F# wake up program - f#

I have this requirement: my F# program will do daily job at 11:00AM in the morning; I turn on my PC usually on 8:00AM, since I have been busy, so I always forget to run my F# program on time. So, I want to have a function, which can check how many seconds between now and 11:00AM, if there are 3 hours, then my program will sleep 10800 seconds, then wake up and do the job. I know I can use Windows task scheduler for this kind of job, but this way, I will not see the output from my F# program, so I have to do this in my way:
let wakeup() =
let today = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()
let beignTime = DateTime.Parse(today + " 11:00:00")
// Don’t know what to do yet!
For function wakeup(), I want to return an int32 number of seconds if the current time is before beginTime, if current time is later than beginTime, just return 0.
let seconds2Go = wakeup()
if (seconds2Go > 0) then
Thread.Sleep(seconds2Go * 1000)
printfn "Do daily job!"
But I don’t have a good idea on how to write the function wakeup().
Please offer your help.

This does the trick. You'll have to stop it with CTRL+C.
open System
open System.Threading
let (|TimeSpan|_|) value =
match TimeSpan.TryParse(value) with
| true, t -> Some t
| _ -> None
let runDaily time f =
let time = ref <| DateTime.Today.Add(time)
let rec loop() =
async {
if DateTime.Now >= !time then
time := (!time).AddDays(1.0)
else do! Async.Sleep(1000)
return! loop()
use cts = new CancellationTokenSource()
Console.CancelKeyPress.Add(fun args -> cts.Cancel(); args.Cancel <- true)
try Async.RunSynchronously(loop(), cancellationToken = cts.Token)
with :? OperationCanceledException -> ()
let main args =
match args with
| [|TimeSpan time|] ->
runDaily time (fun () ->
//TODO: program logic
| _ -> eprintfn "Usage: program.exe time"; 1
program.exe 11:00 //run every day at 11AM

let wakeup () =
let beginTime = DateTime.Today + TimeSpan(11,0,0)
beginTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds |> int

Why don't you jut use the Windows Scheuler to run the program at 11:00?

let wakeup () = 11.0*60.0*60.0 - (DateTime.Now - DateTime.Today).TotalSeconds |> int


F# propper remove of ElapsedEventHandler handler

Hi I have a question I have quick program that will do something in every 10 seconds and it looks simple:
let main argv =
let timer = new Timer(float 10000)
let OnTimedEvent (frameId:uint32) : ElapsedEventHandler = new ElapsedEventHandler (fun obj args -> printfn "DATE: %A FRAME: %i" DateTime.Now frameId)
while(true) do
let keyStroke = Console.ReadKey()
if keyStroke.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.Enter) then
let frameId = 1u
timer.AutoReset <- true
timer.Elapsed.RemoveHandler(OnTimedEvent frameId)
timer.Elapsed.AddHandler(OnTimedEvent frameId)
printfn "%c pressed" keyStroke.KeyChar
Problem is I can not properly remove handler as it is, If i press enter once it starts and gives me one message every 10 sec so thi is what I am aiming for. But if i press enter 3 times it increments and gives me 3 messeges and so on, but i only want one.
Another thing is that if I remove parameter from it it works perfectly, so i suppose problem is with parameter. Any solutions for this?
The problem with your current implementation is that every call to OnTimedEvent returns a new instance of the ElapsedEventHandler. When you call it as follows:
timer.Elapsed.RemoveHandler(OnTimedEvent frameId)
you are removing a new handler that has not previously been registerd and so nothing actually happens. When you change your code to add/remove the same handler, then you are always using the same instance:
let frameId = 1u
let timedHandler = new ElapsedEventHandler (fun obj args ->
printfn "DATE: %A FRAME: %i" DateTime.Now frameId)
Now you do not have a good way of passing the frameId to your event handler. In your code, frameId is always 1u and so it's hard to see what you actually want, but you could make it mutable:
let mutable frameId = 1u
let timedHandler = new ElapsedEventHandler (fun obj args ->
printfn "DATE: %A FRAME: %i" DateTime.Now frameId)
frameId <- 2u
That said, it's not really clear what you are trying to do and perhaps there is an altogether different way of doing what you want.
A completely different approach would be to use MailboxProcessor that keeps the current frameId and handles two types of messages - one triggered every 10 seconds by a timer and one that can be used to change the frame ID:
type Message =
| Tick
| ChangeFrameId of uint32
let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec run frameId = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| ChangeFrameId newId ->
return! run newId
| Tick ->
printfn "DATE: %A FRAME: %i" DateTime.Now frameId
return! run frameId }
run 1u)
let timer = new Timer(float 10000, AutoReset = true)
timer.Elapsed.Add(fun _ -> agent.Post(Tick))
agent.Post(ChangeFrameId 2u)
This code refactors what you have to store the handler so that it can be removed.
open System
open System.Timers
let main argv =
let timer = new Timer(float 10000, AutoReset = true)
let onTimedEvent (frameId: uint32) : ElapsedEventHandler = new ElapsedEventHandler (fun obj args -> printfn "DATE: %A FRAME: %i" DateTime.Now frameId)
let rec readKey frameId =
let handler = onTimedEvent frameId
let keyStroke = Console.ReadKey()
printfn "%c pressed" keyStroke.KeyChar
let nextFrameId =
if keyStroke.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.Enter) then
frameId + 1u
There may be better ways to accomplish what you are after, but this answers your question.

