JSF2.0 Composite Component actionListener - jsf-2

I am in need of some assistance in getting my Composite Component to behave. I am still learning the ropes in JSF, so please excuse any ignorance that might be displayed in this post.
So, I am working with JSF 2.0 and decided to build a composite component to make this particular code snippet reusable. The component displays everything perfectly, but will not behave at all when trying to add the actionListener.
Here is the code for my component
<composite:interface displayName="columnUpdate">
<composite:attribute name="id"
shortDescription="Id to apply to this control and its child components">
shortDescription="Field that will hold the new updated value.">
shortDescription="Value that will be applied as the column header">
shortDescription="Text to be displayed above the field">
<composite:actionSource name="actionEvent" targets="saveEvent"></composite:actionSource>
<h:outputLabel value="#{cc.attrs.columnName}" onclick="showWindow('#{cc.attrs.id}')"></h:outputLabel>
<div id="#{cc.attrs.id}" class="ccColumnUpdate">
<div id="windowClose" onclick="closeWindow('#{cc.attrs.id}');" style="top: -10px;" title="Close this window">CLOSE</div>
<h:outputLabel id="lblTitle" value="#{cc.attrs.text}"></h:outputLabel>
<h:inputText id="txtValue" value="#{cc.attrs.value}"></h:inputText>
<div style="text-align:right;">
<h:commandButton id="saveEvent" value="Save"></h:commandButton>
Here is the code in my page that uses the component:
<al:columnUpdate id="cuExpenseAmount" value="#{expense.columnValue}" columnName="Expense Amount" text="Set Expense Amount to:">
<f:actionListener for="actionEvent" binding="#{expense.updateColumnValue}">
<f:ajax execute="#form"></f:ajax>
and here is my code on the Backing Bean:
public void updateColumnValue(ActionEvent event) throws ParseException{
//Got HERE
I am not receiving any errors or hit any breakpoints I set on the backing bean. Any help, or pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.

I found the answer after playing around a little bit and more searching.
Changes to the composite component:
<composite:actionSource name="actionEvent" targets="saveEvent"></composite:actionSource>
<h:commandButton id="saveEvent" value="Save"></h:commandButton>
<composite:attribute name="registerButtonActionListener" method-signature="void actionListener(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent)" />
<h:commandButton id="saveEvent" value="Save" actionListener="#{cc.attrs.registerButtonActionListener}">
<f:ajax execute="#this" event="click"></f:ajax>
Changes to the page using the composite component:
<al:columnUpdate id="cuExpenseAmount" value="#{expense.columnValue}" registerButtonActionListener="#{expense.updateColumnValue}" columnName="Expense Amount">
The big change was defining the method signature in the composite attribute.

I found an alternative solution to yours. A drawback of your solution is that you can only register one listener: the actionListener attribute can only point to one method.
The way to add listeners is as follows (you almost had it right in the first piece of code you wrote):
<al:columnUpdate id="cuExpenseAmount" value="#{expense.columnValue}" columnName="Expense Amount" text="Set Expense Amount to:">
<f:actionListener for="actionEvent" binding="#{expense.updateColumnValue(ActionEvent)}">
<f:ajax execute="#form"></f:ajax>
</f:actionListener> </al:columnUpdate>
Notice how the method pointed to by binding takes an ActionEvent parameter. This is a requirement of using <f:actionlistener/>.
Using this method, multiple listeners can be registered to the action source made available by the composite component.


How to use generated ids in EL (jsf, composite)?

