Ruby On Rails deploy in Amazon Web Services - General - ruby-on-rails

I am planning to deploy an application on AWS. It is an application that exposes some REST/Json webservices.
It has a CMS UI created used active_admin.
Can I deploy that system in AWS? Or it is intended to be used only to deploy webservices systems?

In addition to Joe's answer, EC2 gives you a virtual server. You can log on the the virtual computer with ssh and install any software you need.
You don't even have to run a web server - if you wanted to run a program to process information (ie, render computer graphics images), you could do that as well.

I think what you are looking for is Amazon EC2 (which is part of AWS). You can setup a small instance pretty quickly and that should let you deploy your rails application.


Can I keep my database on my local network but deploy my rails app on a hosting service?

I have a rails application that is currently hosted on Heroku. It is used on our local network only, and my boss does not want a 3rd party hosting our data. I convinced IT to set me up a virtual windows server to deploy my app on. However, it has been very difficult to set up for production.
Is there anyway that I can use a hosting service for my application, but have the database reside on our local network?
Or is there an easier way to deploy a rails app on a windows server? I have been looking into using the Linux Subsystem for Windows.
If your app is used on your local network only, why not ditch Heroku and host your Rails app locally as well? What benefit is a scalable cloud hosting provider giving you? Especially since it seems your boss has security concerns about remote hosting of a database. Bringing the entire thing in house may be the best solution.
Simple answer is yes you can, but why would you. It's simpler to run your application locally than connecting your remote app to a local database.
Your best bet is to use a Linux virtual machine instead of Windows, usually there is to much hassle to get rails application to work on windows, especially compiling native gems.
I suggest that you get a CentOS VM, and install Nginx with passenger gem using rbenv or rvm.
Digital Ocean has a nice guide that explains this process in details:
How To Deploy Rails Apps Using Passenger With Nginx on CentOS 6.5

Rails: How to "publish" a website

So, I am almost done with my website. I created it using ruby on rails on the Cloud9 IDE. Is there a way to publish it? To go on it, a user has to be signed on Cloud9 and then I need to run the code on the terminal...
rails server -b $IP -p $PORT
How would I be able to publish my website? I am very new to rails and I have no idea.
To publish your website you need to host it somewhere.
There are multiple ways to do this. For instance you can use Heroku. They provide PaaS (Platform as a service), which means they will handle the installation of the app for you and the maintenance of the virtual machine it resides (updates and whatnot).
Heroku also gives you a very nice admin view for the status of your app, online log display and some other goodies.
Another alternative would be Amazon Web Services, DigitalOcean or Linode (among many others!). They provide IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service). They only give you a virtual machine with your choice of operating system, you will have to manually publish your app and provide manual maintenance of the VM and pretty much anything including the database itself.
Using Heroku would be your best choice for the moment as they are very straightforward with the publishing part. Once you get the grip you can go to the other platforms for customization.
You will also need some deployment tools such as capistrano or mina.
If you're going to host your app in heroku, it's much easier to deploy. As simple as pushing your codes with git.

How to deploy a rails application on Windows PC (windows 7 / windows 8)?

I have built a rails app which is used as a standalone enterprise application. The application needs to run on Windows desktops (entire user base runs Windows machines). I am able to run it quite successfully on an Ubuntu machine but it's not something customers will prefer to run.
Since deploying on a windows machine is quite messy AFAIK. I would like deploy it on Windows using a virtual machine (VirtualBox).
Requirements would be -
Application installation on Windows 7 / Windows 8.
User should be able to access rails server by browser running on his/her system via localhost or any other IP address.
Application should auto-start when user reboots the machine.
Ideally user should be able to download and install the software on his/her machine by himself/herself.
I am working to make this work but would like to know the feasibility of this solution. Would like to if I am getting the concepts wrongs or if there is something which is simply not possible or is not making any sense.
Take a look at Vagrant, which is a highly scriptable VM host. You can then generate batch files to automatically start the VM on boot.
To deploy new code, you'll just want to provide them with a new VM image they can copy into your app directory.
That said, I agree with other comments that this might not be the right platform for your use case. The main reason for building web apps is so that many clients can use your app over the web using just one set of servers. Deploying a web server to each client seems like it's defeating that advantage.

How to create a VM that mirrors the RoR production version

I am working on an open source project and there is an issue where an upload error only seems to occur on the production side that is running apache and unicorn.
Due to privacy issues and risks, I am unable to mess around in the actual production side (such as creating a temp id for myself with various privileges.
Is there anyway that I can quickly create a VM with such setup in my own computer that would mirror the live site?
The site is running in RoR 4, latest unicorn, and latest stable version of apache.
There are a couple of ways you can be able to accomplish this. You can use vagrant and also with the rising popularity of Docker containers, you can easily model production environment on your computer. Since you indicated a faster way to get the VM up and running, I would recommend using Its amazing and it saves you a lot of time. According to their webiste -
Fast and easy Ruby on Rails virtual machines. Streamline your
development workflow in no time by creating production-like virtual
machine with your development environment. Try this extremely simple
to use VM configuration tool to create new Ruby on Rails server using
vagrant and ansible.
The app helps you setup a VM with ease.

Amazon web service as Rails hosting, possible?

Is it possible to use Amazon web service to host a Rails application?
Yes, you should be able to set that up in several different ways on AWS.
Since you can configure an EC-2 instance much like a dedicated server, you can install any software you want and configure it to your needs.
There are some nice ruby tools here:
Also 37 signals is on AWS -
I recommend a simple Amazon Linux AMI Micro instance EBS backed to get started on the free tier.
This more of an Updated Answer.
You can use Elastic BeanStalk for Ruby deployment using Passenger. Checkout the links AWS Elastic Beanstalk Runs Ruby and Integrates with Amazon VPC and AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Ruby Support and VPC Integration
As Tom mentioned, a simple EBS AMI should be enough to get started. At BitNami we have created Ruby on Rails AMIs and make them available for free We also offer a hosting service on top of Amazon that you can combine with the AWS free tier service to basically get free server for 1 year (618Mb RAM, 30gb) which is more than enough for development and light hosting.