Partially apply a function and dynamically call that function at runtime

Using F#, if I partially apply a function like this:
let sleep x = Async.Sleep x |> Async.RunSynchronously
let log date message= printfn "%s %s" date message
let getDate = DateTime.Now.ToString()
let logg = log getDate
logg "First"
sleep 1000
logg "Second"
sleep 1000
30/11/2018 19:54:25 First
30/11/2018 19:54:25 Second
The call to getDate appears to be translated to an actual date in the new partial function it produces. Why is this, and is it possible to make it call getDate on each call to this log function?
so I have to declare all methods in the chain that use getDate with () after them, and call them accordingly to make them reevaluate when called, otherwise they become fixed variables. Is that right?
I'd put it the other way around: let always binds a value, but in let getDate () or let sleep x case those values happen to be functions; they are basically equivalent to
let sleep = fun x -> Async.Sleep x |> Async.RunSynchronously
let getDate = fun () -> DateTime.Now.ToString()
Of course, this isn't really what happens if you examine bytecode, but "morally" it does. With these definitions
let sleep = fun x -> Async.Sleep x |> Async.RunSynchronously
let log = fun date message -> printfn "%s %s" date message
let getDate = fun () -> DateTime.Now.ToString()
let logg = fun x -> log (getDate ()) x
logg "First"
sleep 1000
logg "Second"
sleep 1000
you'll get the same output:
30/11/2018 19:59:40 First
30/11/2018 19:59:41 Second

