SetFoucsOnError in mVC -

I am trying to set focus on the control while error occurs. I am use mvc 2.0. In we have a property SetFoucsOnError but in MVC what is the substitute of it and how to implement ?

Well I did not get this solution. But i got an alternate option which even works :
$().ready(function() {
$("#Form").submit(function() {
$(".input-validation-error").each(function() {

I think the easiest way to do this is to use JavaScript.
The example uses jQuery and assumes controls with invalid data have a css class called input-validation-error:
$(function () {
$('form').submit(function() {
$(this).find('input.input-validation-error, select.input-validation-error')
This will look for all input and select elements with the class input-validation-error, take the first of them and put the focus on it.


Kendo validator not working on text change

I am using kendo controls for my project. I was using jquery validation to validate my controls at client side but as jquery validation is not working for kendo controls so I am using kendo validators to validate the controls.
I am using dataannotation validation with MVC 5 project. Here is sample dojo.
It is working perfect but the validation only appear on focus-out or blur event. Is there any way to validate control on change of value of control like jquery validation?
Here is the complete solution that helped me to resolve this issue:
if ($.validator !== undefined) {
ignore: [],
highlight: function (element, errorClass) {
element = $(element);
var highLightElement;
if (element.parent().hasClass("k-picker-wrap") ||
element.parent().hasClass("k-numeric-wrap")) {
highLightElement = element.parent().parent();
else if (element.parent().hasClass("k-widget")) {
highLightElement = element.parent();
} else if (element.parent().children('.k-upload-empty').length > 0) {
highLightElement = $(element.parent().children('.k-upload-empty')[0]);
} else {
highLightElement = element;
unhighlight: function (element, errorClass) {
element = $(element);
var highLightElement;
if (element.parent().hasClass("k-picker-wrap")
|| element.parent().hasClass("k-numeric-wrap")) {
highLightElement = element.parent().parent();
else if (element.parent().hasClass("k-widget")) {
highLightElement = element.parent();
} else {
highLightElement = element;
You have 2 ways to meat your purpose:
Using jQuery Unobtrusive Validation with KendoUI
As you know the Kendo UI Editor creates a different elements than HTML form elements. Other JavaScript editors work in a similar fashion. The actual HTML is hidden using CSS (display: none;), and therein lies the issue. By default jQuery Validation ignores hidden input fields. There are validation data-* attributes on the form elements, but since it is hidden, when the unobtrusive validation fires, the editor is ignored.
You have 2 ways to solve this issue and perfectly work with both technologies. Read the Making the Kendo UI Editor Work With jQuery Validations and if you have any problem for implementing, please read Kendo UI NumericTextBox With jQuery Validation as an example for NumericTextBox
Then, You may have problem to assign proper CSS class in case of validation. You can read adding jquery validation to kendo ui elements.
Just using KendoUI Validators
You should implement desired event for the validation purpose. Here you need onChange event to work like jQuery Unobtrusive Validation. Use the following code as it describes what to do:
$(document).ready(function () {
function widgetChange() {
//place validation logic
dataTextField: "text",
dataValueField: "value",
dataSource: data,
change: widgetChange
You may want to use both of them! So take a look at .Net Mvc 3 Trigger (other than submit button) Unobtrusive Validation
A dojo for implementing with last solution which added a pattern="\d+" to search input with a validation message. The validation is called by filtering event for the same input. Note that you should use desired event based on UI element, here we used filtering for autocomplete instead of using change for DropDownList.
I recently found a new implementation which is looking good to try and test. That is available at aspnet-mvc getting-started validation

Why do I lose draggable after drag?

I just migrated to backbone and have a strange behaviour.
I attach draggable to an element which is created by a script, thus not directly available in DOM.
The element that is created is .nav, $("#viewer") as container is already in the DOM.
In plain jQuery i used .on and mousemove event for this and it worked.
With backbone I use the same in the initialize method:
initialize: function(options) {
this.viewer = $("#viewer");
this.viewer.on("mousemove", '.nav', function() {
This seems to work, but only one time.
After dragging the element one time, I can't drag it anymore.
Are there conflicts with the events? Am I missing something?
You have to refer to $('#viewer') after you've called render(). initialize is called before render, and so the DOM element doesn't exist.
Also, use this.$('#viewer'), and it will grab the element (after render) even if it hasn't been appended to your page's DOM.
myView = new ExampleView({ model: myModel });
// -------------
// Now on your view:
onRender: function() {
this.viewer = this.$('#viewer');
this.viewer.on("mousemove", '.nav', function() {
You can also, to make such things simpler, customize Backbone to automatically call the onRender() function after rendering, by triggering an event or something.
Marionette.js (a Backbone.js extension) has this built in and I use it all the time.
The solution finally was pretty easy:
make sure you dont use outdated versions of backbone.js and underscore!!
After i updated the versions to latest I made it work with:
render: function() {
this.viewer.on("mouseover", '.nav', function() {
if (!$(this).data("init")) {
$(this).data("init", true);
Probably still not very elegant but i couldnt made the suggested onRender method from dc2 work.

