How to add function definition in Lua without requiring that a file be loaded? - lua

I am using the C Fuzzy API and I want to load function module contained in a file lets say mycalculator.lua. This seem to run fine however when I later try to run another file A.lua that requires 'mycalculator' it does not work unless the mycalculator.lua file is available on the file system to reload. I am trying to just load it into the system and then have it available without having the mycalculator.lua in the file system. It there any way to have lua system keep the definition without loading it again? Basically I convert the mycalculator.lua into a string and then run it. I don't want to put mycalculator.lua file into the file system, I just want to hand it over as a string and then be able to require it in the next string I pass to the stack Thanks

There is a difference between simply executing a Lua script and loading a Lua module. If you wish to load a Lua module, then you must actually load a Lua module exactly as a script would: by calling require.
Since you appear to be new to Lua, I should probably explain this. You've probably seen code like this in Lua scripts:
require 'mycalculator'
That is not some special statement to Lua. That is a function call. It is just some syntactic sugar for:
Functions in Lua can be called with NAME VALUE syntax instead of NAME(...) syntax, but it only allows you to send one parameter. And the parameter must be a literal (or table constructor).
In order to call the Lua require function from C, you must use the Lua stack. You must fetch the function from the global table by using lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "require"); Then, you push a string onto the stack containing the name of the module to load. Then, you use lua_pcall or whatever Lua function calling function to call it.


Call into Lua from TI-BASIC

I have an nspire calculator and after writing a hash table implementation, found the BASIC environment to be a pretty offensive programming environment. Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, it's impossible to use Lua to write libraries.
I did see that somewhere in the Lua interface you can detect variable changes so it might be possible within a file to use Lua functions, but I fear it will go out of scope if used externally.
Is there a better way to do this?
It's not impossible to write Lua libraries for a TI-Nspire. You can put the libraries code into a string, store it as a variable in TI-Basic and put the file in the MyLibs folder. Then, when you want to load your library, do loadstring(var.recall("libfilename/programstring"))(). This will load the library's code as a string from that files, compile it (using loadstring), and execute it (practicaly the same as require).
Also, about getting from controlling a Lua script using TI-Basic, depending on what you want to do, you could use math.eval("<some TI-Basic code>"). This will execute the code in TI-Basic, and return the result as a Lua value (or string). This way, you can call a TI-Basic function every once in a while, and act according to its output.

How to call a function from moonscript in lua?

I've got a moon script code like this:
hello = (name) ->
print "Hello #{name}!"
And i want to use it in my lua code using moonscript.loadfile
how should i do something like that?
MoonScript code compiles to Lua, so the function you've written is actually a Lua function when it's being executed.
There are a few ways to get access to it in Lua:
Compile the file ahead of time using the moonc command line tool. This will give you a a .lua file that you can load as you would any other Lua file.
Load the file using one of the MoonScript loader function. moonscript.loadfile is a lower level function, and I don't recommend using it unless that's what you specifically need. The easiest way is to call require "moonscript" in your program, then Lua's require function is augmented to be able to load MoonScript files directly. There's more information on the Compiler API reference page.
Keep in mind that if you have function in another file, you need to export them as part of the module. You do this by having a return value for the module. The typically pattern is to return a table that contains all the function you would want to use. In MoonScript, the last line in a file is automatically converted into a return statement. Assignment is no coerced into a return though, so I recommend structuring your module like this:
hello = (name) ->
print "Hello #{name}!"

retrieving the module object on Lua

I have a C program that uses Lua to run some scripts. I need to open the Lua libraries via C code like luaopen_socket_core(myLuaState), for some reasons I can't load the modules from the Lua code, like socket = require "luasocket".
Once understood the idea of this program now I need to load a library called struct, so I added the struct.c to my project, and when I tried to use its functions like struct.unpack the runtimer complains that there is no global variable called struct. Of course it was loaded with luaopen_struct(myLuaState) instead of struct = require "struct" which is forbidden for me.
Any suggestion about an way of having this struct variable available?
Take a look at luaL_requiref in the auxiliary library, which mimics require called from Lua.
You probably called the open-function directly and forgot to set those variables manually, that function would do it all for you.

