Creating XNA AudioEngine on windows game project - xna

I'm reading this book "Learning XNA 4.0", and in chapter 6 it teaches how to play sounds using XACT Audio files. It asks me to create an AudioEngine object, but I can't find that class.AudioEngine
I have the right using statement (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio) and the right reference (microsoft.xna.framework.dll).
does anybody have any idea whats wrong?

This is an error in the documentation. AudioEngine is actually in the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Xact assembly. Add a reference to that, and everything should work as expected.
Note that XACT is not available on Windows Phone 7 (this is why it is in a separate assembly). If you plan to go mobile later, use SoundEffect instead.


Creating binding wrappers for SuperPoweredSDK in xamarin?

I have been trying to create binding for SuperPowered SDK in xamarin.ios.
I have cloned this repository ( and have added a wrapper for advanced audio player both in xcode wrapper and xamarin wrapper as well.
It appears to have binding working in my xamarin.ios project, having said that, when using AdvancedAudioPlayer's Play() method, it doesn't produce any sound.
I have created a git repo where the code has been pushed. I wish someone could look into and let me know where I have missed anything.
I don't see any audio I/O in the repo. The player is a "DSP object", outputting floating point audio data. If that data is not consumed by an audio I/O, then nothing will really happen.

What is the simplest way to play a MIDI note for an indefinite duration in iOS?

I want to play instrument 49 in iOS for varying pitches [B2-E5] for varying durations.
I have been using the Load Preset Demo as reference. The vibraphone.aupreset does not reference any files. So, I had presumed that:
I would be able to find and change the instrument in the aupreset file (unsuccessful so far)
there is some way to tell the MIDI interface to turn notes on and off without generating *.mid files.
Here's what I did:
Duplicated the audio related code from the proj
removed the trombone related files and code (called loadPresetTwo: in place of loadPresetOne: in init (as opposed to viewDidLoad)),
added a note sequence, and timer to turn off the previous note, and turn on the next note.
Build. Run. I hear sound on the simulator.
There is NO sound coming from my iPhone.
I have triple checked the code that I copied as well as where the calls are taking place. It's all there. The difference is the trombone related files and code are absent. Perhaps there is some dependency that I'm not aware of. Perhaps this is problem rooted in architectural differences between the simulator running on remote Mac VM and the iPhone. Perhaps I can only speculate because I don't know enough about the problem to understand what questions to ask.
Any thoughts or suggested tests would be great!
MusicPlayer + MusicSequence + MusicTrack works. It was much easier than trying to guess what code in the demo was doing.

Port game from iOS (iPad) to Windows

Is it possible to to port a game, originally built for iOS (iPad version only, but it's not important) to Windows in an easy manner?
I assume I have all the source code of the original game. I also have experience with Obj C as well as with C#.
If not, what would be the steps for this kind of sorcery? Where could I find appropriate tutorials or references? Or anything.
When I did it, it was from the ground up. I was able to use my objective c classes as guides, but I still had to write it line by line (nothing automatic).
There is, however, a good introduction to the differences from an iOS developer's perspective over on Jesse Liberty's site that I found helpful:

Loading 3D model in iOS

I'm creating a game application from scratch with xcode for iOS, and I've use the OpenGL Game projet template to create mine.
I've searched a lot in the past few days, but I can't find any tutorials or example as to how I would load 3D model (via .obj files) in my application. I've found some documentation on loading them onto an app with a console script, but I need to do it programmatically.
Any help would be very appreciated
Also, my 3D models are created using blender
The future will be here momentarily — SceneKit, available in OS X since v10.8, will be in iOS 8. It can build and render a scene with COLLADA (.DAE) models directly. No need for third-party tools or code, nothing complicated to learn.
Apple's documentation is pretty good but if you prefer then other tutorials are available.
OpensceneGraph has support for iOS and a lot of prebuilt code which can help you develop the game. It supports loading OBJ models.
I recommend to use an Engine (like isgl3d, nineveh, Cocos3D, ...) for creating a 3D game, it will be hard if you use Opengl for a start.
Note: you can search for a list of game engine to choose the suitable one for you game, cause there is a lot of game engine, open-source or paid engine.
You can download the zip file from here and then run ./ 3DModel.obj in terminal .It will give you 3DModel.h file as output.
You need to use glDrawArrays instead of glDrawElements as the .h file contains array.
Obj files are simple to parse and are well described on wikipedia. You should be able to load them in one or 2 hours. But if you want to load the materials you need to invest some more time in your engine and into loading the obj file.

Convert Flash to iOS app

For the record, I am an iOS developer, and have absolutely no background on how flash programs work/run/developed...etc.
I have a Flash program that is mostly a collection of SWF files. It does, however, contain some Actionscript, Javascript and other integrated languages here and there..
I would like to convert this project/program to an iPad application. Is it possible?
What I got from searching the net:
Converting Actionscript to LUA script
Using Corona SDK to port the program to iOS
Starting a new iOS project in flash and moving the code somehow..
Other tedious ways which are not feasible at all....
The above mostly handles the actionscript part .. what about the SWF files?
As a last resort, one could at least guide me to a developer/company who can handle this task, or provide training to accomplish this.
Additional details
The flash program app file is already generated, and the program works on desktops perfectly. The program is somehow an interactive e-book, and it has some linked XML files to index the table of contents and other sections...
I've not done a lot of iOS development yet, but here are my experiences so far; maybe they help you form a better idea.
Only the main SWF can contain actionscript code.
I'm not sure how far assets (Sounds, Fonts, MovieClips) in other SWFs which are exported for actionscript are accessible to the main SWF.
It is possible to include additional XML files (and other types) which can be loaded via the normal loader classes.
Recently I came acrosshe tool which allows you to convert and play swf to some cross-platform frameworks. Now they support only Cocos2d-x, Unity 3d and Starling. But I saw the logo of Corona on their homepage. You can go there and ask them. I don't remember the right name of the site, but tool is called GAF converter
