Is it possible to run the command line compiler with selected build configuration in Delphi XE2? - delphi

I'd like to make builds from the command line and I'm wondering if there's a way how to execute the command line compiler with selected build configuration ?
I know there is option --no-config which won't load default dcc32.cfg file but I would like to set the build configuration I've prepared in my project.
I would like to run something like
dcc32.exe --some-option RELEASE Win32 PLATFORM
Is there some option for selecting build configuration ?
Thank you

You need to be using msbuild rather than dcc32 for this:
msbuild myproject.dproj /p:Config=RELEASE;Platform=Win32
Make sure you have called the rsvars.bat file from the RAD Studio bin folder before you attempt to call msbuild. This sets up the necessary environment variables.
The great thing about the modern msbuild based build system, as implemented in Delphi, is that you can quite easily ensure that your command line builds are identical to your IDE builds.

As far as I know, you can use the dcc64.exe to compile for 64-bit if you do not want to use MSBuild. It is in the same folder as the dcc32.exe (and dccosx.exe for compile for OSX)


MSBuild and multiple Delphi versions

I have a project for which I need to build two executables: one under Delphi XE2 and one under XE3. I have a build script which builds each version (i.e. one script for XE2 and one for XE3).
If I run the build script for the last version of the IDE I ran, all works well (i.e. run Delphi XE2, build app, run XE2 build script).
However if I run the build script having just run a different version of the IDE I get an AV as soon as my app starts (I.e. run Delphi XE2, built app, run XE3 build script).
It looks as though something about the build script is being cached/modified by the IDE and I need to restore the appropriate data for the version I want to build with. I've tried this with the .dproj, but no luck.
Or could it be loading form resources - both editions show errors due to non-existent properties at start up if the IDE. If so, is there an easy way around this without having maintain multiple versions of all the .fmx files?
Here's a sample build script:
set path=%path%;c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5
set path=%path%;c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\10.0
set path=%path%;c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\10.0
set BDS=c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\10.0
set FrameworkDir=c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\
set FrameworkVersion=v3.5
set failed=false
cd \myprogs\monkeystyler
msbuild monkeystyler.dproj /t:build /p:config=full||set failed=true
cd build
if not %failed%==true goto Done
Let's take a look at this line in your XE3 script:
set path=%path%;c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\10.0
My guess is that you follow that up in the XE2 script with:
set path=%path%;c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0
At which point your path variable looks like this:
set path=%path%;c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\10.0;c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0
And so the second script fails because the paths from the first script appear earlier.
The elegant way to fix this is to use setlocal and endlocal in your scripts to isolate them from each other.
set path=%path%;c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5
set path=%path%;c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\10.0
The hacky way to fix it is to set the path like this:
set path=c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\10.0;%path%
Please use the elegant approach!
What's more you should use pushd and popd to isolate directory changes to each script.
If this doesn't solve everything, do give more information. For a start, error messages are very useful.
The last IDE that you run will update the EnvOption.proj in your <user>\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\<version>folder.
This contains all your search paths, among other things.
This file is indirectly included in your project. So if you run say XE2's IDE then compile your XE3 app, you will get the wrong paths.
You will probably want to disable that and explicitly specify your search paths in each project's dproj file.
e.g. msbuild myproj.proj /p:ImportEnvOptions=false
This is my best guess. Sorry if it's 5 years too late. I have just struggled with similar issues!
All the best
I went back to my suspicion that it was the form file resources.
My theory was that the with the form files saved by the 'wrong' version of the IDE, when a project built with a different version tried to load them I was getting access violations due to the app trying to load data for properties which where not available in that edition.
To test this I got compiled the project successfully in one version of the IDE (XE3 in this case), did my automated build and tested that the app ran (it did).
I then loaded a .fmx file for the project and added a non-existent property to the form.
Build and the app fails same as before.
Remove the added property and build now succeeds.
All (!) I need to do now is write some code to parse the form files and remove any non-existent properties for the version I'm building.

