Read the inbox of a user in rails - ruby-on-rails

Is it possible to read the inbox of a user provided he/she gets authenticated via google oauth api?

Apparently Yes (from here) :
Gmail supports the standard IMAP and SMTP protocols for accessing and sending e-mail messages. The Gmail IMAP and SMTP servers have been extended to support authorization via the industry-standard OAuth protocol.


How can I access mails from Shared mailbox using Mailkit

Recently Microsoft has started to authenticate user with OAuth 2.0 protocol. I have implemented it in Core C# and got token.
Now I am able to access mails from main mail Inbox using Mailkit from Microsoft exchange server using OAuth 2.0. But how can I be able to access mails from shared mailbox?
In my code I have mentioned shared mailbox account id.
My code is as follows
Getting exception as "Autheticated but not connected". Please guide
The "Authenticated but not connected" error is unique to Microsoft Exchange IMAP servers and means that your account is not authorized to connect via IMAP.
You will need to be granted permissions for IMAP access by the admin of your tenant.
Need to give shared mailbox permissions to OAuth app as well and shared mailbox will be accessible.

How to configure an app in azure portal for multiple email addresses, from the same O365 tenant, to use OAuth with SMTP without user interaction?

We use in our company email addresses for each employee and for 3 departments (service, support and reports) - for example <employee_name>#<company_name>.de or support#<company_name>.de ("<..._name>" is just a placholder for posting here). Our programs use PHPMailer for sending Emails from the 3 departments via SMTP without user interaction (Host:, that means the PHPMailer is called by programs/scripts that are started by the Microsoft Task Scheduler on a computer where none of our Microsoft-Users is logged in. Now we want to switch from Basic SMTP Auth to Oauth2.
So we registered in the main tenant (<boss_name>#<company_name>.de) in the azure portal a web app "PHPMailer" and received the refresh token with the file "get_oauth_token.php", which is included in PHPMailer. The mail order via OAuth is working now, but only when <boss_name>#<company_name>.de is the username and the email sender (From).
It's not working when both are for example reports#<company_name>.de (prefered way)
SMTP INBOUND: "535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [AM6PR10CA0036.EURPRD10.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM]"
And it's not working when <boss_name>#<company_name>.de is the username and From is for example reports#<company_name>.de (willy-nilly compromise)
SMTP INBOUND: "554 5.2.252 SendAsDenied; <boss_name>#<company_name>.de not allowed to send as reports#<company_name>.de
We tried to change the configuration for <boss_name>#<company_name>.de ("SendAs" parameter) and of the app in the azure portal (for example defining the department email addresses as owner of the app or adding Mail.Send in the Micrsoft Graph API as application permission) and waited 24 hours (synchronization delay) - but no change.
So i've read in the past weeks countless tutorials from Microsoft, PHPMailer and others, and forums like stackoverflow. But nowhere i could find the necessary information, how to change the configuration.
Give mailbox permissions to another Microsoft 365 user - Admin help
Authenticate an IMAP, POP or SMTP connection using OAuth
Get access on behalf of a user
Using Gmail with XOAUTH2 (unfortunately no explanation for Microsoft)
Basic Usage of the OAuth 2.0 Client from the PHP League
Microsoft Provider for OAuth 2.0 Client Microsoft OAuth 2.0 support for PHPMailer from Steven Maguire
But in this answer to my older question #ADyson wrote that the app just needs the appropriate permissions in the Graph API - so it must be possible. Unfortunately he didn't write, how to set the permissions...
So, how can i achieve my goal?
(Because the PHPMailer is working and i think it's just a configuration problem, i omitted code snippets. If you although need code or more information, please tell me...)
Thanks to #greew i found a well made explanation with helpfull screenshots for delegated permissions:
Microsoft Azure and XOAUTH2 setup guide
Unfortunately it doesn't help for my case with application permissions, because it is made for the case, that the Microsoft user is logged in on the compauter where PHPMailer is working.
Not supported?
I found in the Microsoft page Authenticate an IMAP, POP or SMTP connection using OAuth the following hint:
Note As per the current test with SMTP Oauth 2.0 client credential flow with non-interactive sign in is not supported.
Does this mean, that i'm trying it for nothing, because it is not supported???
I just tried setting up a new mailer with the correct permissions and also clicking the "Grant admin consent.." button.
This resulted in me being able to both get the refresh token and also send mail without user interaction on my behalf.
Note: I'm using the single tenant option in the App.
After i found in the Microsoft page Authenticate an IMAP, POP or SMTP connection using OAuth the following hint:
Note As per the current test with SMTP Oauth 2.0 client credential flow with non-interactive sign in is not supported.
i asked the same question in the Microsoft Q&A forum. There i received the following answer/comment:
Currently the Client Credentials flow isn't supported with SMTP Auth (it maybe in the future but there isn't a roadmap item that i know of) so you need to grant SendAS permissions to whatever account you trying to send as in the from or switch to using the Graph API eg one example that does support the client credentials flow.
I tried to solve the issue by letting the administrator grant the SendAs permission to all necessary mailboxes, but i still get the error SendAsDenied - maybe it doesn't work with modern authentication (OAuth).
At the end i used the graphMailer from the linked, which is a really slim solution compared to the PHPMailer. First i couldn't get it to work, because our administrator refused to grant the necessary Microsoft Graph permission Mail.ReadWrite (he has security concerns). But i changed the code, so that the email is "build" before sending it, instead of building the email step by step on the Microsoft server and then advising the server to send it (like in the original code).
Now the Mail.ReadWrite permission isn't necessary and i can send from different email addresses. To avoid rewriting the whole code, where the PHPMailer is used, i renamed the functions of Katys graphMailer (and adjusted the params), so that they are similar to the PHPMailer and i only need to replace = new PHPMailer( with = new graphMailer(...

