AutoHotkey extend clipboard - save

as we all experienced one time or more, it sometimes is really annoying to have to replace your clipboard-content with other content (while you only need the other information once or so).
I thought we could solve this problem using autohotkey, but I have no clue how to.
I'm thinking about setting variables in a hotkey, like when you press CtrlC, the old clipboard-content gets stored inside AutoHotkey, and you could retrieve that old content by pressing i.e. AltV, while the normal CtrlV just returns the current value of the clipboard.
Could anyone help me with this please? I don't know how to permanently store values inside AutoHotkey.
I have found the perfect script. I modified it as I wanted it to work. You can now just use Ctrl+C and carry on copying, but if you want to retrieve something, just use AltLeftArrow and it's there! Have fun with it; I know I will. :)
Ctrl+C >> copy
Alt+V >> paste
Alt+Left Arrow >> cycle back
Alt+Right Arrow >> cycle forward
Alt+H >> display this message
global static AddNextNum
global static GetNextNum
global static HighestNum
global static ClipArray
global static ClipArray1
global static ClipArray2
global static ClipArray3
global static ClipArray4
global static ClipArray5
global static ClipArray6
global static ClipArray7
global static ClipArray8
global static ClipArray9
global static ClipArray10
global static ClipArray11
global static ClipArray12
global static ClipArray13
global static ClipArray14
global static ClipArray15
global static ClipArray16
global static ClipArray17
global static ClipArray18
global static ClipArray19
global static ClipArray20
global static ClipArray21
global static ClipArray22
global static ClipArray23
global static ClipArray24
global static ClipArray25
global static ClipArray26
global static ClipArray27
global static ClipArray28
global static ClipArray29
global static ClipArray30
if (action = "save")
if (AddNextNum < 30)
AddNextNum += 1 ;
AddNextNum := 1 ;
if (HighestNum < 30)
HighestNum += 1 ;
GetNextNum := AddNextNum ;
ClipArray%AddNextNum% := Clipboard
else if ((action = "get") OR (action = "roll"))
if (GetNextNum != 0)
if (action = "roll")
Send, ^z
Clipboard := ClipArray%GetNextNum%
if (GetNextNum > 1)
GetNextNum -= 1 ;
GetNextNum := HighestNum
Send, ^v
else if (action = "rollforward")
if (GetNextNum != 0)
Send, ^z
if (GetNextNum < HighestNum)
GetNextNum += 1 ;
GetNextNum := 1
Clipboard := ClipArray%GetNextNum%
Send, ^v
else if (action = "clear")
GetNextNum := 0
AddNextNum := 0
HighestNum := 0
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
MsgBox Extended Clipboard controls: `r`n`r`nCtrl+C >> copy `r`nAlt+V >> paste `r`nAlt+Left Arrow >> cycle back `r`nAlt+Right Arrow >> cycle forward`r`nAlt+H >> display this message
DISCLAIMER: I didn't write this code myself. I just modified it. The original script can be found here.

This is how I solved it. I even store the values in a file, so they stay in "memory" after a reboot....
+#F1:: ; Shift Windows F1
Sleep, 50
Send, ^c
Sleep, 100
M1 = %clipboard%
IniWrite, %M1%, C:\Tmp\Robert.ini, Memory, M1
TrayTip, Copy,Data stored in M1,1,1
#F1:: ; Windows + F1
If M1 =
IniRead, M1, C:\Tmp\Robert.ini, Memory, M1
ClipBoard = %M1%
Send, ^v
TrayTip, Paste,Data pasted from M1,1,1
Then did the same for Windows + F2 ..... Windows + F4
Hope this helps
Oh, b.t.w. this strips all formatting from your data....