Return results to the caller with a throttling queue

Building on a snippet and answer, would it be possible to return results to the caller from the throttling queue? I've tried PostAndAsyncReply to receive reply on a channel but it's throwing an error if I pipe it with Enqueue. Here's the code.
Appreciate a F# core vanilla based solution around Queue or Mailbox design patterns.
The question is to be able to call functions asynchronously based on the throttle (max 3 at a time), passing each item from the array, wait on the whole queue/array until it's finished while collecting all the results and then return the results to the caller. (Return the results to the caller is what's pending in here)
Callee Code
// Message type used by the agent - contains queueing
// of work items and notification of completion
type ThrottlingAgentMessage =
| Completed
| Enqueue of Async<unit>
/// Represents an agent that runs operations in concurrently. When the number
/// of concurrent operations exceeds 'limit', they are queued and processed later
let throttlingAgent limit =
MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
async {
// The agent body is not executing in parallel,
// so we can safely use mutable queue & counter
let queue = System.Collections.Generic.Queue<Async<unit>>()
let running = ref 0
while true do
// Enqueue new work items or decrement the counter
// of how many tasks are running in the background
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Completed -> decr running
| Enqueue w -> queue.Enqueue(w)
// If we have less than limit & there is some work to
// do, then start the work in the background!
while running.Value < limit && queue.Count > 0 do
let work = queue.Dequeue()
incr running
do! // When the work completes, send 'Completed'
// back to the agent to free a slot
async {
do! work
|> Async.StartChild
|> Async.Ignore
let requestDetailAsync (url: string) : Async<Result<string, Error>> =
async {
Console.WriteLine ("Simulating request " + url)
do! Async.Sleep(1000) // let's say each request takes about a second
return Ok (url + ":body...")
with :? WebException as e ->
return Error {Code = "500"; Message = "Internal Server Error"; Status = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError}
let requestMasterAsync() : Async<Result<System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag<_>, Error>> =
async {
let urls = [|
let results = System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag<_>()
let agent = throttlingAgent 3
for url in urls do
async {
let! res = requestDetailAsync url
results.Add res
|> Enqueue
|> agent.Post
return Ok results
Caller Code
member this.TestRequestMasterAsync() =
match Entity.requestMasterAsync() |> Async.RunSynchronously with
| Ok result -> Console.WriteLine result
| Error error -> Console.WriteLine error
You could use Hopac.Streams for that. With such tool it is pretty trivial:
open Hopac
open Hopac.Stream
open System
let requestDetailAsync url = async {
Console.WriteLine ("Simulating request " + url)
do! Async.Sleep(1000) // let's say each request takes about a second
return Ok (url + ":body...")
with :? Exception as e ->
return Error e
let requestMasterAsync() : Stream<Result<string,exn>> =
[| "http://www.example.com/1"
"http://www.example.com/10" |]
|> Stream.ofSeq
|> Stream.mapPipelinedJob 3 (requestDetailAsync >> Job.fromAsync)
|> Stream.iterFun (printfn "%A")
|> queue //prints all results asynchronously
let allResults : Result<string,exn> list =
|> Stream.foldFun (fun results cur -> cur::results ) []
|> run //fold stream into list synchronously
In case you want to use only vanilla FSharp.Core with mailboxes only try this:
type ThrottlingAgentMessage =
| Completed
| Enqueue of Async<unit>
let inline (>>=) x f = async.Bind(x, f)
let inline (>>-) x f = async.Bind(x, f >> async.Return)
let throttlingAgent limit =
let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let queue = System.Collections.Generic.Queue<Async<unit>>()
let startWork work =
>>- fun _ -> inbox.Post Completed
|> Async.StartChild |> Async.Ignore
let rec loop curWorkers =
>>= function
| Completed when queue.Count > 0 ->
queue.Dequeue() |> startWork
>>= fun _ -> loop curWorkers
| Completed ->
loop (curWorkers - 1)
| Enqueue w when curWorkers < limit ->
w |> startWork
>>= fun _ -> loop (curWorkers + 1)
| Enqueue w ->
queue.Enqueue w
loop curWorkers
loop 0)
Enqueue >> agent.Post
It is pretty much the same logic, but slightly optimized to not use queue if there is free worker capacity (just start job and don't bother with queue/dequeue).
throttlingAgent is a function int -> Async<unit> -> unit
Because we don't want client to bother with our internal ThrottlingAgentMessage type.
use like this:
let throttler = throttlingAgent 3
for url in urls do
async {
let! res = requestDetailAsync url
results.Add res
|> throttler

F#, MailboxProcessor and Async running slow?

