Why can't I move iOS storyboard elements around? - ios

I am trying to work with storyboards in iOS, and it's driving me nuts because I can't drag storyboard elements around in the UI to clean up the visual structure of the relationships. Should I be able to move them around? If so, what might I be doing wrong?
I should note I am accessing the Mac environment via RealVNC on Windows, which might have something to do with it, and I have little choice in the matter, unfortunately. But I have no problems moving UI elements around within a view. It's just the top-level storyboard views that I can't rearrange.
EDIT: I've dropped the storyboard tag, since this seems to affect all top-level views and windows in my Xcode editor, not just those belonging to storyboards.

I ran into this problem using a Synergy client on a mac. I assume it has something to do with the mouse lag and how the storyboard registers click and drag. My solution for now is to use a mouse connected directly to the mac, but it would be nice if the Apple would fix this issue in future xcode releases.

I was facing this, I have a magic trackpad, and as it turns out if you point your mouse on the battery symbol in the storyboard and try to move them, you can do it very easily! :) (not sure if this is a known thing, just adding it here, if somebody has the same question since google's first hit is this one)
EDIT: Well you can just drag it around using the controller bar below the storyboard so this answer is a little late, but now there are two ways. :)

After trying almost every remote screen implementation I could get my hands on, I've come to the same conclusion.
This also affects control-drag for connections. The workaround on ctrl-drag is to right click on an element and drag from the pop-up menu.
For dragging top-level elements, I have a spare mouse connected to the mac like you. But this fix isn't robust because if the mac (running VNC) doesn't have a monitor attached, the remote cursor does not seem to report itself to VNC clients correctly. Is this consistent with your findings, or does your mac have a monitor connected? Reboot with a monitor and I suspect your mac-mouse will not behave correctly through VNC. The fix here is to connect a monitor to the mac briefly, and then remote cursor reports itself correctly from that point onwards (until the next reboot).

I just bumped into the same issue, I was using Synergy v. 1.3.7 on Mac (Client) and Synergy v. 1.4.4 on Linux (Server).
I upgraded to Synergy 1.4.10 on both Mac and Linux and now everything works for me as expected.

I am using teamviewer from my windows desktop to connect to my macbook and have the same problem.
I couldn't solve it on my desktop anyways, you have to make these changes in mac.

As a partial solution when using Google remote desktop:
Drag a new item from the Object library. This is working normally until you drop the item. Afterwards you can't drag the item again.
Open the outline view. See picture at https://developer.apple.com/library/content/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/DevelopiOSAppsSwift/Art/2_outlineview_toggle_2x.png
Than drag the item from there. You can drag it and when dropped, the original item will be moved to the correct place. The problem with that is no help lines are presented in order to align the item and no accurate position can be done.
Use the Size inspector. See pic at https://koenig-media.raywenderlich.com/uploads/2015/11/46_vc_size-e1448290482977-421x320.png
From there you can set the correct size and position of the item.

I'm using a Mac in a VMWare Virtual Machine through VNC from Windows, same problem. However, logging in to VSphere directly, and opening a console on the VM does let you move elements and control-drag.
This requires access to VSphere, though, which your System Administrator may be reluctant to provide.

I was using ShareMouse 3.0.35 for sharing mouse and keyboard between a PC and a MAC and when I turn it off, I can drag things around on the storyboard. Posting this to assist others. Of course, now I have to push my manual KVM which is a drag (pun intended)

I'm experiencing this on WMware player 14 and macOS 10.13 with Xcode 9. The only workaround I've found is under the pane with the vertical ruler icon, in the section called View, and manually adjusting the X and Y coordinates


Resize Panes in Xcode

The resizing of the different Panes/Windows in Xcode often stops working and I have to toggle hide or show in order to reactivate it.
If you look at the images below, sometime I cannot get a resize cursor as shown in the second image.
I have been patient. I keep expecting the next version of XCode to solve this bug or maybe the next OSx.
I am now on Xcode 7.1.1 and OSx 10.11.1.
Am I the only one who has the recurrent bug ? Is there a fix anyone knows of ? I always click on one of the toggles switches in the toolbars and it fixes it but I cannot stop it reoccurring.
In my experience this has never caused Xcode to freeze, but also you can resize the panes regardless of whether the cursor changes or not. Just point to that area and drag it - it will follow.

XCode Storyboard Issue

I cant see the Labels, Button etc in the View or their constraints though the Labels and Button appears on the side of the storyboard. And when you run the program in the simulator you can see that they are there.
The project from my colleague who uses XCode 6.3.1 and I am using XCode 6.3.2
and he doesn't have this issue. When he updated his to to the same version I have he had the same problem; so he went back to the previous version 6.3.1.
Now the problem persisted on my device even when I removed the 6.3.2 and substitute it with 6.3.1
stackoverflow prevented me from uploading the images but I can send it by email to anyone to see the screen shots
I think I found the answer but yet the labels seems to be shifted out of the view. but the Answer is: This problem occurs when one of the users design the view controller using the compact or any other dimension other than Any X Any. to fix the problem, click in any of the objects created ( label, button..etc), and go the attribute inceptor, and scroll down to the bottom and you will find a check box with the word installed. there will probably be more than one. Look for the one that is not highlighted, and highlight it. This should fix the problem.
Another faster solution instead of going over each object you can deselect
Use Auto Layout
Use Size Classes
then select them again

