ASIC design - combinational logic - asic

I had an interview a few days back and this was the question they asked me in one of the rounds:
A mux which gives output a when select line is 1 and b when it is 0. The output is represented as C. This has to be implemented with and and not gates only.
I got it almost but was not sure how the output is received finally in combinational ckt. It is a very simple thing I missed here. I gave the select line to an and gate and input a and the select line and the input b through a not gate to another and gate so I got the output as A and B but how can we have one output alone? either a or b?

C = (A and not(S)) or (B and S)
= not(not(A and not(S)) and not(B and S))

A input 1,
B input 2,
S input select line,
C output,
C = (A & S) | (A & ~S);
Its simple bro!


PDA for {a^n b^m | n<=m<=2n}

Can someone help me design PDA for {a^n b^m | n<=m<=2n}. Can you please design one with explanation.
The idea here is this: read every a and push a symbol onto the stack for each one. Then, when you start reading b's, at each step, nondeterministically choose whether to read a single b and pop one stack symbol, or whether two read two b's and pop one stack symbol. Then, make the PDA accept if the input is exhausted and the stack is empty.
if you always choose to pop one stack symbol for each b read, then you get m = n
if you always choose to pop one stack symbol for every pair of b read, then you get m = 2n
if you sometimes choose to read one b and sometimes two, then you end up with n < m < 2n; n < m because sometimes you read more b than you had stack symbols for, m < 2n because sometimes you only read one b and popped from the stack
NPDAs accept if at least one path ends up accepting; so, as long as some pattern of guessing to read one or two b's for each stack symbol gets the right value of m, the string is accepted. It should be clear that for any value of m such that n <= m <= 2n, there is a solution to the linear system:
x + 2y = m
x + y = n
Here, x is the number of times the NPDA should guess that it reads one b, and y is the number of times the NPDA should guess that it reads two b's. We can subtract the 2nd from the 1st:
y = m - n
Because y must be nonnegative, we get our first condition, n <= m. Plugging this back into the 2nd origination equation gives:
x + m - n = n
<=> x = 2n - m
Again, because x must be nonnegative, this gives our second condition, m <= 2n.
Nondeterministically, push one or two as into the stack in each reading of an a and then match the incoming bs with the pushed as.

How many equivalence classes in the RL relation for {w in {a, b}* | (#a(w) mod m) = ((#b(w)+1) mod m)}

How many equivalence classes in the RL relation for
{w in {a, b}* | (#a(w) mod m) = ((#b(w)+1) mod m)}
I am looking at a past test question which gives me the options
However, i claim that its m, and I came up with an automaton that I believe accepts this language which contains 3 states (for m=3).
Am I right?
Actually you're right. To see this, observe that the difference of #a(w) and #b(w), #a(w) - #b(w) modulo m, is all that matters; and there are only m possible values of this difference modulo m. So, m states are always sufficient to accept a language of this form: simply make the state corresponding to the appropriate difference the accepting state.
In your DFA, a2 corresponds to a difference of zero, a1 to a difference of one and a3 to a difference of two.

