How do I find Waldo with Mathematica? - image-processing

This was bugging me over the weekend: What is a good way to solve those Where's Waldo? ['Wally' outside of North America] puzzles, using Mathematica (image-processing and other functionality)?
Here is what I have so far, a function which reduces the visual complexity a little bit by dimming
some of the non-red colors:
whereIsWaldo[url_] := Module[{waldo, waldo2, waldoMask},
waldo = Import[url];
waldo2 = Image[ImageData[
waldo] /. {{r_, g_, b_} /;
Not[r > .7 && g < .3 && b < .3] :> {0, 0,
0}, {r_, g_, b_} /; (r > .7 && g < .3 && b < .3) :> {1, 1,
waldoMask = Closing[waldo2, 4];
ImageCompose[waldo, {waldoMask, .5}]
And an example of a URL where this 'works':
(Waldo is by the cash register):

I've found Waldo!
How I've done it
First, I'm filtering out all colours that aren't red
waldo = Import[""];
red = Fold[ImageSubtract, #[[1]], Rest[#]] &#ColorSeparate[waldo];
Next, I'm calculating the correlation of this image with a simple black and white pattern to find the red and white transitions in the shirt.
corr = ImageCorrelate[red,
Image#Join[ConstantArray[1, {2, 4}], ConstantArray[0, {2, 4}]],
I use Binarize to pick out the pixels in the image with a sufficiently high correlation and draw white circle around them to emphasize them using Dilation
pos = Dilation[ColorNegate[Binarize[corr, .12]], DiskMatrix[30]];
I had to play around a little with the level. If the level is too high, too many false positives are picked out.
Finally I'm combining this result with the original image to get the result above
found = ImageMultiply[waldo, ImageAdd[ColorConvert[pos, "GrayLevel"], .5]]

My guess at a "bulletproof way to do this" (think CIA finding Waldo in any satellite image any time, not just a single image without competing elements, like striped shirts)... I would train a Boltzmann machine on many images of Waldo - all variations of him sitting, standing, occluded, etc.; shirt, hat, camera, and all the works. You don't need a large corpus of Waldos (maybe 3-5 will be enough), but the more the better.
This will assign clouds of probabilities to various elements occurring in whatever the correct arrangement, and then establish (via segmentation) what an average object size is, fragment the source image into cells of objects which most resemble individual people (considering possible occlusions and pose changes), but since Waldo pictures usually include a LOT of people at about the same scale, this should be a very easy task, then feed these segments of the pre-trained Boltzmann machine. It will give you probability of each one being Waldo. Take one with the highest probability.
This is how OCR, ZIP code readers, and strokeless handwriting recognition work today. Basically you know the answer is there, you know more or less what it should look like, and everything else may have common elements, but is definitely "not it", so you don't bother with the "not it"s, you just look of the likelihood of "it" among all possible "it"s you've seen before" (in ZIP codes for example, you'd train BM for just 1s, just 2s, just 3s, etc., then feed each digit to each machine, and pick one that has most confidence). This works a lot better than a single neural network learning features of all numbers.

I agree with #GregoryKlopper that the right way to solve the general problem of finding Waldo (or any object of interest) in an arbitrary image would be to train a supervised machine learning classifier. Using many positive and negative labeled examples, an algorithm such as Support Vector Machine, Boosted Decision Stump or Boltzmann Machine could likely be trained to achieve high accuracy on this problem. Mathematica even includes these algorithms in its Machine Learning Framework.
The two challenges with training a Waldo classifier would be:
Determining the right image feature transform. This is where #Heike's answer would be useful: a red filter and a stripped pattern detector (e.g., wavelet or DCT decomposition) would be a good way to turn raw pixels into a format that the classification algorithm could learn from. A block-based decomposition that assesses all subsections of the image would also be required ... but this is made easier by the fact that Waldo is a) always roughly the same size and b) always present exactly once in each image.
Obtaining enough training examples. SVMs work best with at least 100 examples of each class. Commercial applications of boosting (e.g., the face-focusing in digital cameras) are trained on millions of positive and negative examples.
A quick Google image search turns up some good data -- I'm going to have a go at collecting some training examples and coding this up right now!
However, even a machine learning approach (or the rule-based approach suggested by #iND) will struggle for an image like the Land of Waldos!