I made another variation, kind of starcraft style, where you assign the selected contents to a number using ctrl+number, and access those contents again using the number from the number pad. Figured I'd post it in case you feel like trying it out. For me, it feels easier to access the content I want rather than scrolling through the history. Thanks for bringing this up in a thread. I've thought about this many times and happened to come across this thread which gave me the tools I needed
#SingleInstance force
handleClip(action, num)
global static ClipArray0
global static ClipArray1
global static ClipArray2
global static ClipArray3
global static ClipArray4
global static ClipArray5
global static ClipArray6
global static ClipArray7
global static ClipArray8
global static ClipArray9
if (action = "save")
ClipArray%num% := Clipboard
else if (action = "get")
Clipboard := ClipArray%num%
Send, ^v
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
handleClip("save", 1)
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
handleClip("save", 2)
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
handleClip("save", 3)
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
handleClip("save", 4)
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
handleClip("save", 5)
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
handleClip("save", 6)
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
handleClip("save", 7)
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
handleClip("save", 8)
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
handleClip("save", 9)
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
handleClip("save", 0)
handleClip("get", 1)
handleClip("get", 2)
handleClip("get", 3)
handleClip("get", 4)
handleClip("get", 5)
handleClip("get", 6)
handleClip("get", 7)
handleClip("get", 8)
handleClip("get", 9)
handleClip("get", 0)

Another simple script which does not modify your clipboard at all, but gives you the opportunity to access your last 10 (modifiable: see first line) clipboard text entries. I myself could not live without the following anymore. More than useful for programming.
Works with: sqlite. Needed: sqlite3.dll and class_SQLiteDB.ahk


netmq TryReceiveMultipartMessage() works abnormal

I used the netmq (VisualStudio 2022, by Nuget install netmq) as described.
One SubscriberSocket one thread to connect and receive message from one publisher. source code like below:
public void ZMQReceiveThread(string serverIP, int port)
//Create SubscriberSocket
SubscriberSocket subSocket = new SubscriberSocket();
//Connect to Publisher
subSocket.Connect("tcp://" + serverIP + ":" + port.ToString());
//Subscribe all topics
//set timeout value
int timeout = 10000 * 300; //300ms
TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(timeout);
while (!_isStopEnabled)
NetMQMessage recvMessage = null;
bool bSuccess = subSocket.TryReceiveMultipartMessage(ts, ref recvMessage, 1);
if(bSuccess == true) //Recieve data successfully
//Handle the recvMessage
else //Timeout
//output log message
Loger.Error($"TryReceiveMultipartMessage({ts.TotalMilliseconds} ms) timeout...");
sometimes the subSocket.TryReceiveMultipartMessage() timeout although the publisher sent message continuously (we used another test app written in C language linked libzmq( which can receive the continuous message).
Any comments about this topic?
thanks a lot in advance.
I looked through the netmq source code( but cannot find any clues about TryReceiveMultipartMessage()

Dart: dart.exe consumes all memory

I'm learning Dart and when I run dart project, I'm facing this issue, it make my project unable to run. How can I fix it
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
String checkNum = oddOrEvenNum(12);
print('checkNum hahahahah');
String oddOrEvenNum(int number) {
if (number < 10)
return 'Odd degit';
else {
int degitNum = 0;
do {
number ~/= 10;
if (number < 10) {
} while (number < 10);
if (degitNum % 2 == 0)
return 'Even number with $degitNum';
return 'Odd number with $degitNum';
Your loop have a bug which makes your program run forever, without printing anything, since the program will just end up staying inside your while loop.
You should change the following:
} while (number < 10);
} while (number > 10);
Since number are being reduced in size for each loop iteration.

How to realize password retry counter with Jetpack Compose?

I would like to count the attempts entering the PIN and show notifications accordingly:
val remainingPinCounter = remember { mutableStateOf(3) }
if(pinState == WRONG_PIN) {
private fun showWrongPinNotification(retries: MutableStateOf<Int>){
if(retries.value > 0) Log.d("TAG", "Remaining Retries := $retries.value)
else Log.d("TAG", "All $retries.value attempts failed!)
But the showWrongPinNotification() is called continously with increasing remainingPinCounter to -infinity , although I decrement it via pinState == WRONG_PIN only?! I guess the state WRONG_PIN is not changing and thus constantly calling showWrongPinNotification with decremented values?
It worked properly without remeber ->val remainingPinCounter = 3
if(pinState == WRONG_PIN) {
might be the infinite recompositions if you don't change pinState before next recomposition. If that's the case on each recomposition conditional block is invoked and value of remainingPinCounter changed constantly.
LaunchedEffect(pinState) {
if(pinState == WRONG_PIN) {
Other option is to decrease it only once using LaunchedEffect as

