Grails: Contract first soap web service with cxf is not working - grails

Publishing contract first web services in Grails using cxf is not working with the following. I could not find any other useful resources on this problem. Using spring-ws may not be a good idea because I don't want to create end points for each element.
Please share some resources if anybody succeeded in publishing web service using cxf in Grails?
Grails 2.0.0
cxf - 2.4.1
Grails-cxf - 0.5.1 (Latest is not working)
Groovy - 1.7.6

I've used in several projects. It works great for me. What exactly goes wrong when you try?


Apache Wicket REST with Swagger UI

One of my project is using Apache Wicket 6.x and I have some API (resources) using wicketstuff-rest and it is working perfectly.
But for my API documentations, I am maintaining a google document for these APIs. Problem is that whenever there are changes in any of the API, or even on new APIs... I need to update this API documentation. Chances are, this documentation may not be updated.
On my other springboot projects, I am using swagger and the API documentation can be viewed via swagger-ui.
I wonder if I can use swagger-ui with existing apache wicket 6.x project so that whenever there are new API(s) or any change on the existing API(s)... it will reflect in swagger-ui without the need to maintain any API documentation.
What I currently search is swagger2markup, but this seems to be old and I am having problems with the setup and there are very few resources on how to set this up.
Anyone who successfully setup swagger-ui with apache wicket rest?
Care to share resource/links on tutorials or how to setup swagger-ui on apache wicket rest?
I don't have an easy solution for you with Swagger but if you use Spring already then you could use Spring REST Docs to generate the documentation from the unit tests.

Configure an Activiti BPM?

I want to know that how to configure/run Activiti BPM in Grails?? I'm using fedora as my OS, Grails 2.1 . If their is any tutorial websites are is plz mention it also..
There is a plugin for Grails applications that provides much of Activiti within a Grails app. However, development has sadly stopped on it by the main developer. The last update was for Activiti 5.9 and Grails 2.1, though much of the plugin content seems to be built for older versions of Grails; for example, actions in the plugin's TaskController are all closures, not methods. Also, someone did issue a pull request to update it to 5.10.
I've been trying to puzzle through the source for that plugin myself. I keep vacillating between simply setting up a standalone Activiti server and utilizing the RESTful API from within a Grails Service class, importing a few of the Activiti classes into my Grails app, or trying to re-engineer the plugin to suit my needs (my site is stuck on Grails 2.0.1 for the time being).

jersey.oauth.signature.UnsupportedSignatureMethodException: HMAC-SHA1

I'm working on an OAuth server implementation based on the jersey-oauth 1.16 contrib in GlassFish 3.1.2 container and I'm getting this exception when trying to connect to it via Scribe client API:
com.sun.jersey.oauth.signature.UnsupportedSignatureMethodException: HMAC-SHA1
for com.sun.jersey.oauth.server.OAuthServerRequest#13a50796 states "It supports the signature methods outlined in OAuth Core 1.0 specification: HMAC-SHA1, RSA-SHA1, and PLAINTEXT" so I'm confused.
Do I have some misconfiguration issue?
Any suggestion/pointer/idea would be welcome.
Should this happen to anyone else, I thought I would share how I resolved this issue.
GlassFish 3.1.2 seems to still be stuck to an old version of Jersey 1.11. I guess there's some sort of incompatibility between Jersey 1.11 and the oauth contrib 1.16. describes how Jersey may be updated in the GlassFish container.
It's a bit tricky to do, but I've now Jersey 1.17 and it's working like a charm. :)
Unfortunately, I cannot add comments yet, but I just wanted to point out that the latest Jersey libraries for GlassFish can be found in this location. I was able to follow the instructions and make OAuth+Jersey work with Glassfish v3. Thanks, TheArchitect!

Consuming a WSDL in Grails

I have been handed a .WSDL file which I need to test within a Grails Framework.
Any suggestions how to go about this.
Take a look at the and plugins. They're easy to use and backed by Apache CXF -
The client plugin has a wsdl2java script that will generate code that you can use in your Grails app.
You could start with documentation itself:

grails plugin to get gmail attachment

I am working on a grails project and i need a plugin to extract an email attachment from a Gmail account.
My colleague said something about Java Mail API but i am not actually sure about how to integrate the api with grails.
Is there any other plugin or workaround to extract an email attachment from a gmail account?
While not specific to extracting attachments from GMail, the Grails Routing plugin would definitely be worth evaluating. It integrates Apache Camel into your Grails services and controllers and provides a very easy way to create routes. You can then add the following dependency to your grails-app/BuildConfig.groovy file:
// replace x.x.x with version used by the Grails Routing plugin
In the documentation for the Mail component you will an example of grabbing attachments from GMail and there is also this blog entry by Mr Haki that shows an example using the older Grails Camel plugin (Routing plugin supercedes it).
While I haven't used Camel for this purpose, I have used it on a few projects and would recommend it as a possible solution. It is a very powerful integration tool and can really make it very easy to do some pretty complicated things.