I am trying to figure out MailboxProcessor. The idea is to use it as a some kind of state machine and pass arguments around between the states and then quit. Some parts are going to have async communication so I made a Sleep there.
It's a console application, making a Post does nothing because main thread quits and kills everything behind it. I am making a PostAndReply in main.
Also, I have tried without
let sleepWorkflow = async
, doesn't make any difference.
(I am probably doing something wrong)
Go24 is not async. Changing RunSynchronously to StartImmediate makes no visible difference. The end should be somewhere below GetMe instead. At the same time Done is printed after Fetch. Isn't the control supposed t be returned to the main thread on sleep?
Go24, wait
go24 1, end
Fetch 1
Run time is terrible slow. Without delay in Fetch it's about 10s (stopwatch). I thought F# threads are lightweight and should use threadpool.
According to debugger it takes appr 1s to create every and it looks like real threads.
Also, changing to [1..100] will "pause" the program for 100s, according to ProcessExplorer 100 threads are created during that time and only then everything is printed. I would actually prefer fewer threads and slow increase.
let main argv =
let a = Mailbox.MessageBasedCounter.DoGo24 1
let a = Mailbox.MessageBasedCounter.DoFetch 1
let b = Mailbox.MessageBasedCounter.GetMe
let task i = async {
//Mailbox.MessageBasedCounter.DoGo24 1
let a = Mailbox.MessageBasedCounter.DoFetch i
return a
let stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let x =
|> Seq.map task
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
printfn "%f" stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds
printfn "a: %A" a
printfn "b: %A" b
printfn "x: %A" x
0 // return an integer exit code
module Mailbox
#nowarn "40"
type parserMsg =
| Go24 of int
| Done
| Fetch of int * AsyncReplyChannel<string>
| GetMe of AsyncReplyChannel<string>
type MessageBasedCounter () =
/// Create the agent
static let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
// the message processing function
let rec messageLoop() = async{
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Go24 n ->
let sleepWorkflow = async{
printfn "Go24, wait"
do! Async.Sleep 4000
MessageBasedCounter.DoDone() // POST Done.
printfn "go24 %d, end" n
return! messageLoop()
Async.RunSynchronously sleepWorkflow
| Fetch (i, repl) ->
let sync = async{
printfn "Fetch %d" i
do! Async.Sleep 1000
repl.Reply( "Reply Fetch " + i.ToString() ) // Reply to the caller
return! messageLoop()
Async.RunSynchronously sync
| GetMe (repl) ->
let sync = async{
printfn "GetMe"
repl.Reply( "GetMe" ) // Reply to the caller
return! messageLoop()
Async.RunSynchronously sync
| Done ->
let sync = async{
printfn "Done"
return! messageLoop()
Async.RunSynchronously sync
// start the loop
// public interface to hide the implementation
static member DoDone () = agent.Post( Done )
static member DoGo24 (i:int) = agent.Post( Go24(i) )
static member DoFetch (i:int) = agent.PostAndReply( fun reply -> Fetch(i, reply) )
static member GetMe = agent.PostAndReply( GetMe )
I'm not necessarily sure that this is the main problem, but the nested asyncs and Async.RunSynchrously in the agent code look suspicious.
You do not need to create a nested async - you can just call asynchronous operations in the body of the match clauses directly:
// the message processing function
let rec messageLoop() = async{
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Go24 n ->
printfn "Go24, wait"
do! Async.Sleep 4000
printfn "go24 %d, end" n
return! messageLoop()
| Fetch (i, repl) ->
Aside from that, it is important to understand that the agent has exactly one instance of the body computation running. So, if you block the body of the agent, all other operations will be queued.
If you want to start some task (like the synchronous operations) in the background and resume the agent immediately, you can use Async.Start inside the body (but be sure to call the main loop recursively in the main part of the body):
| Go24 n ->
// Create work item that will run in the background
let work = async {
printfn "Go24, wait"
do! Async.Sleep 4000
printfn "go24 %d, end" n }
// Queue the work in a thread pool to be processed
// Continue the message loop, waiting for other messages
return! messageLoop()