Cannnot move scenes in interface builder of XCode 6.1

My problem is that I cannot move scenes after updating XCode to 6.1. They are quite distorted as u can see in a picture and I want to group them a bit. I know i can arrange them using source code of storyboard but may be there's simple way to allow just dragging them?
From what I see in your screenshot I think you just need to zoom in more, to be able to move them individually. I think its a little annoying.
Unless Its another issue, zoom in more you can do it by double clicking a few times

oracle-sqldeveloper mouse mapping issue

I found several articles describing the same issue i have, but didn't find a solution.
Since several versions of sqldeveloper(3.1-newest one, 4 i upgraded today) i experience mouse mapping issues. I tried rebooting, reinstalling sqldeveloper, and also after a reinstall of the operating system, nothing changed. JDK 1.7, but also used 1.6 before when experiencing the same problem.
When i want to select something from the menubar/any dropdownmenu, i have to point my mouse several centimeters lower to mark a menuitem.
I have a linux mint system. I would be very thankful for any help.
I found the related bug.
Workaround: maximize window and reduce the size afterwards again.
Just thought I would share my findings on a similar issues in case anyone else drops in here looking for more answers.
I have had a similar issue where the mouse pointer/clicker stopped working. I was working through a VPN and it was only not working while using SQL Developer. I figured it had something to do with the integration and that I'd restart my machine when I got to work. However, after researching the issue I still couldn't find the solution.
Finally I was about to restart the machine and I used Alt F to get to the file menu. Jumped over to preferences just to look at the keyboard shortcuts real quick. I couldn't scroll down to see them so I was about to give up and I happen to click the middle mouse scroll wheel down and everything started working again. :D
I have the same problems I think, sqldeveloper does not respond to (most)mouse actions.
Java(TM) Platform 1.6.0_26
Oracle IDE
Versioning Support
the issue went away when I switched mouse to a clickable wheel mouse and pressed the wheel. the mouse causing problems did have a wheel but it was not clickable.
I was facing an issue where it was selecting the individual items while hovering with the mouse but left-right click was not working.
I hit the Scroll Button once and after that everything worked as expected.

Steps for redesigning an iPad app for Mac OS X?

What commonly expected user-visible design idioms need to change from an iPad app to a Mac app for an app, that is to provide basically identical functionality, to seem at least reasonably Mac OS X native?
Some of these changes, commonly expected by users, might include:
Move the Settings button and Info button to Menu selections for Preferences... and About...
Move the Settings view and Info view or popover to their own independent Preferences and About windows instead of being views in the main window.
Add some menu items and menu keys for commonly used buttons (like the forward and back buttons in a browser).
Support arrow keys for scrolling any custom view items.
Support mouse-over for help popups or dynamic menus.
If the app supports "documents", allow more than one document to be open at a time, each in their own windows.
What else? What's the minimum change required for a simple generic 2D game?
Added clarifications:
Note that I do not consider re-coding similar UI classes to NS classes (for instance UIButtons to NSButtons), with similar look, positions and behaviors, to be a significant change. Those changes are pretty much invisible to the user.
The goal is to change as little as possible so that a user who purchased app X to do Y on an iPad might purchase app X to do Y on their Mac, as a Mac application, but with as close to zero learning curve as possible. But it seems that some changes need to be made, or the app would not seem to be a Mac app (for instance, a missing About... menu item would seem a bit strange.)
to provide basically identical
functionality, to seem at least
reasonably Mac OS X native?
You've gone off the rails right there. Consider adding this to your list:
Forget everything you know about how your iPad app works. Step back and consider that a user's interaction with and expectation of a desktop application are very different from those of a tablet. Re-think what you're able to do and what the user will want to do with a faster processor, more power, significantly more available storage, less mobility, much faster text entry, and a different user interface model.
We are in the same boat and faced the same question.
Our conclusion is to start with a "fresh" real application for Mac and make it look similar, i.e. using the same or similar UI components and graphics. The app should be otherwise developed as if there was no iPad version.
First, there will be many users that don't have the iPad version. Those users expect a full-blown Mac application and it doesn't make sense to make it feel iPad in any way.
Second, users coming from the iPad version will feel ripped of if the Mac app is just a pure clone of the iPad version with no added value. Think of the first transitions from iPhone to iPad - paying again for nothing but pure upscales is frustrating and might harm your business in the long run.
Starting out designing a fresh streamlined UI and then think of what you can reuse and make similar. Functionality may differ in one direction or the other. Your model code should work in all places anyway.
Not exactly an answer to your question, but take a look at Chameleon. It's essentially a port of UIKit to the Mac. It was created by The Icon Factory to make it easy for developers to port their iOS apps to the Mac. IIRC Twitterific was ported to the Mac using Chameleon.
So here's what I did to create a Mac app from an iPad app, and have it accepted into the Mac App store.
Ignored the suggestions to completely redesign the app (users reasonably liked the iPad design).
Create a Mac app project and include a branch of all the iOS source code.
Manually recode all the UI elements with their corresponding NS elements. Resize them to Mac UI guideline sizes. Check that they all show up in some reasonable place when the main window is resized. Deleted iPad only delegates, such as rotation handlers, etc. This resulted in completely new view controller code, but almost all the code was just a parallel translation of the other paradigm.
Set the view coordinates to flipped so the Y coordinates won't have to be recalculated for any Core Graphics drawing routines. (The Model and CG drawing code pretty much ported straight over without change, except for scale factors for window size, and such.)
Remove settings and help views from the main window view controller(s). Implement a Preferences window xib and a Help window xib, and put all the settings and pref views and controls there. Add one more top level controller to show/hide the 3 windows.
Add some menu selections with hotkeys for equivalent UIButton actions that a user might want to hit without reaching for the mouse/trackpad.
Add a credits.html file.
Add an outline shape and transparency masks to the icon design, and stuff into an .icns file.
Pad the one window screen shot out to the much larger required size.
