How to queue build on the TFS build server (build controller) with shortest queue? How to configure load balancing on build controllers? - tfs

We have two TFS build servers (build controllers) available for our application. Builds are triggered as configured in the build definition. Every build is configured via "Build Defaults" page to specific build controller.
Let's say we have a gated check-in build. Build time is 30 minutes, 3 check-ins are made per hour. Normally these 3 gated check-in builds are triggered on the build controller 1, other build controller2 is idle.
How to trigger gated check-in build on the build controller2 if build controller1 is in use?
Is it possible to queue build on the build server with shortest build queue?
How to configure load balancing on build controllers?
I found possible solution for TFS2008 here. I'm looking for solution working for TFS2010

I don't think this is possible. A controller can balance a build out onto which ever agents are available and that match the agent pattern of the the build (as defined in the build definition). Unless you have a serious load of build's, I would stick with a single controller per collection and more agents.
The controller does very little work compared to and agent (which does the compilation, testing and deployment).
For your cases I would try something like:
Gated Agent 1 (on \\sv-BuildAgent1)
Gated Agent 2 (on \\sv-BuildAgent2)
QA Agent... (on \\sv-BuildAgent3)
Other agents... (on \\wherever)
Now each of the Gated Build's Definition you would set the Build Agent to "Gated Agent *" (It's under the Process tab in 3. Advanced -> Agent Settings -> Name Filter.). This will now pick any agent that starts with "Gated Agent". You can easily scale this to as many agents on as many boxes as you need.
You can also put Tags on Build Agent to a achieve a similar result. This may be easier to configure. You Define the Tags in the Build Agent's properties and Configure Definitions to use them in the same section as the Name Filter (above).


Agents not picking new build requests in TFS 2017

I have 10 build agents configured in two servers under one agent pool. Whenever the first four agents are used, the build requested is in the queue on the first four agents, but there are another six agents which are available and the builds are not queued to those agents.
It's been almost six months and agent 10 has not even once handled a build. Other agents from 5 to 10 are hardly used. Why is there this phenomenon? How can we handle this by using all the agents fairly?
TFS will auto select the available build agent in the pool when running the build. It's more like a conditional random choice. It's not able to prioritize the build agent for now. There has also been a related uservoice as below:
TFS 2015 build vNext agent prioritization
As a workaround you could specify a build agent in vNext build.
You can add a User Capability to that specific build agent. Then in the build definition you just need put in that capability as a demand (General tab).
It seems like the builds are queued on the 'oldest' agents first. So if agent 10 is the last agent you created, it will only be used if the first 9 are in use, assuming they all have the same capabilities.
It does not appear to be a random selection of agents, but based on the order of creation of agents. Ironically that means that if you add a new powerful build server, those agents will be at the bottom of the queue.
The user voice suggestion in PatrickLu-MSFT's answer is to allow the agent to be prioritized.
The workaround at this moment seems to be to remove all (or some) agents and re-create them in the order you want them to be used. Which still means the last agent will be used less, but at least you can influence the distribution of the agents a bit.
We are running into this issue as well. We have six build servers with three agents each and builds are not distributed fairly. I also do not want to assign an agent per definition, but I guess we are going to have to puzzle with it.

Using the same TFS build definition for multiple solutions

Our TFS 2013 admins have given us one build definition to build our solution and run all unit tests and they are not willing to create any more build definitions. We are following feature branch strategy and would like to use this build definition for our gated builds. I am trying to find how to use this one build definition with multiple branches.
I know, I can add all branches to Source settings and build them whenever a check-in is made. But I want to find out, if there is any way to add branches to Source settings, but only compile the solution that has been checked in. For example if we add 5 solutions to the Source settings, we want to compile only the solution that has changed rather than all 5 solutions.
You will need to setup an incremental build that only builds the solutions that have changed.
Ideally you will want to setup a build for every branch. You would still use the one build template given to you, but you would define the work-spaces and behavior differently for each branch depending on your needs. However if you do not have that option you can still implement what you are trying to do.
For example if you only want to build the solution that has changed you will set up your build to be an incremental build like the following:
In the "Process" tab update the "Items to build" section to any *.sln or *.*proj
In the "Workspace" section, select only the source control paths of each branch if setting up a build for every branch or select the entire source if that is how you have to do it ($/).
Change the build to an incremental build by changing the Build Process Parameters on the "Process" tab - CleanWorkspace=None
Tag one of the build agents, so that it is the only one used for these incremental builds. Set the build to only use this tagged agent. It is important that the same build agent or set of agents is used for the builds if incremental builds are to work.

