How can I keep a large amount of OutputDebugString() calls from degrading my application in the Delphi 6 IDE? - delphi

This has happened to me on more than one occasion and has led to many lost hours chasing a ghost. As typical, when I am debugging some really difficult timing-related code I start adding tons of OutputDebugString() calls, so I can get a good picture of the sequence of related operations. The problem is, the Delphi 6 IDE seems to be able to only handle that situation for so long. I'll use a concrete example I just went through to avoid generalities (as much as possible).
I spent several days debugging my inter-thread semaphore locking code along with my DirectShow timestamp calculation code that was causing some deeply frustrating problems. After having eliminated every bug I could think of, I still was having a problem with Skype, which my application sends audio to.
After about 10 seconds the delay between my talking and hearing my voice come out of Skype on the second PC that I was using for testing, the far end of the call, started to grow. At around 20 - 30 seconds the delay started to grow exponentially and at that point triggered code I have that checks to see if a critical section was being held too long.
Fortunately it wasn't too late at night and having been through this before, I decided to stop relentlessly tracing and turned off the majority of the OutputDebugString(). Thankfully I had most of them wrapped in a conditional compiler define so it was easy to do. The instant I did this the problems went away, and it turned out my code was working fine.
So it looks like the Delphi 6 IDE starts to really bog down when the amount of OutputDebugstring() traffic is above some threshold. Perhaps it's just the task of adding strings to the Event Log debugger pane, which holds all the OutputDebugString() reports. I don't know, but I have seen similar problems in my applications when a TMemo or similar control starts to contain too many strings.
What have those of you out there done to prevent this? Is there a way of clearing the Event Log via some method call or at least a way of limiting its size? Also, what techniques do you use via conditional defines, IDE plug-ins, or whatever, to cope with this situation?

A similar problem happened to me before with Delphi 2007. Disable event viewing in the IDE and instead use DebugView from Sysinternals.

I hardly ever use OutputDebugString. I find it hard to analyze the output in the IDE and it takes extra effort to keep several sets of multiple runs.
I really prefer a good logging component suite (CodeSite, SmartInspect) and usually log to various files. Standard files for example are "General", "Debug" (standard debug info that I want to collect from a client installation as well), "Configuration", "Services", "Clients". These are all set up to "overflow" to a set of numbered files, which allows you to keep the logs of several runs by simply allowing more numbered files. Comparing log info from different runs becomes a whole lot easier that way.
In the situation you describe I would add debug statements that log to a separate logfile. For example "Trace". The code to make "Trace" available is between conditional defines. That makes turning it on pretty simple.
To avoid leaving in these extra debug statements, I tend to make the changes to turn on the "Trace" log without checking it out from source control. That way, the compiler of the build server will throw out "identifier not defined" errors on any statements unintentionally left in. If I want to keep these extra statements I either change them to go to the "Debug" log, or put them between conditional defines.

The first thing I would do is make certain that the problem is what you think it is. It has been a long time since I've used Delphi, so I'm not sure about the IDE limitations, but I'm a bit skeptical that the event log will start bogging down exponentially over time with the same number of debug strings being written in a period of 20-30 seconds. It seems more likely that the number of debug strings being written is increasing over time for some reason, which could indicate a bug in your application control flow that is just not as obvious with the logging disabled.
To be sure I would try writing a simple application that just runs in a loop writing out debug strings in chunks of 100 or so, and start recording the time it takes for each chunk, and see if the time starts to increase as significantly over a 20-30 second timespan.
If you do verify that this is the problem - or even if it's not - then I would recommend using some type of logging library instead. OutputDebugString really loses it's effectiveness when you use it for massive log dumps like that. Even if you do find a way to reset or limit the output window, you'd be losing all of that logging data.

IDE Fix Pack has an optimisation to improve performance of OutputDebugString
The IDE’s Debug Log View also got an optimization. The debugger now
updates the Log View only when the IDE is idle. This allows the IDE to
stay responsive when hundreds of OutputDebugString messages or other
debug messages are written to the Debug Log View.
Note that this only runs on Delphi 2007 and above.


Vivado Logic Analyzer Waveform Procedure

I have been using Vivado Logic Analyzer for months. and believe me it took so much time to properly see the debug singals on waveform. I usually mark the debug signals on block design and then synthesize and generate bitstream . But sometimes i can see my clock on debug "FCLK" or sometimes "ProcessingSystemFCLK, using (Setup_debug on synthesized designs ) . Then also sometimes i can see proper transiitons of waveform on ILA , and sometimes i can see only one straight value there; No transiitons whatsoever. Sometimes I get LUTRAM error and sometimes the bit stream generated successfully.
It will be appreciated if one can tell me the proper sequence for debugging signals and whether first to program device using Vivado or using SDK. And also kindly clarify above points too.
thanks so much
There are many bugs lurking in the Vivado ILA code, I've run into many myself. I have had the most success generating the ILA in a managed IP project and manually instantiating it in the RTL (use the example project to get a template). That way you can be sure what clock it is running on. If you are getting different clocks I would guess this is why your probes seem to behave differently.
If your device is getting full, Vivado can sometimes fail routing with large ILA blocks. If you rerun the build you may get different results.
As far as programming it, it doesn't matter if it is programmed with Vivado or SDK, but Hardware Manager only exists in Vivado, so you'll need to bring this up and point to the .ltx file to view the probes (don't forget to refresh the device).