I want to have a composite that composes
<h:form id="f_imgA" >
<h:graphicImage id="imgA"
<f:ajax event="click" listener="#{mBean.handleEvent}"
execute="#this k_imgA" render="#this"></f:ajax>
<h:inputHidden id="k_imgA" binding="#{k_imgA}" value="#{mBean.keyX}" />
when I write
<comps:cimg imgId="imgA" />
The original purpose of this code is to send the modifier-states (Ctrl, Shift, Alt) to the server.
I have
<composite:attribute name="imgId" />
<h:form id="f_#{cc.attrs.imgId}">
<h:graphicImage id="#{cc.attrs.imgId}"
<f:ajax event="click" execute="#this k_#{cc.attrs.imgId}"
listener="#{mBean.handleEvent}" render="#this">
<h:inputHidden id="k_#{cc.attrs.imgId}"
binding="k_#{cc.attrs.imgId}" value="#{mBean.keyX}" />
which, quite expected, does not work. The offending expression is
which is intended to return the clientId of the hiddenInput with id k_imgA . As far as I know, EL cannot handle nested expressions like the one above, but it was worth a try. So is there a simple, straightforward way to get the clientId of k_imgA? I don't want to use more javascript, if this can be avoided.
don't get confused about #{Math.random()}, it works just because I have a bean called "Math".
The javascript function mods is given by
<h:outputScript target="body">function mods(event) {return ((event.ctrlKey)?1:0)+((event.shiftKey)?2:0)+((event.altKey)?4:0)} </h:outputScript>
You don't need to fiddle with all those _#{cc.attrs.imgId}. Just give the composite a fixed id. They are already naming containers themselves. JSF will then worry about the rest.
<h:form id="f">
<h:graphicImage id="i" ... />
<h:inputHidden id="k" ... />
<comps:cimg id="imgA" />
Generated HTML:
<form id="imgA:f" ...>
<img id="imgA:f:i" ... />
<input id="imgA:f:k" ... />
As to the JS attempt, you'd best use element's own ID as base:
<h:graphicImage onclick="document.getElementById(id.substring(0,id.lastIndexOf(':')+1)+'k').value='...'" />
Or, easier, if the hidden element is guaranteed to be the direct sibling of the image element in the generated HTML DOM tree, then just grab it by Node#nextSibling:
<h:graphicImage onclick="nextSibling.value='...'" />
<h:inputHidden ... />
The binding will never work as in your attempted construct, and even then you'd best do it via a Map in request scope or a so-called backing component.
See also:
Accessing JSF nested composite component elements in JavaScript
Integrate JavaScript in JSF composite component, the clean way
Rerendering composite component by ajax

JSF command button updating even there are validation errors

I'm new to JSF, my question may be silly for you.. It is very much valuable for me..
<h:form id="form1">
<p:messages autoUpdate="true" showDetails="true" />
<p:dataTable id='form1ID'>....</dataTable>
<p:inputText value="#{bean.name}" required="true"
requiredMessage="Please Enter Name!" label="Name ">
<h:form id="form2">
<p:messages autoUpdate="true" showDetails="true" />
<p:dataTable id='form2ID'>....</dataTable>
<p:inputText value="#{bean.name}" required="true"
requiredMessage="Please Enter Name!" label="Name ">
<p:commandButton value="Submit" update=":form1:form1ID"
actionListener="#{mgmtBean.doCreateType}" />
I have two forms. when I click on form2 command button with empty fields, it will show error messages perfectly since i have added <p:messages autoUpdate="true" showDetail="true"/>.
The bad thing or surprising thing here for me is, it is showing error messages on top of form1 also may be because of <p:messages autoUpdate="true" showDetail="true"/> added in form1 and i'm trying to update form1 on command button click in form2.
I don't want to show error messages on form1 when form2 is throwing validation error messages. How can i fix this ? I googled it out.. but couldn't find the solution.
Evironment i'm using is jsf-api-2.1.5 and primefaces 4.0 version and view technology is facelets(XHTML)
Hope it is clear..
Any idea is highly appreciated.
Try to disable rendering of messages on the form1:
<p:messages autoUpdate="true" showDetails="true" rendered="#{bean.renderedmessage}"/>
And in the bean, add the renderedmessage variable:
public Boolean getRenderedmessage() {
return renderedmessage;
* #param renderedmessage the renderedmessage to set
public void setRenderedmessage(Boolean renderedmessage) {
this.renderedmessage = renderedmessage;
And, for the doCreateType() method, add:
public void doCreateType(){
After the form1 is updated, you can choose some event or method, where you can setRenderedmessage(true);
What you're currently experiencing should indicate to you that you usually don't need two <p:messages/>s in the same JSF view; one is enough.
Regardless of the fact that you have two <h:form/>s on your page, there's still only one FacesContext associated with that view (The FacesContext object is a JSF construct that encapsulates all the information/data/components etc that's associated with a given JSF page request).
By default the <p:messages/> will display every FacesMessage that is queued within it's associated instance of FacesContext, regardless of the source of the message (well, almost: if you set globalOnly="true" on the <p:messages/>, you can change that behaviour).
That being said, you basically have two options:
Get rid of the extra <p:messages/> and rely on (and appropriately position) only one to display all errors/warnings for that view
Specify the for attribute, set to the desired component. Doing so, you'll guarantee that only one input component can trigger the display of its associated message component. For example
<h:form id="form1">
<p:messages for="inputName" autoUpdate="true" showDetails="true" />
<p:dataTable id='form1ID'>....</dataTable>
<p:inputText id="inputName" value="#{bean.name}" required="true"
requiredMessage="Please Enter Name!" label="Name ">
Note that I've set an id attribute on the <p:inputText/> component; this is necessary so you can use it in the for attribute for the messages component.
Further reading:
What is FacesContext used for?
I have fixed the issue by using the following code
<p:messages autoUpdate="true" showDetails="true" visibility="info"/>
so it is just displaying info messages and other pop up error messages will not be showun.