Build using DCC32.exe in delphi

Hello I am building my delphi project using the following command:
Command: dcc32.exe project.dpr d:\exe_folder
The above command works good and I am able to cerate the exe in output folder. But when I build same project through IDE then on each build the build number is incremented as there is option 'Auto Increament Build Number' which I have checked. But while doing it through command line the build number is not getting increasing. Any option to revise the build info/version info through the command line??
dcc32.exe can't increase build number directly. Version info (including build number) is used from *.res file which is updated every time by IDE. To bypass IDE you can write RC script with version info section, small app that will increase build number in this script. Then, you can create bat file with the following actions for building:
Run your app to increase build number
Compile RC script using brcc32.exe (in - RC script, out - RES file)
Compile your application with dcc32.exe with new .res file
P.S. Don't forget to include RES file with version info to your project:
{$R "yourversioninfofile.res"}
No, the auto increment of the build number is an IDE feature. You will likely need to script your own auto increment facility using an appropriate scripting language.
If you wanted to use your own command line auto increment alongside the IDE's equivalent, here's what you'd need to do:
Get your script to read the .res file that is managed by the IDE.
Increment the build number.
Re-create the .res file.
Build the project.
To make this work I think you'd need to reverse engineer what's in the IDE generated .res file. But that's pretty easy. Any decent resource editing tool will help you do that.
That's what I wrote dzPrepBuild for.

Will the dcc32.exe compiler use project build configuration file when is called with --no-config parameter?

Problem description:
Consider the following command line call (called for Delphi 2009 compiler):
dcc32.exe --no-config --peflags:1 Project.dpr
Will this call use the Project.dproj or Project.dof configuration files ?
If yes, will the command line options take precedence over the configuration file(s) ?
If not, where the build configuration will be taken from if the dcc32.cfg file is not loaded in this case ?
Problem background:
I know that MSBuild should be used since Delphi 2007 but in fact, it's the reason why I'm asking. I found that InnoSetup uses this batch file for building its projects and I have serious problems to link the JEDI JVCL library to it (it's a pure nightmare). So I'd like to configure the project settings to use MSBuild, but I'm not sure what build settings are used in the above command line call.
--no-config means that dcc32.cfg is not loaded, neither from the compiler executable directory, nor from the project directory.
The rules for applying options specified in .dproj and .dof files are not affected. Those options are applied and any command line options take precedence.

Can I build a Delphi multi language project from the command line?

Using Delphi 2009 (or higher) and the ITE (Internal Translation Manager), how can I build the language projects from the command line? The projects are for example
Theses bdsproj files are not MSBuild projects, so do I have to call DCC32 and pass all search paths and compiler parameters using a script file, or is there a way to use MSBuild for this task, if I specifiy a special build target?
You could have a separate .groupproj including the .dproj files.

Delphi MSBuild Build Configurations From Command Line

Delphi 2009 uses build configurations. When you create a new project you have two default build configurations "Debug" and "Release".
Now I asked myself how to automate builds using MSBuild (which is supported by Delphi since version 2007).
You can start the "msbuild" command in the "RAD Studio Command Prompt" in some Delphi project directory and it will build the default build configuration (the last activated build configuration inside the Delphi IDE).
Now, I want to specify a certain (non-default) build configuration by a command line parameter.
The Delphi help asserts that the parameter is [/p:configuration=<configuration name>], which is wrong (Delphi 2009, Help Update 1)!
What is the right way?
Now, if you want to change the build configuration you have to add the parameter
For example:
C:\Projects\TestDelphiApp001>msbuild /target:Build /p:config=Release
C:\Projects\TestDelphiApp001>msbuild /target:Build /p:config=Debug
Copied from original "question"; note community wiki.
I tried this with Delphi XE. It didn't work until I figured out I needed to set the environment variables referenced by the .dproj file:
SET BDS=C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0
SET BDSBIN=C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0\bin
msbuild myproject.dproj /target:Build /p:config=Release
I've had the same problem and found the solution:
Write /p:config instead of /p:configuration
Write "Release Build" or "Debug Build" (in double quotes) instead of Release or Debug
It did it for me.