How to ask user to play again in console F#

Okay so i'm currently making mastermind in console in fsharp, and im trying to figure out how to ask the user if they want to play again.
let main() =
c <- guess b [([],(0,0))]
while a <> c && d <> 8 do
c <- guess b [(c, validate a c)]
d <- d+1
if d <> 8 then
printfn "GZ! FUCKING MASTERMIND! You completed in %A turns and the code was %A" d a
printfn "That didn't go well...?"
printfn "Game Over!"
where i tried defining PlayAgain() as:
let rec PlayAgain() =
printfn "Do you want to play again? Please type:
1: Yes
2: No\n"
match System.Console.ReadLine() with
| "1"|"yes"|"Yes" -> printfn "Alright!!!"
| "2"|"no"|"No" -> printfn "The game is over!"
| _ -> printfn "Invalid option! Please try again!"
However, that didn't work so my quesiton is:
How would you make the console take a response yes/no and make the program begin again?
It looks like your problem is a simple indentation mistake. F#, like Python, defines code blocks by indentation. Let me show you an example:
// Some variables
let x = 5
let y = 3
let z = 1
let add1_wrong x =
printfn "Adding 1 to %d produces..." x
printfn "The wrong answer: %d" (x + 1) // Oops! This is wrong
let add1_correct x =
printfn "Adding 1 to %d produces..." x
printfn "The right answer: %d" (x + 1) // This is correct
add1_wrong x
add1_wrong y
add1_wrong z
add1_correct x
add1_correct y
add1_correct z
Try running that in F# Interactive and you'll get the following output:
The wrong answer: 6
Adding 1 to 5 produces...
Adding 1 to 3 produces...
Adding 1 to 1 produces...
Adding 1 to 5 produces...
The right answer: 6
Adding 1 to 3 produces...
The right answer: 4
Adding 1 to 1 produces...
The right answer: 2
Notice how "The wrong answer: 6" was printed right away, before you ever called the add1_wrong function? The way the code is written, it looks like the author intended to put the printfn "The wrong answer" line inside the add1_wrong function, but he made an indentation mistake and put it outside the function instead. So it gets run at the same time as the rest of the code that sets the x, y, and z variables and calls add1_wrong and add1_right.
If you don't yet understand what's going on in that sample code, stop reading now and keep reading it until you understand it. (Or ask a followup question if you still don't understand it after two or three readthroughs, because that means that I haven't explained it very well). It's important that you see the indentation mistake in my sample code before proceeding, because the code you posted has the same mistake in it. Actually, you have two indentation mistakes, but only one of them is causing the problem you've asked us about.
Here's your main() function, exactly as you typed it in this question, with the two indentation mistakes in it:
let main() =
c <- guess b [([],(0,0))]
while a <> c && d <> 8 do
c <- guess b [(c, validate a c)]
d <- d+1
if d <> 8 then
printfn "GZ! FUCKING MASTERMIND! You completed in %A turns and the code was %A" d a
printfn "That didn't go well...?"
printfn "Game Over!"
And now, here's the same function, with both indentation mistakes solved:
let main() =
c <- guess b [([],(0,0))]
while a <> c && d <> 8 do
c <- guess b [(c, validate a c)]
d <- d+1
if d <> 8 then
printfn "GZ! FUCKING MASTERMIND! You completed in %A turns and the code was %A" d a
printfn "That didn't go well...?"
printfn "Game Over!"
The c <- guess b [([],(0,0))] line has been indented to match the other lines, and the PlayAgain() call at the end has been indented to be inside your main() function, instead of outside it the way you originally wrote it.
This is what Mark Seemann meant when he wrote in the comments that "the program only calls PlayAgain once". The way you wrote it, the PlayAgain function is not called at the end of main(). Instead, you were calling it once, then calling main() once, and then exiting your program.
By the way, there are lots of other things that I (and other experienced F# programmers) would suggest doing differently in your code -- for example, the names a, b, c and d aren't good names, because they don't give you a clue about what's supposed to be in those names. I'd suggest renaming them as follows:
a should be called correctAnswer
b should be called... actually, I haven't a clue what b is. I know it's passed into the guess function, but I have no idea how it gets used. And that, by the way, is why it's a bad variable name. Even if I don't see any code that uses it, the name alone should give me a clue as to how it's intended to be used.
c should be called thisGuess
d should be called rounds or numberOfGuesses.
Hope that helps you figure out (and fix) your mistake. Let us know if you need further help.
UPDATE: To answer your latest comment, there's a simple solution to your problem, and a clever solution. I'll show you both, because the clever solution will teach you a very valuable programming technique that's used all the time in functional programming languages like F#.
First, the simple solution. In F#, if you need to have two functions that call each other, that's called mutual recursion, and there are two keywords that you'd use to support it: the rec and and keywords. It looks like this:
// Note that these two functions would form an infinite loop!
let rec f x =
g (x + 1)
and g x =
f (x * 2)
The rec keyword tells the F# compiler "The function I'm defining is going to be calling itself, directly or indirectly, at some point -- so please make its name available within the function itself." The and keyword creates a group of functions that all have their names available to each other.
So one way you could solve this is to do the following:
let rec PlayAgain() =
// ...
and main() =
// ...
That would work, but I recommend a second solution. One of the key ideas in functional programming is treating functions as "things" that you can manipulate. That is, you can store functions in lists or arrays, pass them as parameters to other functions, and so on. Which brings us to a very powerful technique for taking a function like your PlayAgain function, and making it more general and re-useable. If a function like PlayAgain has the general structure "Do some calculations or make a decision. Then, depending on what the results were, either do A or B next" -- then what you do is make A and B parameters of the function! In other words, you turn it from a function that takes no parameters into a function that takes one or two parameters, where the parameters are the "what to do next" functions. (Normally you'd take two parameters in a function that decides between two scenarios. But in the case of your PlayAgain function, one of the two "what to do next" steps is "do nothing", so it makes sense to have it take only one parameter). This is known as continuation-passing style -- "continuation" is the traditional functional-programming terminology for any "what to do next" step.
Here's what that would look like:
let rec PlayAgain whatToDoNext =
printfn "Do you want to play again? Please type:
1: Yes
2: No\n"
match System.Console.ReadLine() with
| "1"|"yes"|"Yes" -> printfn "Alright!!!"
| "2"|"no"|"No" -> printfn "The game is over!"
| _ -> printfn "Invalid option! Please try again!"
That's it! All I did was give PlayAgain a parameter, and then call that parameter in the appropriate place. Now we rewrite your main() function as follows (changing just the last line, and using let rec so that the name main will be available inside the main() function):
let rec main() =
c <- guess b [([],(0,0))]
while a <> c && d <> 8 do
c <- guess b [(c, validate a c)]
d <- d+1
if d <> 8 then
printfn "GZ! FUCKING MASTERMIND! You completed in %A turns and the code was %A" d a
printfn "That didn't go well...?"
printfn "Game Over!"
PlayAgain main
And with that, you've avoided the use of and, and you've discovered a powerful new programming technique. I strongly recommend that F# beginners avoid using the and keyword if possible, because it tends to add unnecessary complication to reading the code later. And, as in this case, it can often be avoided by simply making the "what to do next" step a parameter, which also means that the PlayAgain function will be more easily reused as-is in later programs.

