How to install TAdoConnection in delphi XE2 starter? - delphi

I just bought Delphi XE2 starter and want to upgrade my projects. One of them is failing because Delphi doesn't know what TAdoConnection is.
I stupidly didn't keep a copy of the package when I D/Led it a few years ago now can't remember where I cgot it from
How to install TAdoCOnnection et al into Delphi XE2? Thanks
Update: alas, I have the Starter edition (who can afford anything else?)
Later update, just in case anyone else wants to do some database stuff with a starter edition.
I paid for AnyDac and was very happy, but then it was bought by Embarcadero, so you can't purchase it separately any more. I have a bug with Sqlite, so am looking for alternates.
Start here
ZeosLib looks very promising

It comes with Delphi, as long as you don't just have the "starter" edition, so you should already have it installed. Look in the ADODB unit. There is no other package to download.

It should be there, under ADODB:
Here's the XE2 feature matrix:
ADO is available on all versions ... EXCEPT the "starter version".

Since you have the Starter version, there is no direct option for TADOConnection. You either upgrade your version of Delphi, or use something other than TADOConnection.


TMS Component Pack in new XE8 Trial install?

I'm having trouble with installing TMS component pack in my trial Delphi XE8 Architect dev environment. The pack is quite old, and I'm just about to use it, to check if everything is fine with my code, code was writen few years ago with this pack. Since I haven't got jet registered version of delphi, I'm using this trial just to check if I can work with this code and components? I install tms exe but no controls are shown in dev enviroment?
The pack is quite old.
That's the problem. You need to get a version that supports XE8. I expect that you can obtain that from the vendor's website.

Will programs developed using Embarcadero Delphi XE3 work with Embarcadero Delphi 2010

We are trying to develop a form that will be added to a project written and created using Embarcadero Delphi 2010 , We will use Embarcadero Delphi XE3 as our Development Environemt, will the code that we will write work on Embarcadero Delphi 2010 ?
If not where can I download Embarcadero Delphi 2010, I can't find it on the Embarcadero official site.
Previous versions can be downloaded here:
Depends ....
if you don't use rtti and generics and remove qulified namespaces, restrict the use of foreign components it could work, but i think it's not recommended.
If you are properly registered you have an edn account:
Pick Downloads / Registered User Downloads
It is in there. You should be able to go back to Delphi 7. 2010 is at the bottom of the page.
The latest stuff in XE3 is highly recommended. The improvements over the last few years are definitely worth it, and the upgrade will pay for itself in very short time even if you only gradually learn and use the new stuff.

What testing framework/unit testing to use with Delphi XE Starter Edition

I'm looking at moving from Delphi 2007 (purchased by my employer) to Delphi XE Starter Edition (purchased by me because my employer is moving away from Delphi) for some open source/hobby work. So, price is definitely a concern.
Delphi XE Starter Edition doesn't appear to have the integrated DUnit stuff. Are there any recommendations for testing frameworks that will work well with XE Starter? The framework must be automatible; for example, it must must be runnable by a Continuous Integration System such as Hudson or CruiseControl. Of course, free would be best. Integration directly into the IDE would also be handy, but not a requirement.
DUNIT is on SourceForge so you can get it from there. The version on SF is 9.4.0, the same that ships with Delphi XE. The code is however not identical. I do not know if it works with Delphi XE Starter edition but I don't see why it should not.
Will DUnit2 do?
Dunit2 is used in tiOPF framework and said to be quite good. The download sites are:
DUnit may be a better choice that DUnit2. With DUnit you can use the jcl and USE_JEDI_JCL to get the line numbers of failures. DUnit2 doesn't appear to support this.
DUNit2 doesn't seem to be getting much attention since Peter's death either. I don't know if it has been updated to use the latest version of delphi but it doesn't look like it.

Delphi 2009 Upgrade Question

i bought yesterday an upgrade to Delphi 2009 Pro. Now i have the problem that i have a version of Delphi 5 Enterprise, but it's registered, but the account has been lost.
Is there a way to get the Delphi 5 version to be moved to my account, so that i can register the Delphi 2009 Pro.
Otherwise i also got a Delphi 3 Pro laying around here, which also should be enough for upgrading, but how can i get this registered?
My other Delphi's are Delphi 1, Delphi 2 Developer and Delphi 3 Standard as well as some Personal Versions.
Has anybody a good idea what i should be doing now? The best would be to move the Enterprise Delphi to my current account.
Cheers, murphy
You can try to contact Embarcadero. If you have a registered version they must have records of that. It will be helpful if you know the email address that was used to register the account.
Delphi 2009 upgrade is available to owners of any earlier version of Delphi, so you should be able to upgrade from Delphi 3.
You are probably making a mountain out of a molehill. If you haven't tried to install it yet then I would cross that bridge when you come to it. I don't believe having your Delphi 5 or 3 install associated with your account will make any difference. I am pretty sure Delphi 5 and earlier didn't have an activation, so there probably isn't anything to transfer.
More likely you will have trouble if the person you purchased it from used up the activations for 2009. Additionally, last I checked, they only support purchasing Delphi from a licensed reseller, which it sounds like wasn't the case.
I hope it works out for you though. Delphi 2009 is a great release and well worth the upgrade!
Delphi 5 doesn’t require online activation. The key should be enough to get it properly installed.

Delphi 6 alongside RAD Studio 2009

I need to migrate to RAD Studio and have this installed on a new workstation. At the moment I still need to develop with Delphi 6 until we get all the necessary control updates and sort out the version control.
So my question is can I just install Delphi 6 on the same machine with no adverse impact for either product?
Thanks in advance.
There are no problem to install D6 and RAD 2009 at the same machine.
I think that it's better install first the previos version (first D6 and after D2009), but it's not absolutly necesary.
Regards and excuse for my bad english.
Installing them on the same system is no problem at all.
For migration, our clients have good experience with migrating to Delphi 2007 first, then do the Unicode migration to Delphi 2009 or Delphi 2010 second.
Doing both migration at the same time can work, but usually result in a migration that is too complex to do in one step.
I have delphi 3 to 2009 installed in my machine and I dont have any problem with any of the the Delphi IDEs. Only the BDS 2006's C++ IDE does not work anymore. There is a problem when C++ builder 2006 and 2007 installed in the same machine.
