task-relation graph based on JIRA [closed] - jira

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am wondering is there any tool which can help visualize relations between tasks/bugs, I mean dependencies like related to/blocks/clone/etc.

There is the Links Hierarchy plugin, though I'm not sure if that supports JIRA 4.4.
There is also the REST example at https://developer.atlassian.com/display/JIRADEV/JIRA+REST+API+Version+2+Tutorial#JIRARESTAPIVersion2Tutorial-Example%231%3AGraphingImageLinks

Vivid Trace visualizes relations between tasks/bugs for any/all of the issue link types you mention, and it can graph a given issue, component, version, or even a whole project.
(Disclaimer: We make it.)


c# sample code for floating license server using rhino-licensing [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to develop a licensing system using Rhino-Licensing but there is practically nothing available in terms of sample code or instructions for a floating license server and corresponding code on the client side. Could anyone post some hints?
I am not sure if you have taken look on Github project, its having test cases which you can take a look and implement it
I found this one helpful, check it out:

How to capture code metrics in Xcode? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to write my code more cleaner. For this purpose I'm looking for a tool to generate code metrics in Xcode. I'd like to have a statistic showing me how many tests, classes etc. were added. And the main goal is retrieving cyclomatic complexity of a program.
Does anyone know a good Xcode tools or plugin that could provide me some code metrics?
Have a look at Xcode Statistician.
A paying (~$5) but good solution: Project Statistics for Xcode.

Software/Web Application for Sharing Code Snippets Internally [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Does anyone know of a web app and/or software that can be installed and run locally to share code snippets?
We would like to encourage code reuse and re-factoring within our organization but using sites like http://snippets.dzone.com/ or http://pastebin.com/ wouldn't work very well in this scenario because we want to keep this private. Visual Studio has support for code snippets but that's geared more towards individual developers and not for group sharing.
Does anyone have any suggestions for an app/tool that might accomplish this goal?
you can use http://codetidy.com/ or https://gist.github.com/

Is there any open source project like cacti using Rails? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any open source project like cacti using Rails ? I want to develop one monitor system like cacti with rails3, i just want to one project as reference, thanks
There used to be ScopePort but the authors had since moved to creating Graylog2 and the project seems abandoned. Nevertheless there appear to still be forks on GitHub:

Public CLSI servers [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Does anyone know any publicly accessible CLSI (Common LaTeX Service Interface) servers other than ScribTeX? (nothing wrong with ScribTeX, in fact it's great, but I was wondering if there are any alternatives)
EDIT: I'm not looking for online LaTeX equation editors or proprietary APIs (e.g. MonkeyTex), I'm asking specifically about CLSI because it seems to be the standard for server-side LaTeX compilation.
I don't know if it's a CLSI, but there is LaTeXLab, built on google's app engine. http://code.google.com/p/latex-lab/
I know it's a little bit old question but you can use
From the overleaf project
Not sure it's a CLSI server but http://rogercortesi.com/eqn/ is very nice and can probably be scripted, eg. http://rogercortesi.com/eqn/index.php?filename=&latextext=%5Czeta%282%29%3D%5Cpi%5E2%2F6&outtype=png&bgcolor=white&txcolor=black&res=150&antialias=1