How work auto complite custom component?

A have found sample on internet(IBM site http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/j-jsf2fu-0410/index.html#listing1) and on some book that with JSF can make auto complete drop down list. Like on google search page. The main point of this is in using composite component page. It look like:
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<!-- INTERFACE -->
<composite:attribute name="value" required="true"/>
<composite:attribute name="completionItems" required="true"/>
<div id="#{cc.clientId}">
<h:outputScript library="javascript"
name="prototype-" target="head"/>
<h:outputScript library="javascript"
name="autoComplete.js" target="head"/>
<h:inputText id="input" value="#{cc.attrs.value}"
onkeyup="com.corejsf.updateCompletionItems(this, event)"
<h:selectOneListbox id="listbox" style="display: none"
<f:selectItems value="#{cc.attrs.completionItems}"/>
<f:ajax render="input"/>
My questions are:
Why we use ui:composition tags with out any parameters.
We have in h:inputText defined valueChangeListener, realized over backend class which has method public void valueChanged(ValueChangeEvent e) with these two lines
UIInput input = (UIInput) e.getSource();
UISelectOne listbox = (UISelectOne) input.findComponent("listbox");
If (UIInput)e.get source return component inputText with id="name". How possible next line
UISelectOne listbox = (UISelectOne)input.findComponent("listbox");
For the first question: <ui:composition template="..."> renders the content's of this tag into the specified template. Since you have no template here, the attribute isn't needed.
For the second question: findComponent searches for the given id in the enclosing NamingContainer, which is your composite component (check the Javadoc for the full algorithm). It's not like jQuery where it only searches "below" the given component.

preRenderView-Event triggered before an action (commandbutton)