Having trouble decrypting HTTPS traffic from IOS using FiddlerCore

I was able to run the FiddlerCore demo (that comes with the package) without issue. I see both http and https traffic being logged on my PC.
My goal now is to do the same for my iOS traffic but I can't figure out what I am missing. I can see my https traffic fine when I use the desktop Fiddler app, by following the instructions at ConfigureForiOS.
I run the console FiddlerCore demo, hit 't' to trust the root certificate and then try to follow the same steps on my iPhone as I did for the Fidder app, namely setting my proxy to the Fiddler instance (my machine's IP and port 7777 as that is what it looks like the demo is using) and trusting the Fiddler cert that I had already installed on my phone when setting it up to work with the desktop Fiddler app. Then when I try to start an app on my phone that goes over https (for example a game) it just hangs. I don't see any errors being logged in the console app. It works ok when just running the desktop Fiddler app.
My SSL/cert/Fiddler knowledge is weak so I am hoping I am just missing a simple step or two.
How can I capture iOS HTTPS traffic using the FiddlerCore demo app?
Do I need to trust the root certificate each time I start the demo
app (hitting 't')?
P.S. I added the demo app here, which can be found in the FiddlerCore package, for reference.
using Fiddler;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
namespace FiddlerCoreDemo
class Program
static Proxy oSecureEndpoint;
static string sSecureEndpointHostname = "localhost";
static int iSecureEndpointPort = 7777;
public static void WriteCommandResponse(string s)
ConsoleColor oldColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
Console.ForegroundColor = oldColor;
public static void DoQuit()
WriteCommandResponse("Shutting down...");
if (null != oSecureEndpoint) oSecureEndpoint.Dispose();
private static string Ellipsize(string s, int iLen)
if (s.Length <= iLen) return s;
return s.Substring(0, iLen - 3) + "...";
private static void ReadSessions(List<Fiddler.Session> oAllSessions)
Session[] oLoaded = Utilities.ReadSessionArchive(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
+ Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "ToLoad.saz", false);
if ((oLoaded != null) && (oLoaded.Length > 0))
WriteCommandResponse("Loaded: " + oLoaded.Length + " sessions.");
private static void SaveSessionsToDesktop(List<Fiddler.Session> oAllSessions)
bool bSuccess = false;
string sFilename = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory)
+ Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh-mm-ss") + ".saz";
string sPassword = null;
Console.WriteLine("Password Protect this Archive (Y/N)?");
ConsoleKeyInfo oCKI = Console.ReadKey();
if ((oCKI.KeyChar == 'y') || (oCKI.KeyChar == 'Y'))
Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the password:");
sPassword = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nEncrypting with Password: '{0}'", sPassword));
bSuccess = Utilities.WriteSessionArchive(sFilename, oAllSessions.ToArray(), sPassword, false);
WriteCommandResponse( bSuccess ? ("Wrote: " + sFilename) : ("Failed to save: " + sFilename) );
catch (Exception eX)
Console.WriteLine("Save failed: " + eX.Message);
private static void WriteSessionList(List<Fiddler.Session> oAllSessions)
ConsoleColor oldColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.WriteLine("Session list contains...");
foreach (Session oS in oAllSessions)
Console.Write(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}\n{3} {4}\n\n",, oS.oRequest.headers.HTTPMethod, Ellipsize(oS.fullUrl, 60), oS.responseCode, oS.oResponse.MIMEType));
Console.ForegroundColor = oldColor;
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Fiddler.Session> oAllSessions = new List<Fiddler.Session>();
// <-- Personalize for your Application, 64 chars or fewer
#region AttachEventListeners
// It is important to understand that FiddlerCore calls event handlers on session-handling
// background threads. If you need to properly synchronize to the UI-thread (say, because
// you're adding the sessions to a list view) you must call .Invoke on a delegate on the
// window handle.
// If you are writing to a non-threadsafe data structure (e.g. List<t>) you must
// use a Monitor or other mechanism to ensure safety.
// Simply echo notifications to the console. Because Fiddler.CONFIG.QuietMode=true
// by default, we must handle notifying the user ourselves.
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.OnNotification += delegate (object sender, NotificationEventArgs oNEA) { Console.WriteLine("** NotifyUser: " + oNEA.NotifyString); };
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.Log.OnLogString += delegate (object sender, LogEventArgs oLEA) { Console.WriteLine("** LogString: " + oLEA.LogString); };
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += delegate (Fiddler.Session oS)
// Console.WriteLine("Before request for:\t" + oS.fullUrl);
// In order to enable response tampering, buffering mode MUST
// be enabled; this allows FiddlerCore to permit modification of
// the response in the BeforeResponse handler rather than streaming
// the response to the client as the response comes in.
oS.bBufferResponse = false;
// Set this property if you want FiddlerCore to automatically authenticate by