How to connect to with POP3 by using OAuth2

Currently we have a Spring Integration application using a mail inbound channel adapter for receiving and processing application emails. It connects to Outlook 365 using POP3 protocol using basic authentication with a user/password. Since Basic Authentication is being discontinued by Microsoft later this year we are required to migrate the authentication to OAUTH2 (Modern Authentication) token based access. In this regard my question is as follows:
<int-mail:inbound-channel-adapter id="pop3Adater"
The POP3 store-uri is
How should the store-uri be modified to use oauth access token for autehtication? (We will only have an AZURE Base64 encoded access token)
Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Google Developer Console Doesn't List Mail API

The Google Developer Consoles (even the old version) no longer lists the Mail API in the list of available APIs.
I'm trying to develop a web application which acts on behalf of users to manage their Gmail, like Mailbox. This requires using the Gmail IMAP API with XOAUTH2 authentication with an OAuth 2.0 access token. The documentation instructs provisioning OAuth 2.0 token with a scope. Provisioning credentials for a web application then requesting a token with this scope yields a 403 response with an accessNotConfigured error. There are options in the developer console for configuring other APIs, but there is no option to configure access for the Mail API.
Attempting to provision the mail scope in the Google OAuth Playground using their client credentials works correctly and the resulting access token can be used to access Gmail IMAP with XOAUTH2.
Have Google disabled OAuth 2.0 authentication for Mail using new credentials, or is it just hidden? I can't find a way to contact them and ask for Mail API access.
Just create any client id it doesn't matter what API you select. When you make the authentication request send the scope of That will get you the access token you need to login to the imap server.

google oauth smtp access token for sending only

i am developing an app for sending emails via gmail smtp. Authentication is done via oauth... is there a way to authorize access to sending email only? and not checking inbox? that way if the access tokens and consumer tokens are somehow compromised, the hacker won't be able to actually read the user's inbox which is more serious issue than sending spams i guess.
No, the scope allows full access to SMTP, IMAP and POP.
Refer xoauth2_protocol oauth_20_scopes
