how can I enable CRCs in EZstream or FFMPEG? - stream

I want to detect a corrupt MP3 stream, the encoder is using CRC.
How can I enable CRC?. I want to be able to read through the headers of each frame to find the CRC, and then run it on the audio data. In the event I get an error (or several frames with errors), I can then somehow trigger a warning.
I am new to this so I can't tell what to do or how to accomplish this.


AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer plays too fast

So I have put together a sample project that uses VideoToolBox to have a H264 sample decoder to display a stream file, captured from a camera.
The H264 decoder using VideoToolBox is copied from internet, I didn't write it, when I tried to play my h264 stream file, it plays too fast, comparing to ffmpeg or ffplay, which both played back at a normal speed.
I wanted to ask, how to fix this behaviour? Thanks.
This happens because of this constant kCMSampleAttachmentKey_DisplayImmediately:
If this key is present, the sample should be displayed as soon as possible rather than
according to its presentation timestamp. Use this attachment at run time to request this
behavior from a display pipeline such as the AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer class.
This attachment is not written to media files.
from Apple documation
So you have two options of displaying:
Display immediately - which is probably good for real-time stream, when you need to display frame as soon as possible
Display frames at specific timestamp
*comparing to ffmpeg or ffplay, which both played back at a normal speed.
ffplay and ffmpeg probably use timestamp at this point.
I have same result as you from your test H.264 file, but it's happens because you get all decoded frame at once so decoder is displaying it immediately.
You can watch this video for more information about VideoToolbox framework:
Direct Access to Video Encoding and Decoding

Read audio file, perform filters (i.e. reverb), and then write audio file without playback on iOS

I'm working on an app which has a requirement for running some basic audio filters (such as normalisation and reverb) on a file. The idea is to take an existing audio file, add the filters, and then write the data to a new file. Crucially, this must be done without any playback and should be fast (i.e. on a 60 second audio file I should be able to add reverb in under a second).
I've looked at several solutions such as The Amazing Audio Engine and AudioBox but these all seem to rely on you playing back any audio in realtime rather than writing it to a file.
Does anybody have examples, or can point me in the right direction, for simply taking a file and applying a basic audio filter without listening to it. I'm sure I must be missing something simple somewhere but my searches have turned up nothing.
In general,the steps are:
Set up an AUGraph like this - AudioFilePlayer -> Reverb/Limiter/EQ/etc. -> GenericOutput
Open the input file and schedule it on the AudioFilePlayer.
Create an output file and repeatedly call AudioUnitRender on the GenericOutput unit, writing the rendered buffers to the output file.
I'm not sure about the speed of this, but it should be acceptable.
There is a comprehensive example of offline rendering in this thread that covers the setup and rendering process.

Capture, encode then stream video from an iPhone to a server

I've got experience with building iOS apps but don't have experience with video. I want to build an iPhone app that streams real time video to a server. Once on the server I will deliver that video to consumers in real time.
I've read quite a bit of material. Can someone let me know if the following is correct and fill in the blanks for me.
To record video on the iPhone I should use the AVFoundation classes. When using the AVCaptureSession the delegate method captureOutput:didOutputSampleBuffer::fromConnection I can get access to each frame of video. Now that I have the video frame I need to encode the frame
I know that the Foundation classes only offer H264 encoding via AVAssetWriter and not via a class that easily supports streaming to a web server. Therefore, I am left with writing the video to a file.
I've read other posts that say they can use two AssetWritters to write 10 second blocks then NSStream those 10 second blocks to the server. Can someone explain how to code the use of two AVAssetWriters working together to achieve this. If anyone has code could they please share.
You are correct that the only way to use the hardware encoders on the iPhone is by using the AVAssetWriter class to write the encoded video to a file. Unfortunately the AVAssetWriter does not write the moov atom to the file (which is required to decode the encoded video) until the file is closed.
Thus one way to stream the encoded video to a server would be to write 10 second blocks of video to a file, close it, and send that file to the server. I have read that this method can be used with no gaps in playback caused by the closing and opening of files, though I have not attempted this myself.
I found another way to stream video here.
This example opens 2 AVAssetWriters. Then on the first frame it writes to two files but immediately closes one of the files so the moov atom gets written. Then with the moov atom data the second file can be used as a pipe to get a stream of encoded video data. This example only works for sending video data but it is very clean and easy to understand code that helped me figure out how to deal with many issues with video on the iPhone.

is it possible for avassetwriter to output to memory

I would like to write an iphone app that continuously capture video, h.264 encode them in 10 seconds interval and upload to a storage server. This can be done with avassetwriter, and I can keep on deleting the old files as I create new ones. However, as flash memory have a limited write cycles, this scheme will destroy the flash after a few thousand write cycles through the flash. Is there a way to redirect avassetwriter to memory, or create a ram drive on the iphone?
Yes avassetwriter is the only way to get to the hardware decoder. and simply reading back the file while its written doesn't give you the moov atoms so avfoundation or mpmediaplayer based players won't be able to read it back. you only have a couple choices , periodically stop the asassetwriter and write to the file on a background thread, effectively segmenting your movie into smaller complete files. or you could deal with the incomplete mp4 on the server side, you will have to decode the raw nalu's and recreate the missing moov atoms. If your using ffmpeg mov.c is source to look at. This is also were an incomplete mp4 file would fail.

Why does adding a renderer to my DirectShow Filter Graph smooth out audio input to the graph?

I have a DirectShow filter graph in my Delphi 6 application built with the DSPACK component library. The structure of the graph is as follows:
Custom push source audio filter
Sample Grabber
Tee Filter (but only when I turn on both the WAV File Writer and Renderer)
Renderer (preferred PC output device)
WAV File Writer
The Tee Filter is added to the graph only if I have both the Renderer and the WAV File Writer filters turned on. Otherwise I connect only the filter that is turned on directly to the Sample Grabber.
The audio is being delivered over a WiFi connected RTSP audio server that is streaming audio in real-time. If I don't turn on the Wav File Writer, the audio coming out my headphones has the typical pumping and occasional clicking sounds associated with an unbuffered audio stream. Strangely enough, as soon as I turn on the WAV File Writer filter the audio becomes smooth as glass.
I have the source code for the WAV File Writer and it basically handles the tasks of outputting the proper WAV file header when needed and writing the audio buffers as necessary, not much more than that. So I find it strange that turning it on smooths the incoming audio stream, especially since it is not upstream of the Renderer (filter) but instead is a peer filter hanging off the end of the Tee Filter alongside the Renderer.
Can anyone tell me what might be happening to make the audio delivery smooth out when when I turn on the File Writer filter? Does the Tee Filter do any inherent buffering? I want to duplicate the same mechanism so I can have smooth audio when the File Writer is not turned on. I'm trying to avoid adding my own buffering because I don't want to add any more delay to the real time audio stream than I have to.
If you have a live source and you can listen to it and the delivered audio at the same time, you may be able to tell whether adding File Writer introduces a delay, that may be accountable for the difference. Or there may be a change in size or the number of negotiated buffers in DecideBufferSize.
I would suggest introducing explicit buffering in your push filter, like adding an offset to media sample time-stamps. Inherent buffering in Tee filter may be not reliable. Variations in delivery time are inevitable.
A more sophisticated approach, if you need to run with minimal or no buffering, could be to stretch/compress the audio while preserving the pitch.
