To wait or not to wait inside an AsyncController's Async method -

I've seen 2 flavors of working with asyncronous operations in mvc controllers.
public void GetNewsAsync()
using (ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false))
//Perform the actual operation in a worker thread
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((object _mre) =>
//do some work in GetFeed that takes a long time
var feed = GetFeed();
AsyncManager.Parameters["Feed"] = feed;
}, mre);
//Wait for the worker thread to finish
public void GetNewsAsync()
//Perform the actual operation in a worker thread
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((object x) =>
//do some work in GetFeed that takes a long time
var feed = GetFeed();
AsyncManager.Parameters["Feed"] = feed;
}, null);
The first blocks GetNewsAsync for SomeNumberOfSecondsToWait, the second does not. Both perform the work inside a of a worker thread and the results passed to GetNewsCompleted.
So my question is, which is the correct way to handle an Ajax call to GetNews; Wait, or don't wait?

I don't know where did you see the first example but that's a total anti-pattern that completely defeats the purpose of an asynchronous controller. The whole point of an asynchronous operation is to execute asynchronously and free the main thread as fast as possible.
This being said if GetFeed is a blocking call (which is what its name supposes it is) you get strictly 0 benefit from an asyncrhonous controller so the second example is also wrong for me. You could use a standard synchronous controller action in this case. With the second example you draw a thread from the pool and instead of blocking inside the main thread you block inside the other thread so the net effect is almost the same (in reality it's worse) if you had used a standard synchronous controller action.
So both those examples will bring more overhead than any benefit.
Where asynchronous controllers are useful is when you have some I/O intensive API such as a database or web service call where you could take advantage of IO Completion Ports. The following article provides a good example of this scenario. The newsService used there is providing real asynchronous methods and there is no blocking during the I/O network call. No worker thread being jeopardized.
I would also recommend you reading the following article. Even if it is for classic WebForms it still contains some very useful information.


When would a queue consider a task is completed?

