Hiding embedded tweet until Twitter JS loaded - twitter

I'm trying out the new embed Tweet feature https://dev.twitter.com/docs/embedded-tweets and it renders horribly until presumably the js file is run and it styles the Tweet. I'd like to hide the Tweet until it is properly styled. Is this possible? I've moved the js file towards the top of the head section to try to get it loaded early.
The example is at http://www.photogenix.biz - I've put it inside a container div with width and min-height set to try to control the horribleness :) Any advice at all? If code is involved I would really need it as specific as possible.


Is there a way to execute a javascript function at the end of a WebForms event?

I have a screen I am creating to manipulate a document. As part of the web form I have a table of page thumbnails on the left side with controls for the current page in the main portion of the screen. When a thumbnail is clicked an UpdatePanel in the body section is updated with the info for that page.
I have just added the ability to change the order of the pages by dragging the thumbnails up and down. This uses JqueryUI's Sortable feature with a hidden asp:Button to communicate the changes back to the server.
All of that works when used separately. However, when I click a thumbnail to select a page the table that they are in looses the sortable property. I can easily re-establish it using a JavaScript command. But how do I call a Javascript command at the end of the WebForms event?
It is strange that after clicking on a thumbnail the script is broken. But you would have to post some source code and ASPX/ASCX to investigate that.
But it is possible to execute some javascript at the end of a postback. Have a look at this documentation:
I think you want to have a look at the 'pageLoaded' or 'endRequest' events, maybe you can call your javascript from there.

jQuery Mobile + FullCalendar - need to refresh page to see it with multiple page divs

Please see this jsbin test page that illustrates the issue
I have a simple jqm page with two page divs. The only initialization is being done inside a $(document).on('pageshow', function(){}); block. Inside the block, I initialize a fullcalendar.js calendar.
If I load the page as an external page (the first link in the menu) it loads without a hitch (but it's not using ajax, so the page flickers and there's no transition).
If I load the page using the jqm convention of linking to the id of the second page div with an anchor tag, it loads the calendar div as a page with no data.
If I then refresh the page, the data is displayed. Subsequent use of the menu displays both page divs as pages without issue.
I've seen a lot of discussion about which event of the pagecontainer widget to use, and I'm aware that document.ready() is not the way to go. I've tried all the possibilities, I think (pagebeforeshow, pageshow, pageinit, etc.) There's more detail in the demo, where you can see all the code. If I need to post it here, too, I can do that, but it's easier to see the issue if you load the test at jsbin. I suggest running it in a separate window, so you can refresh the page.
If anyone else has solved this or has an idea what I'm doing wrong, I'd really appreciate the help and / or suggestions.
I put all of the pagecontainer events into my test jsbin code and stepped through them. (Thanks to Gajotres for providing useful documentation on the various pagecontainer hooks). It turns out that the one I needed was 'pagecontainerhide' instead of pageshow, pageinit, or any of the others. Once I modified the code to use that event, the calendar displayed properly on the page div, with transition, and I no longer had to click on refresh to see load the "page".
Since I have all the events there, perhaps others with page change issues can benefit from the test page....

