WebMatrix social authentication MVC integration - asp.net-mvc

Is there any article or ideas how to use/move/intergrate social authentication from WebMatrix 2 to MVC 4. I've googled internet but didn't found any info about possibility to add references to WebMatrix namespaces/libraries to MVC project. I've read following article http://www.asp.net/webmatrix/tutorials/the-top-features-in-web-pages-2-developer-preview#oauthsetup and want to use WebMatrix.Security in MVC project

If you're looking to upgrade your project from simple ASP.NET Razor pages to a full MVC 4 project, I recommend moving from WebMatrix to Visual Web Developer:
Everything you're trying to do here with the social auth libraries should work perfectly well in VS, and there are even a few NuGet packages that can make it easy. WebMatrix is meant to get you running with ASP.NET and Razor, but VS is going to give you a fuller experience.
Happy Coding!

here you will find a step by step solution to migrate webmatrix-webpages apps into asp.net mvc. check that you can find the login area - were you will figure out the social auth login too - in order to migrate it to mvc too.
The Web Pages page-centric programming model supported by WebMatrix is a great way to get Web apps up and running. If you later decide that embracing ASP.NET MVC would give you more flexibility, you're covered. We’ll explain why you might choose to migrate and show you how to do it.
read the article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/hh148144.aspx
download code: http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/mag201105ASPNET/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=5601

OAuth authentication on website now built-in, question closed


add an ASP.NET MVC project to an existing ASP.NET Web forms application

How to add an ASP.NET MVC project to an existing ASP.NET Web forms application. How to call MVC project page from existing website.
You can refer this step-by-step guide on how to do that.
Your question is similar to
Is it possible to host an asp.net MVC in the same folder as asp.net web forms app?
We were in the exact same situation as you and it's not as bad as you might think. Thanks to Nuget it's a fairly easy process that you can follow and Dave Paquette describes how to do it in his blog post
And once you've got Mvc up and running all you need to do to go from one to the other is to redirect to Mvc from webforms:
You can also use the Mvc routing system to generate routes from within webforms as well:
System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper url = new System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper(HttpContexxt.Current.Request.requestContext)
Response.Redirect(url.Action("Action", "Controller"))

Routing issues with javascriptspellcheck and asp.net MVC

I want to implement the javascriptspellcheck (A javascript + .net spellchacker plugin ) in my asp.net mvc application, the standalone example works fine but when I am trying to implement it in my application, the include.js causes routing issues.
I have no idea, how to overcome from this, your help will get me relief.
The suggestions are also invited for asp.net mvc spellchecker

ASP.net MVC Login Page Theme/Customisation

I am using ASP.net mvc to create a login page. However, I would like to know if there are any ASP.net MVC login templates or themes I can implement. I am going for a minimal theme. So something clean. I would appreciate if you could direct me to any sites as I cannot find any help on google.
If you're new to css and html design in general... I would point you toward using bootstrap by twitter. Here is a sample login form
Visual Studio comes with templates, when creating an MVC application select the internet application template.
Here is the description:
A default ASP.NET MVC 4 project with an account controller that uses
forms authentication.
You can tweak it to meet your needs.

How to open MVC 4 view page from webform.aspx page?

basically i am looking for something like this ,
i got webform.aspx page and have button there, if i click on it i need to show MVC view page
idea is i want app with webform and mvc !
what i am trying is :
but here i am confused about webconfig settings
please help me to get it done,
Scott Hanselman has a good guide on integrating MVC with a Web Form App, it should take you through the steps, here it is in a nutshell:
Run the Upgrade Wizard (open the Visual Studio2008 Web Application
in Visual Studio 2010)
Create a default ASP.NET MVC application for reference (you'll throw it away later)
Use a differencing tool like Beyond Compare to integrate the new web.config entries from the ASP.NET MVC sections into the upgraded ASP.NET WebForms application

How to put an ASP.Net website inside MVC website?

I have an ASP.Net website and I want to put this website inside a MVC website I recently did, so this ASP.Net website will be part from the MVC website.
Is there a standard or a known way to do so?
Ask me if you want to know more information, I am not sure what info could help.
this shows merging an existing asp.net site into a new MVC3 site. The same applies for merging existing into existing. Just get a merge tool and merge them!
Could you put your MVC project into the webforms one? If so, this nuget will help with that: http://www.nuget.org/Tags/WebForms
