I'm creating a library which is referenced by components in a tree like
Component A -> Componenent B
Component A -> Component C
Component B -> Component C
By branching A into B, and then B into C I can safely complete all my references. But, I ran into a case where the tree was a little more complicated.
Component A -> Componenent B
Component A -> Component C
Component B -> Component C
Component A -> Component D
Component D -> Component C
When I branch D into C, I have two instances of A.
The goal of branching each component is that the solution of C can be checked out with all dependencies in its folder structure, rather than having to check out the solution and external folders which are referenced. Is there a better approach, and or how would I resolve scenario 2?
We had a strategy like this and also ran into the same problem you did.
We ended up going back to using a lib folder and checking in built dlls. Yea, you loose a few things, but it is much simpler and we have had no regrets.
Edit: we are now using nuget for this. Highly recommended.
What label can be used to reference a local package from an external package's BUILD file?
Say I have package A, which is my top level package. In the WORKSPACE file of package A, I grab external package B, which I use the build_file argument to overlay a BUILD.bazel file onto.
A's cc_library rule does not actually depend on B.
The A.Tests rule, depends on A and on B.
B has a dependency on A as well.
In the BUILD file that I defined for B, how do I reference A? No labels seemed to work. Is this possible?
If A.Tests depends on B (and A), and B also depends on A, why are A and B separate?
To answer your question, you need to create a third workspace C, declare both A and B as external workspaces, then A's targets can reference #B//x:y and B's targets can reference #A//z:w.
Inside of B's BUILD file (specified with the build_file argument), I can reference A via this label: #//<path_to_A>
I am writing 4 dart libraries A, B, C, and D and they are all early in development so I don't want to publish them on pub yet.
It is also the case that only A, B and C are public libraries which all depend on D which should be private to just those three libraries. How Do I manage a situation like this?
Can I use pub to install library D for A, B and C on my local development machine whilst it isn't published? and how do I publish A, B and C when they are complete without publishing D, seen as D is not particularly useful if it isn't being used by A, B or C?
I have read the getting started guide and package structure documentation but neither seemed to cover this type of situation, i.e. how to manage private libraries. There is also this SO question but the user didn't answer it after resolving her issue.
By default, dependencies resolve to Pub but you can override that to import packages from URLs, git and local path.
For instance, the following is the syntax for importing a local package:
path: /Users/me/transmogrify
See Pub Dependencies for more info.
As far as the other part of your question, I don't see how A, B, and C can logically be public packages and rely on a private package. I would publish all of the packages and just include in the description of D that is not meant as a standalone package and is only intended as a helper package for A, B, and C.
You could also publish A, B, and C to Pub and host D on github or a public URL and specify the relevant URL dependency in the pubspec for A, B, and C (see the above link for the proper syntax). This might make the differentiation between D and the other libraries a bit clearer, though in practice they will all still be publicly available packages.
I'm following a language called 'elm' which is an attempt to bring a Haskel-esque syntax and FRP to Javascript. There has been some discussion here about implementing the pipeline operator from F# but the language designer has concerns about the increased cost (I assume in increased compilation time or compiler implementation complexity) over the more standard (in other FP langs at least) reverse pipeline operator (which elm already implements). Can anyone speak to this? [Feel free to post directly to that thread as well or I will paste back the best answers if no one else does].
In the discussion you reference, I see Evan poses two challenges:
Show me some F# project that uses it
Find some credible F# programmer talking about why it is a good idea and what costs come with it (blog post or something).
I'd answer as follows:
The forward pipe-idiom is very common in F# programming, both for stylistic (we like it) and practical (it helps type inference) reasons. Just about any F# project you'll find will use it frequently. Certainly all of my open source projects use it (Unquote, FsEye, NL found here). No doubt you'll find the same with all of the Github located F# projects including the F# compiler source itself.
Brian, a developer on the F# compiler team at Microsoft, blogged about Pipelining in F# back in 2008, a still very interesting and relevant blog which relates F# pipes to POSIX pipes. In my own estimation, there is very little cost to implementing a pipe operator. In the F# compiler, this is certainly true in every sense (it's a one-line, inline function definition).
The pipeline operator is actually incredibly simple - here is the standard definition
let inline (|>) a b = b a
Also, the . operator discussed in the thread is the reverse pipe operator in F# (<|) which enables you to eliminate some brackets.
I don't think adding pipeline operators would have a significant impact on complexity
In addition to the excellent answers already given here, I'd like to add a couple more points.
Firstly, one of the reasons why the pipeline operator is common in F# is that it helps to circumvent a shortcoming the way type inference is currently done. Specifically, if you apply an aggregate operation with a lambda function that uses OOP to a collection type inference will typically fail. For example:
Seq.map (fun z -> z.Real) zs
This fails because F# does not yet know the type of z when it encounters the property Real so it refuses to compile this code. The idiomatic fix is to use the pipeline operator:
xs |> Seq.map (fun z -> z.Real)
This is strictly uglier (IMO) but it works.