How do I print out the entire Fibonacci sequence up to a user inputted value in F#?

So I have a program that, currently, finds the fibonacci equivalent of a user inputted value, e.g. 6 would be 5 (or 13 depending on whether or not you start with a 0). Personally I prefer the sequence starting with 0.
open System
let rec fib (n1 : bigint) (n2 : bigint) c =
if c = 1 then
fib n2 (n1+n2) (c-1);;
let GetFib n =
(fib 1I 1I n);;
let input = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine(GetFib (Int32.Parse input))
The problem is that ALL it does is find the equivalent number in the sequence. I am trying to get it to print out all the values up to that user inputted value, e.g. 6 would print out 0,1,1,2,3,5. If anyone could help me figure out how to print out the whole sequence, that would be very helpful. Also if anyone can look at my code and tell me how to make it start at 0 when printing out the whole sequence, that would also be very much appreciated.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Take a look at the link s952163 gave you in the comments - that shows ways of generating a fibonnaci sequence using Seq expressions and also explains why these are useful.
The following will print a sequence up until the specified sequence number:
let fibsTo n = Seq.unfold (fun (m,n) -> Some (m, (n,n+m))) (0I,1I)
|>Seq.takeWhile (fun x -> x <= n)
let input = Console.ReadLine()
(fibsTo (Numerics.BigInteger.Parse input))|>Seq.iter(printfn "%A")
Note the use of printfn rather than console.writeline, the former is more idiomatic.
Also, you may want to consider handling negative inputs here as these will throw an error.

Calling partially applied functions from C#

I have a general function that takes a lot of parameters
f : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f
I want to provide specialized functions that only take the last two parameters, but provide some fixed values for the first three.
g : d -> e -> f
h : d -> e -> f
Their implementation is something like the following
g = f someA someB someC
h = f someA' someB' someC'
This is all great of course, but when it comes to invoking those functions from C# it's a problem because their types don't get "prettified". Instead I get a bunch of nested FSharpFuncs.
I can avoid this problem by defining my functions like
g d e = f someA someB someC d e
h d e = f someA' someB' someC' d e
But this seems like a really simple, mechanical transformation so I'm wondering if there's an automated way to get the same result. Perhaps some attribute I can attach to them?
Technically speaking, the first and second options of how to write your g and h are not exactly the same. In the first case, f is applied to three arguments and the resulting new function is stored as an object in the value g.
Whereas in the second case, the function f is called with all 5 arguments every time with the values of someA, someB and someC being passed at the time of calling g.
For most cases, this distinction is not really relevant, but it becomes important when you want to cache some parts of your computation.
Long story short: The transformation has a slight semantic difference and therefore cannot really be done automatically. Just add the arguments to the new g and h.