Need help regarding Async and fsi

I'd like to write some code that runs a sequence of F# scripts (.fsx). The thing is that I could have literally hundreds of scripts and if I do that:
let shellExecute program args =
let startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
do startInfo.FileName <- program
do startInfo.Arguments <- args
do startInfo.UseShellExecute <- true
do startInfo.WindowStyle <- ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
//do printfn "%s" startInfo.Arguments
let proc = Process.Start(startInfo)
|> Seq.iter (shellExecute "fsi")
it could stress too much my 2GB system. Anyway, I'd like to run scripts by batch of n, which seems also a good exercise for learning Async (I guess it's the way to go).
I have started to write some code for that but unfortunately it doesn't work:
open System.Diagnostics
let p = shellExecute "fsi" #"C:\Users\Stringer\foo.fsx"
async {
let! exit = Async.AwaitEvent p.Exited
do printfn "process has exited"
|> Async.StartImmediate
foo.fsx is just a hello world script.
What would be the most idiomatic way of solving this problem?
I'd like also to figure out if it's doable to retrieve a return code for each executing script and if not, find another way. Thanks!
Thanks a lot for your insights and links! I've learned a lot.
I just want to add some code for running batchs in parallel using Async.Parallel as Tomas suggested it. Please comment if there is a better implementation for my cut function.
module Seq =
/// Returns a sequence of sequences of N elements from the source sequence.
/// If the length of the source sequence is not a multiple
/// of N, last element of the returned sequence will have a length
/// included between 1 and N-1.
let cut (count : int) (source : seq<´T>) =
let rec aux s length = seq {
if (length < count) then yield s
yield Seq.take count s
if (length <> count) then
yield! aux (Seq.skip count s) (length - count)
aux source (Seq.length source)
let batchCount = 2
let filesPerBatch =
let q = (scripts.Length / batchCount)
q + if scripts.Length % batchCount = 0 then 0 else 1
let batchs =
|> Seq.cut filesPerBatch
|> Seq.map Seq.toList
|> Seq.map loop
Async.RunSynchronously (Async.Parallel batchs) |> ignore
So I had some troubles to get Tomas's guard code working. I guess the f function had to be called in AddHandler method, otherwise we loose the event for ever... Here's the code:
module Event =
let guard f (e:IEvent<´Del, ´Args>) =
let e = Event.map id e
{ new IEvent<´Args> with
member this.AddHandler(d) = e.AddHandler(d); f() //must call f here!
member this.RemoveHandler(d) = e.RemoveHandler(d); f()
member this.Subscribe(observer) =
let rm = e.Subscribe(observer) in f(); rm }
The interesting thing (as mentioned by Tomas) is that it looks like the Exited event is stored somewhere when the process terminates, even though the process has not started with EnableRaisingEvents set to true.
When this property is finally set to true, the event is fired up.
Since I'm not sure that this is the official specification (and also a bit paranoid), I found another solution that consists in starting the process in the guard function, so we ensure that the code will work on whichever situation:
let createStartInfo program args =
new ProcessStartInfo
(FileName = program, Arguments = args, UseShellExecute = false,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal,
RedirectStandardOutput = true)
let createProcess info =
let p = new Process()
do p.StartInfo <- info
do p.EnableRaisingEvents <- true
let rec loop scripts = async {
match scripts with
| [] -> printfn "FINISHED"
| script::scripts ->
let args = sprintf "\"%s\"" script
let p = createStartInfo "notepad" args |> createProcess
let! exit =
|> Event.guard (fun () -> p.Start() |> ignore)
|> Async.AwaitEvent
let output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
do printfn "\nPROCESSED: %s, CODE: %d, OUTPUT: %A"script p.ExitCode output
return! loop scripts
Notice I've replaced fsi.exe by notepad.exe so I can replay different scenarios step by step in the debugger and control explicitly the exit of the process myself.
I did some experiments and here is one way to deal with the problem discussed in the comments below my post and in the answer from Joel (which I think doesn't work currently, but could be fixed).
I think the specification of Process is that it can trigger the Exited event after we set the EnableRaisingEvents property to true (and will trigger the event even if the process has already completed before we set the property). To handle this case correctly, we need to enable raising of events after we attach handler to the Exited event.
This is a problme, because if we use AwaitEvent it will block the workflow until the event fires. We cannot do anything after calling AwaitEvent from the workflow (and if we set the property before calling AwaitEvent, then we get a race....). Vladimir's approach is correct, but I think there is a simpler way to deal with this.
I'll create a function Event.guard taking an event and returning an event, which allows us to specify some function that will be executed after a handler is attached to the event. This means that if we do some operation (which in turn triggers the event) inside this function, the event will be handled.
To use it for the problem discussed here, we need to change my original solution as follows. Firstly, the shellExecute function must not set the EnableRaisingEvents property (otherwise, we could lose the event!). Secondly, the waiting code should look like this:
let rec loop scripts = async {
match scripts with
| [] -> printf "FINISHED"
| script::scripts ->
let p = shellExecute fsi script
let! exit =
|> Event.guard (fun () -> p.EnableRaisingEvents <- true)
|> Async.AwaitEvent
let output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
return! loop scripts }
