How can I draw same images along a path using cocos2D iOS? - ios

I trying to draw same images along a straight path.
I already know where the path begins and ends.
How can I make it?
Please Help.
Always thanks.

can you please Explain the condition,So that i can understand the way you want draw images...
As I understand your problem you want to draw series of same image along with a path, in that case you can use CCRibbon.


How to get the enclosed subpaths from a CGPath

I am working on a drawing app. I have implemented the drawing string feature using CGPath. The next feature is that I can click on the view. If where I click includes an enclosed area, I can fill it with other colors. I am thinking that I need to get the enclosed subpath first, then fill color to it. Very much appreciate it if anyone can give me any idea. Thanks.
For you to understand it, I post a picture.
Okay, finally I found what I want is the "Flood Fill" Algorithm. If anyone wants to look for the referring article, please see here

How to create a complex SVG layer fill animation based on CAShapeLayer

As you can understand from the title of this question I am trying to achieve fill animation of CALayer(CAShapeLayer) of SVG file.
How complex should be animation you can see from the images I attached.
I decided to start just with a circle and animate it to fill a layer below. Everything works pretty well.
So, I started building UIBezierPath or something like that but it looks like I am going the wrong direction.
I would really appreciate if you can just give me different ideas how to achieve it.
For SVG I use SVGKit. Maybe by using these set of classes, I can do something.
Thank you!

Move sprite along path

I'm working with SpriteKit and wondering if anyone knows how to make a sprite follow a path. I've seen other questions online that talk about moving a sprite along a CGPath, but how would you do it if the path is another sprite?
Video example
Have a look at Is there a way to create a CGPath matching outline of a SKSpriteNode? - it seems from that answer that the problem is much more complex than it first appears.
If your sprite is an SVG, a simpler solution may be to manually convert the SVG into a CGPath, and then using that CGPath in your game. A simple tool for doing that is available here: Of course doing this manually won't scale well if you have many different sprites.
This may not be exactly the answer you are looking for, but it seems right now there is no simple way to accomplish what you need :)

Keeping track of an object and painting behind

I have been struggling with this problem for a time and being unable to solve it led me here. I'm recently new to Actionscript (2.0). I want to do something similar to:
Were i want something to be painted behind a moving object in real time.
I would like some advice on how to approach the problem.
You need to use line drawing to do this. You will need two points, and it will draw a line from one to the next. I recommend having it run on every movement call. Have it draw the line between the racer's location in the previous frame, and his location in the current frame. For further reference, check out this page.

Folded Map Effect on iOS

I am trying to add folded effect onto mapview similar to map in this image Tried to google for it but without luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
My guess is that they are just overlaying an image with the folds/shadows/edges to give the effect. The actual map itself does not look like it is manipulated at all.