I am in a little bit of trouble with my preRenderView-Event. My page also uses a commandbutton to submit data but unfortunately the preRenderView-Event is always called before the buttons action is invoked.
The preRenderView-Event is responsible for loading data from a service. Since the page is simple and doesnt have to store any data I dont need any Session or ViewScoped-Beans.
As far as I understood the event is called in the Render-Response-Phase and the action in the button should happen somewhat earlier.
<f:viewParam name="id" value="#{bean.id}" converter="converter.SetOfLongConverter"/>
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{bean.initializeData}" />
<ui:composition template="/META-INF/templates/myTemplate.xhtml">
<ui:param name="title" value="#{bean.title}"/>
<ui:define name="content">
<h:outputText value="#{bean.description}" />
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:outputLabel value="Model" for="model" />
<h:inputText id="model" value="#{bean.model}" />
<h:outputLabel value="Manufacturer" for="manufacturer" />
<h:inputText id="manufacturer"
value="#{bean.manufacturer}" />
<h:outputLabel value="Year" for="year" />
<h:inputText id="year" value="#{bean.year}" />
<h:commandButton value="Create" type="submit" action="#{bean.create}" rendered="#{bean.createMode}"/>
<h:commandButton value="Save" type="submit" action="#{bean.save}" rendered="#{!bean.createMode}" />
I added some Console-Messages to verify when the method in the bean is called and when I have the preRenderView-event it never happens.
Any advice what I am doing wrong here?
The <f:metadata> has to go inside <ui:define> of an <ui:composition>.
See also <f:metadata> tag documentation (emphasis mine):
Declare the metadata facet for this view. This must be a child of the <f:view>. This tag must reside within the top level XHTML file for the given viewId, or in a template client, but not in a template. The implementation must insure that the direct child of the facet is a UIPanel, even if there is only one child of the facet. The implementation must set the id of the UIPanel to be the value of the UIViewRoot.METADATA_FACET_NAME symbolic constant.
The simple reason is because the metadata is supposed to be view-specific, not template-specific.
Update: it turns out that the action method is not invoked at all. You've there a rendered attribute on the command button which seems according the symptoms to be dependent on a request based variable instead of a view based variable. Putting the managed bean in the view scope should fix this problem. See also commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated

Composite component inside a ui:repeat, causes actionSource to not fire

OK, I'm guessing that this might be a bug but I'm not totally sure. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
Here's the situation. I have a composite component that seems to work perfectly when it's alone on the page. The problem comes when the component is nested inside of a ui:repeat. Here are the two places I am calling the component (just for a test):
<q:case aCase="#{userSummaryBackingBean.userCases.get(0)}">
<f:setPropertyActionListener for="clickEvent" target="#{userSummaryBackingBean.value}" value="single"/>
<f:ajax execute="#this" render="#this :westPaneForm"/>
<ui:repeat value="#{userSummaryBackingBean.userCases}" var="aCase">
<q:case aCase="#{aCase}">
<f:setPropertyActionListener for="clickEvent" target="#{userSummaryBackingBean.value}" value="repeat"/>
<f:ajax execute="#this" render="#this :westPaneForm"/>
and the component is defined as follows:
<cc:attribute name="aCase" type="com.autonomy.calltrack.data.dto.Case"/>
<cc:actionSource name="clickEvent" targets="caseCommandLink"/>
<cc:attribute name="action" targets="caseCommandLink" />
<cc:attribute name="actionSource" targets="caseCommandLink" />
<cc:clientBehavior name="click" event="action" targets="caseCommandLink" default="true"/>
<h:commandLink id="caseCommandLink" styleClass="case ui-state-default" title="#{cc.clientId}">
--- more code ---
As you can see, the calls are exactly the same but the single item works and the items in the ui:repeat do not. Now, it makes sense to me that things will be problematic when the component itself has a ui:repeat. I mean, how would you retarget your actionSource, etc without knowing the ID of the items you need (which, inside of the repeat, is basically impossible).
HOWEVER, when I put the ui:repeat outside of the component I can't wrap my head around why things wouldn't work. The REALLY odd thing is that the f:ajax seems to work totally fine. VERY odd.
I've tried prefixing the targets attributes with :#{cc.clientId} and that doesn't help either (even though the "path" to the components is correct). Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone have a solution?
Alright, something must be wrong because even this doesn't work:
<ui:repeat value="#{userSummaryBackingBean.userCases}" var="aCase">
<h:commandLink id="caseCommandLink" value="test" styleClass="case ui-state-default">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{userSummaryBackingBean.value}" value="REPEAT"/>
<f:ajax execute="#this" render="#this :westPaneForm"/>
What the heck could I be missing?
My page was using view params but they weren't a child of f:view so they were causing problems.
When I moved them everything started to work normally. I'm not sure why but it seems that things break when you have something like the following outside of an f:view:
<f:viewParam name="caseId" value="#{caseBackingBean.viewingCaseNumber}" />
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{caseBackingBean.loadCase}" />
Thanks for the help BalusC.