Delphi 5 application partially loaded in task manager, takes forever to actually display

I have an application written in Delphi 5, which runs fine on most (windows) computers.
However, occasionally the program begins to load (you can see it in task manager, uses about 2.5-3 MB of memory), but then stalls for a number of minutes, sometimes hours.
If you leave it long enough, the formshow event will eventually occur and the application window will pop up, but it seems like some other application or windows setting is preventing it from initially using all the memory it needs to run (approx. 35-40 MB).
Also, on some of my client's workstations, if they have MS Outlook running, they can close it and my application will pop up. Does anyone know what is going on here, and/or how to fix it?
Since nobody has given a better answer I'll take a stab at how to solve this:
There's something in your initialization that is locking it up somehow. Without seeing your code I do not know what it is so I'll only address how to go about finding it:
You need to log what you accomplish during startup. If you have any kind of screen showing I find the window title useful for this but it sounds like you don't--that means you need to write the log to a file. Let it get lost, kill the task and see where it got.
Note that this means you need to cleanly write your data despite an abnormal program termination. How to go about this:
A) Append, write your line, close.
B) Write your line, then flush the file handle.
C) Initially write your file to consist of a large number of blanks--ensure this is larger than the actual log will be. Write your line. In case of abnormal termination it will retain the original larger file size.
I would write a timestamp on every log item so you can see if it's just processing something too slowly.
If examining the log shows you where the problem is, fine. If, as usually happens, it's not enough you put a bunch more logging between the last item that did get logged and the next one that didn't--I've been known to log every line when hunting a cryptic problem that only happened on someone else's system.
If finding the line isn't enough to pinpoint the problem also dump the value of relevant variables.
Finally, if such intense scrutiny makes the bug go away start looking for an uninitialized variable. (While a memory stomp is also an option I doubt it's the culprit here.)

AV after successful close of applications

I am getting this AV message about 3 to 5 seconds after the applications close as expected:
Exception EAccessViolation in module rtl160.bpl at 00073225. Access violation at address 500A3225 in module 'rtl160.bpl'. Read of address 00000004.
These (20) applications are very similar in that they are IBX business applications. About half of them did not cause the AV to occur.
These applications were ported from Delphi-xe and they worked flawlessly for a long time. No changes were made to the projects in the port. Both 32 and 64 bit builds gave the same results.
Is this a bug in some library's finalization section freeing a resource or something?
I am using Delphi-XE2 Update 3.
Would appreciate the help.
Try using madExcept / EurekaLog etc. - they give you detailed stack trace on AV. This is not always a panacea, but can point you to the problem.
Access Violations are by their nature already very troublesome beasts since they deal with invalid pointers in memory. One that occurs a while after an application shuts down is even worse because that's when your app is in "cleanup" mode. You're could be dealing with something that went wrong much earlier in the application, but is only exposing itself at shutdown.
General Tips:
Try to always undo things in the reverse order you did them. E.g.
Create A, Create B ... Destroy B, Destroy A
Connect to Database, Open Dataset ... Close Dataset, Disconnect from Database
Even making sure you've done all the above before shutting down can help tremendously.
Any threads that are still running while your application is running can cause problems.
Preferably ensure all your child threads are properly terminated before final shutdown.
Refer back to Closing datasets above. Depending on what you're doing, some database components will create their own threads.
If you're using COM, try ensure ComObj is high up in the initialization sequence (I.e. place it as high as possible in your DPR).
Delphi finalizes units in the reverse order that they were initialized.
And you don't want ComObj to finalize before other things that are dependent on ComObj have also done so.
If you're using interface references, make sure you resolve circular reference issues.
Some of these problems can be tricky to find, but you can do the following:
Setup a source-code "sandbox" environment (you're going to chuck all your changes as soon as you've found the problem).
Figure out the simplest set of steps required to guarantee the error. (Start app and immediately shutdown would be ideal.)
Then you're going to comment-out delete wipe out chunks of code between tests and basically follow a divide and conquer approach to:
rip out code
if the problem persists, repeat. Else roll-back and rip out a different chunk of code.
eventually your code base will be small enough to pinpoint likely problems which can be tackled with targeted testing.
I've had this kind of access violation problem on occasion with old Delphi or C++Builder projects. Today I had it with C++Builder. At the time of the crash, by looking in the Debug -> Call Stack window, I can see that it's happening inside a call to fflush, called by __exit_streams and _exit.
I'm not sure what is causing it, since it's so deep in the Borland library code, but it seems to come and go at random when the code changes. And it seems to be more common with multi-form applications.
This time the error went away when I just added a new button on the main form. A button which is just there, has no event handlers and does not do anything. I think that any random change to the code, classes, variables etc rearranges the memory layout when you relink the application, and that either triggers or untriggers the error.
For now, I just leave the new button on the form, set it to "not visible" so that there's no visible change. As it seems to work, it's good enough solution for me at this time.