Stopping TFS 2010 controller from using an agent based on tags

I am using TFS 2010 and have a build machine that contains a single build controller running 2 agents.
I have worked out that I can assign a tag of "Nightly" to my 2nd agent and then edit the Build Definition for my Nightly Builds in TFS to only use an agent that has the tag of "Nightly".
Easy enough.
However, the issue here is that if a normal build (Such as dev/CI) came along, it could - in theory- use my nightly agent, which I don't want to happen.
I could go around all our development builds (20+) and add in a tags=normal and tag my primary build agent with normal, but this then relies on people remembering to tag up new builds in the future.
Is there a way to set up my build agent in TFS's Server Admin, so that it will ONLY run items with specific tags? Or is my "go around the houses" approach the only logical way?
I got around this in the end by making all my builds look for "matchExactly" on empty tags, which means my "nightly" tagged agent will never be used for CI.
I believe the default for build definitions says MatchExactly and has an empty Tags Filter field. This means that by default build definitions will only run on Build Agents that have ZERO tags. So the behavior you desire should be the default, when you tag your build agent with the Nightly tag, no builds will run on that agent unless somebody explicitly goes in and changes the default Agent settings for that build def.
I expect that this agent is already running on it's own server, otherwise there'd be no reason to single it out.
You could give this specific build agent it's own build controller, that way chances of a build associated to the "CI" build controller are zero. unless people chose the incorrect Build Controller for their build definition.
This way you also won't have to go about changing the current build definitions.

TFS Build Dependencies

In TeamCity, you can create build dependencies where one build will not start until another finishes successfully. Is that possible with TFS 2012? Where can I find more information about how to set that up?
The short answer is that TFS doesn't have equivalent functionality, but you can achieve the same goals with a little work.
A common scenario I encounter is a team wants to do a build when they check-in that does some quick stuff (compile, fast unit tests), then immediately after wants to do another build that runs some slower stuff (integration tests, test deployments, etc). I do this often with my teams, and I'll setup a Gated Build that runs in say 5 mins, then have a CI build that is kicked off as soon as the Gated Build checks-in, which may take an hour to run. I like this approach as it gets the developers some feedback quickly, then more detailed feedback shortly thereafter.
Another supported scenario is having a build explicitly kickoff it's dependencies. If you look a the Lab Build Template it does exactly this, it will first kickoff the application TFS Build, and the Lab Build will sit and wait for it to finish, then the Lab Build will continue. In theory you could have Build A kickoff build B which kicks off C & D, etc.
If your needs are more complex than that (e.g. you have multiple applications that you have a build for each, then a Product that includes some applications that needs to be built after each application changes, then maybe a Product Suite build that needs to kickoff whenever a Product changes - this is the scenario I dealt with). I basically implemented a custom build dependency system to handle this. We made an XML file that described the build dependencies, then wrote a simple ISubscriber plug-in that we would deploy to TFS, and it would listen for Build Completed events then consult the dependency config and kickoff the appropriate build(s).

Queuing of TFS build against agents

I have a TFS 2010 build service installed with three agents: Database, Production, and Release with mutually exclusive sets of builds running on each.
When builds are queued, unfortunately, they appear to get queued in groups of three regardless of which agent they're ready to go to. This means that we lose the parallelism I was hoping for if more than three builds from a single agent are run at once as they will take up the entire queue.
Is there a way to make sure that builds are queued once their own agent becomes free so that we can have as many parallel builds as possible?
Using the TFS 2010 default build defintion you cannot select an build agent but only a build controller unless you have customized it. Ideally you should have a single build controller, which has multiple build agents beneath it. Within the build definition you would only be selecting controller name and the build controller pushes the build to the agent which is free at that point. You can also use TAGS to make sure that the build runs on only a particular build agent.
