App get blank Screen on ipod - ios

When I run my app on iPod 4G, it only shows a blank screen. Here is the log:
[Switching to thread 11779]
[Switching to thread 11779]
Re-enabling shared library breakpoint 1
objc[1014]: Class OutgoingMessage is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Message.framework/Message and /var/mobile/Applications/2930A145-7E61-4083-B893-FDBAE148FEF7/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[1014]: Class Message is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MIME.framework/MIME and /var/mobile/Applications/2930A145-7E61-4083-B893-FDBAE148FEF7/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Watchdog has expired. Remote device was disconnected? Debugging session terminated.
Watchdog has expired. Remote device was disconnected? Debugging session terminated.
The Debugger has exited due to signal 15 (SIGTERM).The Debugger has exited due to signal 15 (SIGTERM).
Can anyone help me to solve this? This is working on iPhone 4, iPhone 3gs, and iPad1.

Try running a sample code to see if this is a problem with your code or your device. If the problem is your code, try incrementally commenting out stuff from didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
Also watch out for classes (like MFMailComposeViewController) where you have to check for its capabilities (like canSendMail) before using them


debugserver died with an exit status of 0x00000000

I was running an app on Xcode with the iPhone 6 stimulator using the latest iOS 10. And after some time the app crashed with the following message:
debugserver died with an exit status of 0x00000000
Here is the screenshot of that crash message:
I ran the code at 7:56 PM and it crashed 9 minutes later. So does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Is this an indication that the app might crash when it goes to the background or anything else?
To give you further insides of it why it happens there are several reasons:
The debugserver crashed or was terminated by another process
More likely the debugserver had a memory or CPU usage peak which invoked termination.
To fix this, update your version and see for updates or wait for next patches, releases from apple.
Also check for specific processes that use up a lot memory or CPU usage below (e.g. Chrome / Firefox) terminate them and observe it happen more frequent or not at all anymore.
I think that's all what you can do on YOUR side. I hope that brings a bit more clarity where the problem lies.

iPhone 6S/iOS 9.1 : Can't find crash log with code 0xdeadfa11

I just discovered it is possible to force quit a frozen application on iOS.
According to the Technical Note TN2151 I should get a crash log on my device with code 0xdeadfa11 but I have no such crashlog.
The exception code 0xdeadfa11 indicated that an application has been force quit by the user. Force quits occur when the user first holds down the On/Off button until "slide to power off" appears, then holds down the Home button. It's reasonable to assume that the user has done this because the application has become unresponsive, but it's not guaranteed - force quit will work on any application.
Note: Terminating a suspended app by removing it from the multitasking tray does not generate a crash report. Once an app has suspended, it is eligible for termination by iOS at any time, so no crash report will be generated.
Is it an apple bug or are there some additional steps I am missing ?
If I check the device console after the force quit I see this log :
ReportCrash[2074] : Stackshot code 0xdeadfa11 not tasked,
Seems that for whatever reason iOS decides not to generate deadfall crash report.
I tried to generate force quit on three devices:
1)iPad 3 (iOS 8)
2)iPad Air (iOS 9.2)
3)iPhone 5 (iOS 9.2.1)
When I tried to generate crash on all three devices via xcode while debugging, no crash log was generate instead I got the following error message:
Message from debugger: Terminated due to signal 9
which I think similar to your message:
Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
and when I tried to generate crash without debugging and seeing log via device logs then I found:
1)For iPad 3 (iOS 8): Crash log was generated, screenshot attached.
2)For iPad Air (iOS 9.2): Crash log was not generated.
3)For iPhone 5 (iOS 9.2.1): Crash log was not generated.
As per my understanding, when you try to generate force quit via xcode while debugging, it does not get generated and for case try to generate crash while without debugging directly in your device then it might be os (iOS 9) specific reason.
P.S: And Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 is generated due to memory issues, and high CPU consumption tasks.
Hope this might help you further.
The Apple note says that Terminating a suspended app by removing it from the multitasking tray does NOT generate a crash report. I don't think you will have a log.

