Sniff Inter process communication - communication

I have two applications (.exe) that are running on the same machine (Windows XP x86) and I know are communicating with eachother (I dont know how, I didn't write them). I would like to find a way to sniff the communication between the applications. Is there a way to do this?
I've done some messing with ProMon and i can probably figure it out from there but I'm wondering if there is something a little more specific to this purpose. ProMon can be a bit intimidating.

First, you could watch your two applications with a system call tracer like StraceNT (or see this question). With some luck, you should be able to figure out whether the processes communicate through a local socket, a TCP connection (via localhost undoubtedly), a pipe, a named file, or shared memory.
You can also run netstat while the applications are running to see if they are opening any network ports.
Once you know what you're looking for, you can choose a more specific monitoring tool. If it's network communication (even over a loopback interface), you could try capturing the data with something like WinDump. If the communication is via shared memory, you could attach a debugger to one of the two processes and inspect the shared memory periodically.


Can Windows Service be started by incoming TCP connection?

I'd like to make a small Windows Service, that would be shutdown most of the time, but would be automatically activated when incoming TCP (REST?) connection comes. I do not want the service to be running 24/7 just in case (albeit that might trn to be the least evil).
There were projects porting inet.d and xinet.d to Windows, but they are all abandoned, and introducing yet another dependency for a lean program is wrong.
However by the fact they were abndoned i thought it is now a standard Windows functionality?
Service Triggers documentation seems both incomplete and self-contradictionary.
A SERVICE_TRIGGER_DATA_TYPE_STRING that specifies the port, named
pipe, or RPC interface for the network endpoint.
Feels great, but totally lacks any example how to specify port and nothing but the port. But then:
SERVICE_TRIGGER structure seems to claim there is no way to "wait" on TCP/UDP connections.
SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE_NETWORK_ENDPOINT - The event is triggered when a packet or request arrives on a particular network protocol.
So far so good... But then.
The pTriggerSubtype member specifies one of the following values: RPC_INTERFACE_EVENT_GUID or NAMED_PIPE_EVENT_GUID. The pDataItems member specifies an endpoint or interface GUID
Dead-end. You have no choice but either Windows-specific flavor of RPC or Windows-specific named pipes. And you can only specify GUID as a data item, not a port, as it was told above.
I wonder, which part of documentation is wrong? Can ChangeServiceConfig2 API be used for a seemingly simple aim of starting service to respond to TCP packet coming to a specific port ? If yes - how?
there is also SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE_FIREWALL_PORT_EVENT but the scarce documentation seems to say the functionality is the opposite, the trigger is not remote packet incoming from a client, but instead by a local server binding to a port.
Some alternative avenues, from quick search:
Internet Information Server/Service seems to have "Windows Process Activation Service" and "WWW Publishing Service" components, but adding dependency upon heavy IIS feels wrong too. It also can interfere with other HTTP servers (for example WAMP systems). Imagining explaining to non-techie persons how to diagnose and resolve clashes for TCP ports makes me shiver.
I wonder if that kind of starting a service on demand can be done only programming http.sys driver without rest of IIS, though.
COM protocol seems ot have servers activation on demand feature, and hopefully so does DCOM, but I do not want to have DCOM dependency. It seems today much easier to find documentation, programs and network administrators for maintaining plain TCP or HTTP connections, than DCOM. I fear relying on DCOM would be more and more fragile in practice, just like relying on DDE.
DCOM and NT-RPC would also make the program non-portable if i later would decide to use other operating systems than Windows.
Really, starting a service/daemon on incoming network connection seems so obvious a task, there has to be out-of-the-box function in Windows?

Can multiple ClientSocket Components can be placed on a Form?