How might I find out the source of long delays on resizing the main form?

I have a D2006 app that contains a page control and various grids, etc on the tabs. When I resize the main form (which ripples through and resizes just about everything on the form that is aligned to something), I experience long delays, like several seconds. The app freezes, the idle handler is not called and running threads appear to suspend also.
I have tries pausing execution in the IDE while this is happening in an attempt to break execution while it is in the troublesome code, but the IDE is not taking messages.
Obviously I'm not expecting anyone to point me at some errant piece of code, but I'm after debugging approaches that might help me. I have extensive execution timing code throughout the app, and the long delays don't show up in any of the data. For example, the execution time of the main form OnResize handler is minimal.
If you want to find out what's actually taking up your time, try a profiler. Sampling Profiler could answer your question pretty easily, especially if you're able to find the beginning and the end of the section of code that's causing trouble and insert OutputDebugString statements around it to narrow down the profiling.
OK. Problem solved. I noticed that the problem only occurred when I had command-line switches enabled to log some debug info. The debug info included some HTTP responses that were written to a debug log (a TMemo) on one of the tabs. When the HTTP response included a large block with no CR/LFs the TMemo wrapped it. Whenever I resized the main form, the TMemo resized and the control had to render the text again with the new word wrapping.
To demonstrate:
start a new Delphi project
drop a TMemo onto the form
align it to Client
compile and run
paste a large amount of text into the TMemo
resize the main form
I won't award myself the answer, as I hadn't really provided enough info for anybody else to solve it.
BTW #Mason - would SamplingProfiler have picked this one up - given that the execution is inside the VCL, and not in my code?
A brute-force approach that may give results.... Put a debug message to OutputDebugString() from every re-size event, sending the name of the control as the string to be displayed. This may show you which ones are being called "a lot".
You may have a situation where controls are bumping each other, setting off cascading re-size events. Like 3 siblings in the back seat of a compact car, once they start jostling for position, it can take a while for them to "settle down".
Don't make me turn this car arround....
The debug log (viewable in the IDE, or with an external ODS viewer), may show you which ones are causing the most trouble, if they appear multiple times for one "user-initiated re-size event".
Run your application in AQTime's performance profiler (included with XE, but you can get a time-limited version from their website).
Do some fanatic resizing for a while, and then stop the application.
After that, you'll see exactly which function was called many times, and where most time was spent.

How to implement a code coverage tool using Win32 Debugging API

I am trying to understand how to implement a Code Coverage tool using the Win32 Debugging API.
My thinking has been to utilize the Win32 Debugging API to launch a process in debug mode - and track what CPU instructions has been executed. After having tracked all CPU instructions I would then use the map file to map it to what source code lines were executed.
As far as I understand, there would be two ways of knowing what CPU instructions have been executing.
Would be to launch the process in debug mode - set all threads in single step mode and let the debugging app note all instructions that has been executed
Would be make a more intelligent approach where you would know a lot more about x86 instructions and basically replace the next branch instruction with a breakpoint. Then keeping track of the delta instructions between the two breakpoints.
Update - new suggested approaches inspired by Michael's response:
Start with the map file and insert breakpoints for the beginning of each line and let the debug framework be notified every time a breakpoint hits.
Start with the map file - binary instrumentation to insert a "hook" that get called at entry of each source line - avoiding the callback through the debugger framework.
Using a VM Technology - such as VMware to find out what instructions in a particular process was executed - I don't fully understand this approach...
Could someone validate one of the approaches above or maybe suggest an alternative - please note that the use case is line-by-line code coverage and not performance profiling - thus we need to know if each single source line is visited.
My primary goal (although no particular plan is in place...) would be to create a simple code coverage tool for Delphi primarily.
One approach is hooking all api calls and function calls to compare with table made from the source. Thus you discovers what is covered.
There is many api for hooking, one is Trappola API hooking
This could work - each single step event will create an exception and you could record the hit IP address in your map of executed code lines.
Unfortunately, I imagine this would be glacially slow. It'd be incredibly inefficient, as each single line of code results in 1000's of times more work, as an exception is generated, trapped, a message sent to your debugger, and then a round trip back after you record the hit. It might be better to try to set breakpoints instead for each covered line and clear them after they are hit. That'd be faster, but most likely still very slow.
The core problem is you're trying to use the debugger as a code coverage tool which it is not intended for. A quick search shows several code coverage tools for Delphi on the Internet.
I would suggest, in stead of hooking for each line of code, you can go for the each block. What I mean to say hook for block of codes. It will be faster and you can get the count of lines as well from the blocks count.
