Possible to upgrade TFS 2008 database to existing TFS2010? - tfs

There are a lot of questions about upgrading here, but I have another, very specific one, that I don't see asked.
When installing TFS 2010, on the first run, you get a wizard, which lets you choose a database (which you presumably backed up, and restored onto the new instance) to use, and it allows you to upgrade that instance in-place.
If I'm performing a dry-run, during the course of which I do not want to disable access to the OLD tfs, is it possible for me to do this upgrade a second time without reinstalling TFS?
IE: can I create a new team project collection and point it to a tfs 2008 database and have it upgrade that?

I dont think it is possible to point to a TFS 2008 database from TFS 2010.
We have migrated our TFS 2005/2008 too.
We installed a fresh new TFS 2010 and migrated the old projects into the new TFS 2010.
All files of the projects in TFS2005/2008 are set to read only, workitem history and changesets are migrated into the new TFS2010.
We decide to switch the process template too so we created another team project with the Scrum Template.
Afterwards the source and all needed files are copied to the new Scrum team project.
Now if I let me show the history of a item under source control, it shows the history till the beginning of each item (points to the "old"/first migrated team project in TFS 2010).

I did it an upgrade test on a dummy machine and when i get to the real thing I had to uninstall and remove all leftover db's (tfs_configuration) you can see migrate data from TFS 2008 to an already working TFS 2012


TFS Migration from TFS 2010 to TFS 2013 When Both Have Collections in Use

We need to migrate projects in TFS from one server to another. On source server we have TFS 2010 with several VS.NET projects in the DefaultCollection. On the destination server, we have TFS 2013 with an empty DefaultCollection but 2 other collections in use by other developers. Each instance of TFS has its own SQL Server.
The problem we face is how to take the DefaultCollection from the TFS 2010 server and place it on the TFS 2013 Server?
I'm aware of several articles about migration but have not found one that exactly fits our situation. I appreciate any ideas anyone may have.
This is a very straightforward scenario.
Something along these lines should work:
Detach DefaultCollection from TFS 2010 using the admin console.
Take a backup of your TFS 2010 DefaultCollection database
Migrate the database to your TFS 2013 database server
Attach the TFS 2010 DefaultCollection database in TFS 2013 via the admin console. As part of the attaching process, you should be able to rename it.
The team project collection database will be upgraded to TFS 2013 and made available to users. At that point, you can go back and clean up unneeded project collections and rename things if you'd like.
Always take backups before you attempt any sort of migration or upgrade. I always recommend performing the upgrade against a test environment first.

Upgrading to TFS 2015 - copying a project

I'm learning on the fly here with no training whatsoever! I'm a system administrator who is responsible for supporting the developers. They use Visual Studio, TFS, Plastic SCM and TeamCity amongst other tools.
My task was to get TFS 2015 and SQL Server 2014 installed on a new VM. This I have done but my biggest task now is setting up TFS which seems complicated.
For your information, The developers use TFS 2012 as a Kanban board.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to documentation that simply explains how to copy a project from one collection to another? I'm reluctant to move the project to the new version of TFS without testing the current project.
Thanks in advance.
You cannot copy a single project, there is the TFS integration platform, but it sucks and doesn't officially support TFS 2015
I would say your best bet is to follow the following steps.
In TFS 2012, detach the collection using the TFS Admin Console.
Backup the collection database in SQL server
Copy the backup to the new SQL server
Restore the Database
In the TFS Admin Console in TFS 2015, attach the collection
Wait for TFS to update the Database Schema.
You should now have the full team project collection available in the new server.

Migrate specific project from TFS 2012 to 2013

We have a collection in TFS 2012 which contains more than one project.
We are considering to migrate to TFS 2013.
The TFS servers are already up and running.
Is it possible to migrate the data of a specific project in the collection from one TFS server (2012) to the other (2013) or we must migrate the whole collection?
The best way to do it would be to split up the team project in team project collection and then upgrading only the new team project collection. See below for splitting up team project from project collection
Also, the Tfs To Tfs migration guide will be useful.

