3 public URL of the image in a hidden field and download it server-side with carrierwave for further manipulation (resizing, ...)

Is it possible to send file through actioncable ? If possible, how?

I already implemented the chat function using actioncable but don't know how to send file through it or is it even possible or not.
I am trying to make chat application where user can upload file in chatroom other users can see that immediately without reloading the page as actioncable offers.
It's possible to upload files using websockets. (File upload using java websocket API and Javascript)
But through ActionCable that's not possible at the moment. As ActionCable wraps the Websocket in Javascript this is also going to be "hacky" to patch this in, so I would wait for a new release and write an issue on the rails repo instead.
So for your chat app you still need to use a normal form submit to upload a file. If you want it to happen asynchronously you can use my "patched" version of jquery-ujs which allows sending files with the "data-remote=true" flag.
It's possible by transforming your file into a base64 data url on the client via some js then to send this url thru actioncable to the server who's gonna broadcast just a base64 data url.
I have test it with image, audio and video files. Not with pdf or txt but it should work. For big file like a video it's instable.
It's just experimental.
VoilĂ .

How to speed up image uploading carrierwave and Rails4

I am working with Rails4 and carrierwave, uploading the images and files to S3. But it's taking much time and very slow. How to handle this situation to speed up the server speed!!!
How to handle this using Background Jobs and Handle request from lot of users.
Also getting images is very slow into my application!!!
Can you suggest me how to achieve Rails severe works fast while uploading files?
You might consider uploading directly from the client to S3 via Ajax. This would nearly completely take your server out of the mix.
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP)
This is a well documented concept elsewhere online.
Amazon S3 now has notifications for newly created objects.
You could drop the upload notifications into an Amazon SQS queue. You could then use a gem like Fog to create a background worker to pull events off the queue to create or update records in the database to reflect the newly completed upload.
Regardless of the solution, if you're uploading big files, it's likely your local network's upload speed that is the bottleneck.

Carrier Wave gem and Heroku

I read here that Heroku doesn't allow you to store photos on their server and that people use CarrierWave gem with Amazon to store photos. However, I just watched Ryan Bate's Carrier Wave RailsCasts and he also mentions how CarrierWave has a remote url option whereby it will, in his words, "download" the photo from a URL and display it on your site. Does this mean that it stays on the remote server and just gets presented by CarrierWave on the Heroku site? I assume Carrier Wave's not somehow attempting to transfer the image at the url to the new server?
Might be a stupid question but I don't know a lot about servers (or anything :)))
the remote url option for CarrierWave gives the user a different way of providing the picture to your server: instead of uploading the picture file directly, the user may give a URL where the picture is (say, on a Flickr account, or something). When this is provided to the application using CarrierWave, the picture is downloaded from the third-party location (given by the url) to the application server -- just as if the user had uploaded it directly -- and then stored to Amazon's S3.