Secondly, the F# pipe operator is nice to a point but you cannot currently get the inferred type of an intermediate result. For example:
|> h
|> g
|> f
If there is a type error at f then the programmer will want to know the type of the value being fed into f in case the problem was actually with h or g but this is not currently possible in Visual Studio. Ironically, this was easy in OCaml with the Tuareg mode for Emacs because you could get the inferred type of any subexpression, not just an identifier.
I am currently involved in a project to develop an application able to consider a set of nodes and connections and find the shortest path (a common and well-known issue) between two nodes (on allowed connections). Well I don't really have to build an application from zero, but just need to "convert" a Prolog pre-existing application in f#.
I thought I bit about it and finally asked myself one question: "Instead of developing a special purpose solution and implementing new algorithms specifically binded to this problem, can I create a program able to accept facts like Prolog and use them to make queries or something similar?".
By doing so I would create a set of facts (like in Prolog) and then use them to make queries.
So, considering now this new issue (converting Prolog in F#) I need to find a way to create facts like these:
myfact1(el1, el2,..., eln).
myfact2(el1, el2,..., elm).
myfactk(el1, el2,..., elp).
to something in a similar syntax like:
fact factname1: el1 el2 ... eln;
fact factname2: el1 el2 ... elm;
fact factnamek: el1 el2 ... elp;
I know that F# is very well for parsing, so I think that parsing this would probably not be a problem.
OK! Now that it is parsed, I should define an algorithm that, while parsing the code, stores all facts in some sort of knowledge (nothing more than a table). In order to make then all needed associations.
For example a solution might be a hashtable that considers all associations
factname1 -> el1
factname1 -> el2
factname1 -> eln
factname2 -> el1
factnale2 -> el2
factname2 -> elm
factname3 -> el1
factnamek -> el1
factnamek -> el2
factnamek -> elp
By doing so I will always be able to solve queries.
For example consider the following Prolog fact
mother(A, B) % This means that A is mother of B
mother(C, D)
In F# I create
fact mother: A B;
fact mother: C D;
My hashtable is:
mother -> A | B
mother -> C | D
The first col is the fact name and the second is the value (here a tuple).
If I want to search: "who is the mother of B" --> I search for mother, and look for value, I find B, I look in the tuple and discover A!
Well it seems working.
But facts are easy to implement. What about rules?
For example rule parents:
parents(A, B, C) :- mother(A, C), father (B, C)
In F# using my syntax? Well I came up with this idea:
rule parents: A, B, C => mother A C and father B C
When my parser encounters a rule, what should it do? I would like to create some sort of record in a table like I did and be able, later, to make queries in order to specify a subject and get its parents or specify a father and get all sons and so on...
What would you do?
There was a similar question about integrating Prolog-like programs into F# recently.
F# doesn't have any built-in support for performing search based on backtracking (like Prolog). You have essentially two options:
Re-implement the algorithm in F# using recursion and encoding backtracking yourself.
Implementing a Prolog interpreter and representing facts using some discriminated union.
To implement shortest path search, I would probably just implement the algorithm directly in F# (using functional programming will be quite convenient and there is no particular reason for using Prolog).
If you wanted to implement an interpreter, you'd probably use a discriminated union that allows you to rewrite your example with parents like this:
type Var = Var of string
type Expression =
| Binary of string * Expression * Expression
| Fact of string * Expression list
| Ref of Var
type Rule =
| Rule of string * Var list * Expression
/// Simplified syntax for writing And
let And(a, b) = Binary("and", a, b)
let a, b, c = Var("A"), Var("B"), Var("C")
Rule("parents", [a; b; c],
And(Fact("mother", [Ref a; Ref c]), Fact("father", [Ref b; Ref c])))
One good place to start is to look at implementing a Prolog-style unification algorithm in F#. Good pseudo-code or LISP implementations can be found in a number of general A.I. textbooks or on the web. You can work outwards from that to the backtracking and syntax. A unification algorithm should be fairly straightforward to implement in a feature-rich language like F# (though perhaps a bit arcane).
Once upon a time, I knew a guy who wrote an EDSL for Prolog in C++. He keeps meaning to do the same thing for F#, but never quite finds the time. He seems to recall the basic prolog unification & backtracking algorithm is very straightforward (an exercise in a late chapter of a popular Scheme text, perhaps?) and hopes someone will beat him to the punch, since he's on vacation. :)
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
This is the unabashed attempt of a similar C# question.
So what are your favorite F# hidden (or not) features?
Most of the features I've used so far aren't exactly hidden but have been quite refreshing. Like how trivial it is to overload operators compared to say C# or VB.NET.
And Async<T> has helped me shave off some real ugly code.
I'm quite new to the language still so it'd be great to learn what other features are being used in the wild.
User defined numeric literals can be defined by providing a module whose name starts with NumericLiteral and which defines certain methods (FromZero, FromOne, etc.).
