Adding actions for selected text - ios

Is it possible to add actions, like Highlight or sending a Tweet, to the popup that appears when you select some text from a UIWebView?
Edit: If not, is it possible to obtain the selected text through another way?

Inject it via javascript, then send the location or href to something like "myaction://handleIt" and get it on the shouldLoad.


Is it possible to show a formatted message with bold and normal font?

I would like to show a formatted message with bold and normal font. Something like
lili lala lolo
Is it possible to do something like this with messageDLG or similar api ?
This question has somewhat already been answered here. They propose several solution, one of them I like is using a HTML label from jVCL. This component is JvHTLabel.
Using the HTML label, you can easily create a form with that label centered and a class method to create the form, set a caption, set the label text using simple HTML markup, show the form modal until the user click on OK/Cancel button you'll add as well.

How to write url in xlsxwriter that changes color when clicked

I know xlsxwriter has a write_url function, and I know about setting formats and how to make the text of that url blue. In this case my urls point to other cells in the same spreadsheet. However, I'm wondering if xlsxwriter has a way to set the color of the url such that it will change color once it's been clicked, like the usual blue when unclicked and purple when clicked, for example like Google does with search results you have previously visited.
I know openpyxl has a way to do this, with the builtin 'Hyperlink' style or creating a Color object with theme=10. Is there a way to do this in xlsxwriter?
Is there a way to do this in xlsxwriter?
Not currently. If you open a feature request I can look at adding it.

Button on jQuery UI

I am writing a script using jQueryUI's button
The button is pretty fancy looking.
Now, when I tried to use jQuery to change the display name of the button:
$('#signin').text("new name");
The Button revert to the original style of the browser, with no padding and etc. I don't know why change of style happens when I just change the display name of the button. Please suggest me a way to fix it.
To change button text use this :
I figured out how. I used a span tag around the display name and just change text of that span tag.

Dynamically change certain text in textarea with drop-down selection

I have a text area that has names within the default value. For example the textarea reads..
(dynamic registrant name) just registered to become
a donor in (dynamic from pull-down above)
honor. This text is editable
So in the same form I have an input that asks the user for their name and a select box where they can choose among a selections of names. I am trying to change the names within the text area based on the values they enter in the input and drop-down fields above the text area. Can someone help with this? I am completely stuck. I have read through some of the forums here and it looks like a lot of the solutions are to use ajax. I have zero experience in ajax and would like to find a solution that does not use it possible? Or could someone help with a solution?
I don't think textarea is what you want exactly. What if the user takes off the (dynamic from pull-down above) part? How would you know where to put the text at? Even if you somehow could, I suggest you make regular text input elements for contents that the user can change and put the other dynamically changing text as uneditable html text elements (or however you want to format them).

read-only Textbox

The form window(chat window) that i am creating for a lan messenger is similar to the one in google talk with two textboxes. What i need to do is to transfer characters typed in the lower textbox(textbox2) to the upper textbox(textbox1 which is read-only) when i click the submit button without showing that textbox1 is read-only because the characters are appearing in grey.please help with code if possible.
Use a label for this instead of a textbox. If the only thing it is doing is display the characters and not a direct edit, you won't lose any functionality and the text would not be greyed out...
If you're going to use a Texbox, set it to Locked. That shouldn't gray the characters out. Otherwise in KeyDown/KeyUp events, set the e.Handled property to true (which will tell the box that you want to handle the input yourself and don't want the message to filter down).
That oughta do it for you.
