How to reserve memory for my application and leave a specified amount remaining? - delphi

I'm planning an application which will involve loading many pictures at one time and thus requires a large chunk of memory. For example, I might have 50 image objects created at once, taking a total of 1GB of RAM. But when the user goes to load 20 more pictures, I'd like to make sure that amount of memory is already reserved and ready.
Now this part might seem a little backwards from normal. Rather than specifying how much memory my application shall reserve, instead I need to specify how much memory to leave free for other applications, and adjust my application's memory periodically according to this specification. I must say I've never worked with reserving memory at all, and especially won't know how to leave this remaining available memory.
So for example, if the computer has 2048 MB of RAM, and the option is set to leave 50 MB free for other applications, and there is already 10MB of RAM being used by other apps, then it should reserve 2048-50-10 = 1988 MB for my app.
The trouble I foresee is suppose the user opens another application which requires 1GB. My app has to catch this and shrink its self.
Does this even sound like a feasible approach? Basically, I need to make sure there is as much memory reserved as possible at any given time, while leaving a decent amount available for other apps. Would it make a significant impact on performance if I do this, or not much at all? I might be loading and unloading images at rapid paces, and I don't want it to reserve/free this memory on demand, I want it to stay reserved.

+1 for Sertac's mentioning of how SQL Server rides the line of allocating memory it needs, but releasing memory when Windows complains.
Applications can receive Window's complaints by using the CreateMemoryResourceNotification:
hLowMemory := CreateMemoryResourceNotification(LowMemoryResourceNotification);
Applications can use memory resource notification events to scale the
memory usage as appropriate. If available memory is low, the
application can reduce its working set. If available memory is high,
the application can allocate more memory.
Any thread of the calling
process can specify the memory resource notification handle in a call
to the QueryMemoryResourceNotification function or one of the wait functions.
The state of the object is signaled when the specified
memory condition exists. This is a system-wide event, so all
applications receive notification when the object is signaled. Note
that there is a range of memory availability where neither the
LowMemoryResourceNotification or HighMemoryResourceNotification object
is signaled. In this case, applications should attempt to keep the
memory use constant.
But it's also worth mentioning that you might as well allocate memory that you need. Your operating system has a very sophisiticated set of algorithms to swap out the least used memory when memory pressure is high. You can take advantage of this by simply allocating all the memory that you need. When Windows starts to run low, it will find those pages of memory that you are using the least and swap them out to disk. (This is how a well-known reverse proxy works).
The only thing left is to decide if you want to free some images when Windows says it's running low on RAM. But if you're not using the memory, it is going to be swapped out to disk for you.

It's not realistic to account for other apps. Just ignore them. The system will page things in and out as needed. If you really wanted to do this you'd have to dynamically adapt to other processes as they start and finish. That's really not realistic. What's more it's not practical to inquire of other processes how much memory they need. Leave it all to the system.
Set a budget for your app and make sure you don't exceed it. Keep the most recently used images in memory and when you approach your memory budget throw away the least recently used images to make space.
If you are stressing the available resources then make sure you use FastMM and enable LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE for your app so that you get 4GB address space when running on a 64 bit OS.


Xcode Instrument : Memory Terms Live Bytes and Overall Bytes (Real Memory) confusion