I don't know Mathematica . . . too bad. But I like the answer above, for the most part.
Still there is a major flaw in relying on the stripes alone to glean the answer (I personally don't have a problem with one manual adjustment). There is an example (listed by Brett Champion, here) presented which shows that they, at times, break up the shirt pattern. So then it becomes a more complex pattern.
I would try an approach of shape id and colors, along with spacial relations. Much like face recognition, you could look for geometric patterns at certain ratios from each other. The caveat is that usually one or more of those shapes is occluded.
Get a white balance on the image, and red a red balance from the image. I believe Waldo is always the same value/hue, but the image may be from a scan, or a bad copy. Then always refer to an array of the colors that Waldo actually is: red, white, dark brown, blue, peach, {shoe color}.
There is a shirt pattern, and also the pants, glasses, hair, face, shoes and hat that define Waldo. Also, relative to other people in the image, Waldo is on the skinny side.
So, find random people to obtain an the height of people in this pic. Measure the average height of a bunch of things at random points in the image (a simple outline will produce quite a few individual people). If each thing is not within some standard deviation from each other, they are ignored for now. Compare the average of heights to the image's height. If the ratio is too great (e.g., 1:2, 1:4, or similarly close), then try again. Run it 10(?) of times to make sure that the samples are all pretty close together, excluding any average that is outside some standard deviation. Possible in Mathematica?
This is your Waldo size. Walso is skinny, so you are looking for something 5:1 or 6:1 (or whatever) ht:wd. However, this is not sufficient. If Waldo is partially hidden, the height could change. So, you are looking for a block of red-white that ~2:1. But there has to be more indicators.
Waldo has glasses. Search for two circles 0.5:1 above the red-white.
Blue pants. Any amount of blue at the same width within any distance between the end of the red-white and the distance to his feet. Note that he wears his shirt short, so the feet are not too close.
The hat. Red-white any distance up to twice the top of his head. Note that it must have dark hair below, and probably glasses.
Long sleeves. red-white at some angle from the main red-white.
Dark hair.
Shoe color. I don't know the color.
Any of those could apply. These are also negative checks against similar people in the pic -- e.g., #2 negates wearing a red-white apron (too close to shoes), #5 eliminates light colored hair. Also, shape is only one indicator for each of these tests . . . color alone within the specified distance can give good results.
This will narrow down the areas to process.
Storing these results will produce a set of areas that should have Waldo in it. Exclude all other areas (e.g., for each area, select a circle twice as big as the average person size), and then run the process that #Heike laid out with removing all but red, and so on.
Any thoughts on how to code this?
Thoughts on how to code this . . . exclude all areas but Waldo red, skeletonize the red areas, and prune them down to a single point. Do the same for Waldo hair brown, Waldo pants blue, Waldo shoe color. For Waldo skin color, exclude, then find the outline.
Next, exclude non-red, dilate (a lot) all the red areas, then skeletonize and prune. This part will give a list of possible Waldo center points. This will be the marker to compare all other Waldo color sections to.
From here, using the skeletonized red areas (not the dilated ones), count the lines in each area. If there is the correct number (four, right?), this is certainly a possible area. If not, I guess just exclude it (as being a Waldo center . . . it may still be his hat).
Then check if there is a face shape above, a hair point above, pants point below, shoe points below, and so on.
No code yet -- still reading the docs.