Jquery mobile How to tap the screen to no avail

I tested on the Apple device, and when I click on the screen when there is no effect. This is my code. Click on the events of this writing there are questions?
$(function() {
$('#test').tap(function() {
You need to change few things.
Do not use $(function() { or classic document ready to check for a correct state, they can cause problems with jQuery Mobile. Instead use jQuery Mobile alternative called page events.
Then don't bind tap event like that, use proper modern way of doing that. In your case element must be loaded into the DOM for that kind of binding to work. And because of $(function() { sometimes it can happen that element is still loading when binding is executed. So use it like this:
$(document).on('tap','#test',function() {
This method don't care if element exist or not, it will even work if element is loaded into the DOM after binding process.
Working example:
In the end you want something like this:
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#index', function(){
$(document).on('tap','#test',function() {

onChange event for custom select menu jquery mobile [duplicate]

I have a set of dynamically generated dropdown boxes on my page. basically I clone them using jQuery. now I want to capture the value selected on each dropdown on change event.
I tried something like this which did not work.
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
var v = $(this);
alert($(this + ':selected').val());
How do I get it done?
To get the text of the selected option
$("#your_select :selected").text();
To get the value of the selected option
This is what you need :)
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
For new jQuery use on
$(document).on('change', '._someDropDown', function(e) {
$("#citiesList").change(function() {
alert($("#citiesList option:selected").text());
alert($("#citiesList option:selected").val());
citiesList is id of select tag
Check it Out-->
For getting text
For getting value
You can try:
To get the value of a drop-down (select) element, just use val().
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
If you want to the text of the selected option, using this:
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
alert($('[value=' + $(this).val() + ']', this).text());
try this...
$("#yourdropdownid option:selected").val();
This is actually more efficient and has better readability in my opinion if you want to access your select with this or another variable
In fact if I remember correctly phpStorm will attempt to auto correct the other method.
In case you want the index of the current selected value.
$selIndex = $("select#myselectid").prop('selectedIndex'));
The options discussed above won't work because they are not part of the CSS specification (it is jQuery extension). Having spent 2-3 days digging around for information, I found that the only way to select the Text of the selected option from the drop down is:
{ $("select", id:"Some_ID").find("option[selected='selected']")}
Refer to additional notes below:
Because :selected is a jQuery extension and not part of the CSS specification, queries using :selected cannot take advantage of the performance boost provided by the native DOM querySelectorAll() method. To achieve the best performance when using :selected to select elements, first select the elements using a pure CSS selector, then use .filter(":selected"). (copied from:
You can also use :checked
$("#myselect option:checked").val(); //to get value
or as said in other answers simply
$("#myselect").val(); //to get value
$("#myselect option:checked").text(); //to get text

Bind jQuery UI autocomplete using .live()

I've searched everywhere, but I can't seem to find any help...
I have some textboxes that are created dynamically via JS, so I need to bind all of their classes to an autocomplete. As a result, I need to use the new .live() option.
As an example, to bind all items with a class of .foo now and future created:
$('.foo').live('click', function(){
It takes (and behaves) the same as .bind(). However, I want to bind an autocomplete...
This doesn't work:
$('.foo').live('autocomplete', function(event, ui){
source: 'url.php' // (surpressed other arguments)
How can I use .live() to bind autocomplete?
Figured it out with Framer:
$('.search').live('keyup.autocomplete', function(){
source : 'url.php'
jQuery UI autocomplete function automatically adds the class "ui-autocomplete-input" to the element. I'd recommend live binding the element on focus without the "ui-autocomplete-input"
class to prevent re-binding on every keydown event within that element.
$(".foo:not(.ui-autocomplete-input)").live("focus", function (event) {
My answer is now out of date since jQuery 1.7, see Nathan Strutz's comment for use with the new .on() syntax.
If you are using the jquery.ui.autocomplete.js try this instead
.bind("keydown.autocomplete") or .live("keydown.autocomplete")
if not, use the jquery.ui.autocomplete.js and see if it'll work
If that doesn't apply, I don't know how to help you bro
Just to add, you can use the .livequery plugin for this:
$('.foo').livequery(function() {
// This will fire for each matched element.
// It will also fire for any new elements added to the DOM.
To get autocomplete working when loaded dynamically for the on() event used in jQuery > 1.7, using the syntax Nathan Strutz provides in his comment:
$(document).on('focus', '.my-field:not(.ui-autocomplete-input)', function (e) {
where .my-field is a selector for your autocomplete input element.
.live() does not work with focus.
also keyup.autocmplete does not make any sense.
Instead the thing I have tried and working is this
$('.search').live('keyup' , function()
$(this).autocomplete({ source : 'url.php' });
This works perfectly fine.
You can't. .live() only supports actual JavaScript events, not any custom event. This is a fundamental limitation of how .live() works.
You can try using this:
$('.foo').live('focus.autocomplete', function() {
After reading and testing everyone else's answers I have updated it for the current version of JQuery and made a few tweaks.
The problem with using keydown as the event that calls .autocomplete() is that it fails to autocomplete for that first letter typed. Using focus is the better choice.
Another thing I have noticed is that all of the given solutions result in .autocomplete() being called multiple times. If you are adding an element dynamically to the page that will not be removed again, the event should only be fired once. Even if the item is to be removed and added again, the event should be removed and then added back each time the element is removed or added so that focusing on the field again will not unnecessarily call .autocomplete() every time.
My final code is as follows:
$(document).on('focus.autocomplete', '#myAutocomplete', function(e){
$(document).off('focus.autocomplete', '#myAutocomplete');
autocomplete is not an event rather a function that enables autocomplete functionality for a textbox.
So if you can modify the js that creates the textboxes dynamically to wrap the textbox element in as a jquery object and call autocomplete on that object.
I just noticed you edited your post with this answer. It was obvious to me so I'm posting it below for others. Thank you.
$('.search').live('keyup.autocomplete', function()
$(this).autocomplete({ source : 'url.php' });
This works for me:
$('.item_product').live('focus.autocomplete', function()
$(this).autocomplete("/source.php/", {
width: 550,
matchContains: true,
mustMatch: false,
selectFirst: false,
You can just put the autocomplete inside input live event, like this:
$('#input-element').live('input', function(){