I am working on a Browser application in which I use a UIWebView for opening web pages. I run the Instruments tool with Memory Monitor. I am totally confused by the terms which are used in Instruments and why they're important. Please explain some of my questions with proper reasons:
Live Bytes is important for checking memory optimization or memory consumption? Why ?
Why would I care about the Overall Bytes/ Real Memory, if it contains also released objects?
When and why are these terms used (Live Bytes/ Overall Bytes/Real Memory)?
"Live Bytes" means "memory which has been allocated, but not yet deallocated." It's important because it's the most easily graspable measure of "how much memory your app is using."
"Overall Bytes" means "all memory which has ever been allocated including memory that has been deallocated." This is less useful, but gives you some idea of "heap churn." Churn leads to fragmentation, and heap fragmentation can be a problem (albeit a pretty obscure one these days.)
"Real Memory" is an attempt to distinguish how much physical RAM is in use (as opposed to how many bytes of address space are valid). This is different from "Live Bytes" because "Live Bytes" could include ranges of memory that correspond to memory-mapped files (or shared memory, or window backing stores, or whatever) that are not currently paged into physical RAM. Even if you don't use memory-mapped files or other exotic VM allocation methods, the system frameworks do, and you use them, so this distinction will always have some importance to every process.
EDIT: Since you're clearly concerned about memory use incurred by using UIWebView, let me see if I can shed some light on that:
There is a certain memory "price" to using UIWebView at all (i.e. global caches and the like). These include various global font caches, JavaScript JIT caches, and stuff like that. Most of these are going to behave like singletons: allocated the first time you use them (indirectly by using UIWebView) and never deallocated until the process ends. There are also some variable size global caches (like those that cache web responses; CFURL typically manages these) but those are expected to be managed by the system. The collective "weight" of these things with respect to UIWebView is, as you've seen, non-trivial.
I don't have any knowledge of UIKit or WebKit internals, but I would expect that if you had a discussion with someone who did, their response to the question of "Why is my use of UIWebView causing so much memory use?" would be two pronged: The first prong would be "this is the price of admission for using UIWebView -- it's basically like running a whole web browser in your process." The second prong would be "system framework caches are automatically managed by the system" by which they would mean that, for instance, the CFURL caches (which is one of the things that using UIWebView causes to be created) are managed by the system, so if a memory warning came in, the system frameworks would be responsible for evicting things from those caches to reduce the memory consumed by them; you have no control over those, and you just have to trust that the system frameworks will do what needs to be done. (That doesn't help you in the case where whatever the system cache managers do isn't aggressive enough for you, but you're not going to get any more control over them, so you need to attack the issue from another angle, either way.) If you're wondering why the memory use doesn't go down once you deallocate your UIWebView, this is your answer. There's a bunch of stuff it's doing behind the scenes, that you can't control.
The expectation that allocating, using, and then deallocating a UIWebView is a net-zero operation ignores some non-trivial, inherent and unavoidable side-effects. The existence of such side-effects is not (in and of itself) indicative of a bug in UIWebView. There are side effects like this all over the place. If you were to create a trivial application that did nothing but launch and then terminate after one spin of the run loop, and you set a breakpoint on exit(), and looked at the memory that had been allocated and never freed, there would be thousands of allocations. This is a very common pattern used throughout the system frameworks and in virtually every application.
What does this mean for you? It means that you effectively have two choices: Use UIWebView and pay the "price of admission" in memory consumption, or don't use UIWebView.

memory management and segmentation faults in modern day systems (Linux)

In modern-day operating systems, memory is available as an abstracted resource. A process is exposed to a virtual address space (which is independent from address space of all other processes) and a whole mechanism exists for mapping any virtual address to some actual physical address.
My doubt is:
If each process has its own address space, then it should be free to access any address in the same. So apart from permission restricted sections like that of .data, .bss, .text etc, one should be free to change value at any address. But this usually gives segmentation fault, why?
For acquiring the dynamic memory, we need to do a malloc. If the whole virtual space is made available to a process, then why can't it directly access it?
Different runs of a program results in different addresses for variables (both on stack and heap). Why is it so, when the environments for each run is same? Does it not affect the amount of addressable memory available for usage? (Does it have something to do with address space randomization?)
Some links on memory allocation (e.g. in heap).
The data available at different places is very confusing, as they talk about old and modern times, often not distinguishing between them. It would be helpful if someone could clarify the doubts while keeping modern systems in mind, say Linux.
Technically, the operating system is able to allocate any memory page on access, but there are important reasons why it shouldn't or can't:
different memory regions serve different purposes.
code. It can be read and executed, but shouldn't be written to.
literals (strings, const arrays). This memory is read-only and should be.
the heap. It can be read and written, but not executed.
the thread stack. There is no reason for two threads to access each other's stack, so the OS might as well forbid that. Moreover, the tread stack can be de-allocated when the tread ends.
memory-mapped files. Any changes to this region should affect a specific file. If the file is open for reading, the same memory page may be shared between processes because it's read-only.
the kernel space. Normally the application should not (or can not) access that region - only kernel code can. It's basically a scratch space for the kernel and it's shared between processes. The network buffer may reside there, so that it's always available for writes, no matter when the packet arrives.
The OS might assume that all unrecognised memory access is an attempt to allocate more heap space, but:
if an application touches the kernel memory from user code, it must be killed. On 32-bit Windows, all memory above 1<<31 (top bit set) or above 3<<30 (top two bits set) is kernel memory. You should not assume any unallocated memory region is in the user space.
if an application thinks about using a memory region but doesn't tell the OS, the OS may allocate something else to that memory (OS: sure, your file is at 0x12341234; App: but I wanted to store my data there). You could tell the OS by touching the end of your array (which is unreliable anyways), but it's easier to just call an OS function. It's just a good idea that the function call is "give me 10MB of heap", not "give me 10MB of heap starting at 0x12345678"
If the application allocates memory by using it then it typically does not de-allocate at all. This can be problematic as the OS still has to hold the unused pages (but the Java Virtual Machine does not de-allocate either, so hey).
Different runs of a program results in different addresses for variables
This is called memory layout randomisation and is used, alongside of proper permissions (stack space is not executable), to make buffer overflow attacks much more difficult. You can still kill the app, but not execute arbitrary code.
Some links on memory allocation (e.g. in heap).
Do you mean, what algorithm the allocator uses? The easiest algorithm is to always allocate at the soonest available position and link from each memory block to the next and store the flag if it's a free block or used block. More advanced algorithms always allocate blocks at the size of a power of two or a multiple of some fixed size to prevent memory fragmentation (lots of small free blocks) or link the blocks in a different structures to find a free block of sufficient size faster.
An even simpler approach is to never de-allocate and just point to the first (and only) free block and holds its size. If the remaining space is too small, throw it away and ask the OS for a new one.
There's nothing magical about memory allocators. All they do is to:
ask the OS for a large region and
partition it to smaller chunks
wasting too much space or
taking too long.
Anyways, the Wikipedia article about memory allocation is .
One interesting algorithm is called "(binary) buddy blocks". It holds several pools of a power-of-two size and splits them recursively into smaller regions. Each region is then either fully allocated, fully free or split in two regions (buddies) that are not both fully free. If it's split, then one byte suffices to hold the size of the largest free block within this block.