// answering Digest/Negotiate/NTLM/Kerberos challenges itself
// oS["X-AutoAuth"] = "(default)";
/* If the request is going to our secure endpoint, we'll echo back the response.
Note: This BeforeRequest is getting called for both our main proxy tunnel AND our secure endpoint,
so we have to look at which Fiddler port the client connected to (pipeClient.LocalPort) to determine whether this request
was sent to secure endpoint, or was merely sent to the main proxy tunnel (e.g. a CONNECT) in order to *reach* the secure endpoint.
As a result of this, if you run the demo and visit https://localhost:7777 in your browser, you'll see
Session list contains...
1 CONNECT http://localhost:7777
200 <-- CONNECT tunnel sent to the main proxy tunnel, port 8877
2 GET https://localhost:7777/
200 text/html <-- GET request decrypted on the main proxy tunnel, port 8877
3 GET https://localhost:7777/
200 text/html <-- GET request received by the secure endpoint, port 7777
if ((oS.oRequest.pipeClient.LocalPort == iSecureEndpointPort) && (oS.hostname == sSecureEndpointHostname))
oS.oResponse.headers.SetStatus(200, "Ok");
oS.oResponse["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
oS.oResponse["Cache-Control"] = "private, max-age=0";
oS.utilSetResponseBody("<html><body>Request for httpS://" + sSecureEndpointHostname + ":" + iSecureEndpointPort.ToString() + " received. Your request was:<br /><plaintext>" + oS.oRequest.headers.ToString());
// The following event allows you to examine every response buffer read by Fiddler. Note that this isn't useful for the vast majority of
// applications because the raw buffer is nearly useless; it's not decompressed, it includes both headers and body bytes, etc.
// This event is only useful for a handful of applications which need access to a raw, unprocessed byte-stream
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.OnReadResponseBuffer += new EventHandler<RawReadEventArgs>(FiddlerApplication_OnReadResponseBuffer);
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.BeforeResponse += delegate(Fiddler.Session oS) {
// Console.WriteLine("{0}:HTTP {1} for {2}",, oS.responseCode, oS.fullUrl);
// Uncomment the following two statements to decompress/unchunk the
// HTTP response and subsequently modify any HTTP responses to replace
// instances of the word "Microsoft" with "Bayden". You MUST also
// set bBufferResponse = true inside the beforeREQUEST method above.
//oS.utilDecodeResponse(); oS.utilReplaceInResponse("Microsoft", "Bayden");
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.AfterSessionComplete += delegate (Fiddler.Session oS)
//Console.WriteLine("Finished session:\t" + oS.fullUrl);
Console.Title = ("Session list contains: " + oAllSessions.Count.ToString() + " sessions");
// Tell the system console to handle CTRL+C by calling our method that
// gracefully shuts down the FiddlerCore.
// Note, this doesn't handle the case where the user closes the window with the close button.
// See for info on that...
Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(Console_CancelKeyPress);
#endregion AttachEventListeners
string sSAZInfo = "NoSAZ";
sSAZInfo = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Ionic.Zip.ZipFile)).FullName;
// You can load Transcoders from any different assembly if you'd like, using the ImportTranscoders(string AssemblyPath)
// overload.
//if (!FiddlerApplication.oTranscoders.ImportTranscoders(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()))
// Console.WriteLine("This assembly was not compiled with a SAZ-exporter");
DNZSAZProvider.fnObtainPwd = () =>
Console.WriteLine("Enter the password (or just hit Enter to cancel):");
string sResult = Console.ReadLine();
return sResult;
FiddlerApplication.oSAZProvider = new DNZSAZProvider();
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Starting {0} ({1})...", Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.GetVersionString(), sSAZInfo));
// For the purposes of this demo, we'll forbid connections to HTTPS
// sites that use invalid certificates. Change this from the default only
// if you know EXACTLY what that implies.
Fiddler.CONFIG.IgnoreServerCertErrors = false;
// ... but you can allow a specific (even invalid) certificate by implementing and assigning a callback...
// FiddlerApplication.OnValidateServerCertificate += new System.EventHandler<ValidateServerCertificateEventArgs>(CheckCert);
FiddlerApplication.Prefs.SetBoolPref("", true);
// For forward-compatibility with updated FiddlerCore libraries, it is strongly recommended that you
// start with the DEFAULT options and manually disable specific unwanted options.
FiddlerCoreStartupFlags oFCSF = FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.Default;
// E.g. If you want to add a flag, start with the .Default and "OR" the new flag on:
// oFCSF = (oFCSF | FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.CaptureFTP);
// ... or if you don't want a flag in the defaults, "and not" it out:
// Uncomment the next line if you don't want FiddlerCore to act as the system proxy
// oFCSF = (oFCSF & ~FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.RegisterAsSystemProxy);
// *******************************
// Important HTTPS Decryption Info
// *******************************
