Change email associated with git rep - to allow for heroku deployment - ruby-on-rails

I set up a rails app on a laptop, and started local git repository on that lap top.
I've copied that app folder onto another machine - using copy & paste.
From the second machine, I'm trying to deploy the app to Heroku.
I'm getting the following error -
! not authorized to access little-extras
I'd like to change the repo to be associated with the email I use for on my second laptop. As this is the email I have connected to my heroku account.
how can I do this?

Your ssh key is associated with a different account than you created the application with. One way to deal with this is to share the app with the account that the ssh key is associated with:
heroku sharing:add

I'd guess you probably need to run heroku auth:login.


Same git repository, multiple apps on different Heroku accounts

I have this scenario:
I need to provide the same application to different clients, but they would have access to their own database and their own heroku account.
For example if I have 20 clients, when I make a push to my github repo, all their apps who are connected to my repo should be deployed(and run a rake task like db:migrate) I can easily update the application.
The clients shouldn't have access to the application source, just to their own database and command line.
Can anyone tell me how this can be achieved with heroku? Are there any services that do that?

Rails + Capistrano + Git: Steps to successfully deploy an app?

We use git for version control. Right now only my account seems to be able to deploy successfully to a remote server for several apps, but I don't know why. I would like to set it up so that deploying works for other people at my company, but I don't really have the full picture laid out in my head so I don't know what needs to be done.
To me it seems like whoever wants to deploy needs a: user account on the server, an account on github, and permission to pull...? However, other users seem to have the notorious Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly and other errors.
Can anyone provide a short list of what I need to do on the server (make an account, add ssh keys or something?) and git (ssh keys again? not sure) to get the deploy to work?
Capistrano assumes you can ssh into the server you are deploying to. You are probably using a communal apps, deployer, or some other app-specific user to deploy your app. This will be the user that is set in your deploy.rb file.
You will need to copy everyone's public key into the authorized_keys of whatever your deploying user is. That is just how Capistrano works.

Old website is being loaded instead of the new one

PS: I'm a complete Noob at servers stuff
So Initially I had this directory on amazon ec2, I did run the rails server using the terminal by connecting with ssh. Everything was working fine as expected when I hit the domain URL(I added the elastic IP in the A records of domain provider)
Now I rebuilt the website from scratch, it's on a different git repository, in order to replace the old one with the new one, I logged into ec2 via terminal, shut down the previously running rails server, cloned the new repository, navigated to the root directory and ran the server again.
when I visit the registered domain, it's showing the HTML file of the old code(no stylesheets nothing, just the index.html), if I visit amazon_public_DNS:port_number, I'm getting the new website loaded.
Do I need to change anything else ?

XCode and GitStack

I installed GitStack server on my Windows server 2008 machine, created a repository, created a user, and I can browse to the repository from my local machine.
The problem is that when I go to my Mac, I can browse through the web fine, but when I open the XCode and try to connect to the repository, it prompts me for the name and password and just keeps prompting, but cannot log me in. Is this GitStack related, or something with my XCode? I use XCode 4.6.2.
I used this:
Nothing works, it always prompts me for the name and password and cannot log in. This user is created as local user in GitStack, and had been given the access to the repository.
Thank you.
Try to initialize the git repository through Terminal.
It must be something about security and in Terminal you'll have a prompt.

Using same facebook apikey for heroku production and local development

I would like to test my rails app on my local machine and also have it functional on heroku. However, if I specify my IP address for the "Website" field on the facebook app settings, then my heroku breaks and vice versa. Is there any way to have them both work using the same API Key?
If not, how do I tell Omniauth to use one api key for the development environment and another for the production environment? Thanks!
Use a separate FB app for dev (local) and for production (Heroku).
Read the key out of the environment like:
Then set the key/creds in your config on Heroku using heroku config:add.
Locally use foreman to run your app and set the dev key/creds in a .env file.
Keep in mind that FB requires you to use SSL so you'll need to setup something locally that can handle SSL requests.
You will either have to create another development Facebook application for development, which is what I do, or you will have to create an entry in your /etc/hosts file that points the hostname of your Heroku app to you local machine.