Memory-mapped files and low-memory scenarios

How does the iOS platform handle memory-mapped files during low-memory scenarios? By low-memory scenarios, I mean when the OS sends the UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification notification to all observers in the application.
Our files are mapped into memory using +[NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:], the documentation for which states:
A mapped file uses virtual memory techniques to avoid copying pages of the file into memory until they are actually needed.
Does this mean that the OS will also unmap the pages when they're no longer in use? Is it possible to mark pages as being no longer in use? This data is read-only, if that changes the scenario. How about if we were to use mmap() directly? Would this be preferable?
Memory-mapped files copy data from disk into memory a page at a time. Unused pages are free to be swapped out, the same as any other virtual memory, unless they have been wired into physical memory using mlock(2). Memory mapping leaves the determination of what to copy from disk to memory and when to the OS.
Dropping from the Foundation level to the BSD level to use mmap is unlikely to make much difference, beyond making code that has to interface with other Foundation code somewhat more awkward.
(This is not an answer, but it would be useful information.)
From #ID_AA_Carmack tweet,
#ID_AA_Carmack are iOS memory mapped files automatically unmapped in low memory conditions? (using +[NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile]?)
ID_AA_Carmack replied for this,
#KhrobEdmonds yes, that is one of the great benefits of using mapped files on iOS. I use mmap(), though.
I'm not sure that is true or not...
From my experiments NSData does not respond to memory warnings. I tested by creating a memory mapped NSData and accessing parts of the file so that it would be loaded into memory and finally sending memory warnings. There was no decrease in memory usage after the memory warning. Nothing in the documentation says that a memory will cause NSData to reduce real memory usage in low memory situations so it leads me to believe that it does not respond to memory warnings. For example NSCache documentation says that it will try and play nice with respect to memory usage plus I have been told it responds to the low memory warnings the system raises.
Also in my simple tests on an iPod Touch (4th gen) I was able to map about 600 megs of file data into virtual memory use +[NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:]. Next I started to access pages via the bytes property on the NSData instance. As I did this real memory started to grow however it stopped growing at around 30 megs of real memory usage. So the way it is implemented it seems to cap how much real memory will be used.
In short if you want to reduce memory usage of NSData objects the best bet is to actually make sure they are completely released and not relying on anything the system automagically does on your behalf.
If iOS is like any other Unix -- and I would bet money it is in this regard -- pages in an mmap() region are not "swapped out"; they are simply dropped (if they are clean) or are written to the underlying file and then dropped (if they are dirty). This process is called "evicting" the page.
Since your memory map is read-only, the pages will always be clean.
The kernel will decide which pages to evict when physical memory gets tight.
You can give the kernel hints about which pages you would prefer it keep/evict using posix_madvise(). In particular, POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED tells the kernel to feel free to evict the pages; or as you say, "mark pages as being no longer in use".
It should be pretty simple to write some test programs to see whether iOS honors the "don't need" hint. Since it is derived from BSD, I bet it will.
Standard virtual memory techniques for file-backed memory says that the OS is free to throw away pages whenever it wants because it can always get them again later. I have not used iOS, but this has been the behavior of virtual memory on many other operating systems for a long time.
The simplest way to test it is to map several large files into memory, read through them to guarantee that it pages them into memory, and see if you can force a low memory situation. If you can't, then the OS must have unmapped the pages once it decided that they were no longer in use.
The dataWithContentsOfMappedFile: method is now deprecated from iOS5.
Use mmap, as you will avoid these situations.