html5/css3, Asp.net MVC3 - View pdf in an html page on mobile safari

My upcoming mobile web project requires viewing dynamically chosen pdf files inside the webpage. I am using iFrame to display the pdf file and the file can be scrolled using two-finger scrolling. But the problems I am facing are:
The first page of the file is not displayed completely on the iPad and gets cut off along the width unlike when I view it on the desktop browsers where the first page of the pdf is always entirely displayed although zoomed out to fit in the iFrame area.
There is no visual indication for the users that the pdf document can be scrolled, i.e., there is no scroll bar on the pdf document.
The controls (page navigation, zoom etc.) for the pdf viewer (Adobe reader) don't appear on the document unlike when I see it on the desktop browsers.
What is the best way to achieve what I am trying to do? Do any of you experts know any solutions/workarounds to the problems I am facing? An entirely different approach using anything other than iFrame can also be considered.
The reason why the pdf should be inside the html page is that, the list of pdf files will be on a menu bar on the left side of the page and the user can click on any of them to view on the same page. Ideally, they will have the capability to toggle between full screen view and that view.
Any help is appreciated.
I created a tiny JavaScript module that helps you to show a PDF inline and be able to scroll it. But I also couldn't figure out a way to make it fit the total width of the parent container.
Check it out: https://github.com/williamrjribeiro/ipdf-scroll
I came across this Recommended way to embed PDF in HTML? while researching on the web to find an answer.
The mentioned link discusses about some options that I can use and the google document viewer works for me though don't know if there is anything (like data limit) I need to be aware of before using it on the website. Also I have no idea if it is a good solution (though the full screen mode is not available, but zoom-in/zoom-out and next/prev page buttons are there are show up in the mobile safari on the iPad) to use for an web app that will be run on the iPad.
Anyway, I will keep researching for a better solution and if i don't find any, I'll stick to the google document viewer.
The issue appears to be a bug with Safari on the IPad.
I didn't find a solution for embedding the pdf in html but I did find this:
If you return FileStreamResult from your controller action instead of a view, the pdf will open in a new tab, it's not embedded html but at least your user is not having to download files and open them manually.
I had the same problem of the pdf not being displayed completely. The only thing I found to fix this was the change the size of the div containing the pdf.
For example if the element containing the pdf is a div then I change its width to any value and the rollback to the value it had before. Changing Width or height any one works.
Sometimes I had to wait a little using a setTimeout before calling my resizable method

jquery mobile left menu

Throughout the jQuery Mobile docs, they use a left-side menu for navigation that changes to a more mobile friendly version when the browser width is smaller. You can see an example on this page.
They use this layout throughout the docs, and I can see in the source that they use two divs with the IDs "content-primary" and "content-secondary." My question relates to the fact that I can't find anything about this structure actually discussed in the documentation. It seems very strange that they would not include such a useful widget in the Framework. Did they use custom code to make this, or did I miss it in the documentation somehow?
I'm frankly quite surprised to see how challenging it's been to find a left nav example that works consistently and as expected in JQM.
I wound up copying code directly from the JQM docs, including grabbing their custom .js and .css scripts (which defines the .content-primary and .content-secondary classes, as well as the various #media queries which make the menu responsive).
The JQM docs do not use the "multi-page" format. Instead, each nav menu item links to a wholly separate URL (presumably prefetched into the DOM by adding data-prefetch="true" to the link), so each new page/URL must redefine the same nav menu over again.
This immediately makes my developer brain think "let's abstract the menu and include it on each page automatically". But how to 'include' the menu on each page without PHP (or other server-side language)? This is the problem I have yet to solve.
You may be able to call the $(document).bind('pageinit', function to manually inject your menu into the loading page by using javascript/jquery, but I have yet to figure out how to do this properly.
I'll keep you posted if/when I have a workable solution.
Actually this is not specific to jquery mobile, this is CSS3. You can check documentation here: http://www.css3.info/preview/media-queries/. Essentially what they do is specify style rules for different screen width using media query as shown in this example:
#media all and (min-width: 650px) { // you can define your width here
// style rules here
Are you talking about something like the left menu at http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.3.0-beta.1/docs/demos/panels/panel-nav-form.html# ? Haven't played with it but it looks like these days it just takes
<div data-role="panel" data-position="left" data-position-fixed="false" data-display="reveal">

Best way to link images to text so that localization keeps things spaced properly?

I've got an app with a big 'help' page that describes how to use it. This page features a lot of text with some embedded images. Is there some way to 'link' or attach these images to the bottom of specific text boxes so things will lay out reasonably well for any localization we do? In other words, if the French translation of a block of text ends up being two lines longer than the English equivalent, I'd like the image that's placed below that text to be pushed downward by the appropriate amount without having to re-edit the layout of of the .xib file manually. Possible?
You can make HTML page. You can place any thing after your text and can do modification. As it is HTML page it can easily wrap and auto adjust itself. And show the html page in your webview by saving the HTML page in your local data storage