// When FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.DecryptSSL is enabled, you must include either
// MakeCert.exe
// *or*
// CertMaker.dll
// BCMakeCert.dll
// ... in the folder where your executable and FiddlerCore.dll live. These files
// are needed to generate the self-signed certificates used to man-in-the-middle
// secure traffic. MakeCert.exe uses Windows APIs to generate certificates which
// are stored in the user's \Personal\ Certificates store. These certificates are
// NOT compatible with iOS devices which require specific fields in the certificate
// which are not set by MakeCert.exe.
// In contrast, CertMaker.dll uses the BouncyCastle C# library (BCMakeCert.dll) to
// generate new certificates from scratch. These certificates are stored in memory
// only, and are compatible with iOS devices.
// Uncomment the next line if you don't want to decrypt SSL traffic.
// oFCSF = (oFCSF & ~FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.DecryptSSL);
// NOTE: In the next line, you can pass 0 for the port (instead of 8877) to have FiddlerCore auto-select an available port
int iPort = 8877;
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.Startup(iPort, oFCSF);
FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("Created endpoint listening on port {0}", iPort);
FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("Starting with settings: [{0}]", oFCSF);
FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("Gateway: {0}", CONFIG.UpstreamGateway.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Hit CTRL+C to end session.");
// We'll also create a HTTPS listener, useful for when FiddlerCore is masquerading as a HTTPS server
// instead of acting as a normal CERN-style proxy server.
oSecureEndpoint = FiddlerApplication.CreateProxyEndpoint(iSecureEndpointPort, true, sSecureEndpointHostname);
if (null != oSecureEndpoint)
FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("Created secure endpoint listening on port {0}, using a HTTPS certificate for '{1}'", iSecureEndpointPort, sSecureEndpointHostname);
bool bDone = false;
Console.WriteLine("\nEnter a command [C=Clear; L=List; G=Collect Garbage; W=write SAZ; R=read SAZ;\n\tS=Toggle Forgetful Streaming; T=Trust Root Certificate; Q=Quit]:");
ConsoleKeyInfo cki = Console.ReadKey();
switch (Char.ToLower(cki.KeyChar))
case 'c':
FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("Cleared session list.");
case 'd':
case 'l':
case 'g':
Console.WriteLine("Working Set:\t" + Environment.WorkingSet.ToString("n0"));
Console.WriteLine("Begin GC...");
Console.WriteLine("GC Done.\nWorking Set:\t" + Environment.WorkingSet.ToString("n0"));
case 'q':
bDone = true;
case 'r':
WriteCommandResponse("This demo was compiled without SAZ_SUPPORT defined");
case 'w':
if (oAllSessions.Count > 0)
WriteCommandResponse("No sessions have been captured");
WriteCommandResponse("This demo was compiled without SAZ_SUPPORT defined");
case 't':
WriteCommandResponse("Result: " + Fiddler.CertMaker.trustRootCert().ToString());
catch (Exception eX)
WriteCommandResponse("Failed: " + eX.ToString());
// Forgetful streaming
case 's':
bool bForgetful = !FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("", false);
FiddlerApplication.Prefs.SetBoolPref("", bForgetful);
Console.WriteLine(bForgetful ? "FiddlerCore will immediately dump streaming response data." : "FiddlerCore will keep a copy of streamed response data.");
} while (!bDone);
/// <summary>
/// This callback allows your code to evaluate the certificate for a site and optionally override default validation behavior for that certificate.
/// You should not implement this method unless you understand why it is a security risk.
/// </summary>
static void CheckCert(object sender, ValidateServerCertificateEventArgs e)
if (null != e.ServerCertificate)
Console.WriteLine("Certificate for " + e.ExpectedCN + " was for site " + e.ServerCertificate.Subject + " and errors were " + e.CertificatePolicyErrors.ToString());
if (e.ServerCertificate.Subject.Contains(""))
Console.WriteLine("Got a certificate for We'll say this is also good for any other site, like");
e.ValidityState = CertificateValidity.ForceValid;
// This event handler is called on every socket read for the HTTP Response. You almost certainly don't want
// to add a handler for this event, but the code below shows how you can use it to mess up your HTTP traffic.
static void FiddlerApplication_OnReadResponseBuffer(object sender, RawReadEventArgs e)
// NOTE: arrDataBuffer is a fixed-size array. Only bytes 0 to iCountOfBytes should be read/manipulated.
// Just for kicks, lowercase every byte. Note that this will obviously break any binary content.
for (int i = 0; i < e.iCountOfBytes; i++)
if ((e.arrDataBuffer[i] > 0x40) && (e.arrDataBuffer[i] < 0x5b))
e.arrDataBuffer[i] = (byte)(e.arrDataBuffer[i] + (byte)0x20);
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Read {0} response bytes for session {1}", e.iCountOfBytes,;
/// <summary>
/// When the user hits CTRL+C, this event fires. We use this to shut down and unregister our FiddlerCore.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
static void Console_CancelKeyPress(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e)
You can grant the certificate full trust at:
Settings > General > About > Trust Cert