In particular, you can use this to provide a much more readable syntax for calling LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero and LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne:
module NumericLiteralG = begin
let inline FromZero() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let inline FromOne() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
let inline genericFactorial n =
let rec fact n = if (n = 0G) then 1G else n * (fact (n - 1G))
fact n
let flt = genericFactorial 30.
let bigI = genericFactorial 30I
F# has a little-used feature called "signature files". You can have a big implementation file full of public types/methods/modules/functions, but then you can hide and selectively expose that functionality to the sequel of the program via a signature file. That is, a signature file acts as a kind of screen/filter that enables you to make entities "public to this file" but "private to the rest of the program".
I feel like this is a pretty killer feature on the .Net platform, because the only other/prior tool you have for this kind of encapsulation is assemblies. If you have a small component with a few related types that want to be able to see each other's internal details, but don't want those types to have all those bits public to everyone, what can you do? Well, you can do two things:
You can put that component in a separate assembly, and make the members that those types share be "internal", and make the narrow part you want everyone else to see be "public", or
You just mark the internal stuff "internal" but you leave those types in your gigantic assembly and just hope that all the other code in the assembly chooses not to call those members that were only marked 'internal' because one other type needed to see it.
In my experience, on large software projects, everyone always does #2, because #1 is a non-starter for various reasons (people don't want 50 small assemblies, they want 1 or 2 or 3 large assemblies, for other maybe-good reasons unrelated to the encapsulation point I am raising (aside: everyone mentions ILMerge but no one uses it)).
So you chose option #2. Then a year later, you finally decide to refactor out that component, and you discover that over the past year, 17 other places now call into that 'internal' method that was really only meant for that one other type to call, making it really hard to factor out that bit because now everyone depends on those implementation details. Bummer.
The point is, there is no good way to create a moderate-size intra-assembly encapsulation scope/boundary in .Net. Often times "internal" is too big and "private" is too small.
... until F#. With F# signature files, you can create an encapsulation scope of "this source code file" by marking a bunch of stuff as public within the implementation file, so all the other code in the file can see it and party on it, but then use a signature file to hide all of the details expect the narrow public interface that component exposes to the rest of the world. This is happy. Define three highly related types in one file, let them see each others implementation details, but only expose the truly public stuff to everyone else. Win!
Signature files are perhaps not the ideal feature for intra-assembly encapsulation boundaries, but they are the only such feature I know, and so I cling to them like a life raft in the ocean.
Complexity is the enemy. Encapsulation boundaries are a weapon against this enemy. "private" is a great weapon but sometimes too small to be applicable, and "internal" is often too weak because so much code (entire assembly and all InternalsVisibleTo's) can see internal stuff. F# offers a scope bigger than "private to a type" but smaller than "the whole assembly", and that is very useful.
I wonder what happens if you add
<add key="fsharp-navigationbar-enabled" value="true" />
to your devenv.exe.config file? (Use at your own risk.)
Passing --warnon:1182 to the compiler turns on warnings about unused variables; variable names that begin with underscore are immune.
Automatically-generated comparison functions for algebraic data types (based on lexicographical ordering) is a nice feature that is relatively unknown; see
for an example.
Yes, F# doesn't have any 'hidden' features, but it sure does have a lot of power packed into the simple language. A less-known feature of the language, is where you can basically enable duck typing despite the fact F# is staticaly typed.
See this question
F# operator "?"
for info on the question-mark operator and how it provides the basic language mechanism to build a feature akin to 'dynamic' in C#.
Not really hidden, but as a non-ML person this escaped me for quite a while:
Pattern matching can decompose arbitrarily deep into data structures.
Here's a [incredibly arbitrary] nested tuple example; this works on lists or unions or any combinations of nested values:
let listEven =
"Manipulating strings can be intriguing using F#".Split ' '
|> List.ofArray
|> List.map (fun x -> (x.Length % 2 = 0, x.Contains "i"), x)
|> List.choose
( function (true, true), s -> Some s
| _, "F#" -> Some "language"
| _ -> None )
Use of F# as a utility scripting language may be under appreciated. F# enthusiasts tend to be quants. Sometimes you want something to back up your MP3s (or dozens of database servers) that's a little more robust than batch. I've been hunting for a modern replacement for jscript / vbscript. Lately, I've used IronPython, but F# may be more complete and the .NET interaction is less cumbersome.
I like curried functions for entertainment value. Show a curried function to a pure procedural / OOP program for at least three WTFs. Starting with this is a bad way to get F# converts, though :)
Inlined operators on generic types can have different generic constraints:
type 'a Wrapper = Wrapper of 'a with
static member inline (+)(Wrapper(a),Wrapper(b)) = Wrapper(a + b)
static member inline Exp(Wrapper(a)) = Wrapper(exp a)
let objWrapper = Wrapper(obj())
let intWrapper = (Wrapper 1) + (Wrapper 2)
let fltWrapper = exp (Wrapper 1.0)
(* won''t compile *)
let _ = exp (Wrapper 1)
There are no hidden features, because F# is in design mode. All what we have is a Technical Preview, which changes every two month.
see http://research.microsoft.com/fsharp/