Storing scripts

I'm implementing Lua scripting engine in my c++ game engine and I was wondering what is the best way to store and execute Lua scripts. I have many scene nodes where each of them could have it's own script assigned. Is calling lauL_dofile(...) every frame for that specific script a viable option, or is there a better way? For example, is there a way to store already parsed scripts? I was looking at luaL_loadfile and lua_pcall. I thought I would load scripts with first one, and call them with second one when I need, but lua_pcall doesn't seem to have an unique id as a parameter, so how should I know which script to execute?
If you're going to use the Lua API, you need to become comfortable with the Lua stack. And one of the most important things you can learn to do is understanding how to read the Lua API docs. For every function, there is a notation on the right about exactly how it affects the stack (if it modifies the stack at all).
luaL_loadfile loads a file and pushes that file as a Lua function onto the stack. lua_pcall executes a function on the stack. But it has a number of caveats about how it does stuff.
The way calling functions through Lua works in terms of the stack is simple. You push the function you want to call. Then you push all of the arguments, in order, from first to last. Then you issue your call of that function. lua_pcall works in this way. This means that the location of the function to execute is always nargs + 1, relative to the top of the stack, where nargs is the number of arguments you're passing to the function.
Note that lua_pcall will pop the function from the stack (along with all of the arguments). If you just loaded the file, this will be the only reference to that function in Lua. Thus, you will not be able to execute the file again. You should duplicate the function before pushing its arguments onto the stack, using lua_pushvalue to copy it. You should probably stick it in the LUA_REGISTRYINDEX table or something, so that it's value is preserved.
As I commented, you usually call luaL_loadfile at initialization time. The loaded files usually define some [global] names (or fill some slots in some global table) as Lua functions. The lua 5.2 documentation gives an example (ยง4 lua_call) of how to call one of them. You'll do such calls (perhaps using lua_pcall or lua_call) at appropriate places of your application, by pushing appropriate things on the Lua stack.

Placeholder evaluation of lua code

I have an application that uses lua files for some of its more obscure configuration options. As such it mostly contains calls into the app to create things and alter properties; most C functions don't have a return value but some do.
I now have a need to read these same configuration files into a different application, and perform significantly different things when the functions are called (so I can't use common code). In addition, I'm only interested in a subset of the possible functions, and I think I can get away with by default ignoring (and/or returning nil) any other function call.
So I'm wondering what the best approach is here. How (from a C++ app), can I load and execute a lua script such that expressions etc are evaluated as normal but I can intercept and process certain app-defined C functions while simply ignoring (returning nil if required) calls to any other C functions?
(Note: I do have access to the vocabulary of the original app, which mostly uses luabind; I could just use the same definitions and change the implementation, but that's too fragile since the original app can have more functions added to it later. I would like something more generic.)
The goal is to get a bit of C code which I can use as a generic placeholder; the end result being "anything that's defined (standard library routines, functions defined in Lua, and C functions explicitly registered), call it as normal; for anything else, call one specific routine that simply does nothing, instead of raising an error". And preferably something compatible with luabind.
The whole process is initiated by a bit of C code that sets up the Lua environment, loads a set of files, calls one function, and then destroys the environment. There won't be anything ongoing.
Set a __call metamethod for nil:
debug.setmetatable(nil, { __call=function () end })
The _index metamethod for _G or other tables does not work because the name is resolved before the call.
(You don't need to use the debug API or library if you're setting this from C.)
How about using setfenv and a metatable? You can replace global environment table of certain function with an empty table. And then, set the placeholder function to ignore C-defined function.
local env = {} -- empty environment
local metatbl = {}
function metatbl.__index (tbl, key) -- provides placeholder function
return function()
print(key .. " called")
setmetatable(env, metatbl)
function samplefunc() -- your Lua code goes here
globalfunction "xyz" -- calls placeholder function
setfenv(samplefunc, env)
If you want to use build-in function such as print, you can push it into env talbe like:
local env = {print = print}
If you have some way of differentiating the C functions from the ordinary Lua functions in your script, you can iterate over all functions defined in your Lua system, and for each C function that isn't on the list of functions you care about, replace that function's implementation with a simple nil-returning one. This is really easy if all the c-binding functions are defined tidily together in a table; if they're in _G you have a bit of a job ahead of you. The functions you do care about get bound via luabind as normal.