In the following code, when would queueT (serial queue) consider “task A” is completed?
The moment when aNetworkRequest switched to another thread?
Or in the doneInAnotherQueue block? ( commented // 1)
In another word, when would “task B” be executed?
let queueT = DispatchQueue(label: "com.test.a")
queueT.async { // task A
aNetworkRequest.doneInAnotherQueue() { // completed in another thread possibly
// 1
queueT.async { // task B
print("It's my turn")
It would much better if you could explain the mechanism how a queue consider a task is completed.
Thanks in advance.
In short, the first example starts an asynchronous network request, so the async call “finishes” as soon as that network request is submitted (but does not wait for that network request to finish).
I am assuming that the real question is that you want to know when the network request is done. Bottom line, GCD is not well suited for managing dependencies between tasks that are, themselves, asynchronous requests. The dispatching the initiation of a network request to a serial queue is undoubtedly not going to achieve what you want. (And before someone suggests using semaphores or dispatch groups to wait for the asynchronous request to finish, note that can solve the tactical issue, but it is a pattern to be avoided because it is inefficient use of resources and, in edge cases, can introduce deadlocks.)
One pattern is to use completion handlers:
func performRequestA(completion: #escaping () -> Void) { // task A
aNetworkRequest.doneInAnotherQueue() { object in
Now, in practice, we would generally use the completion handler with a parameter, perhaps even a Result type:
func performRequestA(completion: #escaping (Result<Foo, Error>) -> Void) { // task A
aNetworkRequest.doneInAnotherQueue() { result in
guard ... else {
let foo = ...
Then you can use the completion handler pattern, to process the results, update models, and perhaps initiate subsequent requests that are dependent upon the results of this request. For example:
performRequestA { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let foo):
// update models or initiate next step in the process here
If you are really asking how to manage dependencies between asynchronous tasks, there are a number of other, elegant patterns (e.g., Combine, custom asynchronous Operation subclass, the forthcoming async/await pattern contemplated in SE-0296 and SE-0303, etc.). All of these are elegant solutions for managing dependencies between asynchronous tasks, controlling the degree of concurrency, etc.
We probably would need to better understand the nature of your broader needs before we made any specific recommendations. You have asked the question about a single dispatch, but the question probably is best viewed from a broader context of what you are trying to achieve. For example, I'm assuming you are asking because you have multiple asynchronous requests to initiate: Do you really need to make sure that they happen sequentially and lose all the performance benefits of concurrency? Or can you allow them to run concurrently and you just need to know when all of the concurrent requests are done and how to get the results in the correct order? And might you have so many concurrent requests that you might need to constrain the degree of concurrency?
The answers to those questions will probably influence our recommendation of how to best manage your multiple asynchronous requests. But the answer is almost certainly is not a GCD queue.
You can do a simple check
let queueT = DispatchQueue(label: "com.test.a")
queueT.async { // task A
DispatchQueue(label: "com.test2.a").async { // create another queue inside
for i in 0..<6 {
queueT.async { // task B
for i in 10..<20 {
you'll get different output each run this means yes when you switch thread the task is considered done
A GCD work item is complete when the closure you pass returns. So for your example, I'm going to rewrite it to make the function calls and parameters more explicit (rather than using trailing closure syntax).
queueT.async(execute: {
// This is a function call that takes a closure parameter. Whether this
// function returns, then this closure will continue. Whether that is before or
// after running completionHandler is an internal detail of doneInAnotherQueue.
aNetworkRequest.doneInAnotherQueue(closureParameter: { ... })
// At this point, the closure is complete. What doneInAnotherQueue() does with
// its closure is its business.
Assuming that doneInAnotherQueue() executes its closure parameter "sometime in the future", then your task B will likely run before that closure runs (it may not; it's really a race at that point, but probably). If the doneInAnotherQueue() blocks on its closure before returning, then closureParameter will definitely run before task B.
There is absolutely no magic here. The system has no idea what doneInAnotherQueue does with its parameter. It may never run it. It may run it immediately. It may run it sometime in the future. The system just calls doneInAnotherQueue() and passes it a closure.
I rewrote async in normal "function with parameters" syntax to make it even more clear that async() is just a function, and it takes a closure parameter. It also isn't magic. It's not part of the language. It's just a normal function in the Dispatch framework. All it does it take its parameter, put it on a dispatch queue, and return. It doesn't execute anything. There's just closures that get put on queues, scheduled, and executed.
Swift is in the process of adding structured concurrency, which will add more language-level concurrency features that will allow you to express much more advanced things than the simple primitives provided by GCD.
Your task A returns straight away. Dispatching work to another queue is synchronous. Think of the block (the trailing closure) after 'doneInAnotherQueue' as just an argument to the doneInAnotherQueue function, no different to passing an Int or a String. You pass that block along and then you return immediately with the closing brace from task A.

Does async operation in iOS create a new thread internally, and allocate task to it?

Does async operation in iOS, internally create a new thread, and allocate task to it ?
An async operation is capable to internally create a new thread and allocate task to it. But in order for this to happen you need to run an async operation which creates a new thread and allocates task to it. Or in other words: There is no direct correlation.
I assume that by async you mean something like DispatchQueue.main.async { <#code here#> }. This does not create a new thread as main thread should already be present. How and why does this work can be (if oversimplified) explained with an array of operations and an endless loop which is basically what RunLoop is there for. Imagine the following:
Array<Operations> allOperations;
int main() {
bool continueRunning = true;
for(;continueRunning;) {
allOperations.forEach { $; }
return 0;
And when you call something like DispatchQueue.main.async it basically creates a new operation and inserts it into allOperations. The same thread will eventually go into a new loop (within for-loop) and call your operation asynchronously. Again keep in mind that this is all over-simplified just to illustrate the idea behind all of it. You can from this also imagine how for instance timers work; the operation will evaluate if current time is greater then the one of next scheduled execution and if so it will trigger the operation on timer. That is also why timers can not be very precise since they depend on rest of execution and thread may be busy.
A new thread on the other hand may be spawned when you create a new queue DispatchQueue(label: "Will most likely run on a new thread"). When(if) exactly will a thread be made is not something that needs to be fixed. It may vary from implementations and systems being run on. The tool will only guarantee to perform what it is designed for but not how it will do it.
And then there is also Thread class which can generate a new thread. But the deal is same as for previous one; it might internally instantly create a new thread or it might do it later, lazily. All it guarantees is that it will work for it's public interface.
I am not saying that these things change over time, implementation or system they run on. I am only saying that they potentially could and they might have had.