App crashes on some device with Application exited abnormally with signal 11: Segmentation fault: 11

I'm working on an iOS app and it load images from an URL like this image it is working perfectly on all the test devices in my office(and on simulator as well). but client said that the app is crashing whenever any image comes, everything else working as expected.
Now the question is if there is any problem than how it is working on my side? Is there any way(any app or anything) by using them client can send crash report to me so i can check?
Note:- we are testing on the same iOS version(7.x)
EDIT:- Some how they get the log and send to me from that i got
May 20 22:48:47 iPhone-5S[1] (UIKitApplication:com.Ba-cha[0xfbd1][287]) <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:com.Ba-cha[0xfbd1]) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
May 20 22:48:47 iPhone-5S backboardd[31] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.Ba-cha[0xfbd1]' exited abnormally with signal 11: Segmentation fault: 11
I searched for the same and tried NSZombieEnabled but in my device (iPhone 4 and iPhone5) it is working perfectly no log? And now the question is How can i reproduce the issue on my device?
This is hit and try solution(at least worked for me):- My app Was worked fine on iPhone4 and 5(32 bit) but crash on iPhone 5s i.e. 64 bit processor. From some research on stackoverflow and Apple official i come to know perhaps there may be some problem in conversion between NSInteger to int. so i use NSInteger every where instead int.
Also i'v to remove armv64 from my project and set NO for "Build Active Architecture Only" (debug and release)
That did the trick for me, I didn't really need any 64bit specific functionality on my app so I took it out. I know this is a hack and not a good solution but at least it works.
As Adam suggested, iTunes would work but it may be better to save your client the chore...
You could alternatively send them a new version of the app using something like HockeyApp or TestFlight (free) integrated, allowing you to automatically receive the crash logs as well as the wide range of other useful tools they provide such as easier installation by the client.
They can load Xcode, and connect the device. Device logs can be viewed in the Organizer window. Crashes are marked as such. The log text can be cut and pasted or the export button can just save the whole thing as text.
Crashlytics offers software and service to upload crash logs.
It is possible to build up the information that appears in a crash log, but you will need unix signal handlers, various exceptions handlers, and a server to upload to.
Segmentation fault 11 means memory allocation issue. You possibly have made a coding issue like: using weak/assign, instead strong on NSObject

The program 'Mono' has exited with code 0 (0x0) when debugging iOS from VS

I have a problem that when I try to debug my iOS app with VS2013 (with Xamarin) I get the following error:
The program 'Mono' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
I am aware of the following answer. Cleaning the solution does solve the problem but then the next time I debug I need to do it again...
Would really appreciate if someone has a long term solution.
Is it crashing during launch? You've only got 10 seconds to launch and complete the FinishLaunching method in the AppDelegate, otherwise iOS terminates the app. This restriction doesn't apply in the simulator. If you've got a breakpoint in code that is running in this 10 second window, there's a very high likelihood that the app will be terminated unless you're very quick to continue.
I've also found that having breakpoints set anywhere in the app can add a few seconds to the launch time while the debugger hooks everything up. If your app is big or uses a framework like MvvmCross (which can take several seconds to initialise), you can be in a position where every millisecond helps.
If you can, let the app launch, then set any breakpoints. But if you're trying to debug your startup code, that's far from easy.
If you are using the Visual Studio Android Emulator: have you tried check "Migrate to a physical computer with a different processor version" in Hyper-V?
I got this trick from here Fix for Could Not Connect To Debugger

iOS app runs in simulator, ad-hoc distribution crash on launch

My iOS app runs correctly in the simulator and debugging device but when running on an ad-hoc allocated device, the app crashes and according to the app called "console" the app crashes with signal 9, killed 9 and also the app is killed with for termination assertion. I'm lost at this point as what to do. Let me know if you need more information.
Here's the link to the code:
Besides the other answers, which are good suggestions, a common root cause of this problem is that the Debug configuration can sometimes mask dangling pointer memory bugs. Do the following:
Run the app in the simulator with release configuration. If it crashes. . .
Use log statements and reruns to narrow in on the cause (debugger won't be available).
