Heroku console doesn't handle ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex - ruby-on-rails

Simple question - I'm trying to assign random values to some of my app's fields on Heroku by writing:
Project.all.each do |p|; p.key ||= ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex; p.save; end
This is producing the internal server error due to the hex.
Do you know why this is happening and how I can fix it?
Edit: It turns out the failure was due to an hour-long Heroku outage that killed tools as well as slowing down apps. hex still works on Heroku console.

Can you try just running the line ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex on Heroku's console?
I just did that and it worked, so the error might be elsewhere.

It turns out the failure was due to an hour-long Heroku outage that killed tools as well as slowing down apps. hex still works on Heroku console.
Thanks leonardoborges and Skydreamer for your help!

You should use heroku logs in your project to see exactly what's wrong and fix it.


EOFError (end of file reached)

I am not really sure what is going on with my rails app. I have not changed any code on my front page but I am getting the error EOFError (end of file reached) with no further information on the logs.
It is only the index page that has this issue. I would like to know, if there is any other way I can get more information on this error.
This is all I have from papertrail
Edit: In localhost everything works fine but once I have deployed to Heroku my frontpage does not work.
After a back and forth with Heroku, my issue ended up being resolved. There was no error in the code as this piece of code had been working all along. Heroku advised that maintenance occurs every night and maybe the moving of the app to a different dyno might have resolved the issue.
If anyone else ends up with a similar issue, if a restart does not fix it maybe ask Heroku to move you to a different dyno.

Rails annoying message We're sorry, but something went wrong

****We're sorry, but something went wrong.
If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.****
On various rails applications I have been getting this all the time. How can this be fixed for good on ruby on rails apps?
You will have to check the log and fix the error, for production application you can use services like airbreak or errbit a free solution. Whenever this page occurs you will receive full trace and error. Hope this will help you in making application much more stable.

how to debug web server on RoR?

I currently have a problem with a project.
it freezes before it shows the "Started GET ...." seems like it hits an infinite loop.
now i dont really have much experience with debuggers in ROR, can anyone recommend anything i can use to trace the exact origin of the problem. if i can get an error code somewhere then i might be able to fix it.
currently i am using webrick, i tried thin and it gave the exact same error.but i am willing to use anything to find the exact origin of this error.
it seems to be related to the project because all other projects works fine on my environment.
Take a look at the Rails guide on debugging.
Also try running the Rails console ("rails c"); if you can get to a command prompt at all that means that the issue is not in loading the Rails environment (e.g. a problem in application.rb) but is somewhere in the process of making a web request. If there's a failure it may give you a better error message.

Logging stacktraces when running a Rails app on Thin

This is probably something stupid as I have never deployed a Rails app before. However:
I developed the app using WEBrick. When I got an exception, I'd get a helpful stacktrace in the console. Now I am deploying the app to Thin, running as a Windows service (I am not using Windows by choice, I hasten to add).
When the app gets an exception running in Thin, all I get in the logs is: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 31ms. No stacktrace or description of the error. When I run it in Thin in the console I get a description of the error, but no class name or line number. I'm sure it's some simple config but a bit of googling has turned up nothing so far. Can anyone shed any light on how to get more informative error logging?
On a related note, what's the simplest and best way to set up email notifications on error in a Rails app?
Ignore me - I was being stupid. I created some extra environments for the app (a sales and a uat environment) and foolishly copied config/environments/test.rb which has
config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false
and I now feel quite foolish.
what's the simplest and best way to set up email notifications on error in a Rails app?
The exception_notification gem.

Rails app unable to save anything after deployment

today I uploaded my app to server, and after seting it into development mode, and running of course rake tasks (rake db: migrate, and rade db: migrate RAILS_ENV="production") and well it just doesn't save anything.
The problem happens when I try to create any new items, it just goest to the listing of models...
Your question is very vague. I believe you're saying the app writes files to the server's hard drive. If that's what you're asking, I think the best guess is that something's wrong with file system permissions. Unfortunately, I can't say what is wrong without more details.
i solved it.
reason i asked was because i absolutely went through each and every one of my potential problems and took care of them, and well in the end none of them were the reason of such a failure. so then i went to the basics
and i basically had to clone my development environment on the production machine.
so i had to downgrade rails a couple of versions, and some gems too.
that took care of it, everything went on smoothly, so if anyone ever encounters such mysterous failures, give this a try.