Stop arbitrary function execution

For the purposes of this question, assume that I need to run some function on some object and that function will take a long time to execute (minutes). Also assume that I have no control over this function (*). How do I now cancel this function's execution?
I want to run it in a background thread to keep the main thread free and I could do that with GCD, NSOperation or NSThread. However, as far as I know, none of these support forced stopping. They can all be cancelled, but this cancellation must be implemented in the function itself - but I don't have access to that function, so I can't do that. The closest I got was using NSThread and exit(), but unfortunately it can't be applied to a instance variable (see the code example). My current plan is to try to send a notification and observe that within the object/function and kill the thread from within using Thread.exit(). I'm justing wondering if there is a "cleaner" or easier way, either built-in or 3rd party.
let someObject = Object()
// Using GCD
dispatchQueue.async { someObject.expensiveFunction() }
// Using NSOperation
operationQueue.addOperation { someObject.expensiveFunction() }
// Using NSThread
let thread = Thread { someObject.expensiveFunction() }
thread.exit() // exit is not available on an instance
(*) In this case I do have control over the function and could implement an actual cancellation, but due to the libraries I'm using, this would require a lot of refactoring.

Why we need the synchronous operation in ios

I want to know As we all know how asynchronous task are necessary for concurrency but Wanted to know why we need the synchronous tasks. while we can achieve the same with the normal usage of function.
Thanks & regards
When you calls something synchronously, it means that 'the thread that initiated that operation will wait for the task to finish before
continuing'. Asynchronous means that it will not wait for finish the task.
synchronous calls stops your current action and returns when the call returned. with asynchronous calls you can continue.
synchronous is the opposite of asynchronous code, and therefore is ordinary code.
At the end, if asynchronous is totally out of scope then you will not emphasize the word synchronous.
It helps to synchronise threads, as the name suggests.
consider a typical usage of GCD async and sync (pseudo)
async background_thread {
//1 call webservice or other long task that would block the main thread
sync main_thread {
//2 update UI with results from 1
//3 do something else that relies on 2
now if 2 was in an async and you needed to do something at 3 that relies on the updates at 2 to have happened, then you are not guaranteed (and most likely wont) get the behaviour you are expecting. instead, you use a sync to make sure that the task is completed before continuing the execution in the background thread.
If you are asking now, why not just take out the sync/async around 2 so it executes in order anyway? the problem is, the UI must not be updated on a background thread otherwise the behaviour is undefined (which usually means the UI lags a lot). So in essence what happens is the background thread waits at 2's sync until the main thread gets round to executing that block, then it will continue with the rest of the execution on the background thread.
If you were dealing with a task that doesnt require the main thread (or some other thread) to execute properly, then yes you may as well take out the sync at 2.
This is just one example of how a sync is useful, there are others if you are doing advanced threading in your app.
Hope this helps
Typically it's because you want to do an operation on a specific different thread but you need the result of that operation. You cannot do the operation asynchronously because your code will proceed before the operation on the other thread completes.
Apple has a very nice example:
func asset() -> AVAsset? {
var theAsset : AVAsset!
self.assetQueue.sync {
theAsset = self.getAssetInternal().copy() as! AVAsset
return theAsset
Any thread might call the asset method; but to avoid problems with shared data, we require that only functions that are executed from a particular queue (self.assetQueue) may touch an AVAsset, so when we call getAssetInternal we do it on self.assetQueue. But we also need the result returned by our call to getAssetInternal; hence the call to sync rather than async.

how to lock an mvc action?

