I was toying with Lego digital designer the other day (http://ldd.lego.com/) and I was wondering if the saved file could be relatively easily parsed.
As anybody ever done that before? I'm looking for code examples, no matter the language :)
Thanks !
Maybe this would help: http://bricksviewer.sourceforge.net/index.shtml
A .lxf file is just a zip file, on the page I mentioned there is a short description of the format. For more details you should read the source.
I am working on a medical domain project which has the initial data in the format of .bif(concerning the resolution issues) but I am not able to process that image for further coding. Can anyone please let me know how to go about it ?
The .bif format is produced by a Ventana medical slide scanner. https://github.com/libvips/libvips can read and convert .bif files with help from https://openslide.org/. Currently this bug causes problems with the output though: https://github.com/openslide/openslide/issues/132.
https://github.com/ome/bioformats is a Java library which also claims support for reading .bif.
I want to build an application that gets info out of a pdf or word doc and populate this into my database.
How do I go about this in the best way? Bare in mind that only certain information needs to be extracted from the pdf or word docu.
To parse PDF, I know 2 choices :
Check pdf2text
try tesseract
There are planty of free open source libs that will help you parsing the input file.
in the basic concepts- dont build the parser from scratch ,
use some open source lib to help you out.
if you will say in what lang you'r trying to write your code it may help:
for example for PDF your can find:
https://www.pdfparser.org/ (for php)
https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/12445/Converting-PDF-to-Text-in-C (for C#)
and more.
for DOC\DOCX , pretty much the same.
I need to parse .klc files from msklc and I can't find any docs about it's format.
I know this format is simple, but I have some misunderstanding. So where I can find information about it?
I have found some code in the keyboard layout tool, which might help you. I have pasted it Here. I extracteded it from the exe using il-spy.
Apparently the code parses the klc file for you.
I have not tested it out, but it could serve as a starting point.
is there anybody out there, with experiences about how to do a gantt-diagram / chart using latex.
I tryed it for a lot of hours today, lastly it worked switching outpout from pdf to dvi.
Maybe someone can tell me what to include, besides pst-gantt, and the normal pstricks stuff.
It showed more than 100 errors for 4 Tasks.. after switching to dvi there was a big 0.
i am using the whole distribution mitex .. upgradet to the newest version. stupidly i have the error log not avaible on this computer. but it was always the same error. i was using pst-gantt, outload missing packages.. hm errors will follow tomorrow morning
Reading the pst-gantt README it looks like this depends on the pstricks package. I believe that the "ps" is for postscript and the functionality is implemented by generating DVI "special" commands; which means that you can't produce output pdf directly using pdflatex. You can get to PDF output, but you must go by way of DVI. Either source->DVI->PDF or even source->DVI->PS->PDF.
I came across this question when having trouble with pst-gantt and pdflatex. As others have pointed out you need to go via DVI, which honestly sucks if you have used pdflatex all the time.
So I did some search, and found this phantastic replacement written by Martin Krumm: http://www.martin-kumm.de/tex_gantt_package.php
Is there a non-bloated editor with this function?
THe Zeus editor has seamless ftp/sftp editing.
The file is not uploaded on save, but rather the file is loaded directly from the server and on save it is written back to the server
Try Notepad++ with the FTP_synchronize extension. It's small, fast and a pleasure to use. And it's both free and Free.
As I remember, WeBuilder has such a feature.
What I use for simple HTML, that has this feature, is EditPlus3. Whilst it is shareware, it's an excellent piece of software for hassle-free, non-bloated editing.
PhpED from NuSphere.
Not really an HTML editor. Not really small. But I really like it.
I feel your pain. What I like is to browse a remote FTP tree and edit the files as if they were local. You press CONTROL-S and it uploads your temp file. Seems simple, and lots of applications let you keep a list of files open in FTP.
If non-free is ok, Dreamweaver is actually a fantastic tool: just turn all the WYSIWYG stuff off and it's a beautiful and polished editor.
Otherwise, the kinda ageing and free HTML-Kit Build 292 does a pretty serviceable job.
[1]: http://www.blumentals.net/webuilder/ does exactly this.