TFS Collection Migration from 2010 to 2012

I have two TFS servers. One is a legacy TFS2010 server that contains an old collection of our projects. Last year, we spun up a new TFS2012 server. However, we never migrated our source code from the old server (we treated it as a fresh install and created new projects).
We are now looking at retiring the 2010 server completely and I want to migrate the legacy 2010 collection (actually all I care about is the source control and history) to the new server as a separate collection, but I can't figure out how. I've followed the instructions on MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/dd936138.aspx) but when I get to the step for attaching the collection on the new server, TFS complains that "no attachable databases were found" on the sql server.
I've also tried running the "tfsconfig Collection /attach" command on the target TFS server (even though numerous posts I read say it was deprecated in 2012). It tells me it can't connect to the target database server (even though my production collection is attached to it on that box).
Does anyone know if a collection migration from 2010 to 2012 is even possible or if I'm just spinning my wheels? There's no official documentation from Microsoft that I can find that says such a migration is even possible (even though there's nothing I can find that refutes it either)
Server Specs:
Old SQL Server: Enterprise 64 Bit 2008 SP3 (10.0.5500)
New SQL Server: Enterprise 64 Bit 2008R2 SP2 (10.50.4000)
Old TFS Server: 10.0.40219.1 (SP1 KB2182621)
New TFS Server: 11.0.60315.1 (TFS2012 Update 2)
You can migrate a single collection. The steps I know working are:
detach the collection from the 2010 instance using TFS Admin console
backup the database (or detach from SQL)
restore the database new SQL instance (or copy the files and attach them from SQL) -- check does not clash with existing database names
attach the collection from the 2012 TFS Admin Console
The last step will kick off the upgrade process: the collection will not be available until the process is complete. It could takes minutes or hours depending on the size, and make sure you have enough space for SQL transaction logs.
Take a look at Team Foundation Server Integration Tools (March 2012 Release): http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/eb77e739-c98c-4e36-9ead-fa115b27fefe
The TFS Integration Tools is a project developed by the Team
Foundation Server (TFS) product group and the Visual Studio ALM
Rangers to integrate Team Foundation Server with third party systems
for migration and synchronization of data.
There is a migration guide for TFS 2010 to TFS 2012 located here: https://upgradetfs2010totfs2012.codeplex.com/
it may be faster in some cases depending on the size of the projects that need to be moved (and the number) to start by importing the latest code into the existing version of 2012 since you are concerned only with moving the source code. You do loose the history however.
Do a in-place migration, described in Team Foundation Server Upgrade Guide, from Microsoft ALM Rangers (http://vsarupgradeguide.codeplex.com/), and next migrate the collection to the new server. From 2010 to 2012 it's a very simple migration.
Don't forget backup the databases before doing a in-place migration.

Upgrading TFS 2010 to new machine with a different name - What happens client side?

I have the following TFS upgrade scenario: I'd like to change my current TFS 2010 environment to TFS 2012 - this by moving the 2010 server to a new machine with another computer name.
Therefore I simply use the backups of the TFS 2010 databases from the old server and restore them on the new server. Before starting the backup I will turn off several TFS specific services on the old machine to avoid check-ins from devs. In the meantime the developers are working in offline mode. Afterwards I'm going to upgrade the databases.
Now it's getting interesting: The TFS 2012 is up and running with the upgraded project collections and everything works smoothly, but what happens to the local workspaces which are linked to the old TFS url? Is it possible that the developers can switch their exisiting workspaces with their pending changes to the new TFS 2012 url?
If yes, how can I do that? I've already did a test installation and upgraded to 2012 successfully, but I can't find out how to bind my existing workspaces with my pending changes to the new TFS. Initially I thought that the "Change Source Control" dialog could do the trick, but everything I'm able to click in the toolbar are the "Bind/Unbind" and "Refresh" buttons...
If no, I guess I have 2 options:
All I can do is forcing everyone to check-in/shelve and create a new mapping for the new server
simply keeping the old TFS name/url? (Are the pending changes still available in this case?)
Thank you in advance!
Workspaces are stored on the server, so when the users add the new server they should find their old workspace already setup for them. Complete with all their existing checkouts etc.
If this doesn't work for a user, they can map a new workspace to the same directory, checkout all files in the tree, then use the tfs power tools do to a uncheckout unchanged (tpft uu /noget) to only leave their changed files checked out.
