ListField and button focus issue in same screen - blackberry

Hello all i stuck at one problem. I have implemented a ListField in one Screen. On top of the Screen i have used one HorizontalFieldManager to hold a TitleLabel and Two Butons. I have pushed some screen on all the rows of the listfield. My problem is, letSuppose when i am on 4th row and i have selected what i want then when i clicking on the button, then the button worked but the screen which i have implemented at 4th row also appear how to avoid it. I am testing it on storm 9550 simulator and using Blackberry eclipse plugin5.0 . I am running out of idea please help me .
navigation click is like this
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
return true;
//And here is the selectListAndButton Method
private selectListAndButton(){
Field field = getFieldWithFocus().getLeafFieldWithFocus();
if(field == backCustomButton){
//Popped the active Screen
}else if(field == saveCustomButton){
//Saving some Data to the Database And pushing another Screen here
// problem comes here if i am at 2nd row of the listfield and selects
something from there and clicked on the button the screen which was
implemented at 2nd row also appears
else if (_list.getSelectedIndex() == 0){
//Called a date picker
else if (_list.getSelectedIndex() == 1){
//Pushed some another screen
else if (_list.getSelectedIndex() == ){
//Pushed some another screen

You need to override onTouch for Screen and call specific functionality depend on event coordinates and Field boundaries:
protected boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent message) {
if (isTouchInside(message, saveCustomButton)) {
} else {
private boolean isTouchInside(TouchEvent messages, Field field) {
int eventCode = message.getEvent();
int touchX = message.getX(1);
int touchY = message.getY(1);
XYRect rect = field.getContentRect();
return rect.contains(touchX, touchY);

I had solved it. but posting the answer late. I just dropped the idea of using ListField because i dont have so much rows to add. So i have just used the little trick rather using ListField i have used HorizontalFieldManager and its look like a List so everything working fine.
Thanks cheers :)


Blackberry Button not working in HorizontalFieldManager

My workFlow is like this ... I have taken Three HoriZontalManager one for holding theBackgroundImage of the button and two HoriZontalManager to hold the CustomButton and i am adding the main hfm which hold the button and the background image at top and then i have added the list in a VerticalfieldManager but i dont get the button Working the focus always remains on the list Field. Now when I click on the Button the focus always resides on the First row of the list Field so it always show me the picker which is actually i have implemented on the first row of listfield. How can i Solve it ..
Thanks in Advanced..
Please help.
I have solved This issue ... I had to check that if the focus is on the button then do my work else the list field will be invoked and it solved the issue. And it works for touchScreen simulator as well as trackpad devices.
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
// if the row select do something with it
// for first row which is time
if(backCustomButton.isFocus()) {
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new saveScreen());
}else if (saveCustomButton.isFocus()) {
Dialog.inform("Save Button on focus");
if (_list.getSelectedIndex() == 0){
// Do the ListSpecific things

BlackBerry java detecting screen foreground event

In my BlackBerry application, I have a home screen. The user can then navigate to a settings screen. When the user goes back to the home screen, is there no method that is called on the home screen indicating that the screen has come to the foreground?
I have tried onFocus() with no avail.
Unfortunately, hooking on the onExposed is not enough. I found that in Blackberry dialogs are also screens and even context menus are screens too. They are pushed on top of your screen so you receive onExposed callback when they are dismissed.
Though it's OK in many cases, in other cases it poses a problem - e.g. if I must refresh the screen's content only when the user returns to it, but not after menus/dialogs, then how do I do that? My case is, unfortunately, one of those.
I found no documented way of detecting "covered"/"uncovered" events. Here is my approach. onCovered/onUncovered callbacks are called when the current screen is covered/uncovered by another screen of the app, but not by dialogs/menus/virtual keyboard:
public class MyAppScreen extends MainScreen {
private boolean isCovered;
protected void onExposed() {
if (isCovered) {
isCovered = false;
protected void onObscured() {
final Screen above = getScreenAbove();
if (above != null) {
if (isMyAppScreen(above)) {
isCovered = true;
private boolean isMyAppScreen(final Screen above) {
return (above instanceof MyAppScreen);
protected void onUncovered() {
protected void onCovered() {
protected void onUiEngineAttached(final boolean attached) {
if (attached) {
Log.d("UI Engine ATTACHED");
} else {
Log.d("UI Engine DETACHED");
protected void onFocusNotify(final boolean focus) {
Log.d("focus GAINED");
} else {
Log.d("focus LOST");
And a test. Try various combinations and see what events you receive in the log.
public class TestLifecycle extends MyAppScreen implements FieldChangeListener {
private final ABNTextEdit txt1;
private final ButtonField btn1;
private final ButtonField btn2;
public TestLifecycle() {
final Manager manager = getMainManager();
txt1 = new ABNTextEdit();
btn1 = new ButtonField("Dialog", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);
btn2 = new ButtonField("Screen", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);
public void fieldChanged(final Field field, final int context) {
if (field == btn1) {
Dialog.alert("Example alert");
} else if (field == btn2) {
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new TestLifecycle());
This method has a limitation: if a new screen is pushed when a dialog or the soft keyboard has focus your current screen will not receive onCovered/onUncovered notification.
Example A: if you have an input field of fixed size and you push a new screen when the user completes it, your current screen will not receive the notification if the user types very quickly. This happens because in the moment between you call push(newScreen) and it is actually pushed the user clicks on a letter on soft KB and it grabs the focus. So only onObscured is called, but not onCovered.
Solution: explicitly hide the soft keyboard before the push(newScreen).
Example B: if you have a customized dialog which pushes new screen and then dismisses itself, your current screen will not receive the notification. This happens because your customized dialog is not recognized as a screen, so only onObscured is called, but not onCovered.
Solution: dismiss the dialog in the first place returning a result value, and let your screen push the new screen based on that value. -OR- override isMyAppScreen() to return true also for your customized dialog.
You should be able to use protected void onExposed() to detect when it is displayed again.