Note the use of the Event.guard function. Roughly, it says that after the workflow attaches handler to the p.Exited event, the provided lambda function will run (and will enable raising of events). However, we already attached the handler to the event, so if this causes the event immediately, we're fine!
The implementation (for both Event and Observable) looks like this:
module Event =
let guard f (e:IEvent<'Del, 'Args>) =
let e = Event.map id e
{ new IEvent<'Args> with
member x.AddHandler(d) = e.AddHandler(d)
member x.RemoveHandler(d) = e.RemoveHandler(d); f()
member x.Subscribe(observer) =
let rm = e.Subscribe(observer) in f(); rm }
module Observable =
let guard f (e:IObservable<'Args>) =
{ new IObservable<'Args> with
member x.Subscribe(observer) =
let rm = e.Subscribe(observer) in f(); rm }
Nice thing is that this code is very straightforward.
Your approach looks great to me, I really like the idea of embedding process execution into asynchronous workflows using AwaitEvent!
The likely reason why it didn't work is that you need to set EnableRisingEvents property of the Process to true if you want it to ever trigger the Exited event (don't ask my why you have to do that, it sounds pretty silly to me!) Anyway, I did a couple of other changes to your code when testing it, so here is a version that worked for me:
open System
open System.Diagnostics
let shellExecute program args =
// Configure process to redirect output (so that we can read it)
let startInfo =
new ProcessStartInfo
(FileName = program, Arguments = args, UseShellExecute = false,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
RedirectStandardOutput = true)
// Start the process
// Note: We must enable rising events explicitly here!
Process.Start(startInfo, EnableRaisingEvents = true)
Most importantly, the code now sets EnableRaisingEvents to true. I also changed the code to use a syntax where you specify properties of an object when constructing it (to make the code a bit more succinct) and I changed a few properties, so that I can read the output (RedirectStandardOutput).
Now, we can use the AwaitEvent method to wait until a process completes. I'll assume that fsi contains the path to fsi.exe and that scripts is a list of FSX scripts. If you want to run them sequentially, you could use a loop implemented using recursion:
let rec loop scripts = async {
match scripts with
| [] -> printf "FINISHED"
| script::scripts ->
// Start the proces in background
let p = shellExecute fsi script
// Wait until the process completes
let! exit = Async.AwaitEvent p.Exited
// Read the output produced by the process, the exit code
// is available in the `ExitCode` property of `Process`
let output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
printfn "\nPROCESSED: %s, CODE: %d\n%A" script p.ExitCode output
// Process the rest of the scripts
return! loop scripts }
// This starts the workflow on background thread, so that we can
// do other things in the meantime. You need to add `ReadLine`, so that
// the console application doesn't quit immedeiately
loop scripts |> Async.Start
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
Of course, you could also run the processes in parallel (or for example run 2 groups of them in parallel etc.) To do that you would use Async.Parallel (in the usual way).
Anyway, this is a really nice example of using asynchronous workflows in an area where I haven't seen them used so far. Very interesting :-)
In response to Tomas's answer, would this be a workable solution to the race condition involved in starting the process, and then subscribing to its Exited event?
type Process with
static member AsyncStart psi =
let proc = new Process(StartInfo = psi, EnableRaisingEvents = true)
let asyncExit = Async.AwaitEvent proc.Exited
async {
proc.Start() |> ignore
let! args = asyncExit
return proc
Unless I'm mistaken, this would subscribe to the event prior to starting the process, and package it all up as an Async<Process> result.
This would allow you to rewrite the rest of the code like this:
let shellExecute program args =
// Configure process to redirect output (so that we can read it)
let startInfo =
new ProcessStartInfo(FileName = program, Arguments = args,
UseShellExecute = false,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
RedirectStandardOutput = true)
// Start the process
let fsi = "PATH TO FSI.EXE"
let rec loop scripts = async {
match scripts with
| [] -> printf "FINISHED"
| script::scripts ->
// Start the proces in background
use! p = shellExecute fsi script
// Read the output produced by the process, the exit code
// is available in the `ExitCode` property of `Process`
let output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
printfn "\nPROCESSED: %s, CODE: %d\n%A" script p.ExitCode output
// Process the rest of the scripts
return! loop scripts
If that does the job, it's certainly a lot less code to worry about than Vladimir's Async.GetSubject.
What about a mailboxprocessor?
It is possible to simplify version of Subject from blogpost. instead of returning imitation of event, getSubject can return workflow.
Result workflow itself is state machine with two states
1. Event wasn't triggered yet: all pending listeners should be registered
2. Value is already set, listener is served immediately
In code it will appear like this:
type SubjectState<'T> = Listen of ('T -> unit) list | Value of 'T
getSubject implementation is trivial
let getSubject (e : IEvent<_, _>) =
let state = ref (Listen [])
let switchState v =
let listeners =
lock state (fun () ->
match !state with
| Listen ls ->
state := Value v
| _ -> failwith "Value is set twice"
for l in listeners do l v
Async.AwaitEvent e,
Async.FromContinuations(fun (cont, _, _) ->
let ok, v = lock state (fun () ->
match !state with
| Listen ls ->
state := Listen (cont::ls)
false, Unchecked.defaultof<_>
| Value v ->
true, v
if ok then cont v