I have a quick solution for finding Waldo using OpenCV.
I used the template matching function available in OpenCV to find Waldo.
To do this a template is needed. So I cropped Waldo from the original image and used it as a template.
Next I called the cv2.matchTemplate() function along with the normalized correlation coefficient as the method used. It returned a high probability at a single region as shown in white below (somewhere in the top left region):
The position of the highest probable region was found using cv2.minMaxLoc() function, which I then used to draw the rectangle to highlight Waldo:


Detecting common colors for groups of objects

I have an image with a collection of objects in K given perceived colors. Providing I extract those objects, how could I cluster them by their perceived color?
Let me give you an example. I am trying to cluster two football teams - so there will be two teams, referees and a keeper (or two, but that`s a rare situation) on the image - 3, 4 or 5 clusters.
For a human's eye, it`s an easy situation. On the picture above, we have white players, red players and a black ref. But it turns out not so easy for automatic processing.
What I have tried so far:
1) I've started working on the BGR colorspace, then tried HSV and now I am exploring CIE Luv, as I read it has unified distances describing the perceived differences between colors.
2) [BGR and HSV] taking the most common color from the contour (not the bounding box). this didn' work at all because of the noise (green field getting in the way), the quality of the image, the position of the player, etc. Colors were pretty much random.
3) [CIE Luv] Resizing all players' boxes to a common size and taking a small portion of the image from the middle (as marked by a black rectangle in the example below).
Taking the mean value of all pixels in each player's window and adding to the list (so, it`s one pixel with the mean value per player). Using K-means (with a defined number of clusters) to find out clusters on that list. This has proven somewhat successful, for the image above I have redish, white and blackish centres in the clusters.
Unfortunately, the assignment of players back to these clusters is pretty much random. I am doing that by calculating the mean color for each player like I described above and then measuring the distance to each cluster. A player might be assigned to the white cluster on one frame and to the red one on the next. Part of the problem might be that the window in the middle of the player's box will sometimes catch a number, grass or shorts, instead of the jersey.
I have already spent a considerable amount of time on trying to figure that out, grateful for any help.
I may be overcomplicating the problem since you just have 3 classes, but try training an SVM classifier based on HOG descriptors. maybe try LDA to improve speed
Some references -
1] - skip to recognition part
2] - skip to recognition part.
3] - if you want to jump into the code right away
This will always work as long as your detection is good. and can also help to identify different players based on their shirt number
(maybe more???) if you train it right
EDIT: Okkay I have another idea, based on colour segmentation since that was your original approach and require less work (maybe not? color segmentation is a pain! also LIGHTING! LIGHTING! LIGHTING!).
Create a green mask and create a threshold so you detect as little grass as possible when doing your kmeans. Then instead of finding mean, try median instead, that will get you closer to red, coz white is detected as 0 and mean just drops drastically, median doesnt. So it'll be way more robust and you should be able to sort players better (hair color and skin color shouldnt affect it too much)
EDIT 2: Just noticed, if you use the black rectangle you'll get shirt number more (which is white), gonna mess up your classifier, use original box with green masked out
EDIT 3: Also. You can just create 3 thresholds for your required colors and split them up! don't really need Kmeans in this actually. Basically you just need your detected boxes to give out a value inside that threshold. Try the median method I mentioned above. Should improve. Also, might need some more minor tweaks here and there (blur, morphology etc to improve detection)

Best tracking algorithm for multiple colored objects (billiard balls)

Let me quickly explain what I have: I have written a custom detector that finds the regions in an image of billiard balls. I did this in using the HSV colorspace and for most ball's I could get away with only thresholding the Hue channel. However for orange (#5) and brown (#7) one must take the saturation into account which adds another dimension to the problem.
From my research it seems like my best route would be to do some manner of mean-shift tracking but everything I've come across has described mean-shift in which only one channel is used (the hue channel).
Can anyone please explain or offer a link explaing how I can adapt mean-shift to work using hue and saturation?
Or can you tell me if you think a different tracking algorithm may be better suited to this problem?
In theory mean shift works well regardless of the dimensionality (in very high dimensions sparseness is a bit of an issues, but there are works that address that problem)
If you are trying to use an off the self mean shift tracker that only takes a single channel input, you can create your own problem specific color channel. You need a single channel that maximizes the difference between the different colored billiard balls.
The easiest way of doing that will be to take the mean colors of all 15 balls and, put them in a 15x3 matrix and decompose it with SVD (subtract the mean first) so you'll get the axis of maximal variance. This will give you the best linear transformation from RGB to a new one dimensional color space that maximizes difference between the billiard balls colors. (If it isn't good enough you can do better with local mapping, but might not be necessary)

how to find shapes that are slightly elongated oval / rectangle with curved corners / sometimes sector of a circle?