How much memory your program takes? (FastMM vs Borland MM)

I have seen recently a strange behavior in my program. After creating large amounts of objects (500MB of RAM) then releasing them, the program's memory footprint does not return to its original size. It still shows a footprint of 160MB (Private working set).
Normal behavior?
Borland's memory manager does not behave like this, so if possible please confirm (or infirm) this is a normal behavior for FastMM: If you have a handy program in which you create a rather complex MDI child (containing several controls/objects), can you create in a loop 250 instances of that MDI child in memory (at the same time) then release them all and check the memory footprint. Please make sure that you consume at least 200-300MB or RAM with those MDI childs.
Especially those that still using Delphi 7 can see the difference by temporary disabling FastMM.
If anybody is interested, especially if you want some proof this is not a memory leak (I hope it is not a mem leak in my code - this is also one of the points of this post: to check if it is my fault), here are the original discussions:
My program never releases the memory back. Why?
How to convince the memory manager to release unused memory
Dear Altar, I'm dazzled at how off the point you are in your guesses and how you don't listen to what people told you many times before.
Let's set some things straight. Memory management 101. Please read thoroughly.
When you allocate memory in Delphi, there are two memory managers involved.
System memory manager
First one is a system memory manager. This one is built into Windows and it gives memory in 4kb sized pages.
But it doesn't always give you memory in RAM (or physical memory). Your data can be kept on the hard drive, and read back every time you need to access it. This is awfully slow.
In other words, imagine you have 512Mb of physical memory. You run two programs, each requesting 1Gb of memory. What does OS do?
It grants both requests. Both apps get 1Gb of memory each. Both think all the memory is "in memory". But in fact, only 512Mb can be kept in RAM. The rest is stored in page file, although your app does not know that. It just works slow.
Working set size
Now, what is a "working set size" you are measuring?
It's the part of the allocated memory that is kept in RAM.
If you have an application which allocates 1Gb of memory, and you only have 512 Mb of RAM, then it's working set size will be 512Mb. Although it "uses" 1Gb of memory!
When you run another application which needs memory, OS will automatically free some RAM by moving rarely used blocks of "memory" to the hard drive.
Your virtual memory allocation will stay the same, but more pages will be on the hard drive and less in RAM. Working set size will decrease.
From this, you should have understood by this point, that it's pointless to try and minimize the working set size. You're achieving nothing. You're not freeing memory in any sense. You're just offloading the data to the hard drive.
But the system will do that automatically when it needs to. And there's no point making room in RAM until it's needed. You're just slowing down your application, that's all.
TLDR: "Working set size" is not "how much memory application uses". It's "how much is ready right now". Don't try to minimize it, you're just making things worse.
Delphi memory manager
OS gives you virtual memory in pages of 4Kb. But often you need it in much smaller chunks. For instance, 4 bytes for your integer, or 32 bytes for some structure. The solution?
Application memory manager, such as FastMM or BorlandMM or others.
It's job is to allocate memory in pages from the operating system, then give you small chunks of those pages when you need it.
In other words, when you ask for 14 bytes of memory, this is what happens:
You ask FastMM for 14 bytes of memory.
FastMM asks OS for 1 page of memory (4096 bytes).
OS grants one page of memory, backing it up with RAM (it's stored in actual RAM).
FastMM saves that page, cuts 14 bytes of it and gives to you.
When you ask for another 14 bytes, FastMM just cuts another 14 bytes from the same page.
What happens when you release memory? The same thing backwards:
You release 14 bytes to FastMM. Nothing happens.
You release another 14 bytes. FastMM sees that the 4096 byte page it allocated is now completely unused.
Therefore it releases the page, returning it to the system.
It's worth noting that FastMM cannot release just 14 bytes to the system. It has to release memory in pages. Until the whole page is free, FastMM cannot do a thing. Nobody can.
So, why is my working set size so big, even though I released everything?
First, your working set size is not what you should be measuring. Virtual memory consumption is. But if you have big working set size, your virtual memory consumption will be high too.
What's the problem? You should be able to figure out by this point.
Let's say you allocate 1kb, then 3kb of memory. How much virtual memory have you allocated? 4kb, 1 page.
Now you release 3Kb. How much virtual memory do you use now? 1Kb? No, it's still 1 page. You cannot allocate less than 1 page from the system. You're still using 4096 bytes of virtual memory.
Imagine if you do that 1000 times. 1kb, 3kb, 1kb, 3kb, 1kb, 3kb and so on. You allocate 1000 * 4kb = 4 mb like that, and then you release all the 3kb parts. How much virtual memory do you use now?
Still 4 mb. Because you allocated 1000 pages at first. Of every page you took 1kb and 3kb chunks. Even if you release 3kb chunks, 1kb chunks will continue to keep every single page you allocated in memory. And every page takes 4kb of virtual memory.
Memory manager cannot magically "move" all of your 1kb chunks together. This is impossible, because their virtual addresses can be referenced from somewhere in code. It's not a trait of FastMM.
But why with BorlandMM everything works better?
Coincidence. Maybe it just so happens that BorlandMM gives you memory in a slightly different way than FastMM does. Next thing you know, you change something in your app and BorlandMM acts just like FastMM did. It's impossible for a memory manager to completely prevent this effect, called memory fragmentation.
So what do I do?
Short answer is, not much until this bothers you.
You see, with modern operating systems, you're not really eating anyone's RAM. Per above, OS will automatically swap your pages out when it needs RAM for other applications. This should not be a concern.
And the "excessive" memory isn't lost. Although pages are allocated, 3kb of each is marked as "free". Next time your app needs memory, memory manager will use that space.
But if you really want to help it, you should reorganize your allocations so that the ones you're planning on keeping are done first, and the ones you will soon release are all allocated after that.
Like this: 1kb, 1kb, 1kb, ..., 3kb, 3kb, 3kb...
If you now release all the 3kb chunks, your virtual memory consumption will drop significantly.
This is not always possible. If it's impossible, then just do nothing. It's more or less alright like it is.
And P.S.
You shouldn't be allocating 500 forms in the first place. This is clearly not a way to go. Fix this, and you won't even have a need to think about memory allocation and releasing.
I hope this clears things up, because four posts on the same topic, frankly, is a bit too much.
IIRC, the Delphi memory manager does not immediately return free'd memory to the OS.
Memory is allocated in chunks of small, medium and large sizes, called blocks.
These blocks are kept for a while after their contents have been disposed to have them readyly available when another allocation is requested afterwards.
This limits the amount of system calls required for succesive allocation of multiple objects, and helps avoiding heap fragmentation.
Infirming: Delphi 2007, default memory manager (should be FastMM variation). Several tests on heavy objects:
Initial memory 2Mb, peak memory 30Mb, final memory 4Mb.
Initial memory 2Mb, peak memory 1Gb, final memory 5.5Mb.
What are the heapmanager stats (GetHeapStatus) on the point that 160MB is still allocated?
To confirm that this behavior is generated by FastMM (as suggested by Barry Kelly) I created a second program that allocated A LOT of RAM. As soon as Windows ran out of RAM, my program memory utilization returned to its original value.
Problem solved. Special thanks to Barry Kelly, the only person that pointed to the real "problem".