How to change the picture of CustomButtonField on click event?

I have posted this question previously but the answer is not appropiate. The solution provided just change the picture when the custombutton has focus and unfocus. Suppose in my application I need to change the picture if the user clicks on the customButton, n i m doing this by calling the same screen (ie UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new Screen2(b));) . Screen2 is the screen which holds the customButton. On the click evevt i m pushing the same screen by passing aint variable pic_status that determines which picture to be drawn in the CustomButton in the new screen. Is there any way to update the picture in the CustomButtonField on click event without pushing the same Screen again and again.
//code in Screen2
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context)
if(field == bf1)
if(pic_status == 0)
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new Screen2(pic_status));
//code in CustomButtonField
CustomButtonField(String label,int pic_status,long style)
this.label = label;
this.labelHeight = getFont().getHeight();
this.labelWidth = getFont().getAdvance(label);
this.notice = s;
if(pic_status ==0)
currentPicture1 = onPicture;
currentPicture2 = onPicture;
if(pic_status ==1)
currentPicture1 = clickPicture;
currentPicture2 = onPicture;
if( pic_status==2 )
currentPicture1 = onPicture;
currentPicture2 = clickPicture;
I need a way to update the customButtonField text and picture on the buttonClick event not on focus/unfocus event without pushing the same Screen again and again. If my above description of problem is not satisfactory, plz add a comment n i can give more details explanation of my problem?
We can override some methods of the CustomButtonField such as protected boolean keyChar(...), protected boolean navigationClick(...), protected boolean trackwheelClick(...), protected boolean touchEvent(...), etc and use them to change button image when click or select event occurred.
For example on protected boolean touchEvent(...) we can do following task..
Replace the image with desired ones when we get TouchEvent.ClICK.
Call invalidate().
On TouchEvent.UNCLICK restore original image.
Call invalidate().

Consuming all touchEvents not preventing scrolling on the blackberry storm

I am trying to make a custom control for the BlackBerry Storm using SDK v5.0.
This control needs to disable scrolling while the user is dragging elements within a field. The problem is that even if I my control consumes every single touch event send to it, when the user lifts their finger off the screen it still flings up or down as if its finishing a scroll action.
Does anyone know of a way to prevent this from happening or what I might be doing wrong ?
Thank you.
I guess I should have posted this earlier.
There seems to be a bug in the MainScreen class which prevents setScrollingInertial(false) from having any effect. To get around this issue and solve the problem I did the folloing:
public static void main(String[] args)
VerticalFieldManager vfm = VerticalFieldManager()
public VerticalFieldManager()
protected boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent message)
int code = message.getEvent();
boolean result = super.touchEvent(message);
if(code == TouchEvent.DOWN)
return result;
I have had problem with moving the finger off the screen and I can't say I found a solution for that. On the other hand, have you tried changing the scrolling property of the manager or the screen (or the screen itself) with NO_SCROLL?

hiding menu on click

I am using NullField() in one of my screen so that the default focus should not be on any of the button . but when i am clicking on the screen where no field is there , menu screen is being displayed. i dont want that menu screen to be poped up tough it should open when i click menu button.
Thanks alot
override method.
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
Field focus = UiApplication.getUiApplication().getActiveScreen()
if (focus instanceof NullField) {
return true;
return super.navigationClick(status, time);
Note:This code is only for giving you hint.