how to recognise a zebra crossing from top view using opencv?
in my previous question the problem is to find the curved zebra crossing using opencv.
now I thought that the following way would be much easier way to detect it,
(i) canny it
(ii) find the contours in it
(iii) find the black stripes in it, in my case it is slightly oval in shape
now my question is how to find that slightly oval shape??
look here for images of the crossing:
Generally speaking, I believe there are two approaches you can consider.
One approach is the more brute force image analysis approach, as you described. Here you are applying heuristics based on your knowledge of the problem in order to identify the pixels involved in the parts of the path. Note that 'brute force' here is not a bad thing, just an adjective.
An alternative approach is to apply pattern recognition techniques to find the regions of the image which have high probability of being part of the path. Here you would be transforming your image into (hopefully) meaningful features: lines, points, gradient (eg: Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)), relative intensity (eg: Haar-like features) etc. and using machine learning techniques to figure out how these features describe the, say, the road vs the tunnel (in your example).
As you are asking about the former, I'm going to focus on that here. If you'd like to know more about the latter have a look around the Internet, StackOverflow, or post specific questions you have.
So, for the 'brute force image analysis' approach, your first step would probably be to preprocess the image as you need;
Consider color normalization if you are going to analyze color later, this will help make your algorithm robust to lighting differences in your garage vs the event studio. It'll also improve robustness to camera collaboration differences, though the organization hosting the competition provide specs for the camera they will use (don't ignore this bit of info).
Consider blurring the image to reduce noise if you're less interested in pixel by pixel values (eg edges) and more interested in larger structures (eg gradients).
Consider sharpening the image for the opposite reasons of blurring.
Do a bit of research on image preprocessing. It's definitely an explored topic but hardly 'solved' (whatever that would mean). There are lots of things to try at this stage and, of course, crap in => crap out.
After that you'll want to generate some 'features'..
As you mentioned, edges seem like an appropriate feature space for this problem. Don't forget that there are many other great edge detection algorithms out there other than Canny (see Prewitt, Sobel, etc.) After applying the edge detection algorithm, though, you still just have pixel data. To get to features you'll want probably want to extract lines from the edges. This is where the Hough transform space will come in handy.
(Also, as an idea, you can think about colorspace in concert with the edge detectors. By that, I mean, edge detectors usually work in the B&W colorspace, but rather than converting your image to grayscale you could convert it to an appropriate colorspace and just use a single channel. For example, if the game board is red and the lines on the crosswalk are blue, convert the image to HSV and grab the hue channel as input for the edge detector. You'll likely get better contrast between the regions than just grayscale. For bright vs. dull use the value channel, for yellow vs. blue use the Opponent colorspace, etc.)
You can also look at points. Algorithms such as the Harris corner detector or the Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) will extract 'key points' (with a different definition for each algorithm but generally reproducible).
There are many other feature spaces to explore, don't stop here.
Now, this is where the brute force part comes in..
The first thing that comes to mind is parallel lines. Even in a curve, the edges of the lines are 'roughly' parallel. You could easily develop an algorithm to find the track in your game by finding lines which are each roughly parallel to their neighbors. Note that line detectors like the Hough transform are usually applied such that they find 'peaks', or overrepresented angles in the dataset. Thus, if you generate a Hough transform for the whole image, you'll be hard pressed to find any of the lines you want. Instead, you'll probably want to use a sliding window to examine each area individually.
Specifically speaking to the curved areas, you can use the Hough transform to detect circles and elipses quite easily. You could apply a heuristic like: two concentric semi-circles with a given difference in radius (~250 in your problem) would indicate a road.
If you're using points/corners you can try to come up with an algorithm to connect the corners of one line to the next. You can put a limit on the distance and degree in rotation from one corner to the next that will permit rounded turns but prohibit impossible paths. This could elucidate the edges of the road while being robust to turns.
You can probably start to see now why these hard coded algorithms start off simple but become tedious to tweak and often don't have great results. Furthermore, they tend to rigid and inapplicable to other, even similar, problems.
All that said.. you're talking about solving a problem that doesn't have an out of the box solution. Thinking about the solution is half the fun, and half the challenge. Everything I've described here is basic image analysis, computer vision, and problem solving. Start reading some papers on these topics and the ideas will come quickly. Good luck in the competition.