I've written a controller and action that I use as a service.
This service runs quite a costly action.
I'd like to limit the access to this action if there is already a currently running action.
Is there any built in way to lock an mvc action?
Are you looking for something like this?
public MyController : Controller
private static object Lock = new object();
public ActionResult MyAction()
lock (Lock)
// do your costly action here
The above will prevent any other threads from executing the action if a thread is currently processing code within the lock block.
Update: here is how this works
Method code is always executed by a thread. On a heavily-loaded server, it is possible for 2 or more different threads to enter and begin executing a method in parallel. According to the question, this is what you want to prevent.
Note how the private Lock object is static. This means it is shared across all instances of your controller. So, even if there are 2 instances of this controller constructed on the heap, both of them share the same Lock object. (The object doesn't even have to be named Lock, you could name it Jerry or Samantha and it would still serve the same purpose.)
Here is what happens. Your processor can only allow 1 thread to enter a section of code at a time. Under normal circumstances, thread A could begin executing a code block, and then thread B could begin executing it. So in theory you can have 2 threads executing the same method (or any block of code) at the same time.
The lock keyword can be used to prevent this. When a thread enters a block of code wrapped in a lock section, it "picks up" the lock object (what is in parenthesis after the lock keyword, a.k.a. Lock, Jerry, or Samantha, which should be marked as a static field). For the duration of time where the locked section is being executed, it "holds onto" the lock object. When the thread exits the locked section, it "gives up" the lock object. From the time the thread picks up the lock object, until it gives up the lock object, all other threads are prevented from entering the locked section of code. In effect, they are "paused" until the currently executing thread gives up the lock object.
So thread A picks up the lock object at the beginning of your MyAction method. Before it gives up the lock object, thread B also tries to execute this method. However, it cannot pick up the lock object because it is already held by thread A. So it waits for thread A to give up the lock object. When it does, thread B then picks up the lock object and begins executing the block of code. When thread B is finished executing the block, it gives up the lock object for the next thread that is delegated to handle this method.
... but I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for...
Using this approach will not necessarily make your code run any faster. It only ensures that a block of code can only be executed by 1 thread at a time. It is usually used for concurrency reasons, not performance reasons. If you can provide more information about your specific problem in the question, there may be a better answer than this one.
Remember that the code I presented above will cause other threads to wait before executing the block. If this is not what you want, and you want the entire action to be "skipped" if it is already being executed by another thread, then use something more like Oshry's answer. You can store this info in cache, session, or any other data storage mechanism.
I prefer to use SemaphoreSlim because it support async operations.
If you need to control the read/write then you can use the ReaderWriterLockSlim.
The following code snip uses the SemaphoreSlim:
public class DemoController : Controller
private static readonly SemaphoreSlim ProtectedActionSemaphore =
new SemaphoreSlim(1);
[HttpGet("paction")] //--or post, put, delete...
public IActionResult ProtectedAction()
//--call your protected action here
return Ok(); //--or any other response
[HttpGet("paction2")] //--or post, put, delete...
public async Task<IActionResult> ProtectedActionAsync()
await ProtectedActionSemaphore.WaitAsync();
//--call your protected action here
return Ok(); //--or any other response
I hope it helps.
Having read and agreed with the above answer I wanted a slightly different solution:
If you want to detect a second call to an action, use Monitor.TryEnter:
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(Lock, new TimeSpan(0)))
throw new ServiceBusyException("Locked!");
finally {
Use the same static Lock object as detailed by #danludwig
You can create a custom attribute like [UseLock] as per your requirements and put it before your Action
i have suggestions about that.
system wide lock solution
2- Hangfire BackgroundJob.Enqueue with [DisableConcurrentExecution(1000)] attribute.
Two solution are pending for process to be finished. i don't want to throw error when request same time.
The simplest way to do that would be save to the cache a Boolean value indicating the action is running the required BL already:
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache["IsProcessRunning"])
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache["IsProcessRunning"] = true;
// run your logic here
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache["IsProcessRunning"] = false
Of course you can do this, or something similar, as an attribute as well.