I am looking to write a program that will connect to many computers from a single computer. Sort of like "Command Center" where you can monitor all the remote system remotely on a single PC.
My plan is to have multiple Client Sockets on a form. They will connect to individual PCs remotely. So, they can request information from them to display on the Window. Remote PCs will be hosts. Is this possible?
Direct answer to your question: Yes, you can do that.
Long answer: Yes, you can do that but are you sure your design is correct? Are you sure you want to create parallel connections, one to each client? Probably you don't! If yes, then you probably want to run them in separate threads.
If you want to send some commands from time to time (and you are not doing some kind of constant video monitoring) why don't you just use one connection and 'switch' between clients?
I can't tell you more about the design because from your question is not clear about what you want to build (what exactly you are 'monitoring').
Two important notices to take into account before designing your app (both relevants only if the remote computers are not in the LAN (you connect to them via Internet)):
If the remote computers are running as servers, you will have lots of problems to explain your customers (if they are connected (and they probably are) to Internet via a router) how to setup the router and the software firewall. For example, if a remote computer is listening for commands from you, on port 1234 (for example) the firewall in the router will block BY DEFAULT any connection attempt from a 'foreign' computer (from you) to that port.
If your remote computers are running as clients, how they will know master's IP (your IP). Do you have a static IP?
What you actually need is one ServerSocket on the module running on your machine.
To which all your remote PC's will connect through their individual ClientSocket.
You can make your design other way round by putting ClientSocket on the module running on your machine and ServerSocket on the module running on remote machine.
But you will end up creating one ClientSocket to each ServerSocket, what if you have the number of remote servers increase.
Now if you still want to have multiple ClientSockets on your machine then as Altar said you could need a multi threaded application where each thread is responsible for one ClientSocket.
I would recommend Internet Direct (Indy) as they work well in threads, and you can specify a connect time-out per connection, so that your monitoring app will be able to get a 'negative' test result faster than with the default OS connect time-out.
Instead of placing them on the form, I would wrap each client in a class which runs an internal monitoring thread. More work initially but easier to keep independent from each other.

capture data packets in LAN

in my college lab all the PCs are connected via LAN by L2 switch. i want to capture the http data packets by wireshark but it is only showing the interface of my own PC. so how can i capture the packets of other PCs.
can somebody tell me working of wireshark?
It is in the nature of switches that you will only see either broadcast packets or traffic that has your MAC address as a destination, that is one of the crucial differences between a switch and a hub.
It is possible for most switches to be configured to copy traffic from one port to another, this is commonly done for monitoring purposes, but that has to be done via administrative access to the device.
You can manipulate the switch's behavior by means of ARP-Spoofing. But be cautious! Doing so might be seen as a criminal act.
So be sure that you're allowed to do so in the lab, sometimes that's OK if it serves the educational purpose. Ask your supervisor or the school's administrator.
My weapon of choice for such things is Ettercap.
A far less intrusive approach would be to use one of your own switches and configure it to forward all traffic. Then you can connect one port as an uplink to the lab's switch, one port to the device under test and one port to your machine running wireshark. (I would recommend using tcpdump for capturing, though.) If you don't have a manageable switch at hand, you can also use a router running OpenWRT.

Programmatic Method For Opening Ports

I've searched this subject in stackoverflow and found out that a telnet library would help, and I found a telnet lib here: C# Telnet Library
but I don't know how I can use a telnet library to open a port in my router. I'm using an AT&T 2wire router. Any hints on how I can do this?
You can't. The 2wire router is an island unto itself, if it decides to block a port nothing external can (or should) be able to change that. You are on the wrong track, and would need to restate your goals in order to get a useful answer.
UPnP and other "Hole Punching" techniques do exist: but you'll be in a world of hurt if you try to reply on them for any widespread deployment.
Perhaps you meant to open a connection to a remote server and then establish two way communication. That is easy... and how other games and tools get the job done.
Technically speaking you should not be able to. You shouldn't have outside programatic access to a router to open a port if it's blocked.
If what you mean is opening a port for communication (that is not blocked) then you can simply create Sockets with the address and port (ex. localhost 7777) to establish inter process communication or simply communication with another server.
As I mentioned in a comment below there are ports that are available for use (in C# this can be easily tested, a quick google search will find you many snippets of code for testing if a port is open). A simple approach is to simply start at port 1024 (I believe this is the correct lower bound for ports that should be used by applications, someone correct me if I'm wrong) and just start counting up until you find a port that is available, if you find you've reached some upper limit you can simply report that a connection cannot be made. I hope this clears up a little more and if I have time I will try to find some code I have for this and edit it in but honestly a quick search can net you similar code for checking ports in C#.

How can I disconnect any process from the Internet using Delphi?

How can I disconnect any process from the Internet? PID process and IP (local / remote) are known.
It sounds like you want to control which applications can access the network/Internet.
If you just want to pick and choose which applications can have network access or which protocols you want to be used, I recommend any free or commercial firewall product.
If you need more control, such as disconnecting existing connections for a given process/protocol, I don't know of a simple API call. It would mean more effort, but you could use a local proxy server written in Delphi. If applications use this proxy to get to the outside world, you can add the ability to disconnect specific connections.
You could kill the process itself, or disconnect the network card from the network (the later would effect all processes on the machine though). AFIK most current software firewalls do not allow apply rule changes to existing connections, just when new connections are requested.