OpenCV: comparing simple images with small difference

I have a bunch of "simple" images and I want to compare if they are similar together. I compare them to each other using template matching (cv::matchTemplate) and results are quite good.
Now I want to fine tune my program and I face a problem. For example I have two images which look very much alike. Only differences they have is that another one has thicker line and the digit front of item is different. When both images are small, one pixell difference in line thickness makes big result differences when doing template matching. When line thicknesses are same and only difference is the front digit, I get template matching result something like 0.98 with CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED when match successful. When line thickness is different matching result is something like 0.95.
I cannot decrease my threshold value below 0.98 because some other similar images have same line thickness.
Here are example images:
So what options do I have?
I have tried:
dilate the original and template
erode also both
morphologyEx both
calculating keypoints and comparing them
finding corners
But no big success yet. Are those images too simple that detecting "good features" is hard?
Any help is very wellcome.
Thank you!
Here are some other example images. What my program consider as similar are put in same zip-folder.
A possible way might be thinning the two images, so that every line is of one pixel width, since the differing thickness is causing you the main problem with similarity.
The procedure would be to first binarize/threshold the images, then apply a thinning operation on both images, so both are now having the same thickness of 1 px. Then use the usual template matching that you used before with good results.
In case you'd like more details on the thinning/skeletonization of binary images here are a few OpenCV implementations posted on various discussion forums and OpenCV groups:
OpenCV code for thinning (Guo and Hall algo, works with CvMat inputs)
The JR Parker implementation using OpenCV
Possibly more efficient code here (uses OpenCV optimized access methods a lot, however most of the page is in Japanese!)
And lastly a brief overview of thinning in case you're interested.
You need something more elementary here, there isn't much reason to go for fancy methods. Your figures are already binary ones, and their shapes are very similar overall.
One initial idea: consider the upper points and bottom points in a certain image and form a upper hull and a bottom hull (simply a hull, not a convex hull or anything else). A point is said to be an upper point (respec. bottom point) if, given a column i, it is the first point starting at the top (bottom) of the image that is not a background point in i. Also, your image is mostly one single connected component (in some cases there are vertical bars separated, but that is fine), so you can discard small components easily. This step is important for your situation because I saw there are some figures with some form of noise that is irrelevant to the rest of the image. Considering that a connected component with less than 100 points is small, these are the hulls you get for the respective images included in the question:
The blue line is indicating the upper hull, the green line the bottom hull. If it is not apparent, when we consider the regional maxima and regional minima of these hulls we obtain the same amount in both of them. Furthermore, they are all very close except for some displacement in the y axis. If we consider the mean x position of the extrema and plot the lines of both images together we get the following figure. In this case, the lines in blue and green are for the second image, and the lines in red and cyan for the first. Red dots are in the mean x coordinate of some regional minima, and blue dots the same but for regional maxima (these are our points of interest). (The following image has been resized for better visualization)
As you can see, you get many nearly overlapping points without doing anything. If we do even less, i.e. not even care about this overlapping, and proceed to classify your images in the trivial way: if an image a and another image b have the same amount of regional maxima in the upper hull, the same amount of regional minima in the upper hull, the same amount of regional maxima in the bottom hull, and the same amount of regional minima in the bottom hull, then a and b belong to the same class. Doing this for all your images, all images are correctly grouped except for the following situation:
In this case we have only 3 maxima and 3 minima for the upper hull in the first image, while there are 4 maxima and 4 minima for the second. Following you see the plots for the hulls and points of interest obtained:
As you can notice, in the second upper hull there are two extrema very close. Smoothing this curve eliminates both extrema, making the images match by the trivial method. Also, note that if you draw a rectangle around your images, then this method will tell they are all equal. In that case you will want to compare multiple hulls, discarding the points in the current hull and constructing other ones. Nevertheless, this method is able to group all your images correctly given they are all very simple and mostly noisy-free.
From as much as I can get, the difficulty is when the shape is the same, just size is different. A simple hack approach could be:
- subtract the images, then erode. If the shapes were the same but one slightly bigger, subtracting will leave only the edges, which will be thin an vanish with erosion as noise.
Somewhat more formal, would be to take the contours and then the approximate polygons and do a invariants comparison (Hu Moments etc.)