What will happen if a application is large enough to be loaded into the available RAM memory?

There is chance were a heavy weight application that needs to be launched in a low configuration system.. (Especially when the system has too less memory)
Also when we have already opened lot of application in the system & we keep on trying opening new new application what would happen?
I have only seen applications taking time to process or hangs up for sometime when I try operating with it in low config. system with low memory and old processors..
How it is able to accomodate many applications when the memory is low..? (like 128 MB or lesser..)
Does it involves any paging or something else..?
Can someone please let me know the theory behind this..!
"Heavyweight" is a very vague term. When the OS loads your program, the EXE is mapped in your address space, but only the code pages that run (or data pages that are referenced) are paged in as necessary.
You will likely get horrible performance if pages need to constantly be swapped as the program runs (aka many hard page faults), but it should work.
Since your commit charge is near the commit limit, and the commit limit will likely have no room to grow, you will also likely recieve many malloc()/VirtualAlloc(..., MEM_COMMIT)/HeapAlloc()/{Local|Global}Alloc() failures so you need to watch the return codes in your program.
Some keywords for search engines are: paging, swapping, virtual memory.
Wikipedia has an article called Paging (Redirected from Swap space).
There is often the use of virtual memory. Virtual memory pages are mapped to physical memory if they are used. If a physical page is needed and no page is available, another is written to disk. This is called swapping and that explains why crowded systems get slow and memory upgrades have positive effects on performance.