Boost interprocess anonymous condition timed_wait not compilable

I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong... with a sole wait it compiles and runs, but not with a timed_wait:
using boost::interprocess::scoped_lock;
using boost::interprocess::interprocess_mutex;
using boost::posix_time::milliseconds;
scoped_lock<interprocess_mutex> lock(obj->mutex);
while (...) {
obj->condition.timed_wait(lock, milliseconds(100));
where obj->mutex is a boost::interprocess::interprocess_mutex and obj->condition is a boost::interprocess::interprocess_condition. Here is the g++ error log:
code.cpp: In member function ‘[...]’:
code.cpp:42: error: no matching function for call to ‘boost::interprocess::interprocess_condition::timed_wait(boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<boost::interprocess::interprocess_mutex>&, boost::posix_time::milliseconds)
whereas this is the prototype of the condition class member function (boost/interprocess/sync/interprocess_condition.hpp):
template <typename L, typename Pr>
bool timed_wait(L& lock, const boost::posix_time::ptime &abs_time, Pr pred)
(boost 1.40)
Thanks to a nice #boost IRC user (mjcaisse), I have now a clue: timed_wait needs an absolute time.
bool noTimeout = true;
boost::system_time timeout = boost::get_system_time() + milliseconds(10);
while (!noTimeout && [CONDITION NOT MET])
noTimeout = obj->condition.timed_wait(lock, timeout);
if (!noTimeout)
std::cout << "timeout!" << std::endl;