Finding the height above water level of rocks

I am currently helping a friend working on a geo-physical project, I'm not by any means a image processing pro, but its fun to play
around with these kinds of problems. =)
The aim is to estimate the height of small rocks sticking out of water, from surface to top.
The experimental equipment will be a ~10MP camera mounted on a distance meter with a built in laser pointer.
The "operator" will point this at a rock, press a trigger which will register a distance along of a photo of the rock, which
will be in the center of the image.
The eqipment can be assumed to always be held at a fixed distance above the water.
As I see it there are a number of problems to overcome:
Lighting conditions
Depending on the time of day etc., the rock might be brighter then the water or opposite.
Sometimes the rock will have a color very close to the water.
The position of the shade will move throughout the day.
Depending on how rough the water is, there might sometimes be a reflection of the rock in the water.
The rock is not evenly shaped.
Depending on the rock type, growth of lichen etc., changes the look of the rock.
Fortunateness, there is no shortage of test data. Pictures of rocks in water is easy to come by. Here are some sample images:
I've run a edge detector on the images, and esp. in the fourth picture the poor contrast makes it hard to see the edges:
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
I don't think that edge detection is best approach to detect the rocks. Other objects, like the mountains or even the reflections in the water will result in edges.
I suggest that you try a pixel classification approach to segment the rocks from the background of the image:
For each pixel in the image, extract a set of image descriptors from a NxN neighborhood centered at that pixel.
Select a set of images and manually label the pixels as rock or background.
Use the labeled pixels and the respective image descriptors to train a classifier (eg. a Naive Bayes classifier)
Since the rocks tends to have similar texture, I would use texture image descriptors to train the classifier. You could try, for example, to extract a few statistical measures from each color chanel (R,G,B) like the mean and standard deviation of the intensity values.
Pixel classification might work here, but will never yield a 100% accuracy. The variance in the data is really big, rocks have different colours (which are also "corrupted" with lighting) and different texture. So, one must account for global information as well.
The problem you deal with is foreground extraction. There are two approaches I am aware of.
Energy minimization via graph cuts, see e.g. (there are links to the paper and OpenCV implementation). Some initialization ("seeds") should be done (either by a user or by some prior knowledge like the rock is in the center while water is on the periphery). Another variant of input is an approximate bounding rectangle. It is implemented in MS Office 2010 foreground extraction tool.
The energy function of possible foreground/background labellings enforces foreground to be similar to the foreground seeds, and a smooth boundary. So, the minimum of the energy corresponds to the good foreground mask. Note that with pixel classification approach one should pre-label a lot of images to learn from, then segmentation is done automatically, while with this approach one should select seeds on each query image (or they are chosen implicitly).
Active contours a.k.a. snakes also requre some user interaction. They are more like Photoshop Magic Wand tool. They also try to find a smooth boundary, but do not consider the inner area.
Both methods might have problems with the reflections (pixel classification will definitely have). If it is the case, you may try to find an approximate vertical symmetry, and delete the lower part, if any. You can also ask a user to mark the reflaction as a background while collecting stats for graph cuts.
Color segmentation to find the rock, together with edge detection to find the top.
To find the water level I would try and find all the water-rock boundaries, and the horizon (if possible) then fit a plane to the surface of the water.
That way you don't need to worry about reflections of the rock.
Easier if you know the pitch angle between the camera and the water and if the camera is is leveled horizontally (roll).
ps. This is a lot harder than I thought - you don't know the distance to all the rocks so fitting a plane is difficult.
It occurs that the reflection is actually the ideal way of finding the level, look for symetric path edges in the rock edge detection and pick the vertex?
